حادث\ سقوط طائرة ركاب روسية عقب اقلاعها من شرم الشيخ

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
Viktor Sorochenko رئيس لجنة الطيران الحكوميه قال التصريح التالى بعد فحص موقع سقوط الطائره:
- من المبكر الوصول لاى استنتاجات
- جسم الطائره تفكك فى الهواء "قال كده نصا" والحطام متناثر فى منطقه واسعه 20كم تقريبا
بعدين قال نفس الجمله اللى قالها الرئيس السيسى:
هذه مسألة معقدة وتتطلب تكنولوجيات متقدمة والتحقيقات الواسعة يمكن أن تستغرق شهورا

OOOOOOH the boss is back
الحمد لله علي السلامه يا كبير

حبيبى ربنا يخليك :D :D
شايف التحليل :D :D ولا حسن المستكاوى فى زمانه :D :D
حبيبى ربنا يخليك :D :D
شايف التحليل :D :D ولا حسن المستكاوى فى زمانه :D :D

كلامك كبير يا كبير

لجنة التحقيقات الفيدرالية الروسيه فتحت تحقيقين جنائيين مع شركة Metrojet المالكه للطائره المنكوبه

Metrojet the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has already opened two criminal cases

هيئة السلامه الجويه الروسيه طلبت من الشركه ان تحتفظ باسطولها من ايرباص A321 على الارض

Russia's air safety regulator tells Metrojet to ground its fleet of Airbus A321s

الاوسا بيتباع على الرصيف جمب البيت و العصابات المسلحة في مصر بتستخدمه و سهل جدا امتلاكه و تشغيله من عصابات/ميلشيات لاسيما عندما يقابلون جيوش موز زي الجيش المصري لا يمتلك تجهيزات بسيطة او حتى تدريب مقارنة بالتدريب الداعشي الراقي

بالصور.. تواصل العمل فى موقع تحطم الطائرة الروسية المنكوبة لجمع أشلاء الضحايا وحطام الطائرة..

فرق بحث وتحقيق مصرية وروسية فى موقع الحادث.. مصادر: الأشلاء تطايرت فى مناطق جبلية تضاريسها وعرة










تقرير غريب جدا جدا يقول انه لم يتم اصلاح حادثه tail strike التي تعرضت لها الطائره من قبل

Clive Irving

Sun, 01 Nov 2015 01:57 UTC

Debris from crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015. According to reports the Egyptian Government has dispatched more than 45 ambulances to the crash site of the Kogalymavia Metrojet Russian passenger jet, which disappeared from radar after requesting an emergency landing early 31 October, crashing in the mountainous al-Hasanah area of central Sinai. The black box has been recovered at the site.
The jet split in two near the tail, which could mean a "tailstrike" in 2001 was never truly fixed.

The suddenness of what happened to the Russian-operated jet that crashed in the Sinai is highly unusual. According to reports the pilot had reported a technical problem and a diversion to the nearest airport. But the problem was apparently so severe that his plan was overtaken by events and the airplane literally fell out of the sky from its cruise altitude of 31,000 feet.

In theory the Sinai is dangerous air space. Much of the Sinai is a closed military zone where the Egyptian army has frequent skirmishes with Islamic terrorist groups. There have been claims by a jihadist group linked to ISIS that it brought down the flight, but the airplane's altitude put it well beyond the range of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, or MANPADS, the only relevant weapon fielded by such groups, and first pictures of the wreckage offer no evidence of a missile strike.

Instead investigators will treat as much more credible the possibility of a sudden structural failure. The Airbus A321 was 18 years old, but with a modern airplane like this and regular maintenance that is not in itself a cause for concern.

What does, however, jump out from this particular airplane's record is an that it suffered on November 16, 2001 while landing at Cairo (while owned and operated by Middle East Airlines). As it touched down the nose was pointing at too high an angle and the tail hit the tarmac - heavily enough to cause substantial damage.

Tail strikes like this are not uncommon. The airplane was repaired and would have been rigorously inspected then and during subsequent maintenance checks. Nonetheless investigators who will soon have access to the Airbus's flight data recorder will take a hard look at what is called the rear pressure bulkhead, a critical seal in the cabin's pressurization system. Images from the wreckage in the Sinai show parts of the tail and rear fuselage near the site of this bulkhead lying clear of the rest of the debris, suggesting a possible break-up in flight.

