عملية "موكيد" الأسرائيلية لتحطيم قوات الطيران العربية صباح يوم 5 يونيو 1967
سواء رضينا ... أم أبينا ....
يجب علينا أن نواجه الحقيقة ... أن الأسرائيليين تمكنوا من تحطيم سلاح الطيران المصري على الأرض وعلى الممرات صباح يوم يونيو 1967 ....
وكتبت الموضوع التالى باللغة العربية وأضفت له الخرائط التى تشرح ما حدث ،
الضربة الجوية الإسرائيلية الشاملةيــوم 5 يــونيه (حزيران) 1967 "...
نكسة حرب 1967 ...حرب الأيام الستة
ولكن ذلك لا يكفينى ، ومن أجل ذلك ، أنشر ، مايكشف عنه سلاح الطيران ألسرائيلى من أسرار عن هذه العملية ، .. وخرائطهم ... وتفاصيل وصور سير المعركة "باللغة الأنجليزية " فى موقعهم المعروف ببنك المعلومات عن الشرق الأوسط ، والذى سبق لنا ودخلناه ونشرنا صور منه هنا ، وقد أعدت فى النهاية إضافة الموضوع العربى الذى نشرته ، حتى تتم المقارنة ....
ويكتمل موضوع الضربة الجوية يوم 5 يونيو 1967 والتى أدت فى النهاية الى الموقف العسكرى المشين وبالتالى نكسة حرب 1967
يحى الشاعر
Middle East Database
Operation Moked: Destruction of Arab Air Forces
By Tom Cooper, with Nigel Baker
Sep 24, 2003, 19:59
By Tom Cooper, with Nigel Baker
Sep 24, 2003, 19:59
The following data is compiled on the basis of very different sources, mainly books and articles published by Elizier Cohen, Salvador M. Huertas, Shlomo Aloni, and Dr. David Nicolle. To a specific degree, the data here differs from those given by other Israeli authors, foremost Amos Dor.
While we believe to be offering here not only a detailed, but also a precise account, as always, the ACIG.org team would therefore be greatefull for any additional materials, suggestions, remarks, and corrections to this topic - especially those regarding less-well known details about IDF/AF units, aircraft, and pilots, and their activities on 5 June 1967.
The following data is compiled on the basis of very different sources, mainly books and articles published by Elizier Cohen, Salvador M. Huertas, Shlomo Aloni, and Dr. David Nicolle. To a specific degree, the data here differs from those given by other Israeli authors, foremost Amos Dor.
While we believe to be offering here not only a detailed, but also a precise account, as always, the ACIG.org team would therefore be greatefull for any additional materials, suggestions, remarks, and corrections to this topic - especially those regarding less-well known details about IDF/AF units, aircraft, and pilots, and their activities on 5 June 1967.
Order of Battle of the Israeli Defence Force/Air Force, on 5 June 1967
1 Kanaf/1 Wing, Ramat David
- 107th Lion Head Sqn, Ouragan, 20 aircraft
- 109th Valley Sqn, Mystére IVA, 16 or 20 aircraft
- 110th Knights of the North Sqn, Vautour IIN/IIBR, 18 aircraft
- 117th First Jets Sqn, Mirage IIICJ, 24 aircraft (including two Mirage IIIBJ)
? Kanaf/? Wing, Tel Nov
- 12th FS, Magister, 76 aircraft
- 103rd Sqn, Noratlas, 24 transports
- 113th Wasp Sqn, Ouragans, 20 aircraft
- 116th Flying Wing Sqn, Mystére IVA, 17 or 20 aircraft
- 119th Bat Sqn, Mirage IIICJ, 21 aircraft (including two Mirage IIIRJ)
- 124th Sqn, S-58, H-34G-III, 26 helicopter
4th Kanaf/4th Wing, Hatzor
- 100th Sqn, Piper L-18,
- 101st First Sqn, Mirage IIICJ, 22 aircraft (including one Mirage IIIBJ)
- 105th Scorpion Sqn, SMB.2, 35 aircraft (including several French-owned airframes) of which 24 were serviceable
- 123rd Sqn, Bell 47, Super Frelon, 30 helicopters
- 131st Sqn, C-47, C-95, 15 transports
Note: for operational purposes, eight Mystére IVAs of the 109th Squadron were on 5 June deployed at Tel Nov AB, to operate alongside the 116th Sqn; four Vautours (including three As and one IIN) of 110th Sqn that were to fly the mission against Beni Swayf were also deployed to Tel Nov; while four Ouragans of 107th Squadron operated from Lod IAP (subsequent Ben Gurion IAP).
Totals as of 0715hrs of 5 June 1967:
- 67 Mirage IIICJ/BJ/CJ®
- 1 MiG-21F-13 (ex Iraqi)
- 35 Super Mystère B.2
- 19 Vautour IIA/N/BR(18 serviceable)
- 35 Mystère IVA (33 serviceable)
- 51 Ouragan (48 serviceable)
- some 15 Meteor F.Mk.8, FR.Mk.9, and T.Mk.7/8
Totals of available fighter-bombers:
- 204 "in being"
- 197 "combat-ready"
- 183 "fully manned"

