#الميتور على الرافال

مشكلتك غير دقيق كفاية .. تقدر تشوف بعد العبارة الكاملة انه وضع لك رقم 7 لتعود له بالهامش

والمصدر من صحيفة Korea Times ولو عدت الى المقالة تلاحظ هذه الجملة

According to a calculation by a senior EADS radar expert, the Captor-E, which will use 1,426 T/R modules and is scheduled to be integrated onto the Eurofighter Typhoon in 2015, is capable of recognizing the F-35 at around 59 kilometers away.

ونلاحظ هنا انه يتكلم عن الرادار الكابتور 2015 وهو بالقدرات الاقل في رادارات الكابتور هو حتى ليس بـ IOC

مابالنا بـ IOC و FOC

هذه العملية الحسابية قام بها أحد كبار خبراء شركة EADS ( أو Airbus احد الاطراف المصنعة للتايفون ) وهو خبير للشركة في مجال الرادارات ...

الآن تعجبني في وضع المصادر بعد المشاركات ...

فعلا يبدو الامر واعدا ..

الآن بقي ان نعرف كم المدى الذي يستطيع رادار الرافال كشف الاف 35 او المقاتلات LO عموما ....

لا اعتقد انني قرأت عن رقم يخص الRBE-2
ههههه ... حبيبي كاميكازي .. الرافال تملك 4 نقاط تعليق بكل جناح .. 2 منها يحمل حمولة جو ارض .. واثنين حمولة جو جو .. لذا اذا حملت 12 صاروخ بريمستون بحوامل ثلاثية انت هنا بحاجة 4 نقاط ... وبذا استنزفت نقاط الجو ارض وتانكات الوقود الاضافية ...

اما التايفون فتملك ايضا اربع نقاط بكل جناح ولكن .. نقطتين تحمل حمولة جو ارض و نقطة متنوعة قد تحمل صواريخ جو جو او حتى ذخائر جوارض ... ونقطة اخيرة تحمل فقط صواريخ جو جو ...

يعني بدون تانكات وقود .. التايفون تحمل 18 والرافال 12 .. ومع تانكات الوقود .. التايفون تحمل 12 والرافال تحمل 6
اقرأ من جديد
صقر الامارات @كاميكازي الامارات
راجع كلامك وتعرف
ليس لدي سوء ظن
ولكن تحب الإستعباط بكثرة

انت تتهمني انا العبد الفقير الى الله .. وانا ادع الامر للخالق ...

فليبؤ بها أينا ارتكب الخطأ .


واقرأ هنا ياثقه ... الم اكتب ( صحيح ) متفقا مع الاخ كاو كاو فيما قاله !!!

ومن ثم وضعت صورة الرافال لتذكرني قبلكم بالنقاط !!!

لكنك تريد اتهامي فقط والتهجم علي .. وانا ادع الامر للخالق
سأذهب للنوم ولا اقول سوى :

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم .. والله المستعان على ماتصفون .
الآن تعجبني في وضع المصادر بعد المشاركات ...

فعلا يبدو الامر واعدا ..

الآن بقي ان نعرف كم المدى الذي يستطيع رادار الرافال كشف الاف 35 او المقاتلات LO عموما ....

لا اعتقد انني قرأت عن رقم يخص الRBE-2

والله الاخبار غير مبشرة بشأن الرادار RBE-2.. لعدة اسباب

لو تذكر المناورات التي حدثت بين F-16 اليونانية و Rafale ماذا كانت النتائج بعيدا عن استشهادي به عن SPECTRA وفشله امام AN/APG-68(v)9 .. ولكن

الموضوع سلط الضوء على امر هام وهو ان F-16 برادارها AN/APG-68(v)9 كان مداه أطول من RBE-2 ولي هذا فحسب مدى الرادار ليس هو الاهم بالطبع بل حتى المقطع العرضي الراداري .. لكن رغم ذلك قامت F-16 برصد الRafale اولا ...

هذا له عدة معاني .. مدى الرادار لل AN/APG-68(v)9 كان اطول وايضا بصمة Rafale لم تشفع لها امام F-16

ايضا المطالبات الاماراتية .. وبصراحة المصدر جدا محترم ويؤخذ به خاصة انه محسوب على Rafale ...

