Iranian made military radars

بالعكس اكمل فمعرفة الأعداء والخصوم واجب على الكل وخاصة ان مشاركتك فيها معلومات وافيه وليس تطبيل

بانتظار الموضوع باللغة العربية لتحفيز الأعضاء على المشاركة وإبداء الرأي والملاحظات الفنية

هناك منضومة محمولة مثلها


ضهرت لدى ميليشيات العراق



توفر لهم القدرة على مراقبة الطاءراة و المسيرات دون معرفة انهم مراقبون
و حتى لو وجدو مكانها و قصفوها هي يتم التحكم فيها عن بعد
يمكنك حتى الولوج لها عبر الحاسوب و الهاتف الذكي

هناك كثير من المنضومات اخرى ستحتاج موضوعها وحدها



القاعدة المستعملة كأنها قاعدة صاروخ تاو الذي قام الايرانيون باستنساخه
هذا الرادار بالضبط شارك في تطوير وحداته معهد ارميني خاص
كنت اضن انه ارميني الصنع لكن بعد البحث في قدرات المؤسسة و الستخدام المنطق ذلك مستبعد جدا
صدق او لا تصدق هناك ايضا مشروع رادار شارف على الإنتهاء يشبه الغرين باين​
طيب يا صديقي اطرح هذه التفاصيل في مواضيع مستقلة تكرما لا امرا
بانتظار كل جديدك

there are many other variants of the two Ground Surveillance Radar
models that are shown in this thread with different performances​
Mesbah-1 3D phased array radar


the radar is used to guide anti-aircraft artillery with a combination of an electro-optical system

the radars of the Mersad air defense system


Kavosh, is an upgraded copy of the original AN/MPQ-50. The maximum range is increased to 150 km and an IFF system is added to the radar

Hadi, is an upgraded version of AN/MPQ-46 with an additional EO system attached to it
The Hadi radar is equipped with an Electro-optical system to detect and track targets when the battlefield is affected by heavy jamming

the Mersad air defense system is also equipped with Hafez which is a 3D radar with 250 km range and ability to track 100 targets simultaneously

this system also use the Joya CWAR to detect low flying objects
التعديل الأخير:

Keyhan radar system




This radar is a 2D radar capable of detecting distance, angle, direction and radial velocity of targets and can detect and intercept aerial targets including conventional aircraft, submarines, cruise missiles, long-range stealth, bombers, and transport aircraft. according to Iranian officials, the radar was designed to detect high numbers of targets and decoys when under attack
According to press reports, operating radars in the HF frequency range are unique in the world


Keyhan-related radar receiver vehicle, equipped with receiver equipment, RF receiver, processing and control CPU
the radars of the Mersad air defense system

مشاهدة المرفق 192289

Kavosh, is an upgraded copy of the original AN/MPQ-50. The maximum range is increased to 150 km and an IFF system is added to the radar
مشاهدة المرفق 192290
Hadi, is an upgraded version of AN/MPQ-46 with an additional EO system attached to it
The Hadi radar is equipped with an Electro-optical system to detect and track targets when the battlefield is affected by heavy jamming

the Mersad air defense system is also equipped with Hafez which is a 3D radar with 250 km range and ability to track 100 targets simultaneously
مشاهدة المرفق 192291

this system also use the Joya CWAR to detect low flying objects
مشاهدة المرفق 192293

the Mersad air defense system uses an upgraded copy of the American hawk missiles

an image of the hawk missile seeker for reference


Shalamcheh missile seeker


shahin Missile seeker


seeker base plate probably belonging to one of those missiles



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the Sevom Khordad air defense radar

the Sevom Khordad air defense radar can control two launchers engage 4 targets and guide 8 missiles, with an estimated range of about 100 km

the engagement radar of the Bavar-373 air defense system

we still don't know much about this radar other than its role in the new air defense system that is still under development
the Mersad air defense system uses an upgraded copy of the American hawk missiles

an image of the hawk missile seeker for reference

مشاهدة المرفق 192405

Shalamcheh missile seeker

مشاهدة المرفق 192403مشاهدة المرفق 192404

shahin Missile seeker

مشاهدة المرفق 192408

seeker base plate probably belonging to one of those missiles

مشاهدة المرفق 192407

the missiles and launchers of the Mersad system have been replaced
Fire Control Radar

MST-X fire control radar is responsible for detecting and tracking air and marine targets simulta- neously by using one search radar and two independent track radars in both normal and jammer conditions. The second track radar is combined with an electro optical system for better reliability in radar jamming conditions. Information of tracked targets including range, azimuth and elevation is sent to combat management system through a secure port so that calculations related to the future point are done by a ballistic computer and then, a rocket or a missile is fired against enemy targets. Stabilizer unit in the main radar compensates angular movements of the ship and provides a stable platform for radar antennas. This system acts as the main member of fire control system in warships.

Electro optical unit specifications

Vision camera

- CCD type: 1/2 inches, wavelength: 0.4 to 1 micron
- Sensitivity: 0.003 lux
- Horizontal resolution: at least 570 lines
- Number of pixel: at least 600*800
- Focal length: 10 to 1000 mm
IR camera
- Wavelength: 3 to 5 micron
- Resolution: 258*320
- Frame frequency: 25
- Field of view: narrow: 1.7*2.3 and wide:5.5*6.9
- IFOV: 0.1 mr
Target range finder
- Wavelength: 1540 micron
- Range: 0.5 to 18 km
- Accuracy: 5m
- Repetition frequency: 12.5 Hz
- Resolution: 14 bit
Target Designator
Optical site Day Vision
- Zoom: 3 Times
- Accuracy on 100 meter: 13 millimeter
- Visibility : 11 meter on 100 meter
- Optical opening Diameter: 32 millimeter
- Reticle Color: Red , Green , Blue
Optical site Night Vision
- Visibility : 40 Degree
- Resolution: 0.76 Cycle per Mill radian
- Diopter Adjustment: (+2 to -6) Diopter
Movement pedestal:
- in azimuth :360 Degree
- in elevation: ( 0 to 45) Degree
real images of the MST-X fire control radar radar