Debris from the cabin section of the crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
In the event of a failure of this bulkhead, the airplane would have suffered a sudden and potentially explosive decompression; at its final recorded altitude of 31,000 feet the difference between the pressure inside the cabin and the air outside would have been at the point where such a catastrophic failure would be most likely to occur. The wreckage shows no signs of a fire or an engine-related explosion.

Lufthansa and Air France have announced that they will no longer fly over the Sinai, even though this disaster is almost certainly not a terrorist act.

Debris from the tail section of the crashed Russian jet lies on the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
I checked the traffic over the Sinai only an hour after the accident was reported. Two corridors were being used, one over the northern Sinai with flights at cruise height of 36,000 feet or more, and a far busier one over southern Sinai with flights at different and often far lower altitudes - some on approach to or departing from Cairo, to the west, some headed for Sharm-el-Sheik, the resort from which the Russian jet departed for St. Petersburg.

Since Malaysian Flight MH17 was brought down by a missile strike over Ukraine, the main flight corridors between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have been .

The Egyptian Prime Minister, Sherif Ismail (2 - R), examines the wreckage at the site of the Russian plane crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
The result has been like a highway diversion - much more traffic has been pumped into an alternative route that takes jets over Turkey, Cyprus, and the eastern Mediterranean to a waypoint at Alexandria, Egypt, and then eastward over Cairo, the Sinai and Saudi Arabia to the southern Persian Gulf. There is a major international hub in the Gulf at Dubai, which means that these airlanes are now crowded with long-haul flights routed through Dubai.

Until now the Sinai has not been treated as a war zone, but clearly some airlines are now going to give it a miss. Those that have regular tourist-popular routes into Sharm el-Sheik, like British Airways and Ryanair, have said that they will continue to fly into the southern Sinai. And there is no evidence from the tragedy of the Russian Airbus to suggest that they are wrong.

Comment: The propaganda rag The Daily Beast is putting forth the idea that a never fully fixed "tailstrike" from 14 years ago is the likely cause of the Russian airbus crash. Yet 14 years seems like rather long time to continue flying without further incident. Information is still coming in, and many of the basic elements involved give rise to more questions. That the crash involved a Russian plane and that it went down in an area with Islamic extremists are fairly blatant clues that there is something more going on than a 'tailstrike' that was never fixed.

التقرير رغم انه يبدو لهاو الان انه يبدو علي اطلاع
يقول ان حادثه ذيل نفس الطائره التي حدثت في مطار القاهره ربما لم يتم اصلاحها بالصوره الكافيه و استند علي انفصال مجموعه الذيل علي بعد من بدن الطائره و رجح انه لو حدث هذا الانفصال في الهواء يكون كافي جدا لاحداث انفجار تفريغ هواء
افعلها لوجه الله
اعتذر من جميع من لم يعجبه ردي
وتذكروا قول المصطف ى صلوا عليه
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ، قَالَ: إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ ، فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ ، وَلاَ تَحَسَّسُوا ، وَلاَ تَجَسَّسُوا ، وَلاَ تَحَاسَدُوا ، وَلاَ تَدَابَرُوا ، وَلاَ تَبَاغَضُوا ، وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللهِ إِخْوَانًا.

لفت انتباهي حالة الحقائب الجيدة وهو ما يدل على عدم وجود انفجار


افعلها لوجه الله
اعتذر من جميع من لم يعجبه ردي
وتذكروا قول المصطف ى صلوا عليه
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ، قَالَ: إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ ، فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ ، وَلاَ تَحَسَّسُوا ، وَلاَ تَجَسَّسُوا ، وَلاَ تَحَاسَدُوا ، وَلاَ تَدَابَرُوا ، وَلاَ تَبَاغَضُوا ، وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللهِ إِخْوَانًا.

حصل خير يا اخي و لفته محترمه من شخصك الكريم
على مصر عدم الاكتفاء بوضع الانكوندا والبرانا في مياه الانفاق
يجب تربية اسود ودنياصورات في وسط سينا كرمال عيون البوك الخاص بجيوش داعش المتجوله في سيناء:D:D
مافي احلى من المكافحه البيولجيه للامراض
الحل عند مشرف قسم الحيوانات اخونا كيم :D
ولماذا تنشطر الطائرة بدون اي اصطدام او انفجار ؟