والمصدر قال انهم للوفاء بالمتطلبات الاماراتية احتاجوا الى زيادة قوة البث من 9.6 الى 14.6 KW و تغيير نظام التبريد وذلك كله لزيادة المدى ل 10%

فهذه كلها دلائل وبراهين لايمكن انكارها او تجاهلها .. اضافة الى عدد الوحدات المحدود التي حتى اكثر المواقع تفاؤلا تقول انه 1000 وحدة .. والمعروض بالحقيقة 838 وحدة وفي كل الحالات هو عدد محدود ... و حجم الأنف المحدود لا يسمح باضافة المزيد من الوحدات ..

اقرب التقديرات وافضلها من حيث مصداقية الموقع ..

" the RBE2 gives a tracking range beyond 60 nautical miles against a 30-square-foot target, with detection ranges up to 75 nautical miles. The radar can track and prioritize up to 40 targets simultaneously and engage up to eight with Mica, and soon Meteor, air-to-air missiles. "

هدف بمقطع 30 قدم مربع = تقريبا 3 م2 .. يرصد من 75 ميل بحري = 135 كم و يتعقب من 60 ميل بحري = 108 كم ...
واقرأ هنا ياثقه ... الم اكتب ( صحيح ) متفقا مع الاخ كاو كاو فيما قاله !!!

ومن ثم وضعت صورة الرافال لتذكرني قبلكم بالنقاط !!!

لكنك تريد اتهامي فقط والتهجم علي .. وانا ادع الامر للخالق

كم مرة اقول لك .. اذا اردت ذكر اسمي يمكنك ذكر " تساو تساو " اسم الشخصية بالصورة .. او محمد الغامدي ...
استطيع ان اقول ان الرافال هزمت الكائنات الفضائية في تقييمها مقابل الصحون الطائرة .. وسأسند ذلك لمصادر حكومية وصناعية وسأنشرها في مدونتي ( ولن اضع رابطا واحدا يدعم كلامي )

وان صدقت مرحاليم عباس فعليك اذا تصديق كاميكازي

عندما تستطيع اثبات حمل عدد اكبر من صاروخ واحد Exocet ، وقتها قل ما شئت حتى لو قلت ان عارضة الازياء الفرنسية قد هزمت قرندايزر وصارت هي بطلة الفضاء فلن يعنيني

صورة رائعة تبين تفرد الرافال بميزة الصاروخ النووي


صاروخ نووي + 6 صواريخ جو-جو + 2 خزانات وقود

صاروخ نووي مخصص لفرنسا فقط ، لا اهميه له ولا تقدم ميزة اضافية عندما يتعلق بعملاء دولين

في المقال مكتوب انه افضل من رادار الرافال وعائلة الـ APG !!!

This will offer a significant operational advantage over typical fixed plate AESA radars such as RBE2 and the APG series.

افضل من رادار الاف 35 ,, الـ APG-81 !!


والتي تخدم على المقاتلات الامريكية , بل افضلها ( الاف 22 برادارها الـ APG-77 ) !!!!!



وهذا كله كوم ... وحديثك عن تجارب الميتيور على التايفون برادار الايسا والميكانيكي !!

انا بحثت في الرابط اعلاه ولم اجد مايدل على تجربة الميتيور من الاساس بوسطة الايسا ,,, وما يدعم هذا التشكك هو خبر الامس عن التجارب المبدئية للـ CAPTOR E ( تشغيله اثناء الطيران ) ,, فكيف جربوا عليه الميتيور !!

اتمنى تزويدي برابط عن تجربة التايفون والميتيور مع رادار ايسا وتقبل شكري وتقديري

هو نفس الموقع الذي استشهدت انت به سابقاً

اليكم تقريرا مثيرا بعنوان .. الرافال VS التايفون ،، الكلمة النهائية ..

الطريف ان مافيه يوافق كل اعجاباتي وتحفظاتي .. عندما قلت ، الرافال اليوم انضج واجهز من التايفون فهناك اسباب .. وعندما تجهز التايفون ستختلف الاوضاع عند المقارنة ..

قبل ان تهاجمونني اقرأوا التقرير :)

يبرز نقاط التفوق والضعف لكليهما مع الخلاصة ..


The alternative aviation magazine


Europe’s two middle-weight fighter aircraft, the Typhoon and Rafale, have fought tooth and nail for multi-billion Euro sales across the world. Geographically surrounded on four sides by the Eurofighter nations, the frivolous observer may liken the French Rafale to Asterix and his indomitable friends. The reality is that France’s withdrawal from the Future European Fighter Aircraft in the early 1980s resulted in a vast and unnecessary duplication of time, money and effort to produce two very similar aeroplanes. The relatively subtle differences between these two superbly capable aircraft have inspired a great deal of heated debate, often poisoned by pride and nationalism.

