موسكو: احتمالية توقيع عقد توريد مقاتلات "سو-35" للإمارات قبل نهاية 2017

تسبب مشاكل فقط لمن لا يعرف كيف يتعامل مع كل هده الانظمه . لان هناك نمازج كثيره ناجحه. العيب لا يكون في المعده و لاكن في من يستخدمها . كل شيء قابل للتطبيق و دمج هده الانظمه ممكن
اتمنى لنمازجك الكثيره النجاح مع اي حرب جوية
ضد اي دولة عدا الخليج
الصراحة لا أعرف مدى جدية الطرفيين في إبرام الصفقة لأنه بعد إبرامها مثلا كيف سوف يكون النموذج التسليحي للطائرة قد يتنازل الروس ويرضو بإضافة تقنيات الغربية للطائرة مثل الإيفينكس وغيره ولكن هل من المعقول ان تتجه الإمارات الى شراء صواريخ جو - جو والقنابل الموجهة الروسية الصنع خصوصا انه الامارات تملك مخزون محترم من الصواريخ والقنابل ( ذات المنشأ الفرنسي والأمريكي) التي تخدم عل الميراج والفالكون .
** سؤالي هل ممكن يشكل الموضوع عبيء لوجيستي عل سلاح الجو الإماراتي .
خطوة اخرى تقربنا من الوحش الطائر فائق الرشاقة


وحش طائر فائق الرشاقة!

وهذا فيل سعودي مريض:rolleyes:

وحش طائر فائق الرشاقة!

وهذا فيل سعودي مريض:rolleyes:

مشاهدة المرفق 85905

لا .. بالمقارنة مع السوخوي وهما من فئة المقاتلات الثقيلة - ان صح التعبير - فالفلانكر والايجل يأحدث اشتقاقاتهما تقدمان اداء رائعا ..

لكن اميل لاداء السوخوي اكثر بسبب روعة بدنها وانسيابيته + محركات الدفع الموجه والذين يعطيان السوخوي ٣٥ اداء مذهلا لكل من لديه عينين يبصر بهما ..

الآن ... احتفظ بأروع ما شاهدت من خصائصها في عقلك وتخيل ما يمكن ان تضيفه المتطلبات الاماراتية عليها .. ومن ثم اسأل نفسك ،، اي وحش رهيب رشيق سينتج عن هذه التوليفه ..
فوق اروع ما تقدمه السوخوي 35 من مميزات مبرهنة .. يمكن الاضافة عليها بما يجعلها اكثر فتكا وروعة ..

اميل للفكرة التي طرحها القيصر ( اضافة احدث ماتوصل له الروس فيما يخص الجيل الخامس على السوخوي 35 SM )


يمكن باعتقادي انتهاج نفس التوجه السابق ( SU-37 TERMINATOR ) التي حصلت على تجهيزات فرنسية .

او السوخوي الهندية MKI التي حملت تجهيزات محلية وغربية ..

او حتى السوخوي الماليزية MKM التي حملت الداموكليس الفرنسي وقنابل GBU-12 الموجهة بالليزر الامريكية

نماذج متعددة تشير لإمكانية السوخوي كمنصة قابلة للاضافة والتعديل بحسب متطلبات الزبائن المختلفة ..

اتمنى ان تحصل الامارات على السوخوي كمنصة OPEN SOURCE بحيث تتمكن من اضافة تجهيزاتها سواء تلك التي من منشأ محلي ام الموجودة / المخطط لها طرف ثالث ..
ما اتوقع الامارات انها تتعاقد على الـ سو 35 هي فقط محاوله من الامارات

لجعل الفرنسين يقدمون تنازلات بخصوص الرافال هذا والله واعلم
ما اتوقع الامارات انها تتعاقد على الـ سو 35 هي فقط محاوله من الامارات

لجعل الفرنسين يقدمون تنازلات بخصوص الرافال هذا والله واعلم

ان تمكن المنافسون من تقديم مايرضي الامارات فسيتقدمون للأمام ..

