بالطبع ولكن هناك اشكالية اخرى تبرز لدى الحلقة الاخرى من متبادلي البيانات ( والذين هم من مشغلي الللينك 16 ربما ) :
Due to security considerations, the access to information provided by some of the most advanced sensors currently available in theater is highly restricted. For example, intelligence and situational picture generated by F-22 Raptors cannot be transferred to F-15s, F-16 or AWACS even if both units are participating in the same operation. As stealth aircraft, F-22s are
not equipped with conventional datalinks such as Link-16 which can be easily spotted by enemy SIGINT. Instead, they use a unique stealth-qualified, narrow-beam Intra-Flight Data-Link (IFDL) designed to relay data and synchronize a situational picture only among the Raptors. As this stealth datalink is incompatible with all other communications devices, Raptors cannot communicate with any friendly aircraft.
هذه الاشكالية تتمثل باحتمال رصدهم بسهوله من قبل الـ SIGINT المعادي .... لكن ان تم تزويدهم جميعا بنفس المستوى من التشفير المؤمن .. لربما تحل المسآلة برمتها .