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اعتقد انتهى النقاش بعد ردك هذا؟ الا اذا تريد البدا في المكابرة
Hydrogen produced using renewable electricity is
“already cost competitive” in niche applications, a new paper says, adding that
it is likely to match industrial-scale alternatives in about a decade!!. The
research, published at the end of February in
Nature Energy,
contrasts with other work on renewable hydrogen, which has found it would be prohibitively expensive compared to the alternatives
Many energy experts remain sceptical that large-scale renewable hydrogen will ever be viable at a low cost.
The potential for using renewable hydrogen in the UK is “limited” due to its low efficiency, the UK government’s climate advisors, the Committee on Climate Change(CCC), recently concluded. Only a “selective” rollout of hydrogen produced from gas with CCS had a potentially important role in cutting emissions, it said
It adds that renewable hydrogen
will become competitive with current large-scale industrial supplies from fossil fuels in the next decade or so. This is due to the
falling cost of wind energy and the
electrolyser technologies used to convert it to hydrogen, it says.