مما يبدو لي ،، الروس يتقدمون خطوات ،، الاسباب :

١- انقطاع اخبار المتنافسات ( يوروفايتر ، رافال ، اف ١٥ ، اف ١٨)

٢- اعلان روسي ( سيرجي شيمزوف مدير rostec ) حول اتفاق اماراتي روسي لتصميم وبناء مقاتلة جيل خامس ونقل الانتاج للامارات لتغطية الطلب المحلي والاقليمي ..

٣- تكرار اخبار الاهتمام الاماراتي بالسوخوي ٣٥ لثلاث مرات - وربما اكثر - في معارض عالمية ( دبي للطيران ، ايدكس ، Army 2017 ) ..

٤- وجود مشروعين او اكثر للUCAV الشبحية لدى الروس ( وهو مايبدو ان الامارات تتطلع له ) .. وهما مشروع ميج SCAT


ومشروع آخر ضهر في احد المعارض.


٥- نماذج التعاون الناجح بين الامارات وروسيا في المجال الدفاعي وهو مايشجع على المزيد من التعاون ..

Su-35 multi-role fighter

On the world fighter market Russia’s Sukhoi is pinning its hopes, in the near future, on a substantially modernized Su-35 multi-role fighter. The model must be an interim type between today’s Su-30MK in various configurations and a prospective fifth-generation fighter, whose deliveries may start in the second half of the next decade. The Su-35 is a 4++ generation aircraft employing technologies of the fifth generation. They make it superior to all other 4th generation fighters now under development worldwide. In 2009-2015, thanks to these technologies, the Su-35 will dominate the world market, outperforming other proposed multi-role fighters.

The first experimental Su-35, completed in summer 2007 at Komsomolsk-na-Amure Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO) first appeared at Russia’s MAKS-2007 air show.

A new aircraft with an old name

The Su-35 has long been a brand name in the aviation world. Since 1992, an export version of the Su-27 fighter (created under the order of the Russian Air Force) has been demonstrated at international air shows. At the turn of the millennium, Su-35 fighters participated in the tenders of Korean and Brazilian air forces. By the mid-decade of the new century, a general concept emerged of a considerably modified Su-27 fighter, which retained the name of Su-35.

What is new in the Su-35? First off, the fighter will get an improved airframe, which will dramatically increase its service life to 6,000 hours, 30 years of operation (the time before the first test and recondition and the between-repairs period has been increased to 1,500 hours, or 10 years of operation). Aerodynamically it is similar to the Su-27. But unlike the Su-30MKI it will feature no canard fins. All the three channels will have electrically signaled control without mechanical cabling. The use of a new integrated control system (developed by MNPK Avionika Moscow-based Research and Production Association) simultaneously performing functions of several systems – remote control, automatic control, limiting signals system, air signals system, chassis wheels braking system – will enhance the fighter’s handling capability and maneuverability.

Among the Su-35 design features, worth of note is the absence of an overhead brake flap, a standard characteristic of the Su-27. Its functions are performed by an active rudder. The Su-35 chassis has been reinforced because of the increased takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft. For the same reason, the front bearing has two wheels. The improved radar stealth reduces the reflectance of the Su-35 in the X radio waveband and in the angle range of ±60°.

The “heart” of the aircraft

Another important difference of the Su-35 from predecessors from the Su-27 family is the use, in its power plant, of new engines with an increased thrust. Those engines, known as 117S, have been developed by NPO Saturn Research and Production Association.

In terms of engineering, the engines are substantially modified AL-31F production engines employing fifth-generation technologies. They use a new fan, new high and low pressure turbines, and a new digital control system. A provision is made for using a vectored thrust nozzle. The modernization has increased the engine special mode thrust by 16%, up to 14,500 kgf. In the maximum burner-free mode it reaches 8,800 kgf. Compared to today’s AL-31F engines, their capabilities will grow substantially, by 2 to 2.7 times. For instance, the between-repair period will grow from 500 to 1,000 hours (the operating period before the first overhaul is 1,500 hours). The designed period will vary between 1,500 and 4,000 hours.