هل سقوطها بسرعة يمكن ان يشطرها ؟

إنفجار او انشطار الطائرة بالجو ليس بالضرورة ان يكون بفعل فاعل ..
فتوقف المحركات و سقوط الطائرة سقوطا حرا يؤدي لنفس النتيجة , لحدوث خلل في ضغط الهواء داخل الطائرة ..
كما ان احتراق المحرك لأي خلل فني و انفجاره سيؤدي الى انفجار خزانات الوقود الموجودة هي الاخرى بأجنحة الطائرة
و بالنظر الى جناح الطائرة يمكننا استنتاج الكثير

التعديل الأخير:
تقرير غريب جدا جدا يقول انه لم يتم اصلاح حادثه tail strike التي تعرضت لها الطائره من قبل

Clive Irving

Sun, 01 Nov 2015 01:57 UTC

Debris from crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015. According to reports the Egyptian Government has dispatched more than 45 ambulances to the crash site of the Kogalymavia Metrojet Russian passenger jet, which disappeared from radar after requesting an emergency landing early 31 October, crashing in the mountainous al-Hasanah area of central Sinai. The black box has been recovered at the site.
The jet split in two near the tail, which could mean a "tailstrike" in 2001 was never truly fixed.

The suddenness of what happened to the Russian-operated jet that crashed in the Sinai is highly unusual. According to reports the pilot had reported a technical problem and a diversion to the nearest airport. But the problem was apparently so severe that his plan was overtaken by events and the airplane literally fell out of the sky from its cruise altitude of 31,000 feet.

In theory the Sinai is dangerous air space. Much of the Sinai is a closed military zone where the Egyptian army has frequent skirmishes with Islamic terrorist groups. There have been claims by a jihadist group linked to ISIS that it brought down the flight, but the airplane's altitude put it well beyond the range of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, or MANPADS, the only relevant weapon fielded by such groups, and first pictures of the wreckage offer no evidence of a missile strike.

Instead investigators will treat as much more credible the possibility of a sudden structural failure. The Airbus A321 was 18 years old, but with a modern airplane like this and regular maintenance that is not in itself a cause for concern.

What does, however, jump out from this particular airplane's record is an that it suffered on November 16, 2001 while landing at Cairo (while owned and operated by Middle East Airlines). As it touched down the nose was pointing at too high an angle and the tail hit the tarmac - heavily enough to cause substantial damage.

Tail strikes like this are not uncommon. The airplane was repaired and would have been rigorously inspected then and during subsequent maintenance checks. Nonetheless investigators who will soon have access to the Airbus's flight data recorder will take a hard look at what is called the rear pressure bulkhead, a critical seal in the cabin's pressurization system. Images from the wreckage in the Sinai show parts of the tail and rear fuselage near the site of this bulkhead lying clear of the rest of the debris, suggesting a possible break-up in flight.

Debris from the cabin section of the crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
In the event of a failure of this bulkhead, the airplane would have suffered a sudden and potentially explosive decompression; at its final recorded altitude of 31,000 feet the difference between the pressure inside the cabin and the air outside would have been at the point where such a catastrophic failure would be most likely to occur. The wreckage shows no signs of a fire or an engine-related explosion.

Lufthansa and Air France have announced that they will no longer fly over the Sinai, even though this disaster is almost certainly not a terrorist act.

Debris from the tail section of the crashed Russian jet lies on the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
I checked the traffic over the Sinai only an hour after the accident was reported. Two corridors were being used, one over the northern Sinai with flights at cruise height of 36,000 feet or more, and a far busier one over southern Sinai with flights at different and often far lower altitudes - some on approach to or departing from Cairo, to the west, some headed for Sharm-el-Sheik, the resort from which the Russian jet departed for St. Petersburg.

Since Malaysian Flight MH17 was brought down by a missile strike over Ukraine, the main flight corridors between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have been .

The Egyptian Prime Minister, Sherif Ismail (2 - R), examines the wreckage at the site of the Russian plane crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
The result has been like a highway diversion - much more traffic has been pumped into an alternative route that takes jets over Turkey, Cyprus, and the eastern Mediterranean to a waypoint at Alexandria, Egypt, and then eastward over Cairo, the Sinai and Saudi Arabia to the southern Persian Gulf. There is a major international hub in the Gulf at Dubai, which means that these airlanes are now crowded with long-haul flights routed through Dubai.

Until now the Sinai has not been treated as a war zone, but clearly some airlines are now going to give it a miss. Those that have regular tourist-popular routes into Sharm el-Sheik, like British Airways and Ryanair, have said that they will continue to fly into the southern Sinai. And there is no evidence from the tragedy of the Russian Airbus to suggest that they are wrong.

