اثيوبيا تنجح بإنتاج الكهرباء من سد النهضة

الله يهديك اخي, ماذا سيحقق العمل العسكري؟ مش ناقصين صدام جديد في المنطقه. بدون الدخول حتى في نقاش حول قدرة الدولة المصرية او استجابة المجتمع الدولي و شركاء اثيوبيا, كيف سيغيير اعطاب السد المعادلة الجديده؟ وهي ان اثيوبيا لها مطلق الحق في العمل التنموي على ارضها.

اذا كنت تجامل حبايبنا اعطني غمزه :)

يا ابني تنمية ايه وبتنجان ايه ؟ ينفع جارك يطلع يضرب نار عشوائيا من الشباك و انت تسكت احتراما لحق جارك فى الانبساط و الفرفشة ؟ اعقلوا الكلام والنبي
بدون مياه
والله يا اخي ، اعتقد ان الموضوع هيكون حرب تكسير عظام ، مصر اصبح لديها الامكانية للتحرك البري الان ضد اثيوبيا بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر ، دخول اطراف اخري في الصراع بجانب اثيوبيا في رأي أمر مستبعد ، ما اخشاه التربص لمصر بعقوبات دولية لوقف نموها الاقتصادي ، في اعتقادي لو تمادت اثيوبيا في عنادها ستدخل حرب مع السودان بعد تحرك سوداني لاسترداد باقي ارضيه من اثيوبيا بدعم مصري جوي وبري لان تدمير الجيش الاثيوبي قد يؤدي لتقسيم اثيوبيا خاصا التيجراي الذي اعلن بالفعل انفصاله عن الوطن الام من الجيد ان السد يقع علي اطراف الحدود الاثيوبية و ليس في العمق
بدون مياه النيل لن يكون هناك أى نمو اقتصادى
السد ده عشان اجيبه على الارض واساويه بالتراب لازم انزله على الارض مفيش ضربة جوية هتدمره نهائى الضربة الجوية هتخرجه من الخدمة وممكن تفشل ايضا وعشان كده متاكد اننا هننزله على الارض عشان تبقى العملية ناجحة بنسبة 1000% وسلاح المهندسين هيكون له دور فعال فى هذا الامر تذكروا سلاح المهندسييين سيين ;););)
ومين قال الضربه هتبقى جويه .. هو المهندسين العسكريين دارسين جدا مواصفات السد ودا كان وجهه الاعتراض ف المفاوضات .. من الاخر الجيش عنده علم بمواصفات الفنيه كلها للسد خلال المفاوضات وبالتالى ستستخدم عسكريا .. الحقيقه ان الأحباش وقعوا ف شر أعمالهم يوم ما شاركونا ف المواصفات الفنيه .. كان افضل يعملوه ويمضوا على قواعد تشغيل السد بدون اطلاع على مواصفاته
لو مستعدين هتسمع اخبار عن تفريغ بحيرات السدود على طول المجري وده محصلش لسه


جميل :)
لو مستعدين هتسمع اخبار عن تفريغ بحيرات السدود على طول المجري وده محصلش لسه

السودان صرف مياه سد الروصيرص و السد يستطيع حجز ٩ مليار متر مكعب من المياه ، يعني السودان يستطيع تخزين المياه القادمة من اثيوبيا حال اي كارثة او ضربة للسد
يا ابني تنمية ايه وبتنجان ايه ؟ ينفع جارك يطلع يضرب نار عشوائيا من الشباك و انت تسكت احتراما لحق جارك فى الانبساط و الفرفشة ؟ اعقلوا الكلام والنبي
نعم ينفع, اذا كان جارك زعيم عصابة و انت غلبان على قدك و عايش في دولة منفلته امنيا. وهو بكل اسف حال العالم اليوم. الحل انك تشتغل على روحك حتى لا تكون ملطشه للرايح و الجاي او تطلب عضوية في العصابه الى مسببالك رعب. اهم شيء لا تتحمس بزياده و تأخذ "الطبنجه" و تعمل فيها مسلسل مكسيكي, النهاية لن تكون سعيده.