The 117S engines will be co-produced by Ufa-based Motor Building Association and Rybinsk-based NPO Saturn Research and Production Association. The first production 117S engines were delivered to KnAAPO in early 2007 for testing on the first experimental Su-35 aircraft.

New onboard systems

The distinctive feature of Su-35 is the employment of a new suite of onboard instruments. Its core is the information management system (IMS), which integrates functional, logical, informational and software subsystems into a single complex that ensures the interaction between the crew and equipment. The IMS includes two central digital computers, commutation and information devices and an indication system built on the “all-glass cockpit” concept.

The core of the Su-35 cockpit instrumentation suite are two full-color multi-function liquid crystal displays of MFI type, a multi-function panel with a built-in display processor, a wide angle collimatory display on the windshield and a control and indication panel.

MFI multi-function displays with a built-in processor measure 9 x 12 inches (diagonal 15 inches) and have a resolution of 1400x1050 pixels. They are intended for reception, processing and production, in a multiple window mode, of graphic, numeric, alphabetic and symbolic information. They also present televised information received from onboard TV sensors and impose on it synthesized numeric, alphabetic and symbolic information. Besides, they produce and send video signals in a digital format to the video record unit. The multi-function panel with a built-in display processor presents the required information and issues commands by pushing the buttons on the button array at any time in flight. The airborne collimatory display with a built-in processor monitors the space beyond the cockpit. The information is processed by control signals. The collimator angle of view is 20x30о.

The onboard systems and armament in the new cockpit of Su-35 are controlled by buttons and switches on the aircraft control joystick and engine control levers as well as by a button array on multi-function displays. Thus the HOTAS concept is realized on this type of aircraft. The displays and some other avionics systems of Su-35 are developed by Instrument Design Bureau of Ramenskoye and affiliated companies of Tekhnokompleks Research and Production Association.

“Eyes and ears”

The core of the Su-35 armament is a new radar control system with a phased antenna array (Irbis-E). It features unique capabilities in terms of the target detection range. This is a development V V Tikhomirov Research Institute of Instrument Production. In design, this is an X-waveband multi-role radar with a passive phased antenna array (PAA) mounted on a two-step hydraulic drive unit (in azimuth and roll). The antenna device scans by an electronically controlled beam in azimuth and angle of elevation in sectors not smaller than 60°. The two-step electro-hydraulic drive unit additionally turns the antenna by mechanic means to 60° in azimuth and 120° in roll. Thus, in using the electronic control and mechanical additional turn of the antenna, the maximum deflection angle of the beam grows to 120°.

Irbis-E radar control system detects and tracks up to 30 air targets, retaining continuity of space observation and engaging up to eight targets. The system detects, chooses and tracks up to four ground targets in several map-making modes with various resolution at a range of up to 400 km, without stopping to monitor the airspace.

Irbis-E radar detects air targets with an absolute cross section of 3 m2 on a head-on course at a range of up to 400 km.

Being an improvement on radars with a PAA, Irbis has much better capabilities: expanded (by more than twice) operating frequency band, increased from 70о to 120о target detection and tracking zone in azimuth, substantially (by 2-2.5 times) increased effective range, improved anti-jamming capability, etc. In this aspect, Irbis is comparable to the best foreign counterparts, outperforming most of the US- and Wes-European-made radars with passive and active PAA.

The Research Institute has been developing Irbis since 2004. By now, the engineering prototypes of the system have passed the required bench trials. The first of them has been installed on the Su-30MK2 flying laboratory and is undergoing flight tests. The first flight of the flying laboratory with Irbis onboard occurred in early 2007 at Gromov Flight Test Institute. During the flight, the laboratory proved the superior performance of the new radar in the air-to-surface operating mode.

Among other new onboard systems of the Su-35 is modern navigation and radio communication equipment, systems maintaining fighters operation in a formation and a highly efficient electronic countermeasures suite. The component package of the latter and its complementation with specific jamming devices can be determined by the customer.