Justin Bronk is a Research Analyst of Military Sciences at the Royal United Services Institute. He recently released a on the Typhoon fighter sponsored by Eurofighter. Despite this, I found him an impartial (and particularly well-informed) judge to evaluate the two types. The ‘final word’ in the title is journalese on my part, and I appreciate that this debate will go on for a long time, probably long after both types have been retired.

Design philosophy

The Rafale and Typhoon share common programme roots and as such are fairly similar in design and aerodynamic philosophy. The biggest difference is in the optimisation of the wing aerofoil and camber shapes, as well as the aerodynamically coupled vs uncoupled canards. Essentially Typhoon is aerodynamically designed to maximise manoeuvrability at supersonic speeds and relatively light (i.e. air superiority) load-outs. By contrast, Rafale’s coupled canards and wing shape is optimised for maximum lift generation and ordinance carrying capacity over a wide speed and angle of attack envelope.


Radar is a sensitive and highly restricted topic for open source discussion… however, in very broad terms CAPTOR-M which is the current radar on Typhoon is the most advanced and capable mechanically scanned fighter radar in service around the world. It loses out to the new RBE2 AESA radar which has entered service with Armee de l’Air Rafales in terms of low-probability of intercept (stealthy emissions) and multiple simultaneous tracking and search capabilities. In the air to air domain, at longer ranges against a small number of conventional threat aircraft, Typhoon might well have the advantage over even the RBE2 due to its impressive range and resolution. However, against large numbers of targets at different ranges/altitudes and certainly in a ground-scanning role, the Rafale is currently ahead on radar capabilities. Once the long-delayed CAPTOR-E AESA radar is integrated onto Typhoon in the early 2020s, however, Typhoon should have the advantage in radar and greater development potential since its radar aperture is much larger, can fit a greater number of T/R modules for its AESA than Rafale and will have a much wider field of regard. The latter capability will allow Typhoon to take particular advantage of the long-range capabilities of the Meteor missile by continuing to provide guidance to the missile whilst maintaining maximum range from an incoming target.

Read more about and


Infra-red search and track sensors

The Typhoon’s PIRATE IRST is far and away the most capable fighter-mounted system in operation anywhere in the world. Its phenomenal sensitivity caused problems during the first decade of service due to the sheer number of false positive returns but now that processing power has caught up enough to allow the sensitivity to be properly exploited for extremely long range detection of fighter sized targets, including stealth targets, it is becoming one of Typhoon’s strongest advantages in the air superiority arena. However, at present, the systems integration allowing the radar and IRST to be tasked together in an optimal fashion is still superior on Rafale. This is a core focus of capability upgrades in the P3E software package for Typhoon.

The Death of European fighters, full story .

Cockpit functionality: Man-machine interface

Both aircraft are fairly close in this regard and both are continually being upgraded with new cockpit functionality streamlining to reduce pilot workload. Both present few problems for a pilot transitioning from any ‘teen’ series fighter as their carefree handling mean that they are actually very easy to physically fly, freeing up mental energy for the formidable task of making the most out of the fighting potential of both aircraft. An RAF Typhoon instructor told me last year that ‘one of the biggest difficulties for pilots from a [Tornado] GR.4 or F.3 background in adjusting to Typhoon is how to best manage the awesomeness’.

Costs and reliability


The Typhoon’s EJ200 engines are the most reliable military jet engines ever fielded by any airforce. This turbofan originated as Rolls-Royce’s experimental XG-40 project of the 1980s.

Both are twin engine air superiority fighters with extensive multirole capabilities. As such both are fairly expensive to maintain and fly. Operating costs are notoriously difficult to accurately compare given the all sorts of infrastructure, measurement metrics, operating environment and other factors influence even the most objective attempt. Suffice to say that the aircraft are comparable. The Rafale M, as a carrier fighter requiring more maintenance, suffering greater fatigue and saltwater corrosion can safely be assumed to be more expensive than other Rafale or Typhoon variants. Also, the Typhoon’s EJ200 engines are the most reliable military jet engines ever fielded by any air force and their uniquely low maintenance, replacement and bug-fixing requirements help to lower Typhoon’s maintenance costs significantly.

Very amusing review of Eurofighter short film



Reduced observability to radar was considered during Rafale’s design. Note that there is restricted line-of-sight to the engine’s compressor face, a key contributor to radar reflections. Rafale also features serrated panel edges across the airframe, a feature developed for the F-117. The gold in Rafale’s canopy also reduces radar reflections.