The IDF/AF of 1967 was almost entirely French-equipped air force - as seen from this formation, consisting of (from left to right): a Mirage IIICJ, Mystére IVA, Vautour, Super Mystére B.2, and Ouragan. These five types bore the brunt of offensive counter-air operations that broke the back of three Arab air forces during the Six Day War, in 1June 1967. (Photo: Tom N.)
I Wave
ToT 07:45
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 117 Sqn, #1 A. Shmueli: (destroyed two MiG-21s of the 45 Sqn and several Il-28s)
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1. O. Sagee, (runway hit by 500kg bombs, two or three Tu-16s destroyed)
AB.233 Fa’id (Fayid), Egypt
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 A. Ben-Nun (44), #? A. Goldstein (10): (destroyed 14 MiG-21s on the ground) #3 aborted; two MiG-21s (one by Ben-Nun and one by Goldstein) that came out of Kibrit AB, and an Il-14 claimed shot down in air combats and over Sinai, respectively

Mystére IVA "44" was already a "seasoned veteran" during the Six Day War, having an Egyptian MiG-kill from the Suez Crisis, in 1956. During the first wave of the Operation Moked it was flown by Capt. Assaf Ben-Nun, who also claimed a MiG-17 as shot down shortly after take-off from Kibrit AB.

Mystére IVA "10" was flown by Capt. Ami Goldstein during the first wave: Goldstein claimed a MiG-17 shot down just after a take-off from Kibrit AB, but Egyptian pilot who should have flown that MiG denies being shot down, and the pictorial evidence seems to confirm him. Mystére IVA "10" should have had one kill marking from the Suez Crisis, in 1956 (better known as "Operation Kadesh" within the IDF/AF), and this engagement might have nevertheless prompted the crews of the No. 109 Squadron to add an additional marking.
AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 Armon, #2 Y. Nevo, #3 Z. Umschweif, #4 D. Manor): (destroyed seven MiG-17, claimed two MiG-17s and two Il-14s shot down, but only one MiG-17 was damaged), around 08:53 intercepted by two MiG-21FL from Abu Sueir, lead by Maj. Hamdi: Capt. Armon shot down, KIA (by Hamdi’s wingman), Lt. Manor shot down (by Hamdi), KIA on the ground
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, #1 R. Ronen, (hit the runway and several fighters on the ground)
AB.259 al-Arish, Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, #1 Y. Terner, (7 MiG-17, 1 Il-14 oon the ground), Lt. Col. Livnat shot down, KIA
AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979), Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, #1 R. Allon, #2 D. Jariv, #3 Navon: (RPB-bombs on the runway, 2 MiG-21 on the ground, four other MiGs and one Mi-8 destroyed); one MiG-21 shot down by Capt. Jariv, the other MiG damaged, then Jariv shot down by MiG-21; Capt. Navon (or Lavon) shot down by AAA, ejected and PoW; Allon’s aircraft damaged and crash-landed back in base
AB.248 Jabel Libni, Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, (heavy damage on the runway, many MiG-15s destroyed)
AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah, Egypt
- 3 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 D. Sever, #2 I. Peer, #3 G. Palter: (runway hit by 500kg, then CAP) #1 Sever chased a MiG-21 that fell into spin and crashed; kill awarded to Sever
ECM mission
- 2 Vautour IIN 110 Sqn, #1 U. Margalit/Y. Tsiddon, #2 A. Tsivoni/M. Eini: ECM mission with Yablet along two routes, one over northern Sinai and Nile Delta, other over central Sinai and Canal zone.

As the most potent fighter-bombers in Israeli service, Mirage IIICJs bore the brunt of the Operation Moked's Wave I: the three units flying them, the 101st, 117th, and 119th Squadrons, have got the task of attacking some of the most dangerous targets in the Nile Delta and in Sinai. At the time of the Six Day War the Mirage IIICJ "52" was flown by the 101st Squadron, and is known to have participated in attacks against different Arab airfields, as well as scored at least one air-to-air kill.