مش اول مره تصير ولن تكون الاخيره, النزاعات المائية صداع في العالم كله.
نحن الان امام العد التنازلي
لا اتوقع تراجع اثوبيا عن عنادها
السودان فعليا فى حرب ساخنه بها دماء مع اثيوبيا
فعل مصر العلني سيتضح عند الملء ان شاء الله
نعم ينفع, اذا كان جارك زعيم عصابة و انت غلبان على قدك و عايش في دولة منفلته امنيا. وهو بكل اسف حال العالم اليوم. الحل انك تشتغل على روحك حتى لا تكون ملطشه للرايح و الجاي او تطلب عضوية في العصابه الى مسببالك رعب. اهم شيء لا تتحمس بزياده و تأخذ "الطبنجه" و تعمل فيها مسلسل مكسيكي, النهاية لن تكون سعيده.

مش اول مره تصير ولن تكون الاخيره, النزاعات المائية صداع في العالم كله.
بوتين قالها من يومين:

الناس يميلون لرؤية الآخرين كما يرون أنفسهم​

نعم ينفع, اذا كان جارك زعيم عصابة و انت غلبان على قدك و عايش في دولة منفلته امنيا. وهو بكل اسف حال العالم اليوم. الحل انك تشتغل على روحك حتى لا تكون ملطشه للرايح و الجاي او تطلب عضوية في العصابه الى مسببالك رعب. اهم شيء لا تتحمس بزياده و تأخذ "الطبنجه" و تعمل فيها مسلسل مكسيكي, النهاية لن تكون سعيده.

مش اول مره تصير ولن تكون الاخيره, النزاعات المائية صداع في العالم كله.
من هيا الدوله المنفلته أمنيا ؟
بوتين قالها من يومين:

الناس يميلون لرؤية الآخرين كما يرون أنفسهم​

يا ليت لو نراقب الناس في الموضوع هذا و نقارن بانفسنا, افضل بكثير من الامعان في الاوهام.
نحن الان امام العد التنازلي
لا اتوقع تراجع اثوبيا عن عنادها
السودان فعليا فى حرب ساخنه بها دماء مع اثيوبيا
فعل مصر العلني سيتضح عند الملء ان شاء الله
فى خلال أيام قليلة هنسمع عن خطوط حمر

Why Is Ethiopia at War​

With Itself?​

What led Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to conduct a military campaign in the Tigray region, and what are the potential consequences for Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa?


Flags representing the Tigray region of Ethiopia lining a wall in the Tigrayan city of Mekele. The region has experienced rising conflict with the federal government.

Flags representing the Tigray region of Ethiopia lining a wall in the Tigrayan city of Mekele. The region has experienced rising conflict with the federal government.Credit...Eduardo Soteras/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Declan WalshAbdi Latif Dahir
By Declan Walsh and Abdi Latif Dahir

  • Published Nov. 5, 2020Updated March 19, 2021

Here’s what you need to know:

Fighting has ravaged northern Ethiopia since early November when the government opened a military offensive against the ruling faction in the region of Tigray, starting a conflict that has caused thousands of deaths and widespread destruction, displaced over 2 million people, and sent tens of thousands of refugees into neighboring Sudan.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered the offensive on Nov. 4 after he accused the regional ruling party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, of attacking a government military base and trying to steal artillery and other weapons.
The conflict, the culmination of a long-simmering feud between the federal government and the T.P.L.F., came at a turbulent time for Ethiopia, Africa’s second-most populous nation. Mr. Abiy was already grappling with daunting economic and social challenges as he tried to steer the country through a volatile democratic transition.


Addis Ababa
By The New York Times

The war in Tigray has deepened ethnic tensions and created an immense humanitarian crisis, with 4.5 million people — most of Tigray’s population — in urgent need of assistance, United Nations and local officials say. The turmoil is spilling over Ethiopia’s borders into Eritrea and Sudan in a manner that could that could destabilize the entire Horn of Africa region.
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The United States has called for an independent investigation into numerous reports of looting and human rights abuses including sexual assault and attacks on refugee camps.
While the government has captured or killed dozens of fugitive T.P.L.F. leaders, many more remain at large. On Jan. 31, the T.P.L.F. leader and former president of Tigray, Debretsion Gebremichael, said the party was committed to “extended resistance,” raising the prospect of a long and brutal guerrilla war.
Here’s a look at why Tigray became a flash point in Ethiopia, and what the situation there means for the broader region.
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Why did Ethiopia’s prime minister launch an offensive in Tigray?


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia ordered a military offensive against the government of the country’s northern Tigray region, he said in a national address in November.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia ordered a military offensive against the government of the country’s northern Tigray region, he said in a national address in November.Credit...Ethiopia Broadcasting Coporation, via Reuters
Mr. Abiy has said that he wants to unify the country by increasing the federal government’s power and minimizing the autonomy of regional governments. But Tigray has openly resisted, and other regions and ethnic groups are uneasy with Mr. Abiy’s push for centralization.
The relationship between the two sides has been tense since 2018, when Mr. Abiy came to power in Ethiopia following nearly three decades of T.P.L.F.-dominated rule. The tensions erupted into open conflict in September after Tigray defied the federal government by going ahead with regional parliamentary elections, which had been postponed in other parts of Ethiopia because of the coronavirus pandemic. Ethiopian lawmakers voted to cut funding to the region in October, incensing Tigray leaders.
Mr. Abiy said the government’s offensive on Nov. 4 was in response to an attack early that morning by T.P.L.F.-controlled security forces on a military base in Tigray. Within hours, internet and phone communications had been shut down and his cabinet declared a six-month state of emergency in Tigray.
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As fighting erupted, Tigray officials declared that soldiers from the Northern Command of the Ethiopian military had defected and sided with them. Mr. Abiy bolstered his forces by deploying militia fighters from Amhara, a region south of Tigray, who swept into western Tigray amid accusations of attacks on civilians.
Initially, Mr. Abiy promised a swift, bloodless campaign. After his troops seized the regional capital, Mekelle, on Nov. 28, he said “we have completed and ceased the military operations.” But although federal forces quickly seized control of Tigray’s main towns, the T.P.L.F. and its armed supporters fled to rural and mountainous areas, where sporadic fighting continued through February.

Why is Tigray strategically important?


A parade marking the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, in Mekelle, in February.

A parade marking the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, in Mekelle, in February.Credit...Michael Tewelde/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The people of Tigray, the northernmost region of Ethiopia, make up perhaps 6 percent of the country’s 110 million people yet have enjoyed disproportionate power and influence for nearly three decades.
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After fighting the military dictatorship that ruled Ethiopia in the 1970s and 1980s, the T.P.L.F. swept to power in 1991 at the head of a ruling coalition known as the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front. The coalition, which consisted of four main parties, was largely split along ethnic and geographic lines, and it backed a federalist approach that gave significant power to Ethiopia’s regions.
Meles Zenawi, a Tigrayan, led Ethiopia from 1991 until his death in 2012, a period in which Ethiopia emerged as a stable country in a turbulent region and experienced significant economic growth. But political opponents were systematically repressed, free speech was curtailed and torture was commonplace in government detention centers.
Anti-government protests forced the T.P.L.F. to step down in 2018, paving the way for Mr. Abiy, a member of the Oromo ethnic group, to become prime minister. Soon after, Tigrayan politicians were purged from positions of power and some were charged with corruption or human-right abuses, opening a deep chasm between the Tigray region, governed by the T.P.L.F., and the federal government.
In Tigray, the T.P.L.F. controlled the regional government and an array of security forces that were estimated to number as many as 250,000 armed men, the International Crisis Group said at start of the war.
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How is Eritrea involved?