Low observability is hotly debated and impossible to prove in open source. Both aircraft have some RCS reduction features but both are inherently un-stealthy designs. Of the two, Typhoon makes slightly greater use of RAM and active canard signature management for frontal RCS reduction but this is probably offset in the high-end survivability department by Rafale’s superior SPECTRA electronic warfare system.



Typhoon is the faster aircraft and has a significantly superior thrust-to-weight ratio which gives it better acceleration at all altitudes. This also allows Typhoon to retain and regain energy faster than Rafale in a horizontal dogfight situation. It also has a significantly higher service ceiling of over 60,000ft which allows it to operate uniquely well alongside the US F-22 Raptors ‘high and fast’ in the air superiority role which is exactly where it was designed to excel. Rafale has a significantly superior load-carrying capability and its manoeuvrability at low speeds and altitudes is also better than Typhoon’s although the margin is slim except where both aircraft are very heavily loaded. In terms of horizontal manoeuvrability, Rafale has the better instantaneous turn rate allowing it to reverse its turns more quickly but Typhoon can sustain higher g’s for longer without bleeding speed. High alpha performance is similar, with both aircraft limited by their air intake placement and lack of thust vectoring although Typhoon’s intakes can at least ‘gape’ slightly to increase airflow at high Alpha and low speeds. Range is almost identical at around 2000nmi with three drop-tanks in ‘ferry’ configuration but in terms of strike missions, Rafale’s greater payload capacity allows it to carry greater under-wing fuel loads for a given strike payload. The high availability of aerial refuelling in both air force’s standard operating scenarios means the small differences are almost unimportant for overall combat effectiveness.

Test pilot reveals Typhoon’s top supercruise speed



The MICA missile is a compromise that puts Rafale at a disadvantage in both short and medium range air-to-air combat. One advantage it may offer is that potential enemies may have a greater understanding and knowledge of how of how to counter the Typhoon’s AMRAAM.

In terms of weaponry, the Rafale is severely limited at long ranges in the air-to-air arena by having to rely entirely on the MICA which is not credible beyond 20km due to being essentially a short range missile adapted for short-mid range work. Until the Meteor enters frontline service with Rafale operators, the aircraft lacks long range air-to-air punch, certainly compared to the proven and effective AIM-120C AMRAAM load out on Typhoon. Even the ASRAAM used as the short range IR missile by the RAF and RSAF has greater kinetic energy and manoeuvrability performance at ranges beyond 20km than the MICA. The MICA is a fast and manoeuvrable missile at short ranges with lock-on after launch capabilities. However, it is neither as manoeuvrable as the IRIS-T used by German, Italian and Spanish Typhoon operators, nor as fast and lethal at medium ranges as the ASRAAM. Finally on missiles, whilst the Meteor will give the Rafale much needed long range firepower, the Rafale will only be able to utilise a one-way datalink with the missile when it has been fired, not the two way datalink which Typhoon and Gripen are equipped with – which allows for much more accurate and reliable guidance during very long range engagements whilst the missile is in semi-active mode. In terms of the gun, both aircraft have highly effective aerial guns with heavy explosive shells and good instant firing rates. Rafale has the edge of fire-weight per second but slightly shorter effective range than the BK27 on Typhoon. In terms of air-to-ground munitions, Rafale is currently the clear winner with the full French air-to-ground arsenal integrated including the nuclear strike role. The Hammer AASM has proven highly effective and accurate, with good range for a bomb adaptor kit although it is expensive compared to alternatives. Typhoon in its current tranche 2 and 3 P1Eb configuration as deployed in Cyprus for operations against ISIL can only deliver the excellent Paveway IV laser and gps-guided bomb, guided by a Litening III targeting pod. However, once the Brimstone anti-armour missile and Storm Shadow cruise missiles are added in 2018 and 2016 respectively, Typhoon will be comparable to Rafale in terms of its conventional strike suite. In recce terms, Rafale currently has the edge as the world-beating DB110 RAPTOR pod is only integrated on Tornado and although there are plans to fit it to Typhoon which would close the gap, these are not concrete as yet.

Sensor fusion

Rafale’s sensor fusion in terms of a common picture presented to the pilot is currently slightly ahead of Typhoon although the P3E upgrade being trialled at BAE Warton will close this gap to a significant extent. It is important to remember, however, that both fighters use a post-sensor picture fusing approach to streamline information for the pilot, rather than the much more complex approach being pursued by the F-35 development programme where all sensors feed into a single process which analyses, contrasts and compares them before presenting a single, processed picture to the pilot.

