كلمة حق
الاف 15 سايلنت ايجل ( كاملة المواصفات غير منقوصة شيئا ) اراها خيار راااائع ( سرعة , حمولة , مميزات , طلاء رام , حاويات اسلحة , حرف الذيل , تحسينات محرك الخ.. ) واتمناها لبلدي الامارات العربية المتحدة ولكن!!
1- الاف 15 SE ( الـSilent Eagle ) في اساسها عبارة عن Kit تطويري للاف 15 العتيقة لاطالة عمرها اكثر ..وقد احسنت بوينج في ذلك ,, ولكن , رأى الكوريون الجنوبيون ان حرف الذيل يؤثر على اداء الطائرة العام كما انه لا يحقق الهدف منه ( تقليص RCS الطائرة ) حتى طلاء الرام الماص لاشعة الرادار .. قال فيه احد المراكز البحثية الكورية الجنوبية انه لا يضمن تقليل البصمة الرادارية ويعزو السبب في ذلك الى الـ Air frame وكون المقاتلة اساسا لم تبنى لتتبنى خصائص الخفاء منذ التصميم الاول لها .
2- بدون الذيل المائل , ستبقى المقاتلة غير قادرة على خفض الRCS من الجوانب .
3- بحسب المسؤول في المركز البحثي الكوري الجنوبي - وهنا اقتبس مع الترجمة مباشرة - بصورة عامة , الفرق بين الذيل المستقيم والذيل المائل ليس له تأثير على المقطع الرادري للطائره RCS .
Big question mark on F-15 SE
By Kang Seung-woo
Despite gaining sole eligibility to sign the 8.3-trillion-won ($7.45 billion) deal to supply Korea with next-generation fighter jets, Boeing still has to answer some critical questions about its F-15 Silent Eagle.
They include whether it can meet operational needs to counter potential threats from North Korea and other countries flexing their military muscle.
In order to get the name tag of “1970s’ aircraft” off its back, the U.S. aerospace giant has said it will add several improvements, including a stealth capability, but they do not seem enough to quiet critics, who question if the concept fighter jet is the best option.
In the “next-generation” fighter jet program, the Silent Eagle won out over the F-35 Lightning II from Lockheed Martin and the Eurofighter Tranche 3 Typhoon from the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) two weeks ago and it will be put before the top defense decision-making committee in mid-September following a comprehensive assessment of all the jets.
What is the biggest criticism of the Silent Eagle is whether it will be difficult to detect. The Air Force is pursuing stealth fighter jets that can pass through North Korea’s integrated air defense systems. Boeing is offering a “stealthified” version of the successful F-15E Strike Eagle, featuring a conformal weapons bay (CWB) and radar-absorbent material.
“The F-15 was not designed as a stealth jet from the beginning. The design for a stealth jet is different from that of a non-stealth aircraft. In addition, it does not fully guarantee low-detection if the airframe is treated with a radar-absorbent material,” said Lee Hee-woo, president of the ILS Research Institute.
The Chicago-based Boeing had also pitched canted tail fins as one of the key stealth-enhancing features, but Korean investment is required to do so.
“Without tilting the vertical tails, the aircraft will not be able to reduce its radar cross section (RCS) from the side,” said Shin In-kyun, president of the Korea Defense Network.
“In addition, the CWB is not expected to perform as well as touted, either.”
Given that the Silent Eagle has yet to be produced or secure a single major order, he added that the Air Force will need a comparatively higher operational cost due to the lack of economies of scale.
Lee, a former Air Force general, is also concerned that the combat plane is a paper concept. In order to evaluate the Silent Eagle, DAPA staff carried out test flights with an aircraft similar to it in terms of performance. “What if the Silent Eagle would not be able to perform as well as the tests? That is why we should not have test flights with a concept airplane,” he said.
Kim Dae-young, senior research fellow at KODEF, said, “In general, the difference in canted tails and vertical tails do not have an effect on a fighters RCS reduction. It is wrong to dub a plane a ‘paper plane’ as these fighters continuously develop, such as the F-15K being used by the ROKAF. The F-15SE and its technology has also evolved from the F-15 family and is a totally different, developed version of the F-15 than that of the past.”
Boeing sold a total of 60 F-15K Slam Eagles, an advanced derivative of the F-15E, through the first two phases of the F-X competition on the back of its large and diverse weapons payload and range.
But the proposal of the stealthy variant removes the fighter’s unique selling points.
According to Boeing, CWBs on each side of the aircraft allow it to carry weapons internally and, more importantly, do not give away the Silent Eagle’s position to radar.
“Due to the introduction of CWB, the Silent Eagle is limited in loading various weapons,” said Yang Uk, a senior research fellow at the Korea Defense and Security Forum.
“Rather than purchasing the Silent Eagle, Korea should perhaps choose the F-15K, equipped with a cutting-edge radar.”
There is also a growing need for Korea to compete with neighboring countries that will have stealth aircraft in a few years time — Japan has already signed a contract to buy 42 F-35s, while China is aggressively seeking to boost its strength by developing its own stealth jets.
“Like Japan and China, Korea needs to own stealth jets as part of war deterrence,” said a military official.
هذه المعلومات نشرتها صحيفة كوريا تايمز
نعود للامارات العربية المتحدة
الامارات حريصة على الحصول على النفاذ للتكنولوجيا في المقاتلة ( والامريكيون من اصعب الناس في هذه الجزئية ,, قد يتساهلون ان موّلت برنامجا تطويريا كاملا ,, لكن كزبون دخلت المحل للتو للشراء .. Forget it )
الامارات بلا شك سترغب بباكج نقل تكنولوجيا ومشاركة صناعية في المشروع لتلبية طموحاتها الصناعية في المجال الدفاعي .. فهل ستوافق امريكا .. اشك !
هذه بعض المقتطفات حول الاف 15 النسر الخفي ولماذا هناك شكوك ( من وجهة النظر الكورية الجنوبية ) في بقائيتها امام تحديات الجيل القادم