Mirage IIICJ 779 was flown by the 119 Squadron during the Six Day War: note two different kill markings applied on the nose, one for an Egyptian, and another for a Jordanian fighter shot down in air-to-air combats.
ToT 07:46
AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah, Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, (dropped RPB-bombs on the runway, 8 MiGs, 1 Mi-4, 1 Mi-6, 1 Il-14 on the ground)
AB.259 al-Arish, Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, (destroyed 1 MiG-17, 1 Il-14 on the ground)
ToT 07:50
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 A. Lapidot, #2 B. Romach, #3 Friedman (hit runway with 500kg bombs, claimed 8 Tu-16, 1 Il-28, 3 MiG-21 destroyed)
ToT 07:52
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn (hit the runway)
AB.233 Fa’id (Fayid), Egypt
- 4 Ouragans 113 Sqn, results unclear, Lt. Pinto shot down by AAA, KIA
AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt
- 3 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1Shapira: (bombed runways with 250kg bombs, destroyed 2 MiG-17, 1 Mi-6)
AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah, Egypt
- ? Mystére IVA 109 Sqn, (4 MiG-17, 1 Mi-4, 1 Il-14)
AB.259 al-Arish, Egypt
- 4 CM.170 Magister, 12 FS, #1 A. Livnat, radar near the airfield claimed destroyed; #1 Livnat shot down by AAA near Rafah and KIA
AB.248 el-Sir/Jabel Libni, Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, (destroyed the last MiG-15s of the 24 Sqn).
ToT 07:55
AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979), Egypt
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn, #1 Salnet: (the last 3 MiGs destroyed on the ground, for a total of 20 MiG-21s and 1 MiG-15UTI), Maj. Salnet shot down, recovered
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 Y. Shavit: (destroyed 7 MiGs on the ground - for a total of between 12 and 19 on that airfield so far), Capt. Engel shot down by AAA, KIA; Maj. Shavit’s plane badly damaged
AB.212 Bani Suwayf, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 Zur/Talmor (IIN), #2 A. Vilan, #3 M. Gill, #4 D. Ilan: (attacked with 70kg RPB bombs; 7 Tu-16s destroyed), #1 straffed a SA-2 battery nearby.
ToT 08:00
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn: (at least one Il-28 on the ground)
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, #1 O. Sagee: (several Tu-16s destroyed)
AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn: (8 RPBs on the highway, saw one MiG-21 crashing into the sea)
ToT 08:07
AB.212 Bani Suwayf, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn (one aborted), #1 Maj. Moshe Sa’ar/Capt. Alexander Inbar (IIN “62”), #2 Lt. H. Budinger (IIA “09”), #3 Rafaeli, #4 G. Goren: (attacked airfield with 70kg RPB, claimed 9 Tu-16s as destroyed on the ground), #2 developed hydraulics problem and #4 aborted
AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979), Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn: results unknown.

Vautour IIA "09" (or "109") was nick-named "Ha'mashkhit" - or "Destroyer", and flew 22 operational sorties during the Six Day War, when it was used to destroy three Egyptian Tu-16 bombers on the ground. The aircraft remains preserved in the IDF/AF Museum until today. Note that - like many other Israeli Vautours at the time - this aircraft wore no camouflage over the engine gondols: these were left in "bare-metall" overall.
ToT 08:10
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 A. Amir, #2 M. Poraz, #3 I. Barzilai, #4 Y. Richter (runway hit two RPB and six 500kg bombs, two or three Tu-16s destroyed)
ToT 08:14
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #4 Gordon: (bombed runway with 250kg bombs, claimed 7 MiG-21s destroyed on the ground)
AB.233 Fa’id (Fayid), Egypt
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 J. Sahor/Shachar (45): (destroyed 1 An-12, Il-18, one MiG-19, and one MiG-17 or MiG-21), Maj. Sahor shot down by AAA, ejected and recovered;
AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn (bombed runway with 250kg bombs)
ToT 08:25
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 Capt. Shlomo Keren/Lt. Shabtai Ben-Shoa (IIN “66”), #2 R. Tzur, #3 B-Z Zohar, #4 M. Dvir: (claimed destruction of five Il-28, one MiG-17, one MiG-21 on the ground), intercepted by four MiG-21s, which fired several K-13s; #3 Capt. Ben-Zion Zohar (IIA “07”) made MiGs busy while the rest of the formation hit the target, then delivered his bombs.
AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979), Egypt
- 4 Mystére IVA 109 Sqn: results unknown
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 3 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 O. Marom, #2 Y. Neuman, #3 I. Spector: (runway hit by 500kg bombs, claimed 5 Tu-16s and another probable)
- 2 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 D. Ivry, #2 I. Gonen: (CAP over Sinai; Gonen shot at an Il-14 that crash-landed; Ivry strafed it on the ground)
ToT 08:40
AB.212 Bani Suwayf, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 E. Aharon, #2 A. Shamir, #3 U. Shachar, #4 A. Slapak: (runway hit by 500kg bombs, found no intact aircraft on the ground), #4 Slapak aborted
AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979), Egypt
- 4 Mystére IVA 109 Sqn: results unknown
ToT 09:00
AB.212 Bani Suwayf, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIBR, 2 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 G. Magen/E. Raz (IIBR “33”), 2 Y. Tal, #3. R. Goren: (attacked with 70kg RPBs, found no intact aircraft on the ground), IIBR photographed the target before RTB
ToT Unknown
AB.233 Fa’id (Fayid), Egypt
- ? Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 D. Nevo: nothing left to attack
- 2 Mirage IIICJs 101 Sqn, #1 A. Ran, #2 G. Epstein: (CAP over Abu Sueir, shot down 3 MiG-21s in air combats, Ran ejected due to fuel starvation)
Nile Delta, Egypt
- 1 Vatour IIBR 110 Sqn, #1 O. Nachman/A. Eyal (IIBR “31”): recce patrol over al-Arish, Bir Gifgafa and Bir Thamada, but armed with two 500kg bombs and not escorted