Defensive systems


The defensive aids suites on both jets comprise of passive (tracking and intelligence gathering) capabilities and active (jamming and other EW) capabilities. In passive terms, Typhoon actually has the edge following the UK-led DASS upgrade programme. However, in terms of active jamming and EW capabilities, the SPECTRA system proved itself in Libya and in multiple NATO exercises and being capable of protecting the Rafale from fairly high-end threats which normally would require complex suppression packages or stealth aircraft to bypass. The French (and Swedes) have long excelled in electronic warfare and jamming and the Typhoon has a way to go yet if it is to catch up with the other two Eurocanards in this area. It is also worth remembering, however, that part of the Rafale’s appearance of being able to go places Typhoon cannot due to SPECTRA is explained by the higher (and admirable) tolerance for risk in the Armee de l’Air compared to the RAF or any other European air forces. Even if Typhoon had SPECTRA, the RAF would not have sent it into Libya before the US air defence suppression had been carried out.

Leaked Swiss evaluation report

The from the Swiss fighter contest of 2008/09 put the Rafale ahead of Typhoon in almost every category tested, what do you make of this?

Any fighter evaluation depends on the details of the assessment criteria for each exercise and without seeing those, I cannot possibly speculate. However, one thing which is worth noting is that the Typhoon sent to Switzerland was apparently a tranche 1 and one with problems. Someone involved in the competition told me in person that ‘the Swiss told us [Typhoon] that technically speaking we had brought the finest jet of the bunch, but it was as if we had brought a Mercedes sports car where the door wouldn’t shut properly and the air conditioning was broken’.


In conclusions: both are fantastic fighter aircraft of which European defence communities should be proud. Rafale currently has the edge over Typhoon in terms of ground-attack versatility, radar modernisation and manoeuvrability at high-loads. Equally, Typhoon has the edge in the air-superiority role due to its superior high altitude performance and thrust to weight ratio, as well as long-range armament. The advantages in maturity for Rafale are more to do with failures in the Eurofighter consortium to invest and coordinate upgrades in the way that Dassault and the French government have managed, than any inherent limitation in the Typhoon itself. Indeed, with its larger radar aperture, power generation capabilities, engine power and growth potential Typhoon has more development potential than Rafale – if it can survive in production long enough. A hypothetical air force which operated both types, whilst that would be expensive, would enjoy phenomenal complementary capabilities and would arguably be stronger than a similarly sized force comprised only of one type.

Justin Bronk is a Research Analyst of Military Sciences at Royal United Services Institute.

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وما هي علاقة دمج Meteor على Typhoon بالرادار AESA ؟

ومجدداً لتوسيع مداركك ، تجارب الطيران بدأت منذ فترة والخبر الذي تستشهد به هو اعادة نشر جاء على خلفية حفل تسليم المقاتلة رقم 500 في ايطاليا

انظر منذ متى بدأت رحلات الطيران الاختبارية

بدء رحلات الطيران الاختبارية للرادار Captor-E AESA على مقاتلات Eurofighter Typhoon

مشاهدة المرفق 59232

مشاهدة المرفق 59234

بعد ان اكتملت الاختبارات الارضية للرادار E-SCAN بنجاح ، بدأت طلعات الطيران الاختبارية للرادار على طائرة الاختبار Typhoon IPA5 البريطانية ، معلنة بذلك البدء في الدمج الكامل للرادار على مقاتلات Typhoon

وقد اجريت الاختبارات الارضية مع كشف وتتبع للاهداف المحمولة جواً على مديات كبيرة

رحلة الاختبار الاولى انطلقت من شركة BAE Systems البريطانية في وارتن يوم الجمعة 8 يوليو ، وقد استمرت نحو ساعة كاملة ، وسوف تنضم الطائرة الاختبارية الثانية Typhoon IPA8 الالمانية لبرنامج الدمج كذلك الى جانب طائرة الاختبار Typhoon IPA5 البريطانية

وقد صممت هذه الطلعات الاختبارية لضمان وصول الرادار ونظم الاسلحة للقدرات المطلوبة في الوقت المناسب لتكون جاهزة للتسليم الاول للقوات الجوية الكويتية ، والتي صارت العميل الثامن لمقاتلات Typhoon في وقت سابق من هذا العام

