رد: كيفية مواجهة الامرام ؟؟؟
أخي هل لديك مصدر لما تقوله
فحقيقة من المستحيل أن تحمل الميغ 21 الأر 77 و الله أعلم
خاصة أن التطوير حصل من دون تدخل روسي
و التطوير حصل عند دولة أخرى لا تملك تكنولوجية متقدمة و خاصة الأر 77 تكنولوجية حديثة لم تتحصل عليها إلا دول قليلة يمكن عدها على أصابع اليد الواحدة
حتى الجزائر قامت بتطوير بعض الطائرات من الخط الخلفي و كان تطوير جيد بمساعدة روسية لكن ليس لدرجة أن تحمل تلك الطائرات الأر 77 و أضن فقط الميغ 29 و السوخوي 24-27- 30 فما فوق التي يمكن أن تحمل مثل هذا النوع من الصاروخ
أضن يجب أن لا نتكلم بالعاطفة في مثل هذه الأمور حتى لا نقع في المحظور و ندفع ثمن تباهينا
و يجب الإعتراف أن إسرائيل حاليا متفوقة على جميع الدول العربية إما نوعية و إما عددا
اخي العزيز لست انا من يتكلم بعاطفته.واسال عني.ثم هل من الممكن ان اعرف لماذا لا تستطيع الميغ-21 حمل الار-77؟
India is about to make an advance payment of $60 million to Sokol. A further contract worth around $100 million is expected to be signed soon for
new-generation air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. Also under discussion is a plan to upgrade a further 50 MiG-21s.
الكلام هنا ليس عن مصر طبعا.ولكن...
Victor Andryunin, Sokol's deputy general-director for foreign economical relations, hopes that the contract will open the door to business elsewhere. Egypt, Vietnam and Bulgaria figure among the most likely candidates.
ايضا استشهد ثم اذا تم تركيب رادارت حديثه على الميغ-21 مثل الكوبويو اعتقد من الممكن ان تعمل الميغ-21 الار-77.واستشهد بكلام البشمهندس اشرف على ذلك في مشاركه سابقه في نفس الموضوع.
The core of the upgrade is installation of the Phazotron Kopyo radar
والتعديل الحالي يسمح لها بحمل الار-73 ويضيف لها ال HMS.
The Ukrainian firm also offers the Sura targeting helmet, which enables the pilot to look at the target and fire a Russian R-73 heat seeking missile, that will then go after the target the pilot is looking at. If the MiG-21 is facing roughly equivalent aircraft, the Sura helmet makes the aircraft a much more effective dog-fighter.
The Ukrainian cockpit and targeting upgrade costs several million dollars per aircraft
Two 5 x 5in (125 x 125mm) multifunction cockpit displays are also offered as options, along with a new head-up display.
This potentially makes the MiG-21 a much more effective aircraft. A key element of the work was the integration of the Sura helmet-mounted sight, which provides target designation and a firing envelope
of +/-75° for R-60 and R-73 short-range air-to-air missiles
اي حتى ولو لم يدخل الار-77 فما زال بامكان الميغ-21 العمل وتستطيع ان تقوم باداء جيد في الدوغ فايت وهي اصلا مصممه لذلك.
وهنا تظهر الميغ-21 محملة بالار-73 والار-77.مما يعني قابليتها لحمل تلك الصواريخ.
More earnest efforts to update the MiG-21 began after the fall of the Soviet Union, when Russian industry was trying to find ways to fend off starvation. An updated MiG-21bis was demonstrated at the Moscow Aeroshow in 1992, fitted with medium-range R-27 (NATO AA-10 Alamo) AAMs and short-range R-73 (NATO AA-11 Archer) AAMs. This seems to have been a dummy fit, presented just to show off the possibilities and offered along with a menu of avionics upgrades.
The original update configuration was simply known as "MiG-21-93", with a prototype upgrade aircraft flown in 1995. The details of the upgrade configuration evolved for a few years until they finally converged on a definitive specification, known as "MiG-21UPG". It featured:
Advanced Phazotron Kopyo (Spear) multimode radar, with extended range, plus the ability to track eight targets and engage two simultaneously.
Support for the latest R-77 (NATO AA-12 Adder) AAM, as well as the AA-10 Alamo and AA-11 Archer AAMs.
Egypt had also made several deals with Ukrainian companies for the upgrade of their old MiG-21 aircraft. The upgrade will include the implementation of Helmet-mounted-sight and R-73 missiles coupled with LCDs and few engines modifications. It is not clear whether the upgrade will include the insertion of the Kopyo Radar