In addition to the armaments onboard the modern Su-30MK, it is planned to additionally arm the Su-35 with new types of air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, including long-range types. The maximum ordnance load of the Su-35 is 8,000 kg. This is placed in 12 weapon stations.

هنا اضافة مهمة :

كمتنافسات في صفقة الـ 80 مقاتلة هجومية ,, دخلت في المنافسة الاف 15 U والاف 16 والميراج-5 والرافال واشتقاق من السوخوي 27 فلانكر والميج 29 فولكروم و التورنيدو ( كحلّ لحين توفر اليوروفايتر 2000 )


An observer, need look no further than the United Arab Emirates (UAE) strike-fighter competition, to see the likely pattern of future procurement battles. With the UAE having a requirement for up to 80 strike aircraft, all of the major manufacturers are pitching for the business. The US contenders are the F-15U, a derivative of the F-15E, and the F-16. France is offering both the Dassault Mirage 2000-5 and the Rafale, while Russia's Sukhoi is pushing derivatives of the Su-27 Flanker and MAPO-MiG is promoting the MiG-29 Fulcrum. BAe is offering the Panavia Tornado IDS as a bridging measure until the Eurofighter 2000 becomes available.

French ambitions to secure an initial export customer for the Rafale are almost certain to have been damaged by statements from French air force chief of air staff Gen Jean Rannou. Shortly before the Dubai air show in November, Rannou advocated delaying procurement of the Rafale for the French air force until 2010, and instead purchasing more Mirage 2000-5s. Such comments are unlikely to rest comfortably with potential export customers.

While the UAE's strike-fighter competition could be resolved by early 1996
, the region's other main procurement programme may be a longer-term effort. The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has a requirement for more than 100 aircraft to replace its Northrop F-5s. Lockheed Martin is proposing F-16C/Ds, although any deal appears to be dependent on a buy-back and re-sale option on the F-5s. Other US contenders could include MDC with the F-18, but this aircraft greatly exceeds the requirement.

Other competitors include BAe, which is hoping to address the F-5 replacement through its Al Yamamah 1 and II arms packages. Originally, BAe had proposed derivatives of its Hawk to meet the RSAF requirement, but senior sources now indicate that the company regards the JAS39X as a better-suited contender.

Other regional requirements include a small fighter purchase by Jordan, with that country almost certain to receive 12 ex-USAF F-16s. Lockheed Martin could also sell Egypt up to a further 30 Block 40 F-16C/Ds.


في تلك الفترة قدم الروس السوخوي 37 ايضا لكن فازت الميراج-9 ( بتطويرات عدة للامارات العربية المتحدة ) وكان المتطلب الاساسي عدد 60 مقاتلة ,,

Thus, as of mid-1998, three countries were armed with the Su-27 type fighters. The Sukhoi design bureau, series aircraft production plants, Rosvoorouzhenie corporation and other governmental organisations make efforts to increase the number of client-countries and step up the export of such fighters. Thus, since 1996, Russia had been negotiating with Indonesia interested in the purchase of twin-seater fighters derived from the Su-30K. In August 1997, the government of Indonesia declared its intention to buy 12 Su-30KI

fighters early in 1998. Unfortunately, by the end of 1997 year the economic slump in Indonesia made its government suspend the arms imports, and, as a result, the issue of the Su-30KI purchase was temporarily dropped from the agenda. During 1994-1997, due to certain reasons Russia failed to conclude agreements with some other potential customers. Russia could have won an extremely profitable contract with the United Arab Emirates which were considering the purchase of about 60 sophisticated Su-37 fighters but in 1998 the French Mirage 2000-9 won the tender held by the United Arab Emirates.