In March 1964 two Mirage IIIRJs were delivered to Israel, serialed 98 and 99, and allocated to the "Bat" Squadron. Both aircraft could be equipped with several different, interchangable camera noses, each of which was containing different types of cameras. The one depicted here was used during the frantic reconnaissance sortie flown over Egyptian airfields on 5 June, in the aftermath of the Wave I of Operation Moked. This "Moshel" camera nose contained an American Fairchild camera equipped with a wide angle lens, covered by a one-piece glazing unit that enable a panoramic view downwards. Such construction enabled the aircraft to execute the sortie while operating at a very low level and thus avoid early detection as well as enemy SA-2 SAMs.

Map of Egyptian airfields in the Suez Canal Zone and on Sinai, confirmed to have been attacked by the IDF/AF on 5 June 1967. These were the primarty targets of the whole Operation "Moked".
Summary of the Wave I
- 170 IDF/AF fighters involved;
- 10 UARAF bases hit intentionally, one airfield hit by mistake;
- Vautours dropped 112 RPBs, a total of 7.840kg
- 196 UARAF aircraft claimed destroyed and 8 in air combats (all by 30mm guns); destruction of 140 confirmed;
- 10 IDF/AF fighters shot down – 5 pilots KIA, 2 PoW, 3 recovered (including 4 in air combat);
- UARAF fighters launched at least eight R-3S in air combats, for one near miss and one possible hit (both of which caused a loss).
- AB.212 Bani Suwayf: attacked by four formations, all aircraft destroyed on the ground, no IDF/AF fighters shot down; airfield closed;
- AB.228 Kibrit: 12 MiGs claimed destroyed on the ground, 3 MiGs and 2 Il-14s claimed shot down in air-to-air combats; two IDF/AF fighters shot down; airfield out of action;
- AB.229 Abu Sawayr: attacked by 10 formations, hit by 102 bombs (including a number of RPBs), most Il-28s destroyed on the ground, four MiG-21s shot down in air combats, two IDF/AF fighters shot down; airfield out of action;
- AB.231 Cairo West: all Tu-16s of 65 Air Brigade and the 95 Flight destroyed on the ground; no IDF/AF fighters shot down; airfield out of action;
- AB.232 Inshas: attacked by at least three formations, and most of the aircraft destroyed on the ground; one IDF/AF fighter shot down, pilot KIA; second IDF/AF badly damaged, later repaired; airfield out of action;
- AB.233 Fa’id (Fayid): attacked by at least five formations, heavily damaged, but not all aircraft destroyed; two IDF/AF fighters shot down, one pilot KIA; airfield closed;
- AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979): attacked by five formations, 14 aircraft on the ground, one in the air; three IDF/AF fighters shot down (including one in air-to-air combat); airfield out of action;
- AB.248 El-Sir/Jabel Libni: runway hit in two places (shortened from 2.800 to 1.100m), most of MiG-15s destroyed; no IDF/AF losses; airfield out of action;
- AB.259 El-Arish: 7 MiG-17 and two Il-14s destroyed on the ground; one IDF/AF fighter shot down; airfield out of action;
- AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah: attacked by three formations, all aircraft destroyed on the ground; no IDF/AF losses; airfield out of action;
- Cairo West IAP: not planned to be hit, but a formation of Mirages or SMB.2s hit this airfield due to a navigational mistake and seeing several UARAF fighters on the ground.
Wave II
ToT 10:00
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, lead Capt. Shapira, (1 Il-28)
AB.??? Hulwan (Helwan), Egypt
- 3 Mirage IIICJ + 1 Mirage IIIBJ 101 Sqn, #1 D. Sever, #2. I. Peer, #3 A. Shamir, #4 G. Palter (IIIBJ): (claimed 2 or 3 MiG-15, 1 MiG-17, 1 MiG-19, 2 HA-200 destroyed and 1 An-12 damaged on the ground)
AB.202 al-Mezzeh, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, results unknown
el-Mansourah dispersal airfield, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, couldn’t find the target
AB.241 el-Minyah, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, lead by Capt. Sagee (8 Il-14 on the ground)
- 4 Mirage IIICJ, 101 Sqn, #1 Capt. A. Lev, #2 D. Baruch, #3 Y. Agmon, #4 aborted: (haven’t found any aircraft intact)
ToT 10:07
el-Mansourah dispersal airfield, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, lead by Maj. Shavit?, helped the earlier section to find target (destroyed several Il-14s on the ground)
AB.235 Bilbeis, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 O. Marom, #2 I. Spector, #3 E. Palter: (between 6 and 10 Il-14 claimed destroyed)
ToT 10:22
AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, short air combat with MiG-17PF flown by Lt. Hafiz, two MiG-17s crashed during landing on damaged runways;
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 3 MiG-17, Lt.Col. Shalabi, evacuated to Helwan
ToT 11:00
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- several MiG-21FL and 2 or 3 MiG-21F-13s evacuated by Maj. Shuwakri to airfields in the south
Arab Counterattacks
Haifa (oil refinery), Deganiyah (dam), Meggido (auxiliary airfield), Israel
- attacked by 12 SyAAF MiG-17s and MiG-21s, which caused some damage in Haifa; two MiG-17s shot down by Mirage IIICJ Capt. Snir.
Tel Nov AB and Kfar Sirkin auxiliary, Israel
- 16 Hunters 1 Sqn RJAF (1 C-47 damaged at Tel Nov, 1 Noratlas destroyed at Kfar Sirkin)
Ramat David AB and Shomron crop-dusting runway, Israel
- 2 SyAAF MiGs attacked Shomron with a dummy airplane on it, destroying the dummy; one MiG shot down by AAA
- 8 or 12 Hunters 4 Sqn IrAF, (results of the attack unknown): one Hunter shot down by Capt. Sagee
Galilea, Israel
- IDF/AF Piper 100 Sqn attacked by 2 SyAAF MiG-17s, but evaded; SyAAF claims an SMB.2 or Mystére IVA as shot down;
Galilea, Israel, and southern Lebanon
- FAL Hunter shot down by Mirage IIICJ 117 Sqn Lt. Aven-Nir over Rayak AB, after pursuit from the Israeli-Lebanese border.

