سفن جديدة للمغرب

مشكور اخي على المعلومة ومنظومة التطوير تسير بخطى متسارعة.
بالتوفيق للبحرية الملكية
الف مبروك للمغرب ...................................
بالإظافة إلى الزوارق والتي تتميز بسرعة كبيرة جدا 40 عقدة من إسرائيل وقد قرأة في إحدى الصحف بأنها تحمل صواريخ والصفقة سرية أقصد الصواريخ
الصفقة المرتقبة هي غواصات متطورة فرنسية المغرب يدرس ادخال سلاح الغواصات بجدية
بالإظافة إلى الزوارق والتي تتميز بسرعة كبيرة جدا 40 عقدة من إسرائيل وقد قرأة في إحدى الصحف بأنها تحمل صواريخ والصفقة سرية أقصد الصواريخ
نفت بعض المصادر الصفقة واكدتها مصادر صهيونية
بالتوفيـــــــــــــــــــــق لاشقائنـا في المغرب ..
لاكن عندي سؤال الان الدول العربيه التي تشتري الاسلحه من الدول الاخرى .. الا تخـاف ان تكون قد وضعة اجهزة تجسس او اجهزة تدميــــر للاسلحة التي تشتريها من الدول الغربيه ..؟
واخيرا هل الاسلحه التي تشتريها من الدول الغربيه هي نفسها التي تستخدمها الدول الغربيه او في اختلاف كبير جدا ا.؟
مشكور اخي على الموضوع لدي سؤال الم تستلم بعد البحرية الملكية الزوارق الاسرائلية
هذه مجرد شائعات اطلقتها جريدة الشرق الاوسط و بعض وسائل الاعلام الاخرى
اصلا لم تبرم الصفقة ليتم تسليمها
exercice PASSEX 2008


Casablanca, 21 May 2008 -The SNMCMG-2 conducted a port visit in Casablanca from 17th to 20th of May. This event was scheduled in the context of the programme of the port visits to Mediterranean Dialogue countries and of the Mediterranean Dialogue. During the port visit the Force was involved in several official and social events. On arrival, COMSNMCMG2, Capt. (ESP) Antonio Martorell, conducted three official calls. The first official call was carried out to the Commander of the Moroccan Central Naval Sector CAPT Aboudihaj, in the presence of the Commander of the Naval Base of Casablanca CAPT Slimani, then to the Commander of the Military Place of Casablanca CAPT Benakki, and finally to the Wali of Casablanca M. Kabbaj.

The port visit included several events regarding military cooperation. Two lectures were given by the SNMCMG2 staff at the Moroccan Navy Training Centre. The first was about the structure of NATO and new technologies for Maritime Situation Awareness. The second illustrated the capabilities of the SNMCMG-2. A Moroccan Navy Officer embarked on board the Force when she left the port, for a two weeks period, in order to share an experience at sea with the NATO MCM Force. Finally, just after the departure of the Force, an exercise was conducted with a Moroccan Navy frigate before the Force started the transit to its next port.

Three main social events were executed during the port visit. Capt. Martorell hosted an official lunch on board the Flagship SPS DIANA for local civilian and military authorities. Besides, a Force Reception was held also on board the Flagship for a representation of the Royal Moroccan Navy and NATO and Mediterranean Dialogue diplomats, and finally, before the departure of the Force, the Moroccan Navy offered a dinner in the Officer´s Club of Casablanca.

Several sport activities were also organised for the crews and permitted to increase the friendship between the SNMCMG-2 and the Moroccan Navy. Cultural activities were also scheduled and were excellent opportunities for the crews to discover touristic places of interest.

All in all, this port visit has been highly interesting for the SNMCMG-2 and we believe also for the Royal Moroccan Navy in a wide array of areas, and of course, at another level, for NATO and Morocco. Markedly, the stay in Casablanca of six units under the Operational Control of the Commander of the Allied Maritime Component Command in Naples was a proof of the great interest NATO has in enlarging and enhancing its relationships with the Mediterranean Dialogue countries, in this case Morocco.

Meeting with Moroccan Navy Officers on board SPS DIANA to prepare for a “PASSEX” exercise

The Royal Moroccan Navy Frigate LT COL ARRHAMANI during the
PASSEX exercise with NATO units

التعديل الأخير:
exercice ARMADA de rouen 2008

فرقاطة الحسن التاني

للاشارة البحرية الملكية المغربية بفرقاطة الحسن التاني و OPV الرايس المنستيري
Exercice de tir et SAR SWORDFISH 08


Publicado em: 2008-06-16

No âmbito da preparação das Forças Armadas para resposta a cenários de crise, vai decorrer entre 17 e 27 de Junho, na costa Oeste de Portugal Continental, um exercício com o nome de código “SWORDFISH 08”, que contará com a participação dos três ramos das Forças Armadas e de diversos meios de países da NATO, do Brasil e de Marrocos. O SWORDFISH é o maior exercício realizado pela Marinha Portuguesa, tem uma periodicidade bienal e desenvolve-se este ano em coordenação e articulação com o exercício NATO Loyal Mariner 2008, um exercício que se realiza no mesmo período a norte da Galiza.

O exercício pretende treinar os meios no mar e os Estados-maiores em terra, na condução das operações de vigilância e interdição marítima, operações anfíbias, projecção de equipas de operações especiais, assistência humanitária e operações integradas na luta global contra o terrorismo.

O SWORDFISH 08 irá envolver, entre outros meios, 14 navios de superfície (Portugal, Espanha, Brasil e Marrocos); 1 Submarino; 10 diferentes tipos de aeronaves de Portugal, Espanha, Canada, NATO e Suécia, envolvendo mais de 1800 homens.

Este exercício, multinacional e conjunto, conduzido pelo Contra-almirante Pereira da Cunha (2º Comandante Naval), a partir do Centro de Operações da Marinha (COMAR), em Oeiras, compreende as seguintes fases:

Fase I (09 a 16 de Junho)
Verificação ambiental e reunião das Unidades participantes – Consiste na verificação das condições ambientais das áreas de exercícios, reunião das unidades participantes, reuniões de planeamento e discussão de regras de empenhamento.

Fase II (17 a 21 de Junho):
Treino de Proficiência de Combate – Pretende simular o trânsito das forças para o Teatro de Operações executando exercícios seriados de avançado grau de complexidade.
Treino de Integração de Força – Destina-se a criar as condições de treino para que os meios multinacionais possam actuar como uma Força coesa e integrada.

Fase III (21 a 24 de Junho):
Fase Táctica – Consistirá num período onde será jogado um cenário fictício, criando um crescente realismo ao exercício, incluindo a condução de operações de Interdição Marítima, culminando com o desembarque de uma força anfíbia.

Fase IV (24 a 27 de Junho):
Interacção com o Exercício NATO Loyal Mariner 08; Será a última fase do exercício, que consistirá na interacção com as forças NATO participantes no exercício Loyal Mariner 08, tendo como base um cenário avançado de operações Marítimas, conduzido segundo um rigoroso perfil de Regras de Empenhamento.

فرقاطة محمد الخامس التي شاركت في التمرين

مزيد من الصفقات للمغرب
اخبار جديده وممتعه

شكرا على الخبر