مبروك مصر تتسلم الفرقاطة FREMM تحت اسم ((تحيا مصر ))

بعد البحت تبين أن الفريم تحمل نوعين

نظام NETTUNO-4100 ECM و يوجود على جانبي الفريم و حسب ما قرأت غير متاح للتصدير و هو غير موجود أيضا بالفريم المغربية


و نظام R-ESM أخر فوق يسمى VIGILE 400 من شركة THALES


وانتهى الجدال اخيرا
النظام المنزوع اصلا غير متاح للتصدير
ياما خاص بحلف الناتو وتم نزعه
شكرا اخى الشهيد
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
بعد البحت تبين أن الفريم تحمل نوعين

نظام NETTUNO-4100 ECM و يوجود على جانبي الفريم و حسب ما قرأت غير متاح للتصدير و هو غير موجود أيضا بالفريم المغربية


و نظام R-ESM أخر فوق يسمى VIGILE 400 من شركة THALES

ال nettuno غير موجود
وكنت اعتقد انه متاح للتصدير
وايضا كنت اعتقد ان النظامين يعملان مع بعضهما ال nettuno و ال vagile 400
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
بعد البحت تبين أن الفريم تحمل نوعين

نظام NETTUNO-4100 ECM و يوجود على جانبي الفريم و حسب ما قرأت غير متاح للتصدير و هو غير موجود أيضا بالفريم المغربية


و نظام R-ESM أخر فوق يسمى VIGILE 400 من شركة THALES


ياريت مشكورا توضحلنا دور النظامين والفرق بينهم ؟
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
ال nettuno غير موجود
وكنت اعتقد انه متاح للتصدير
وايضا كنت اعتقد ان النظامين يعملان مع بعضهما ال nettuno و ال vagile 400

هم فعلا يعملان ضمن منظومة شاملة

The ECM equipment of the Aquitaine class is very advanced offering a range of high fidelity jamming techniques designed to counter long range search radars, target acquisition radars and missile radars operating in both their search and locked-on modes. It includes a Thales VIGILE ESM/ELINT system, a Thales TSB 3520 ATC & IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder and two SIGEN EW systems combining Thales ESM sensors and Electronica NETTUNO 4100 electronic jammers for active electronic defence.
طب خلصنا من الحوار ده
فيه كام خليه اطلاق راسى جايه بيهم الفريم المصريه؟؟؟
16 بس؟؟
محمد السادس اهى


ال R-ECM هو radar electronic support measures زى ما كنت بقول يجدعان
لا لا
دا حاجة ودا حاجة
ولكن الاتنين بيكملو بعض
يعنى ال ECM ميشتغلش الا بعد ما ESM يكشف التهديد مباشرة
ال ESM كشف التهديدات وتحديدها
ال ECM التشويش عليها والاعاقة

Electronic Warfare
Thales, in collaboration with the Thales-Elettronica joint venture Sigen, is supplying FREMM with the latest generation electronic warfare. Thales is equipping the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) that allow the frigate to anticipate threats before it can be detected, as well as to optimise its situation awareness and to gather intelligence.

This groundbreaking system incorporates key operational features such as very high sensitivity, very high accuracy direction finding and broadband digital receivers. These sensors include Radar ESM and Communications ESM, providing early detection and immediate threat warning. They also contribute to tactical situation awareness by identifying emitters, reporting new activity and generating signals intelligence in real time.

Sigen, via Elettronica, is also supplying the jamming and decoying system. The Radar ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) is the soft kill solution to defeat hostile emitters. This active system contributes to point and wide area defence, and can decoy and attract incoming missiles away from their targets.

- See more at:
الفرق هنا فحاجة واحدة
ان النيتونو مكانه فيجيل
لا لا
دا حاجة ودا حاجة
ولكن الاتنين بيكملو بعض
يعنى ال ECM ميشتغلش الا بعد ما ESM يكشف التهديد مباشرة
ال ESM كشف التهديدات وتحديدها
ال ECM التشويش عليها والاعاقة

Electronic Warfare
Thales, in collaboration with the Thales-Elettronica joint venture Sigen, is supplying FREMM with the latest generation electronic warfare. Thales is equipping the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) that allow the frigate to anticipate threats before it can be detected, as well as to optimise its situation awareness and to gather intelligence.

This groundbreaking system incorporates key operational features such as very high sensitivity, very high accuracy direction finding and broadband digital receivers. These sensors include Radar ESM and Communications ESM, providing early detection and immediate threat warning. They also contribute to tactical situation awareness by identifying emitters, reporting new activity and generating signals intelligence in real time.

Sigen, via Elettronica, is also supplying the jamming and decoying system. The Radar ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) is the soft kill solution to defeat hostile emitters. This active system contributes to point and wide area defence, and can decoy and attract incoming missiles away from their targets.