Eritrea quickly joined the war on the side of Ethiopia’s central government, firing artillery across the border then sending troops into Tigray, and many of the worst abuses in the region have been blamed on Eritrean soldiers.
In November the T.P.L.F. said it had fired rockets at major airports in Eritrea, as well as the Amhara region of Ethiopia.
Ethiopian officials deny any Eritrean role in the fighting, a claim contradicted by international observers. In late January the United States called for “all Eritrean troops to leave Tigray immediately.”
Eritrea was once a part of Ethiopia but became a separate nation in the early 1990s, after a 30-year war of independence. While the T.P.L.F. governed Ethiopia the two neighbors remained hostile, and fought another war from 1998 to 2000.
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But relations thawed after Mr. Abiy took office, and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, in large part for his efforts to make peace with Eritrea. Now Mr. Abiy and Eritrea’s longtime, authoritarian ruler, Isaias Afwerki, have joined forces against a common adversary, the T.P.L.F.

How is this conflict affecting Ethiopia and its neighbors?


Buildings burned by protesters after the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, a prominent Oromo singer. Mr. Abiy is also confronting challenges from his own Oromo ethnic community.

Buildings burned by protesters after the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, a prominent Oromo singer. Mr. Abiy is also confronting challenges from his own Oromo ethnic community.Credit...Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Until recently Ethiopia, a close American military ally, was seen as the strategic linchpin of the volatile Horn of Africa. But as the Tigray conflict drags on, analysts worry Ethiopia might become a source of instability.
Continued restrictions on communication in Tigray and a ban on most journalists have made it hard to get an accurate picture of the situation.
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But Western officials estimate that thousands have died in the fighting, and in early January an Ethiopian official said 2.2 million people had fled their homes. About 60,000 people have crossed the border into Sudan, according to the United Nations.
Even before the fight, Tigray was home to as many as 200,000 refugees and internally displaced people, according to U.N. agencies. Fighting raged in two of the biggest refugee camps in January, causing the residents to flee, aid groups say; their fate is unknown.
The handful of international aid groups allowed into Tigray have reported severe shortages of food, water and medicine, and warn that the full extent of the crisis is hard to know because they cannot reach many areas.
Mr. Abiy’s government was already facing grave challenges on multiple fronts. Besides battling the pandemic and working to bolster a debt-laden economy, he is confronting disaffection within his own Oromo ethnic community, where many say they do not see much progress despite his promises. The government is also contending with violent tensions in the Benishangul-Gumuz region where at least 80 people died in an explosion of ethnic violence on Jan. 12, the latest of several such incidents over the past year.
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A general election is scheduled for June 5 in Ethiopia, but analysts question whether a credible vote is possible given the political and military turmoil. Even so, Mr. Abiy is pressing ahead with ambitious economic reforms including the planned creation of Ethiopia’s first stock market and the privatization of the state-dominated telecommunications sector.

What has Mr. Abiy done since coming to power?


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia has come under criticism for repressive tactics against opposition leaders.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia has come under criticism for repressive tactics against opposition leaders.Credit...Eduardo Soteras/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
At 44, Mr. Abiy is among the youngest and most closely watched leaders in Africa.
The son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, he promised transformative change after taking office in 2018. He freed political prisoners, welcomed exiles home from abroad, made peace with Eritrea, and helped mediate conflicts in Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia.
Aiming to heal the country’s ethnic divisions, in 2019 he launched the Prosperity Party, which included many previously excluded ethnic groups — but shut out the T.P.L.F. Other ethnically-based regional parties also resisted Mr. Abiy, demanding greater autonomy from the federal government.
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The security forces responded to protests and unrest by detaining thousands of opposition figures, and have faced accusations of killing hundreds of people. As criticism of Mr. Abiy mounted, he resorted to old tactics like shutting down the internet and arresting journalists.
Jawar Mohammed, the prime minister’s biggest challenger, who hails from the same Oromo community, is currently in prison facing terrorism and treason charges.
Mr. Abiy is also engaged in a high-profile standoff with Egypt over a hydroelectric dam that Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile, which will be the largest in Africa when completed.
The Nobel Peace Prize committee on Nov. 17 issued a rare — if tacit — rebuke of one of its honorees.
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“The Norwegian Nobel Committee follows the developments in Ethiopia closely, and is deeply concerned,” it said in a statement.
Simon Marks contributed reporting from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Eric Nagourney from New York.