This Mirage IIICJ "Shahak" of the then 117 Squadron was flown by Lt. Aven-Nir when he intercepted and shot down a Lebanese Hunter, on 5 June 1967. The same fighter participated in engagements against Iraqi Hunters, either in response to an Iraqi strike against Israel, or in the scope of strikes against the H-3/al-Wallid airfield, in western Iraq.
ToT 11:07
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 Ouragans 113 Sqn, results unknown
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 Zohar/Talmor (IIN “66”), #2 Z. Tavor, #3 Y. Gal, #4 G. Goren: claimed destruction of 1 Tu-16, 4 MiG-21, 1 MiG-19, 1 unidentified.

Another successfull Israeli Vautour IIA was "26" (or "126", which flew 21 combat sorties during the Six Day War. This plane participated in attacks against several Egyptian and later also the Iraqi H-3/al-Wallid Air Base, where it should have destroyed two Hunters, two MiG-21s and three Tu-16s. It survived the war and is today preserved at the IDF/AF Technical School, in Haifa.
ToT 11:16
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, results unknown
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 I. Golan/Capt. Inbar (IIN “62”), #2 A. Fridman, #3 I. Nir, #4 S. Zimon: underway to el-Minyah re-directed to Inshas, then destroyed remaining aircraft exposed on the ground (alternative reports indicate ToT at 11:09hrs – also no targets found and instead SAM-batteries were strafed)
ToT 11:20
AB.232 Inshas, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, results unknown
ToT 11:23
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, results unknown
ToT 11:30
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 Ouragans 113 Sqn, re-directed to other targets
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 A. Slapak, #2 Y. Neuman, #3 A. Ran, #4 Y. Arazi: (hit the runway, destroyed 2 MiG-21); intercepted by 4 MiG-21FLs; Capt. Hankin shot 2 MiG-21s down, but Lt. Nauman also shot down by K-13 hit, KIA on the ground
ToT 11:37
AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn, re-directed to other targets
AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, results unknown
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Vautour 110 Sqn, #1 B-Z. Zohar (destroyed 1 Tu-16, 4 MiG-21, damaged 1 MiG-19), intercepted by Maj. Shuwakri
ToT 11:45
Re-directed from el-Sir airfield to strike radar at AB.244 Bi’r Jifjafah (al-Mulayz or Meliz/Bir-Gifgafa/Bir-Gafgafa; Refidim AB from 1967-1979)
- ? Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 S. Dvir: results unknown
ToT 12:15
AB.??? Luxor, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIBR, 2 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 Keren (IIA “21”), #2 H. Budinger (IIA “14”), #3 Y. Rafaeli/Ben-Shoa (IIBR “33”): claimed destruction of 8 Tu-16s, and 8 An-12Bs
ToT ??:??
Target various: changed several times
- 3 or 4 Vautour II 110 Sqn, #1 G. Magen/Raz: original target Abu Sawayr, then changed to King Hussein’s Palace in Amman, finally attacked radar station near Port Said.
ToT 12:30
AB.235 Bilbeis, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn (damaged and destroyed many training aircraft)
AB.286 Hurghada/al-Ghardagah (Gardeka), Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, lead by Maj. Ronen, (destroyed at least 5 MiG-17, 1 Mi-8) while attacking intercepted by some of 20 MiG-19s and MiG-21s scrambled from Hurghada AB; 3 MiGs shot down in air combat, 4th crashed on landing, 16 others crashed while trying to land further to the north

