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"Unique in the world" ...
27 November
, 16:22
Alex Alikin
Yabhon. Photo:
The UAE is about to end development of a heavy hammer drone, which will compete with the U.S. Global Hawk
الامارات على وشك انهاء تطوير الطائرة بدون طيار ( المطرقة الثقيله ) والتي ستنافس الجلوبال هوك الامريكية
Adopted the Air Force of the United Arab Emirates will soon be a new shock drone - the largest of the Emirates created MIC
writes military publication Jane's
Group. Russia showed interest in buying the previous model in the series.
Yabhon was represented at the air show in Dubai. The apparatus is designed local military-industrial company ADCOM Systems. The creators of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) called his rival RQ-4 Global Hawk American corporation Northrop Grumman.
Wingspan Global Yabhon is 26 m, length - 18 m, height - 5 m to reduce the weight of his body is made of composite materials based on carbon fiber. Weight drone without load - 3.5 tonnes,
while it can carry up to 6.5 tons of payload. UAV in flight can be up to 40 hours without refueling.
الطائرة تستطيع حمل 6.5 طن ( من قبل , اخطأت وقلت 6 طن ) وتستطيع الطيران لمدة 40 ساعة بدون اعادة التزود بالوقود
According to the chief designer of the project, Ali al-Daher, Global Yabhon even more advanced than the American drone, which it is compared.
علي الظاهري : طائرة جلوبال يبهون اكثر تطورا من الطائرة الامريكية والتي يقارنوها بها ..
"With a maximum lifting weight of 10 tons of our UAV can carry a lot more than the Global Hawk.Additionally, Global Hawk is equipped with only two opto-electronic (infrared) and radar surveillance systems, Global Yabhon has opto-electronic system and external load 18 knots, "- said the chief designer.
وزن اقلاع اقصى يصل لـ 10 طن , فان جلوبال يبهون تستطيع حمل اكثر من حمولة جلوبال هوك بكثير , واضافة لذلك , الجلوبال هوك مزودة بجهازي مستشعرات ( كهروبصري . بالاشعة تحت الحمراء , ونظام رادار للاستطلاع ) , جلوبال يبهون لديها نظام كهروبصري وحمولة خارجية ..
On the fuselage of the aircraft and its rear wing has attachment points for 18 different types of weapons. On the model shown at the air show, were two small missiles "air - surface» Namrod, two cruise missiles Yabhon Thunder with a radius of 240 km and two torpedoes.
ان بدن طائرتنا واجنحتها الخلفية لديهما نقاط تعليق بعدد 18 لمختلف انواع الاسلحة . في النموذج المعروض في المعرض , كان هناك صاروخين صغيرين من نوع نمرود ( جو ارض ) , صاروخين كروز من نوع يبهون ثندر بمدى 240 كم وعدد 2 طوربيدات .
All ammunition, except torpedoes Italian production, produced the most ADCOM Systems. The company also is developing its own torpedoes that will be compatible with the Global Yabhon, said al-Daher. Designer said that tests "fully equipped" device will begin in six months.
جميع الذخائر ( باستثناء الطوربيدات , والتي هي صناعة ايطالية ) مصنعة في ادكوم للانظمة , والشركة ايضا تطوّر طوربيداتها الخاصة والتي ستكون متوائمه مع الجلوبال يبهون , وقال الظاهري : اختبارات الدمج الكاملة ستبدأ بعد 6 شهور .
Impact UAV can be used across a broad range of applications, both military - intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, precision strike, and civil - for example, air patrols of the state border and coast, extended monitoring infrastructure.
Global Yabhon develops concepts in UAV United-40, created by ADCOM Systems in 2011.Russian Defense Ministry plans to buy a limited batch of these vehicles,
reported in July 2013 RIA "Novosti", citing an anonymous source in the military-industrial complex.
"We are talking about at least two complexes United-Block-40 version 5 development company ADCOM Systems», - said at the agency.
Developing Global Yabhon unique not only for the UAE but also globally, said "Russian world" expert on unmanned systems Denis Fedutinov .
تطوير الجلوبال يبهون فريد ليس فقط على مستوى الامارات العربية المتحدة ولكن ايضا عالميا , بحسب خبير ( العالم الروسي ) في مجال الطائرات بدون طيار , دينيس فوديتشنوف
"At the moment in the world altitude long-endurance UAV (class HALE) have only the U.S. (Global Hawk), although it is also being developed in China (Xiang Long). Available in Israel Eitan and projected Telemos in Europe are also heavy UAV, but only close to this class and still more are categorized as
MALE (medium-high), "- said the expert.
Developing Global Yabhon conducted by an international team in the UAE ADCOM, but when creating UAV widely used foreign-made components, believes Fedutinov.
"The work on systems of this class is associated with significant labor and financial costs.Moreover, the ultimate cost of such systems for customers, as well as their operational cost is quite high, "- said the expert.
معلومة جديدة للتو اعرفها ... ان الشركة تطوّر طوربيداتها الخاصة وستكون جاهزة بعد 6 شهور باذن الله