الله يهديك اخي, ماذا سيحقق العمل العسكري؟ مش ناقصين صدام جديد في المنطقه. بدون الدخول حتى في نقاش حول قدرة الدولة المصرية او استجابة المجتمع الدولي و شركاء اثيوبيا, كيف سيغيير اعطاب السد المعادلة الجديده؟ وهي ان اثيوبيا لها مطلق الحق في العمل التنموي على ارضها.

اذا كنت تجامل حبايبنا اعطني غمزه :)

لا ابدا والله لا أجامل اطلاقا
بل أعي تماما خطورة الوضع
انت لا تعرف معني ان يكون ١٣٠ مليون انسان عربي مهددين بالعطش لان حبشي آبق يريد ذلك
الأمر اخي الكريم تجاوز مرحلة تعدد الخيارات
إذا أصرت إثيوبيا علي موقفها فهي الحرب لا محالة

تحرير إقليم بني شنقول السوداني بالكامل
وتفكيك السد هذا الأمر الذي بدونه العطش للدولتين المصرية و السودانية

مدير سد النهضة: المصريون لم يساهموا بقطرة في مياه النيل​

الاثنين 22 مارس 2021 02:43 م
شن المدير العام لتنسيق المشاركة العامة لبناء "سد النهضة" الإثيوبي، "أريجاوي بيرهي" هجوما على مصر، معتبرا أن "المصريين لم يساهموا بقطرة في مياه النيل بينما الإثيوبيون صاحبو المورد يعانون الفقر، وحان الوقت لعكس هذا الأمر".
وقال "بيرهي" إن الضغوطات الدولية الأخيرة على إثيوبيا في مسألة "سد النهضة" جاءت بسبب "النفوذ الدبلوماسي الطويل لمصر".
وأضاف، في مقابلة مع وكالة الأنباء الإثيوبية: "حتى لو لم يساهم المصريون بقطرة واحدة من مياه نهر النيل، فقد سيطروا على الزاوية الدبلوماسية لسنوات بينما نحن الذين نمتلك المورد نعاني من الفقر".

اقرأ أيضاً
مصر: لن نقبل إجراءات أحادية إثيوبية بخصوص ملء سد النهضة

وشدد "بيرهي" على أن الوقت قد حان لعكس هذه الاتجاهات، مضيفًا أن "المفتاح في أيدينا. يجب أن نكون متحدين. انتصار العدوة هو مثال بسيط لما يمكن أن يفعله الإثيوبيون عندما يتحدون".
وأكد أنه "إذا توحد كل الإثيوبيين في الداخل والخارج، فيمكن تصحيح الروايات الكاذبة التي قدمتها مصر عن سد النهضة الإثيوبي الكبير لبعض المؤسسات الدولية"، على حد قوله.
واختتم بقوله: "المفتاح هو تعاوننا ووحدتنا ودبلوماسيتنا الاستراتيجية. وبصراحة، لم نبذل أقصى الجهود على الجبهة الدبلوماسية".
وفي السياق ذاته، عقد رئيس الوزراء الإثيوبي "آبي أحمد" اجتماعا مع قيادة الجيش، وفقا لما نقلته وكالة الأنباء الإثيوبية.
وعبر "آبي أحمد" عن اعتزازه بما يقوم به الجيش من حماية للسلام والسيادة في البلاد.
وتؤكد إثيوبيا مضيها قدما في تجهيزات الملء الثاني لـ"سد النهضة"، في حين ترفض مصر والسودان الأمر، معتبرة أنه محاولة لإقرار سياسة الأمر الواقع.
وتحاول مصر بلورة وساطة دولية في الأزمة، بينما ترى إثيوبيا أنه لا ضرورة لوساطة جديدة بعيدا عن الاتحاد الأفريقي.