وكانت نتيجة التنافس آنذاك هو صفقة الميراج-9

وهناك ايضا المنافسة التي انتجت اختيار البلوك 60 بعدد 80 مقاتلة


In September 1996, the government of the United Arab Emirates notified Lockheed Martin that the F-16 and the Rafale, produced by the French Dassault company, had been selected as final candidates in the UAE's consideration of a new fighter aircraft. The McDonnell Douglas F-15 had been officially eliminated from the competition.

Lockheed Martin had offered a range of F-16 configurations for consideration during the UAE's fighter evaluation process. The configuration considered at that time was designated Block 60, and incorporates the F-16ES's conformal fuel tanks and internally mounted FLIR. Since the Block 60 has only been offered to the UAE (as the F-16U (not official)), all development costs have been paid for by the United Arab Emirates. The UAE have linked a potential order to the availability of the AIM-120 AMRAAM.

On November 22nd, 1997, the United Arab Emirates declared the fulfillment of an offset requirement was a prerequisite for awarding the lucrative fighter deal.


في تلك المنافسة تأهلت الاف 16 والرافال للنهائي بينما تم استبعاد الاف 15

UAE fighter decision seen by year-end

By YAWAR HANIF | Nov. 15, 1995

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 15 -- The United Arab Emirates will choose its next generation of fighter aircraft by the end of the year and award the contract by June 1996, a U.S. defense industry executive said Wednesday. The UAE's defense pacts with Western nations, including the United States and France, will be a major factor in the awarding of the contract, John McDonald of United Technologies said. 'The UAE is expected to have a decision by the end of the year, which will be made public before June next year,' McDonald, managing director for International Business Development, told United Press International. The UAE wants up to 80 fighter jets, costing about $3 billion, to replace its Dassault Aviation Mirage aircraft, acquired in 1988. It has tested McDonnell-Douglas Corp's F-16 and F-15, Dassault's Mirage 2000 and Rafale, the British Aerospace Tornado and the Russian Sukhoi SU-35. The fighter contract would include engine orders of between $500 million and $800 million, said McDonald, whose United Technologies group includes engine manufacturers Pratt and Whitney. 'The defense treaties signed by the UAE with the United States and France will play a big role in the award of the contract, he said. The UAE signed a defense pact with France in March and with the United States last year. McDonald said competitors for the contract had been asked to submit bids for 80 aircraft, with 40 to be bought immediately and the other 40 to be included as a later option.


المتنافسات التي تم اختبارها في المنافسة ( في الصفقة التي انتجت اختيار البلوك 60 بعدد 80 مقاتلة ) هي : الميراج 2000 والرافال و الاف 16 والاف 15 والتورنيدو والسوخوي 35 ..


نجد من ذلك كله ان الاهتمام الاماراتي بالمقاتلات الروسية يعود لتسعينيات القرن الماضي وتم اختبار وتقييم المقاتلات في منافستين ..

وعليه ,, تكرر الاهتمام بالسوخوي ليس عشوائيا بل يعود لأسس وتقييمات واحتكاك بها في تلك الفترة ... الا انه الآن , تقدم السوخوي 35 نفسها بتطورات كبيرة عما كانت عليه آنذاك , وبالتالي هي تشكل خيارا مهما للنظر فيه ... خصوصا في ظل تطويرات الجيل الخامس وانعكاساتها على برامج المقاتلات الروسية ..
اعتقد فعليا انه لو كان هناك مجال لدخول مقاتلة " روسية " لدول الخليج لكانت دخلت في الفترة الذهبية 92-99 م ...
لكن الان ... لا اعتقد .
كثير من التطورات في مراكز القيادة والسيطرة جرت والربط الخليجي يحول دون دمج هذه المقاتلات ضمن اداء تكاملي الا لو كان المخطط يبحث عن طائرة للعمل الفردي او طائرة تقاتل في جبهه خارجية ... عموما الامارات واغلب دول الخليج وحسب ما ينتشر من اخبار تركز علي جديا علي خيار اف 35 .. وقد يكون الوقت كفيلا بكثير من المفجأت
اعتقد فعليا انه لو كان هناك مجال لدخول مقاتلة " روسية " لدول الخليج لكانت دخلت في الفترة الذهبية 92-99 م ...
لكن الان ... لا اعتقد .
كثير من التطورات في مراكز القيادة والسيطرة جرت والربط الخليجي يحول دون دمج هذه المقاتلات ضمن اداء تكاملي الا لو كان المخطط يبحث عن طائرة للعمل الفردي او طائرة تقاتل في جبهه خارجية ... عموما الامارات واغلب دول الخليج وحسب ما ينتشر من اخبار تركز علي جديا علي خيار اف 35 .. وقد يكون الوقت كفيلا بكثير من المفجأت
السو35 لن تحضر للخليج مطلقا الا اذا غيرت العقيدة من الالف الى الياء ... ما اعرف كيف تحضر الباتريوت والثاد ثم تحضر السو35 ... هذه الاخبار غير مستغربه من الروس ، راعين بربره.