Map of Egyptian airfields confirmed to have been attacked by IDF/AF on 5 June 1967
Summary of the Wave II
- 100+ IDF/AF fighters involved; operations disrupted by Arab air strikes against targets in Israel;
- 10 UARAF bases hit;
- 107 UARAF aircraft claimed destroyed on the ground and 8 or 9 in air combats (all by 30mm guns); number of confirmed unknown;
- 1 IDF/AF fighter shot down (in air combat) – pilot KIA;
- UARAF fighters launched at least four, probably six R-3S in air combats (for one kill).
- AB.202 al-Mezzeh, Egypt: results unknown;
- AB.228 Kibrit, Egypt: additional damage caused to hangars and installations, airfield closed;
- AB.229 Abu Sawayr, Egypt: airfield closed;
- AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt: two MiG-21 claimed destroyed on the ground, two shot down in air combat; one IDF/AF fighter shot down in air combat; airfield closed, but SA-2 sites remained active in the area;
- AB.232 Inshas, Egypt: airfield out of action, but SA-2 sites nearby still operational;
- AB.235 Bilbeis, Egypt: between six and ten Il-14s destroyed on the ground; medium damage;
- AB.241 el-Minyah, Egypt: row of Il-14s destroyed on the ground; airfield out of action;
- AB.286 Hurghada/al-Ghardagah (Gardeka), Egypt: five MiGs and one Mi-8 destroyed on the ground, three shot down in air combat, one crashed on the landing; 16 others crashed after arriving over the Nile Delta; airfield closed;
- AB.??? Luxor, Egypt: eight Tu-16s and eight An-12s claimed destroyed; airfield closed;
- AB.??? Hulwan (Helwan), Egypt: two or three MiG-15/17, one MiG-19, and one An-12 destroyed on the ground; airfield out of action;
el-Mansourah dispersal airfield, Egypt: results unclear; probably medium damage.
Wave III
ToT 12:48
Mafraq AB, Jordan
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 M. Shaked, #2 H. Boleh (94), #3 Z. Porat: destroyed a number of RJAF Hunters on the ground; #2 H. Boleh shot down by RJAF Hunter flown by PAF Flt.Lt. ; #3 Z. Porat damaged by AAA, landed safely
ToT 13:00
Cairo IAP
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 D. Ivry, #2 G. Epstein, #3 B. Romach, #4 M. Poraz: no appreciable results.
Mafraq AB, Jordan
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn: (most of the Hunters and Vampires found on the ground destroyed), #4 Lt. Harpaz, shot down by MIM-23As defending Dimona, Israel (fratricide fire)
ToT 14:00
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 S. Dvir, #2 J. Zoreah (46): #2 Zorea shot down by AAA over the Sea of Galilee and KIA
ToT 14:07
Mafraq AB, Jordan
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 E. Fectori, #2 Shmilovits, #3 S. Ringel: 4 Hunters destroyed on the ground, #3 Ringel hit by SMAF and badly injured, landed safely
ToT 14:15
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, Capt. Umschweif (several MiG-17s destroyed on the ground)
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB. Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 ?, #2 ?, #3 ?, #4 Mordechai: (several MiGs destroyed on the ground), #2 aborted, #4 Lt. Mordechai shot down, ejected over Lebanon and PoW
ToT 14:16
AB. 286 Hurghada/al-Ghardagah (Gardeka), Egypt; re-directed to Mafraq AB, Jordan
- 4 Mirage IIICJs 1?? Sqn: (destroyed remaining Hunters which landed after air combat minutes before)