وقال السيد Alan Barton مدير التسليم في برنامج الرادار في شركة BAE Systems :

"بعد الانتهاء بنجاح من مرحلة الاختبارات الارضية ، رحلات الطيران الاختبارية باستخدام الطائرة IPA5 قد بدأت الان ، حيث اننا سوف نثبت بهذه الرحلات ما تم النجاح به خلال الاختبارات الارضية ، وجميع الفرق الصناعية في انحاء اوروبا تعمل بتعاون وثيق لدفع هذه القدرة الرئيسية في برنامج Typhoon الى الامام بنجاح"

اما السيد Andrew Cowdery رئيس تحالف Euroradar فقد قال :

"يقدم الرادار Captor-E قوة اكبر من معظم الانظمة المنافسة ، ونحن نتطلع للدفع الى الامام لاختبار Combat Eadg والتي سوف تجلب المنصة لطلعات اختبارية حية ، جنباً الى جنب مع انف المقاتلة الكبير والذي يعطي قدرة الحركة لهوائي الرادار ، وبهذا يكون لمقاتلات Typhoon حقل رؤيا يقدر بـ 200 درجة ، وسوف تظهر رحلات الطيران هذه المزايا التي سوف تجلب للمقاتلة"

معدات الرادار E-SCAN وقدرات انظمة التسليح سوف يتم تعزيزها تدريجياً خلال ثلاث السنوات القادمة ، لتخول القدرات المطلوبة ضمن حزمة التطوير P3E لتكون متوفرة للتسليم الاول للقوات الجوية الكويتية

وهذا الرادار الجديد مقدم من تحالف Euroradar بقيادة شركة Leonardo-Finmeccanica ، والتي تدعم القدرات الحالية والمستقبلية لمقاتلات Typhoon

Flights trials of E-Scan radar begin on Eurofighter Typhoon jet

Flight trials of the E-Scan radar have begun following the successful completion of ground tests using a UK Eurofighter Typhoon test aircraft, clearing the path towards full integration of the radar.

The ground tests were carried out on Instrumented Production Aircraft (IPA) 5 with the detection and tracking of airborne targets at significant range.

Flight tests have now begun at BAE Systems’ site in Warton, Lancashire, where IPA5 undertook a flight of around one hour in duration on Friday 8 th July. A second test aircraft, IPA8 based in Germany, is also set to join the integration programme.

The trials are designed to ensure the radar and weapons system reach the required capability in time for first deliveries to the Kuwait Air Force, which became the aircraft’s eighth customer earlier this year.

Alan Barton, Delivery Director – Typhoon Radar Programmes for BAE Systems, said:

Following the successful completion of this ground testing phase, flight testing using IPA5 has now commenced, where we will prove in-flight what we have successfully demonstrated during the ground tests. The industry teams across Europe are working very collaboratively to drive this key Typhoon capability programme successfully forward.

Andrew Cowdery, Chairman of Euroradar, said:

The Typhoon Captor-E provides significantly more power than most competing systems and we’re looking forward to demonstrating the combat edge this brings to the platform in live flight trials. Combined with the fighter's large nose aperture and the ability to move the radar antenna, the Typhoon has a field of view of 200 degrees and the flight tests will show the discriminating advantages this will bring.

The E-Scan Radar equipment and Weapons System capability will be incrementally enhanced over the next three years to enable the required capability (P3E Standard) to be available for the first deliveries to the Kuwait Air Force.

The new radar, provided by the Euroradar consortium, which is led by Leonardo-Finmeccanica, underpins the Typhoon’s current and future capability evolution.

لكن مهلاً ، ايضاً جاء على هامش الحفل ، ذكر مقاتلات Typhoon الكويتية ، لننظر ماذا قيل عنه

Significantly, Kuwait will be the first nation to receive the active electronically scanned radar that is currently in development for the Eurofighter. It will receive its aircraft in the P3EB software standard, which also will introduce new weapons in the form of MBDA's Brimstone 2, Meteor and Storm Shadow.

سبحان الله ، كيف رادار Captor-E مع Meteor و Storm Shadow و Brimstone 2 ؟

هل يوجد صعوبة في تصديق ذلك؟
اهداء لمرحاليم عباس صاحب المدونة التي تكلم فيها عن عيوب الرافال :

ماليزيا تتحدث فقط مع داسو بخصوص شراء المقاتلة , بحسب الحكومة الفرنسية


فقط مع العانس ,, فقط مع ذات الصاروخ البحري اليتيم , فقط مع الشمطاء ,, فقط مع ام شامه , فقط مع المقاتلة البرميلية , فقط مع خائبة الرجى , فقط مع التي لا يمكن ان تتطور , فقط فقط فقط فقط ...

