أخبار الصفقة الفرنسية المصرية (رافال +فريم )

مبارك لدولة مصر العربية الشقيقة صفقاتها الرائعة وان شاء الله من تقدم الى اخر بدون توقف.

اكثر واحد سيفرح بهذه الصفقة هو مارشال .....:D خاض حروبا عديدة من اجل الميكا وال aasm على مدى سنوات والان جائوا بانفسهم له .
مبارك لدولة مصر العربية الشقيقة صفقاتها الرائعة وان شاء الله من تقدم الى اخر بدون توقف.

اكثر واحد سيفرح بهذه الصفقة هو مارشال .....:D خاض حروبا عديدة من اجل الميكا وال aasm على مدى سنوات والان جائوا بانفسهم له .
هو فين غايب بقالة مده.. لعل المانع خير
Friday the Egyptian delegation was left with pocket an agreement for the sale of 24 Rafale, six copies could be taken from the fleet of the Air Force, a multi-mission frigate FREMM - instead of two as initially planned - and missiles for both platforms in the amount of about € 5.6 billion: $ 3.5 billion for fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation, 1 billion for the warship (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition) and 1.1 billion for missiles (Mica, Scalp Naval ...). , the second FREMM anti-submarine warfare, which was intended for the French Navy and is in the process of making the final preparations for its combat system. Changes are planned to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy.
Friday the Egyptian delegation was left with pocket an agreement for the sale of 24 Rafale, six copies could be taken from the fleet of the Air Force, a multi-mission frigate FREMM - instead of two as initially planned - and missiles for both platforms in the amount of about € 5.6 billion: $ 3.5 billion for fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation, 1 billion for the warship (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition) and 1.1 billion for missiles (Mica, Scalp Naval ...). , the second FREMM anti-submarine warfare, which was intended for the French Navy and is in the process of making the final preparations for its combat system. Changes are planned to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy.

كنت لسه رايح انشره
اخدنا السكالب
Friday the Egyptian delegation was left with pocket an agreement for the sale of 24 Rafale, six copies could be taken from the fleet of the Air Force, a multi-mission frigate FREMM - instead of two as initially planned - and missiles for both platforms in the amount of about € 5.6 billion: $ 3.5 billion for fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation, 1 billion for the warship (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition) and 1.1 billion for missiles (Mica, Scalp Naval ...). , the second FREMM anti-submarine warfare, which was intended for the French Navy and is in the process of making the final preparations for its combat system. Changes are planned to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy.
سكالب نافال
الاسكالب نافال سعر الصاروخ 3.5 مليون دولار تقريبا ما يوازي 3 مليون يورو اظن من قيمه التسليح اننا حصلنا علي عدد محترم لن يقل عن 50 صاروخ
اوبااااااااااااااااااااااااا النافال جااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااي ...... اجري يا مجدييييييي ..... هوا انا تقريبا عرفت اخ مارشال فين ، هوا في مكان انتظار الرافال مش بعيد يكون واقف عند خط التجميع بفرنسا و حيطير بنفسو بيها و يجي هههههه
Friday the Egyptian delegation was left with pocket an agreement for the sale of 24 Rafale, six copies could be taken from the fleet of the Air Force, a multi-mission frigate FREMM - instead of two as initially planned - and missiles for both platforms in the amount of about € 5.6 billion: $ 3.5 billion for fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation, 1 billion for the warship (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition) and 1.1 billion for missiles (Mica, Scalp Naval ...). , the second FREMM anti-submarine warfare, which was intended for the French Navy and is in the process of making the final preparations for its combat system. Changes are planned to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy.

كنت متوقع ده بنسبة كبيرة جدا

الشهيد صدام حسين @الشهيد صدام حسين
صقر الامارات @كاميكازي الامارات

يا حلاوة يا حلاوة هههه

Scalp Naval مرة واحدة

"Yesterday (Tuesday), they sent us questions. We are currently working on the responses we going to do," said the source told AFP, without elaborating on the nature of the issues.

"It takes several days of work. It should not be a conclusion of an agreement this week," is it added the same source.

The trading is suspended on a green light of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and will require "several more days of dialogue," said Tuesday the French Ministry of Defense.

طب سؤال ولاهي مش كده افترا :D:D .. اصل مين حيقرب من الساحل بعد كده في ظل ماسورة الاخبار دي ... ساحل الشور بتاعو عليه باستيون بصوارخ ياخنوت 300 كلم تقريبا .. و مظله س300 V4
350 كلم ... و في البحر فريم بقدرات مدى راداريه من نفس المعيار ... و دفاعيه جويه ايضا ... و سكالب نافال و مش حنحط مدى يا عم عشان الحسد او الخطيئه ... و باذن الله كام رافال تمسي ما بين التلاته طلبات الدليفيري .. لحد كده و من غير مناقشة حجات كتييييييييييييير تانيه :D:D:D .. ليه بقى يا سيادة الريس اصل كدا حرام قولي بس مين مزعلك .. و بعيدا عن السخريه موقف بحري رائع لو تم انشاء الله ... فاضل منصه حامله كا قطعه بحرية و مش عايز غواصات يا عم الحمد لله :D
لكن يمكن التعاون مع الصين في هذا الامر حيث قاموا بتعمير بعض القاذفات الخاصه بهم من التي يو 16 وقاموا بتحويلها الي تانكر
فعلا الصين عملت كده ;)
وده اللى كنت عاوز اوصل له :)
وكنت عاوز اعرف الزهايمر سرح ولا لسه فيه ربع شغال :D:D