غير صحيح
موجه بالليزر يا مسكين
بطل استغباء
كلامك خاطئ 100%
قنابل ال AASM لديها ثلاث انوع من التوجيه
1-النوع الاول GPS + INS
2-النوع الثاني GPS +INS + Infrared
3-النوع الثالث GPS + INS + Laser
اي ان جميع انواع ال AASM موجهة بالاقمار الصناعية + طريقة او اثنين بجانب الاقمار الصناعية لزيادة الدقة
Usable from greater and greater safety distances, with unrivaled ease of use, the air-to-ground modular weapon (AASM) "Hammer", developed by Safran Electronics & Defense, enables extremely accurate strikes. The AASM is an autonomous unjammable interoperable modular device which utilizes leverages a range of guidance kits (INS/GPS, INS/GPS/Infrared and INS/GPS/Laser). The AASM has been tested in numerous recent theaters and delivers an excellent cost/effectiveness ratio.
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Safran Electronics & Defense
Observe, Decide, Guide Intelligence Onboard Our high-tech solutions in optronics, avionics, electronics and critical software for both civil and military markets spans land, naval, aeronautical and space applications. Every day, our know-how allows operational to observe, decide and guide, all...