قناة الأقصى الفضائية
‏عشائر بئر السبع في الأردن تقيم خيمة عزاء للشهيد مهند العقبي في مدينة مأدبا.
قناة الأقصى الفضائية
مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال في مخيم الفوار جنوب الخليل .
بلاغ كاذب في ساعة متأخرة من الليل جعل هذا الجندي يقوم من فراشه دون أن يلبس باقي ملابسه

في وسط التطورات خبر ربما يفرح البعض 6 دول عربيه يتقدمون بطلب الي اليونسكو باعتبار حائط المبكي جزء من حرم المسجد الاقصي و عليه لا يحق للاسرائيلين فعل ما يفعلوه هناك

Lauder: Declaring Western Wall a Muslim site would make mockery of UNESCO principles
Sun, 18 Oct 2015

World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder today warned UNESCO against exacerbating tensions in Israel by adopting a Palestinian-sponsored resolution that declares the Western Wall in Jerusalem a part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Ahead of a vote by the UNESCO Executive Council later this week, Lauder said the proposal “goes in the face of the UNESCO Constitution, which very clearly states the organization’s aim to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration and coexistence. It would make a mockery of that founding principle if the UNESCO Executive Council were to back such a resolution. UNESCO must not be turned into a battleground for conflicts between religions.”

The WJC president added: “For thousands of years, Jews have lived and prayed in Jerusalem. Since 1967, the State of Israel has safeguarded the right of worship of all three monotheistic religions present in Jerusalem, including the right of Muslims to pray on the Mount.

“However, declaring the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest place, a Muslim site would be a travesty. Instead of fostering peace, it would only encourage extremists to step up their campaign against Jews, both in Israel and beyond.”

Lauder appealed to all 58 member countries on the UNESCO Executive to vote against the proposal: “Everybody should see that this is not about protecting holy sites; it’s about bashing Israel, it’s about sowing the seeds of strife, and it’s about legitimizing violence. It must be stopped.”

The proposal, which is sponsored by six Arab states (Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates) on behalf of the Palestinians, proposes to declare that the Western Wall is part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and called Buraq Plaza.

It also blames Israel for the recent wave of Palestinian violence and terror, urges that the Jewish state is condemned for the excavations near the Temple Mount and in the Old City of Jerusalem, and for what is termed the “aggression and illegal measures taken against the freedom of worship and access of Muslim to al-Aqsa Mosque and Israel's attempts to break the status quo since 1967".

Moreover, the draft resolution seeks to confirm an earlier UNESCO decision that the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, two West Bank sites holy to both Jews and Muslims, are part of a Palestinian state.

ملحوظه المقال به كثيرا من العواء من طرفهم نظرا لان المصدر عبري

و هناك مصدر عبري اخر يشير ان مسوده اليونسكو صدرت في صالح القرار

Unesco Draft Resolution Says Kotel is Part of al Aqsa Mosque
Posted: 2015-10-19 14:06:46


Yes, a draft UNESCO resolution declares that the Kotel the Western Wall in Jerusalem – belongs to the al-Aksa Mosque compound.

The six page draft resolution submitted by Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to the UNESCO Executive Board, broadly condemns Israeli actions in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

The drat text states that UNESCO “affirms that the Buraq Plaza is an integral part of the Al-Aksa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif.”

Israel’s Ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama HaCohen, said that the resolution was “a total Islamization” of a site that is revered by both the Jewish and Muslim faiths.

The resolution makes no mention of the Jewish onnection to Jerusalem, which dates back to Biblical times. Nor does it reference the Temple Mount or the Western Wall, which was part of the Second Temple before it was destroyed by the Romans 1985 years ago.

Forty eight years ago, for the first time in nearly two millennium, the Temple mount came under Jewish control. There were open miracles in the battle, where enemy forces threatened to annihilate Eretz Yisroel and its people. A bomb landed on the Mirrer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Miraculously it did not detonate. And of course, we got the Kotel back – a place we could not even visit for nineteen years – since the Jordanians captured it in 1948.

علي عهدي علي ديني علي ارضي تلجيني انا اهلي انا افديهم انا دمي فلسطيني فلسطيني انا دمي فلسطيني
هذا تضامنآ مني انا شخصيآ مع الاخوه الفلسطينين حماهم الله

ندعو الله بنصر اشقائنا وابائنا فى الاقصى وتطهيره من دنس اليهود
واتمنى استعمال السلاح دا بحكمه مش اى حد يشيله لان عواقبه وخيمه حتى على المراهقين لولابد من التدريب عليه مش مجرد زجاجة فيها شوية بنزين وقطعه قماش هتولعها وخلاص
بالنسبة للمحترفين من والمتدربين فلتجعلوها جهنم على الخنازير
الشرطة الإسرائيلية تعترف: ارتفاع عدد مصابي عملية بئر السبع نتيجة إطلاق الجنود النار على بعضهم البعض بفعل حالة الهستيريا من المسلح "المجهول"!
قناة الأقصى الفضائية
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إصابة مستوطن بجراح خطيرة في عملية دهس بالقرب من مخيم الفوار في مدينة الخليل.