ترمب عن صفقة الأسلحة السعودية: إدارتي تحاول تسهيل الصفقات حين يريدون شراء مقاتلات بمليارات الدولارات


صقور الدفاع
22 أبريل 2016
34,845 724 1
Saudi Arabia
عاجل | ترمب عن صفقة الأسلحة #السعودية: إدارتي تحاول تسهيل الصفقات حين يريدون شراء مقاتلات بمليارات الدولارات
These photos of F-35s engulfed by a sand storm are out of this ...

:unsure: :unsure:
الله ياخذ ابليس مرزوقة وابو قحط تونا ندري عن الخبر من امس
وبالولاية الثانية التقنيات النووية اللي ماشافت النور للحين ?
قالو الحلب ههههه والمملكة تحصل على اخر ما غنت ام كلثوم هم يحصلون على السيد قرد شخصيا هههه اللهم زد من حلبنا
الاف35 تنادي ..

لا تلقوا بالا لعبارات مثل الحلب وغيره من الترهات الصادر من المفلسين .
التعديل الأخير:
مبروك عليكم الحلب?
اعتقد لو تمت يكون العقد على الاقل١٠٠مقاتله
تحسبا لتغير الاداره الامريكيه فيما بعد
تكون اشتريت وخلصت وريحت دماغك
اذا اردناها سنحصل عليها ان شاء الله ولاننسى ان اضخم صفقه عسكريه مع امريكا تم توقيعها في عهد اوباما
المصدر نسيت ارفقه
K @khalaf المنقذ ? ?
“Now I don’t know anything about the investigation, but you’re just telling me about walking a dog and what did you say, doing dishes?” Trump asked, to which the reporter replied, “Saudi arms deals, sir.”

“What Saudi arms deals? Explain,” Trump shot back.

“Congress passed a law to restrict sales to Saudi Arabia over certain arms over their use in the Yemeni crisis. So the question is whether Secretary Pompeo tried to subvert the deal with actions he may have taken,” the reporter replied.

President Trump said, “I don’t think so,” before launching into a defense of selling arms to other countries anyway.

“I mean I think when somebody pays us a fortune for arms we should get the deal done. I will tell you that. I don’t know what you’re talking about, I know this, that we have countries that want to buy our arms and we make it so difficult for them that they end up going to Russia and China, and under my administration, if they’re friendly countries, I try and make it as easy as possible,” he explained. “If they want to buy our fighter jets and if they want to give us billions and billions of dollars, and they have other alternatives including China, Russia, and others, I think we should make it as easy as possible for them and we should take the jobs and take the money, because it’s billions of dollars.”
شكل الموضوع يبي يصير نشط
لا تفوتون الليلة وكل الليالي الباقية قم تهجد وانت ماسك القرآن بيدك اذا ماتحفظ
10 ركعات و 11 وتر وبعد الركوع ادع

وليال عشر ❤
المصدر نسيت ارفقه
K @khalaf المنقذ ? ?
“Now I don’t know anything about the investigation, but you’re just telling me about walking a dog and what did you say, doing dishes?” Trump asked, to which the reporter replied, “Saudi arms deals, sir.”

“What Saudi arms deals? Explain,” Trump shot back.

“Congress passed a law to restrict sales to Saudi Arabia over certain arms over their use in the Yemeni crisis. So the question is whether Secretary Pompeo tried to subvert the deal with actions he may have taken,” the reporter replied.

President Trump said, “I don’t think so,” before launching into a defense of selling arms to other countries anyway.

“I mean I think when somebody pays us a fortune for arms we should get the deal done. I will tell you that. I don’t know what you’re talking about, I know this, that we have countries that want to buy our arms and we make it so difficult for them that they end up going to Russia and China, and under my administration, if they’re friendly countries, I try and make it as easy as possible,” he explained. “If they want to buy our fighter jets and if they want to give us billions and billions of dollars, and they have other alternatives including China, Russia, and others, I think we should make it as easy as possible for them and we should take the jobs and take the money, because it’s billions of dollars.”

أبو ايفانكا كفو

حتى ستيف لينيك المفتش العام بوزارة الخارجية طيره لانه كان معترض و يحقق بخصوص قرار ترامب عن صفقات الأسلحة مع السعودية :LOL: