The M16/M4 Conversion kit is the most effective method to extend the service life of the M16A1, one of the most widely-available rifles in the world. Once converted, the M16A1 becomes equal in quality to the Advanced M4 carbine. The conversion kit was designed, developed and manufactured by JAWS to facilitate the updating of the M16A1 rifles in service by the Jordan Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies in Jordan. Converted rifles were tested by KADDB Test and Evaluation Center, reflecting and compliant with the American Military Standard No.Mil-C-71186.
- تصبح M16A1 متساوية في الجودة مع الحديث M4.
- تم استخدامها من قبل القوات المسلحة الاردنية و القوات الشرطية في الاردن .
- متوافقة مع المعايير القياسية الأمريكية العسكرية No.Mil-C-71186.
# المواصفات
Caliber 5.56 x 45 mm
Operation Gas
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Cartridge SS109,M193 Cartridge
Feed 30 rounds per magazine
Rate of Fire 700- 950 RPM
Muzzle Velocity 884 m/s (SS109 Cartridge)
Effective Range 450 m
Twist Rate 1:7
Front Sight Adjustable for Elevation
Rear Sight Foldable Backup Sight
Barrel Length 14.5 inch
Barrel Treatment Chrome plate from inside
Expected Life of Barrel 6000 rounds
Wight (complete rifle , empty magazine) 2.83 kg
Length (complete rifle) 785 - 865 mm