AB.286 Hurghada/al-Ghardagah (Gardeka), Egypt; re-directed to Amman IAP
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn: (destroyed numerous training aircraft and helicopters)
ToT 14:22
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn: (several MiG-17s destroyed), Lt. Sigri shot down by MiG-19, ejected, KIA on the ground
Tsaykal AB, Syria
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn: results unknown
Amman IAP, Jordan
- 4 SMB.2s 105 Sqn, #1 ?, #2, #3 Harish, #4 ?: results unknown, #3 Lt. Harish injured by AAA
ToT 14:30
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- 1 Vautour IIBR, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 L. Tzur/A. Eyal (IIBR “31”), #2 A. Vilan (“07/107”), #3 A. Zsivoni, #4 U. Margalit: (attacked with 100kg bombs) Lt. Vilan shot down by AAA, ejected and PoW, two MiG-21s scrambled and counterattacked with two R-3s, both of which missed; on return towards base also attacked by single MiG-17
T.4 AB (some sources say hit only at around 16:00)
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn, #1 Eitan Carmi, #2 Rom, #3 A. Snir, #4 E. Prigat: (destroyed several aircraft on the ground)
Mafraq AB, Jordan
- 4 Mirage IIICJs 1?? Sqn: results unknown
Amman IAP
- 4 Ouragan 113 Sqn: results unknown
AB.228 Kibrit or AB.232 Inshas, Egypt; re-directed to Mafraq AB, Jordan; re-directed to Marj Real AB, Syria
- SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 Ron: (several MiG-17s destroyed on the ground)
By 14:45 RJAF neutralized due to the loss of all 30 Hunters and several Vampires.
ToT 14:39
AB.233 Fa’id, Egypt; changed underway to Amman IAP, Jordan
- 4 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 A Ben-Nun, #3 D. Harish, claimed 1 Alia DC-7 on the ground.
ToT 14:45
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn: #1 M. Saar/U. Talmor, #2 M. Dvir, #3 R. Tsur, #4 I. Nir, (attacked with 100kg bombs, claimed several MiG-21s on the ground)
Marj Real AB, Syria
- 4 Ouragan 107 Sqn: results unknown
T.4 AB, Syria
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn: #1 O. Sagee, #2 O. Marom, #3 Shmuel: flew into air combat initiated between several MiG-21s and the section lead by Capt. Carmi; two MiG-21s shot down after one of them fired R-3 at Capt. Marom (then destroyed several aircraft on the ground, including two rolling MiG-21s)
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB, Syria,
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 1?? Sqn: results unknown
ToT 14:52
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- Mystére IVA 109 Sqn: (several MiGs – for a total of 8 MiG-21s, 2 MiG-17, and several helicopters on that airfield)
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn: results unknown
ToT 15:00
H-3/al-Wallid AB, Iraq
- 1 Vautour IIN, 3 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 G. Magen/A. Inbar (IIN “66”), #2 R. Goren, #3 Y. Tal, #4 D. Ilan: (strafed two Hunters rolling on take off, then hit a row of five Hunters, two MiG-17s, six MiG-21s, 1 An-12B) #4 aborted, chaotic attack due to interference from several IrAF MiG-21s; MiGs – either Syrian or Iraqi – attacked the formation again while it was flying back to Israel, firing at least one K-13.

