مشاهدة المرفق 210360
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The AN/APG-68 Radar System is used on the F-16 C/D aircraft.
the APG-66 Radar System is used on the F-16 A/B aircraf
The AN/APG-68 is an evolution of the
AN/APG-66 with increased range, more modes and better resolution compared to the APG-66 radar. Both radars use a mechanically steared beam. AN/APG-68 can search 120 degrees in azimuth and elevation and is supposed to have a range of 35 NM (≙ 65 km) in the “look-up” mode and 27.5 NM (≙ 50 km) in the “look-down” mode. The APG-68(V)9 radar has a 30%
greater air-to-air detection range (i.e.: 85 km)
حتى هنا استعملو كلمة greater

لكن المدى هو 85 كم