- See more at:
الفرق هنا فحاجة واحدة
ان النيتونو مكانه فيجيل

صححتلى حاجه مهمه جدا يتوبو ....شكررررررررررا
طب ال NETTUNO اتشال ...هنحط مكانه ايه عشان يكمل عمل المنظومه الالكترونيه؟؟
هم فعلا يعملان ضمن منظومة شاملة

The ECM equipment of the Aquitaine class is very advanced offering a range of high fidelity jamming techniques designed to counter long range search radars, target acquisition radars and missile radars operating in both their search and locked-on modes. It includes a Thales VIGILE ESM/ELINT system, a Thales TSB 3520 ATC & IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder and two SIGEN EW systems combining Thales ESM sensors and Electronica NETTUNO 4100 electronic jammers for active electronic defence.
الاعتقادانهم يعملون مع بعضهم البعض كنسخ تصديرية
لكنفىالخدمةالفرنسيةهم يعملون سويا
وربنا انتم كرهتونى فى ام الفريم من كتر الجدل عليها
لا لا
دا حاجة ودا حاجة
ولكن الاتنين بيكملو بعض
يعنى ال ECM ميشتغلش الا بعد ما ESM يكشف التهديد مباشرة
ال ESM كشف التهديدات وتحديدها
ال ECM التشويش عليها والاعاقة

Electronic Warfare
Thales, in collaboration with the Thales-Elettronica joint venture Sigen, is supplying FREMM with the latest generation electronic warfare. Thales is equipping the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) that allow the frigate to anticipate threats before it can be detected, as well as to optimise its situation awareness and to gather intelligence.

This groundbreaking system incorporates key operational features such as very high sensitivity, very high accuracy direction finding and broadband digital receivers. These sensors include Radar ESM and Communications ESM, providing early detection and immediate threat warning. They also contribute to tactical situation awareness by identifying emitters, reporting new activity and generating signals intelligence in real time.

Sigen, via Elettronica, is also supplying the jamming and decoying system. The Radar ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) is the soft kill solution to defeat hostile emitters. This active system contributes to point and wide area defence, and can decoy and attract incoming missiles away from their targets.

- See more at:
الفرق هنا فحاجة واحدة
ان النيتونو مكانه فيجيل
طيب كدة المنظومه ناقصه
هنشوش ازاى​
سكوربيون 2 من شركة تاليس وهو موجود ايضا علي الكورفيت جوينت القادم للبحريه المصريه
طيب كدة المنظومه ناقصه
هنشوش ازاى​

شوف الحتة دى
Thales VIGILE 400 is part of a family of latest generation Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems tailored for all Naval platforms, both surface and submarine

The VIGILE 400 system offers high sensitivity, wideband detection of all emitters in the C-J radar bands. The wide-open architecture provides 360° coverage and 100% probability of intercept. Furthermore, the system includes a 500MHz wide digital receiver which provides an enhanced ELINT function, enabling Fine Grain Analysis of intra-pulse characteristics.

The digital receiver also provides increased sensitivity over the core VIGILE system, allowing for detection of LPI emitters, and higher accuracy parametric measurements which allows for improved identification precision.

Also included is a set of phase interferometer antennas, providing a very high accuracy Direction Finding capability in the E-J frequency band

The system provides real-time, multiple, instantaneous, radar acquisition handling up to 500 tracks. Also, adaptable library generation by flexible programming and “on-task” modification / updating capability to maximise the ability to cope with new tactical situations is provided.

When coupled with the Scorpion 2 ECM, this system provides a powerful EW suite capable of responding to any radar threat with very low-latency.
عندما يتم دمج منظومة الفيجيل مع الاسكوربيون ستتكون منظومة حرب الكترونية قوية قادرة على الاستجابة لأى تهديد بطريقة شديدة الخمول .
مش عارف قصدهم هنا ان هو دا التشويش ولا قطع اللوك عن السفينة عن طريق الخمول دا

شوف الحتة دى
Thales VIGILE 400 is part of a family of latest generation Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems tailored for all Naval platforms, both surface and submarine

The VIGILE 400 system offers high sensitivity, wideband detection of all emitters in the C-J radar bands. The wide-open architecture provides 360° coverage and 100% probability of intercept. Furthermore, the system includes a 500MHz wide digital receiver which provides an enhanced ELINT function, enabling Fine Grain Analysis of intra-pulse characteristics.

The digital receiver also provides increased sensitivity over the core VIGILE system, allowing for detection of LPI emitters, and higher accuracy parametric measurements which allows for improved identification precision.

Also included is a set of phase interferometer antennas, providing a very high accuracy Direction Finding capability in the E-J frequency band

The system provides real-time, multiple, instantaneous, radar acquisition handling up to 500 tracks. Also, adaptable library generation by flexible programming and “on-task” modification / updating capability to maximise the ability to cope with new tactical situations is provided.

When coupled with the Scorpion 2 ECM, this system provides a powerful EW suite capable of responding to any radar threat with very low-latency.
عندما يتم دمج منظومة الفيجيل مع الاسكوربيون ستتكون منظومة حرب الكترونية قوية قادرة على الاستجابة لأى تهديد بطريقة شديدة الخمول .
مش عارف قصدهم هنا ان هو دا التشويش ولا قطع اللوك عن السفينة عن طريق الخمول دا

تقريبا نفس المعنى