Comment: The propaganda rag The Daily Beast is putting forth the idea that a never fully fixed "tailstrike" from 14 years ago is the likely cause of the Russian airbus crash. Yet 14 years seems like rather long time to continue flying without further incident. Information is still coming in, and many of the basic elements involved give rise to more questions. That the crash involved a Russian plane and that it went down in an area with Islamic extremists are fairly blatant clues that there is something more going on than a 'tailstrike' that was never fixed.

التقرير رغم انه يبدو لهاو الان انه يبدو علي اطلاع
يقول ان حادثه ذيل نفس الطائره التي حدثت في مطار القاهره ربما لم يتم اصلاحها بالصوره الكافيه و استند علي انفصال مجموعه الذيل علي بعد من بدن الطائره و رجح انه لو حدث هذا الانفصال في الهواء يكون كافي جدا لاحداث انفجار تفريغ هواء

نفس القصة مع خطوط أميركان إيرلاينز فوق نيويورك
والله أعلم أنه عمل إرهابي
ولكن أكبر من داعش

هناك من يريد إحراج مصر
تقرير غريب جدا جدا يقول انه لم يتم اصلاح حادثه tail strike التي تعرضت لها الطائره من قبل

Clive Irving

Sun, 01 Nov 2015 01:57 UTC

Debris from crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015. According to reports the Egyptian Government has dispatched more than 45 ambulances to the crash site of the Kogalymavia Metrojet Russian passenger jet, which disappeared from radar after requesting an emergency landing early 31 October, crashing in the mountainous al-Hasanah area of central Sinai. The black box has been recovered at the site.
The jet split in two near the tail, which could mean a "tailstrike" in 2001 was never truly fixed.

The suddenness of what happened to the Russian-operated jet that crashed in the Sinai is highly unusual. According to reports the pilot had reported a technical problem and a diversion to the nearest airport. But the problem was apparently so severe that his plan was overtaken by events and the airplane literally fell out of the sky from its cruise altitude of 31,000 feet.

In theory the Sinai is dangerous air space. Much of the Sinai is a closed military zone where the Egyptian army has frequent skirmishes with Islamic terrorist groups. There have been claims by a jihadist group linked to ISIS that it brought down the flight, but the airplane's altitude put it well beyond the range of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, or MANPADS, the only relevant weapon fielded by such groups, and first pictures of the wreckage offer no evidence of a missile strike.

Instead investigators will treat as much more credible the possibility of a sudden structural failure. The Airbus A321 was 18 years old, but with a modern airplane like this and regular maintenance that is not in itself a cause for concern.

What does, however, jump out from this particular airplane's record is an that it suffered on November 16, 2001 while landing at Cairo (while owned and operated by Middle East Airlines). As it touched down the nose was pointing at too high an angle and the tail hit the tarmac - heavily enough to cause substantial damage.

Tail strikes like this are not uncommon. The airplane was repaired and would have been rigorously inspected then and during subsequent maintenance checks. Nonetheless investigators who will soon have access to the Airbus's flight data recorder will take a hard look at what is called the rear pressure bulkhead, a critical seal in the cabin's pressurization system. Images from the wreckage in the Sinai show parts of the tail and rear fuselage near the site of this bulkhead lying clear of the rest of the debris, suggesting a possible break-up in flight.

Debris from the cabin section of the crashed Russian jet lies strewn across the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
In the event of a failure of this bulkhead, the airplane would have suffered a sudden and potentially explosive decompression; at its final recorded altitude of 31,000 feet the difference between the pressure inside the cabin and the air outside would have been at the point where such a catastrophic failure would be most likely to occur. The wreckage shows no signs of a fire or an engine-related explosion.

Lufthansa and Air France have announced that they will no longer fly over the Sinai, even though this disaster is almost certainly not a terrorist act.

Debris from the tail section of the crashed Russian jet lies on the sand at the site of the crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
I checked the traffic over the Sinai only an hour after the accident was reported. Two corridors were being used, one over the northern Sinai with flights at cruise height of 36,000 feet or more, and a far busier one over southern Sinai with flights at different and often far lower altitudes - some on approach to or departing from Cairo, to the west, some headed for Sharm-el-Sheik, the resort from which the Russian jet departed for St. Petersburg.

Since Malaysian Flight MH17 was brought down by a missile strike over Ukraine, the main flight corridors between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have been .