كم سمعنا من العيوب ( في المنتديات والمدونات ) لكن ان شئنا واقع الحياه :

تأهلت في ماليزيا للنهائي واصبحت ماليزيا تتحدث فقط معها

تأهلت في الهند للنهائي وفازت بنهاية المطاف ( صحيح ان سعرها برز بصفته الافضل , ولكن علينا عدم اغفال اجتيازها مقررات الاختبار بينما فشلت الميج والجريبن والاف 16 والاف 18 بأحدث مالديهم .. وهذا دليل كفاءة تقنية لايجوز اغفاله )

تأهلت في سويسرا وبرزت بصفتها الافضل لكن فضلوا الخيار الاقتصادي ( جريبن ) وبتم اجراء تصويت شعبي تم بموجبه رفضها واعادة المنافسة.

تأهلت في كوريا الجنوبية ,, تأهلت في هولندا ... صفقات لقطر والهند ومصر .. محادثات لم تتم مع البرازيل ,, محادثات مستمرة مع اندونيسيا ,, وقريبة ان تنجز مع ماليزيا .

كل ذلك برغم مافيها من العيوب !!!

أيعقل ان اسلحة الجو العالمية ليس لديها كفاءات كالموجودة هنا لتميز الغث ( الرافال ) من السمينة ( تايفون وغيرها من المتنافسات ) !!


يصح فيها قول الشاعر


كم زبون صدرت له هذه المقاتلة؟


MBDA مزوّد تقليدي للمقاتلات الاوروبية ...

احد مقالات Air & Cosmos تحدثت عن دمج البرايمستون على الرافال وأنه تقنيا , هناك امكانية , وأن مسألة الدمج تحتاج لـ 12 شهر على الاقل ... واشارة ان الرافال يمكن ان تحمل عدد 12 برايمستون ..

Missiles: MBDA believes in Brimstone on Rafale

What if it was the precision armament that still lacks the Rafale? It must be said that between the 30-mm gun and the 250-kg bomb, the French combat aircraft does not have a reduced-collateral ammunition, as demonstrated by Operation Harmattan in Libya. As early as 2011, the British MBDA teams had approached Dassault, the DGA and the Air Force to propose their solution to the problem: the Dual Mode Brimstone (DMB) air-to-ground missile, a small guided 50-kg weapon Hybrid radar and semi-active laser that had brilliantly illustrated during the operation, where it was implemented by the Tornado GR4 of the Royal Air Force.

Technically, the feasibility of the operation seemed to be beyond doubt. "On Rafale, it is possible to achieve a first integration at minimum in about 12 months", confirmed Adrian Monks, at the head of the "Short Range Surface Attack" unit at MBDA, during a briefing given occasionally Of the "Delivering Precision Effects in a Complex Environment" conference organized by the 3AF and held in Paris from 27 to 29 November.

This "emergency" integration would involve the carrying of six missiles in point 2 of wing, on triple adapters similar to those used today by the Tornado. A solution that would no longer allow to carry away AASM during the same mission, these being also integrated in this location of the wing on Rafale.

On the other hand, further integration of the Brimstone on Rafale would envisage "a maximum of 12 missiles", according to Adrian Monks. What could be achieved by opening the sails 3 (near missile Mica at the end of wing), now unused, or the rear fuselage lateral points now reserved for the air-to-air missile Mica and,

Why did not the integration of Brimstone occur in 2011? No official answer emerges, but everyone goes there from his little explanation. For the detractors of the British solution, the bill presented itself as too salty: first for the integration itself, which some estimate to about 100 million euros for the carriage of six missiles; Then because of the unit cost of Brimstone, which would prove to be higher than that of the AASM in its most complex versions (laser and infrared). What's more, Sagem logically took a very bad look at the arrival on the Rafale of a competing missile, while the French industrialist has been trying for years to obtain the financing of a light "AASM" of 125 kg , With reduced collateral effect,

Another possible explanation is that the very average performances of the Damocles designation nacelle in the identification of small targets in urban environments would not have allowed to reproduce on Rafale the performances obtained by the trio Tornado GR4 / Litening / Brimstone nacelle during the operation Harmattan. Hence a reluctance of the French party to finance the integration of the missile, if the "eyes" of the plane did not follow. That is why, on the British side, it is said today to wait until the end of the decade and the (with the ) to "re - attack" the Rafale file. Unless an export client imposes to put it on the carpet meanwhile ...