حرام لما تكون تملك رادار خيالي مثل AN/TPY-2 يقدر يكشف هدف بحجم كرة بيسبول من مئات الأميال ، وبدال ما تتعاقد على مقاتلة غربية عشان تقدر تربطها بالرادار تروح تتعاقد على مقاتلة شرقية

انتظر اليوم الي اشوف فيها بطارية ثاد في تبوك ساعتها الاف-35 الاسرائيليه راح تظهر على شاشة المقاتلات السعودية وهي تحلق من المدرج :)

السو35 لن تحضر للخليج مطلقا الا اذا غيرت العقيدة من الالف الى الياء ... ما اعرف كيف تحضر الباتريوت والثاد ثم تحضر السو35 ... هذه الاخبار غير مستغربه من الروس ، راعين بربره.
يمكن ان الامارات تريد تحويل قواتها الجوية الى السلاح الشرقي ف مشروع الجيل الخامس الروسي وsu-35 يشير الى ماقلت
تخيل معي نظام قيادة وسيطرة غربي ودفاع جوي غربي وطائرة سوخوي 35
فالدفاع الجوي اذا كان على وضع الاوتوماتيك سيشتبك مع السوخوي الرشيقة وقتها خل الرشاقة تنفعها

الدعوة ماهي شيل ركب مدير
تخيل معي نظام قيادة وسيطرة غربي ودفاع جوي غربي وطائرة سوخوي 35
فالدفاع الجوي اذا كان على وضع الاوتوماتيك سيشتبك مع السوخوي الرشيقة وقتها خل الرشاقة تنفعها

الدعوة ماهي شيل ركب مدير
تخيل معي

لا تسرق كلام البعض
تخيل معي نظام قيادة وسيطرة غربي ودفاع جوي غربي وطائرة سوخوي 35
فالدفاع الجوي اذا كان على وضع الاوتوماتيك سيشتبك مع السوخوي الرشيقة وقتها خل الرشاقة تنفعها

الدعوة ماهي شيل ركب مدير

الدعوه هي IFF

https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/d...hales_PR IFF for Indian MiG-29_250310_Eng.pdf

نفس ما قامت به الهند حيث زودت الميج بجهاز IFF غربي ( من انتاج ثاليس الفرنسية ) .. وهاهي تعمل في قوات الهند الجوية التي تمتلك الميراج ( غربية ) والجاغوار ( غربية ) وقريبا الرافال ( غربية ) الخ ..

هناك ايضا نموذج اخر في اندونيسيا , حيث تعاقدوا على السوخوي 35 ولديهم الاف 16 ( فكيف سيندمج الاثنان !!! ) راجع المثال اعلاه .