The Egyptian Prime Minister, Sherif Ismail (2 - R), examines the wreckage at the site of the Russian plane crash, Sinai, Egypt, 31 October 2015.
The result has been like a highway diversion - much more traffic has been pumped into an alternative route that takes jets over Turkey, Cyprus, and the eastern Mediterranean to a waypoint at Alexandria, Egypt, and then eastward over Cairo, the Sinai and Saudi Arabia to the southern Persian Gulf. There is a major international hub in the Gulf at Dubai, which means that these airlanes are now crowded with long-haul flights routed through Dubai.

Until now the Sinai has not been treated as a war zone, but clearly some airlines are now going to give it a miss. Those that have regular tourist-popular routes into Sharm el-Sheik, like British Airways and Ryanair, have said that they will continue to fly into the southern Sinai. And there is no evidence from the tragedy of the Russian Airbus to suggest that they are wrong.

Comment: The propaganda rag The Daily Beast is putting forth the idea that a never fully fixed "tailstrike" from 14 years ago is the likely cause of the Russian airbus crash. Yet 14 years seems like rather long time to continue flying without further incident. Information is still coming in, and many of the basic elements involved give rise to more questions. That the crash involved a Russian plane and that it went down in an area with Islamic extremists are fairly blatant clues that there is something more going on than a 'tailstrike' that was never fixed.

التقرير رغم انه يبدو لهاو الان انه يبدو علي اطلاع
يقول ان حادثه ذيل نفس الطائره التي حدثت في مطار القاهره ربما لم يتم اصلاحها بالصوره الكافيه و استند علي انفصال مجموعه الذيل علي بعد من بدن الطائره و رجح انه لو حدث هذا الانفصال في الهواء يكون كافي جدا لاحداث انفجار تفريغ هواء
اعتقد هدا التقرير يوضح مدي اهمال الشركة المالكة لهده الطائرة وعدم وجود جدول منتظم لصيانة طائرتها المشكلة ايضا ان المسؤلية هنا مشتركة مع سلطات مطار القاهرة التي كان لابد ان تفتح تحقيقا بعد الحادثة الاولي للطائرة والا يمر الامر مرور الكرام امامهم حيث اننا نتحدث عن ارواح اناس هنا ومن جهة اخري كان لابد ان تتوفر لجنة فنية بمطار شرم الشيخ باعتباره مطار دولي هام يساهم بجزء كبير من السياحة المصرية الدولية وان يفتش مهندسوا هده اللجنة علي كل الطائرات قبل اقلاعها والتاكد من سلامتها . استغرب ايضا الاخبار التي تتحدث عن تحدث مساعد الطيار الي ابنته قبل الاقلاع وشكواه من سوء حالة الطائرة الفنية بدلا من ان يشكي هدا الامر لسلطات المطار وللعلم فمن حقه الغاء الاقلاع مادامت الطائرة علي الارض او طلب فرق الصيانة وتاجيل الاقلاع ادا ما شك بحالة الطائرة بعد تشغيل محركاتها . عموما ننتظر الصندوق الاسود بفارغ الصبر ونري ما ستسفر عنه تحقيقات كلا الجانبين .
French, German experts to join in Russian plane crash investigation

CAIRO: Two French crash experts have joined the Egyptian committee investigating the case of the fallen Russian plane in Sinai, Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamal said Sunday.

They are accompanied by six technical advisors from France-based Airbus, whose jet fell in Sinai Saturday, and will be joined Sunday evening by two other German investigators.

In addition to the Egyptian and Russian investigators, experts from the European Aviation Safety Agency and the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board will join the investigation because the plane was European and its engines were American.

Meanwhile in Sharm el-Sheikh, from which the plane took off, arrivals and departures continue without cancellations, Youm7 reported.

Lufthansa and French Air France-KLM have announced Sunday they would avoid flying over the Sinai Peninsula until the reason behind the fall of the plane is made clear.

Twitter accounts that purport are affiliated with Sinai Province, Egypt’s affiliate of the Islamic State, have claimed the group downed the plane, but Egyptian and Russian officials said the information was “not accurate.”

كما توقعنا و قلنا ممثلي الاتحاد الاوروبي قادمون لان الطائره تخص مصنع ايرباص لكن ما لم نتوقعه ان محتركات الطائره كانت امريكيه و لهذا اتي الامريكان
ايرباص تستخدم محركات امريكيه؟ و بوينج تستخدم محركات اوروبيه؟ الناس دي هتجنني
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.