One of the most successful Israeli Vautour IINs was "66", which not only destroyed three Il-14s, a Tu-16 and two unidentified aircraft during the Six Day War, but also participated in the first strike against the Iraqi H-3/al-Wallid AB, flown on the afternoon of 5 June 1967. The plane survived the war and served with the 110 Squadron until at least 1970, by when it was nick-named "Dracon" (Dragon).
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 4 Mystére IVA 109 Sqn: results unknown
ToT 16:00
Tsaykal AB, Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 Y. Shavit: (3 Il-28, 4 MiG-17 destroyed on the ground), #3 damaged in fuel tank; formation intercepted by 2 MiG-21s but both Syrians shot down in air combat
ToT 13:00
Damascus/al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 3 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 D. Nevo: (claimed 2 Il-28, 1 Il-14 and 3 AAA positions destroyed)

Map of Jordanian and Syrian airfields confirmed to have been attacked by IDF/AF on 5 June 1967.
Summary of the Wave III
- 100+ IDF/AF fighters involved; operations slightly disrupted by frequent re-direction of attack formations;
- 10 airfields in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq hit;
- 61 Syrian, some 30 Jordanian, and up to a dozen of Iraqi aircraft were claimed destroyed on the ground, and a dozen in air-to-air combats (all by 30mm guns); number of confirmed unknown;
- 4 IDF/AF fighters shot down (2 in air combat);
- UARAF fighters launched two or three R-3S for not hits.
- Mafraq AB and Amman IAP, Jordan: combat component of the RJAF wiped out in two successive waves of strikes against these airfields, both of which were put out of action.
- Dmeyr AB, al-Mezzeh AB, Tsaykal, Marj Rayal and T.4 were hit in Syria: the SyAAF suffered approximately 50% losses in these attacks; although Syrian interceptors were airborne and active during the first strikes, and they engaged Israeli fighter-bombers in at least four air-to-air combats, they suffered several losses for only one kill in return. By the late afternoon the Syrians were foremost busy evacuating their aircraft to airfields out of the Israeli reach – and the SyAAF was subsequently put “in strategic reserve”.

During the III Wave of Operation Moked, the IDF/AF flew the first strike against the Iraqi airfield H-3 ("al-Wallid"), in western Iraq. Although the Israelis claimed to have hit a number of Iraqi aircraft, their attack was considerably disturbed by IrAF interceptors and damage to many of parked aircraft minimal. This photograph, taken on 15 June 1967, shows a damaged Hunter F.Mk.59 in the foreground, and two Tupolev Tu-16 bombers in the rear. All three aircraft survived at least three (or four, according to other sources) Israeli strikes against H-3 AB. (Tom Cooper collection)
Wave IV
ToT 17:20
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn, #1 N. Ronen: results unknown
AB.233 Fa’id AB, Egypt
- 2 Mystére IVA 116 Sqn, #1 M. Shaked: (dropped delay-fused bombs)
al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 117 Sqn, #1 Maj. Shmueli (several aircraft destroyed); Maj. Shmueli shot down, ejected over Israeli lines on Golan, recovered; Lt.. Sahar shot down, KIA
ToT 17:30
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 4 Mirage IIICJ 119 Sqn (including Maj. Shapira): results unknown
Damascus IAP, Syria
- 4 SMB.2 105 Sqn, #1 Umschweif: (number of An-12s, Mi-6s, and MiGs destroyed)

The No.105 or "Scorpion" Squadron was the largest IDF/AF unit at the times of the Six Day War, having 39 aircraft of which 24 were readied for action on 5 June, all of which participated in the first wave, striking some of the most important targets. The Super Mystére B.2 was to become instrumental in destruction of the UARAF, even if the unit also suffered the highest losses of the war (nine aircraft shot down, six pilots killed and one PoW).
al-Mezzeh AB, Syria
- 4 Mystére IVA 109 Sqn: (results unclear), Lt. Zorak shot down, pilot KIA
ToT ??:??
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 3 Mirage IIICJ 101 Sqn, #1 A. Lev, #2 E. Ran, #3 D. Shapira: (attacked with 250kg delay-fused bombs) attacked by several SA-2s but no hits
Dmeyr AB, Syria
- 3 Mirage III?J 1?? Sqn, #1 A. Lapidot, #2 D. Baruch, #3 E. Palter: (attacked with bombs, results unknown)
ToT 18:00 – but no action until 18:30
AB.260 Bi’r al-Thamadah, Egypt
- 1 Vautour IIBR, 1 Vautour IIN, 1 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 M. Gill/M. Eini, #2 M. Dvir, #3 Y. Tal (no navigator): strafed the airfield, then attacked Egyptian armour near Jabel Libni, and photographed Il-14 claimed to have been shot down by Mirages, that crash-landed in the desert
ToT 19:00
AB.??? Ras Banas, Egypt
- 4 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 I. Golan, #2 A. Fridman, #3. O. Nachman, #4. S. Zimon: results unknown
ToT ??:??
AB.231 Cairo West, Egypt
- 2 Vautour IIN, 2 Vautour IIA 110 Sqn, #1 Keren/Raz (IIN), #2 A. Fridman, #3 B-Z. Zohar/Ben-Shoa (IIN), #4 U. Margalit: unclear if really flown as Fridman is known to have attacked Ras-Banas.
Summary of the Wave IV
- Less than 60 IDF/AF fighters involved; attacks against enemy airfields decreased as the main role of the IDF/AF became CAS;
- 5 airfields in Egypt and Syria hit;
- Approximately a dozen of Syrian fighters destroyed on the ground; no air-to-air combats.
- 2 IDF/AF fighters shot down.
الضربة الجوية الإسرائيلية الشاملةيــوم 5 يــونيه (حزيران) 1967 "...
نكسة حرب 1967 ...حرب الأيام الستة
العمليات الجوية:
الضربة الجوية الإسرائيلية الشاملة: (الخريطة الرقم 7)
د. يحى الشاعر
نظرا للحجم الضخم للموضوع
البقية تلي فورا