ما أعرفه يا صديقي أن إسرائيل لغت طلبية F-131 ألمانية لصالح انتاج داخلي لنسخه مطوره من SA`AR 5 بسبب الوجود الإماراتيلا اود ان احبطك صديقي , لكن صفقة الامارات في شراء احواض ثايسن كروب واجهت صعوبات وعراقيل
Abu Dhabi-German naval ship sales JV plan falls apart
ThyssenKrupp, Germany's biggest steelmaker, said a deal for Abu Dhabi MAR (ADM) to buy its Blohm + Voss civilian shipbuilding assets has fallen apart.
ThyssenKrupp, which also builds submarines, mega-yachts, engineering plants and elevators, said on Friday a separate planned joint venture with ADM to sell naval surface ships to the Middle Eastand North Africa has also fallen apart.
An existing deal for ADM to buy the civilian shipbuilding assets from HDW Gaarden in the northern German city of Kiel - where mega-yachts and container ships are made - remains in place, it added.
عوضا عن شراء قسم الانتاج العسكري في احواض ثايسن كروب ,, قامت ابوظبي مار ( والله اعلم ) بشراء احواض كيل في المانيا والتي تتبع للمجموعه وهي تختص بالقطاع المدني .
ابوظبي مار هي مجموعة كبيرة تشمل عدة احواض وهي بالنسب التاليه
Brands and investments[edit]
هذه من صفحة الشركة في ويكيبيديا
- ADMShipyards, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (100%)
- Nobiskrug, Rendsburg, Germany. (90%)
- Construction Mecanique de Normandie (CMN), Cherbourg, France. (100%)
- ADM Kiel, Kiel, Germany ( Only the civilian shipbuilding assets of HDW Gaarden included in ADM Kiel)
- Hellenic Shipyards SA (HSY), Skaramangas, Greece. (75%)
لكن !!
عندما دخلت صفحة الاحواض التابعة لابوظبي مار من موقعها الرسمي , وجدت التالي
Official web site
Official web site
Official web site
Official web site
لديهم هذه الاحواض ضمن سيطرتهم ... فهل من تفسير للمقال اعلاه !!
The Navy is considering buying two corvettes which would be specifically designed for the navy's needs, and which would be outfitted with electronic warfare devices, radar, and weapons systems. They would be given an extended air defense capability, making them the world's first air defense corvettes. Israel planned to order each ship for $300 million from the German shipbuilding company Blohm + Voss. After the United Arab Emirates-owned Mar group announced that it would buy the majority of shares in the company, the Israeli defense establishment began to look into the potential outcomes of buying ships from an Arab-owned company.[25][26] It was later reported that Israel is was leaning towards producing 2 modified versions of the Sa'ar 5-class corvette domestically