الماليزيين ايضا نموذج اخر : لديهم الاف 18 والسوخوي 30 MKM ( تخصص Fighter Squadrons ) , فكيف تم الدمج بينهما في سلاح جو واحد وتخصص واحد !!! كلمة السر : IFF


اقتباس حرفي من نشرة ثاليس ( بخصوص الـ IFF المركب على الميج الهندية )

Thales chosen to modernise IFF for India’s MiG-29

Thales has been awarded a contract by Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK-MiG) to deliver IFF1 Combined Interrogator Transponder (CIT) and Cryptographic National Secure Mode (NSM), for the retrofit of the MiG-29 multi-role fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force. The first CIT will be delivered to RSK-MiG in 2010 and the first building block of a comprehensive secure identification capability in India mid-2011. The IFF CIT equipment chosen in the TSB 2500 family offers a modern digital identification capability, compliant with the NATO Standard MKXA2 modes. It will enable Indian Air Force MiG-29 fighter aircraft to be interoperable with western military aircrafts and so to avoid friendly fire. Moreover, the cryptographic mode will offer India a first national secure identification capability for protecting its own assets. According to the contract, Thales will deliver IFF for the whole Indian fleet of 63 MiG-29. “This MiG-29 IFF retrofit perfectly illustrates the excellence of Thales’s IFF solutions for the modernisation of existing aircraft” said Patrice Caine, Vice President, in charge of RadioCom activities at Thales. “We think, that one of Thales’s missions is to provide our customers with solutions that can help them to be more efficient while ensuring a better protection. Thales’s IFF secure solution fully meets this goal”. The TSB 2500 IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder is one of the most advanced systems compliant with the latest NATO and ICAO3 standards and regulations. It can securely operate either with cryptographic national mode or with the Mode 4 / Mode 5 NATO modes. More than 16,000 IFF equipments have been installed onboard more than one hundred types of platforms worldwide including airborne, ground and naval platforms. About Thales Thales is a global technology leader for the Aerospace and Space, Defence, Security and Transportation markets. In 2009, the company generated revenues of 12.9 billion euros with 68,000 employees in 50 countries. With its 25,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers as local partners

اقرأ الملون بالاحمر :

جهاز الـ IFF من ثاليس يتوافق مع احدث معايير الناتو والـ ICAO3 , ويتضمن المود الوطني المشفّر او مود4/5 بحسب معايير الناتو ..
ولأحطم اسطورة ان الطائرات الشرقية لا يمكنها ان تعمل مع الطائرات الغربية :)

اليكم اهدي المقال الذي كتبته Air Force Technology حول هذه الجزئية ... واريدكم فقط ان تركزوا على الملوّن بالاحمر :

IAF MiG-29 Aircraft to Receive Upgraded IFF Systems

A modernisation contract for the Indian Air Force's 63 MiG-29s has been awarded to Thales by the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK-MiG).

Under the contract, Thales will upgrade the IFF1's combined interrogator transponder (CIT) and cryptographic national secure mode (NSM), and deliver the first CIT to RSK-MiG in 2010.

The IFF CIT equipment, part of the TSB 2500 family, will offer a modern digital identification capability, compliant with Nato standard MKXA2 modes.

It can securely operate with either cryptographic national mode or with the mode 4 / mode 5 Nato modes.

It will enable the IAF's fleet of MiG-29 fighter jets to be interoperable with western military aircraft and avoid friendly fire.

The NSM mode will offer India a first national secure identification capability to protect its own assets.

India will receive the first building block of the comprehensive secure identification capability in mid 2011.


الترجمة الحرفية : سيسمح للميج 29 الهندية ان تعمل مع الطائرات العسكرية الغربية وتتفادى النيران الصديقة ..


بمعنى ادق : مع تركيب الـIFF من ثاليس TSB 2500 IFF CIT ( الذي تحدثنا عنه اعلاه ) على الميج الهندية ,, اصبحت ضمن التشكيل تعمل معه ( او interoperable ) , ليس فقط على مستوى المقاتلات بل حتى على مستوى الدفاع الجوي لانه يقع ضمن مصطلح ( نيران صديقة ) الذي جاء اعلاه في شرح المميزات التي سيقدمها الجهاز للميج 29 الهندية .

وهكذا ايها السيدات والسادة : تم تحطيم هذه الاسطورة ( لا شيل مدير ولا حط مدير )