Other opportunities exist for Brimstone on the French market. At the 3AF conference, the missile presented an artist's view (above, MBDA credit) illustrating the carrying of six missiles on a Tiger helicopter. By 2020-2025, it will be necessary to find a replacement to the American AGM-114 Hellfire to equip the Tiger HAD of the army of Earth. But the Brimstone could face internal competition here, as French MBDA teams put forward a future MLP "long-range missile" directly derived from which could include several subsystems.

In the short term, MBDA also intends to place its Brimstone on the MQ-9 Reaper drone; A first test run from this platform is due to take place very soon. The goal is not only to equip the Reaper of the Royal Air Force, but also those of the US Air Force. And why not, tomorrow, the Reaper of the Air Force ...

البرايمستون او الرمح ( التطوير ) وغيرها من ذخائر ( احدها كمثال الميتيور والصاروخ البحري المشترك بين فرنسا وبريطانيا الذي تم توقيع عقد تطويره ) ... كلها تتناسب ومعايير المقاتلات الاوروبية ..

فقط اجراءات الدمج وما يتطلبه ذلك من اختبارات ووقت ... ويصبح التسليح رسميا جزء من باكيج المقاتلة .

دراسات نظرية ورسومات كمبيوترية فقط ، لا خطط فعلية ولا برنامج على ارض الواقع حتى الان

في المقابل تم في ابو ظبي توقيع عقد دمج صواريخ Brimstone 2 على مقاتلات Typhoon وانتهت سلسلة من طلعات التجارب ووصلنا الى الفصل الاخير من عملية الدمج وهي الرمايات الحية الحقيقية والتي ستبدأ في يونيو القادم (بعد شهرين) لتدخل الخدمة مع مطلع العام القادم 2018


بل اكثر من ذلك ، تجربة رماية حية لصاروخ SPEAR 3 من Typhoon مطلع العام الماضي وتوقيع عقد من وزارة الدفاع البريطانية لتطوير الصاروخ ذاته ، وعملية دمجه على Typhoon ستكون ضمن حزمة P4E لتدخل الخدمة في عام 2021



هذا الصاروخ مجهز برأس باحث ثلاثي الانماط مع محرك توبيني نفاث مع مجموعة اجنحة وبهذا يصل مداه الى 140km ، لذلك ستخطط بريطانيا استخدام هذا السلاح في مهام اخماد وتدمير الدفاعات الجوية المعادية SEAD/DEAD من خارج امدية الدفاعات الجوية هذه

احد الامثلة لتجاربها ماحصل في الهند للمقاتلات المختلفة ( هم جربوا المقاتلات في عدة مناخات وارتفاعات تتراوح من الهيملايا وصولا لسطح البحر من الثلوج للهيب الصحراء في الصيف ) :

هنا احدها ...

تجارب لمدة يومين او 3 ايام في صحراء Jaisalmer الهندية بهدف تجربتها في الحرارة والغبار ..

In the second phase, flight trials will be conducted in India on two twin-seater aircraft. In India, a sortie will be made for heat and dust trials in the desert region of Jaisalmer lasting for two or three days, in Bengaluru for tropical conditions for 10-12 days, and in the mountainous region around Leh for a day of high-altitude trials.


وفي نهاية المطاف اقتنعوا بها وأهلوها للنهائي مجتازة بذلك مقررات الاختبارات جميعها ( هي والتايفون ) بينما لم تنجح الاف 16 IN ولا الاف 18 ولا الميج 35 ولا الجريبن .

صغيرة بحجمها ,, كبيرة بأدائها



6 صواريخ Meteor مع وصلتي بيانات ، مقابل 4 صواريخ بوصلة بيانات واحدة
12 صاروخ Brimstone 2 ، مقابل 6 صواريخ (دراسة نظرية)
4 صواريخ Marte-ER ، مقابل صاروخ واحد Exocet
8 ذخائر جو-ارض متنوعة ويمكن رفعها الى 10 ذخائر ، مقابل 6 ذخائر جو-ارض
رادار ب 1400 وحدة ارسال واستقبال بهوائي متحرك ، مقابل 838 وحدة بهوائي ثابت

ربما بسبب هذه المزايا كانت Typhoon اغلى من Rafale في المناقصة الهندية

فكما يقول المثل الشعبي "الرخيص بخيص ، والغالي سعره فيه"
