والله مش بالعافية انا بحاول افهم
من عنيا
من حاجات غير مسربة ...
The Egyptian air force participated in the Saudi led coalition in an
air campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen in 2015 and 2016, but due to a lack of a CISMOA, its aircraft were u
nable to effectively operate with the other Arab aircraft which used CISMOA enabled communications. The Egyptian air force was
more of a hazard than a helper. "
بيقول ان طائرات المصريين مكانتش قادرة تتعاون مع الطائرات الاخرة (منهم السعودية)
اللى فيها CISMOA لعدم وجودة فى الطائرات المصرية
Egypt and the US signed an important new encrypted communications agreement that has ramifications for defense policy and Egypt
هنا بقا .. من الراجل اللى كان شغال
مستشار الدفاع عن ش افريقيا فى فترة 2005-2007 بيقول دول التعاون الموقعة لم يوقفهم القلق المصرى من التوقيع
Matthew Axelrod, an American writer who served as the Country Director for Egypt and North Africa in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2007 and conducted research on the U.S.-Egypt strategic relationship on a Fulbright grant in Egypt in 2008, says: “Egypt would have to sign a ‘Communications, Interoperability, and Security Memorandum of Agreement’ (CISMOA), something Egyptian defense officials have refused to do for over a decade, arguing that the resulting U.S. inspection requirements amount to an infringement on national sovereignty. Such concerns, however,
have not kept the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council from signing the agreement, which raises the likelihood that some other reason underlies Egypt's decision.”
وبيقول ان فى سبب تانى ورا عدم توقيع مصر وقتها ...
التسريبات بقا ... دى تسريبات على فكرة
فى 2006 السعودية مكنتش موقعة .. كان المسول هيجتمع بالمسولين السعودين يظبط الحوار
RADM Moeller said that there is only one issue that needs to be resolved before the CISMOA is finalized. He said that he will return to Saudi Arabia the following week, and hopes to complete the agreement soon.
ودة بياكد ان 2006 ماكنتش لسا موقعة .. كانت لسا حاجة يتفقة عليها
Prince Khalid outlined a number of priority bilateral military issues, including CISMOA and the depleted uranium problem. He noted that recent meetings on these issues had been fruitful. Like King Abdullah, Prince Khalid raised the planned visit by the USAF assessment team. He also noted RSAF complaints concerning a lack of agreement on equipment purchases, including ammunition and missiles. Prince Khalid told General Pace that the issue of a datalink with the Patriot missile systems was being worked out. Prince Khalid declined to comment on the Military Working Group issue, saying only that the new committee was something for the Embassy and others to work out.
2008 كانت موقعة بص .. الجنرال رضا بيقول ان فى فجوة تكنولوجية مابين مصر و الموقعين
We assess that General Redda would express his views on a CISMOA to the Field Marshal, if asked. Redda seems to recognize the technological gap between the Egyptian Air Force and the forces of other regional U.S. allies,
such as Jordan and the Gulf states, is due to the lack of a CISMOA.
فى تسريب جامد اوى بص دى بقا .. فى حد كان موقف الاسلحلة لمصر مش ال CISMOA
دة فى 2010 .. مصر كانت بتأجل التوقيع معرفش لية ...
Dr. Kahl encouraged Egypt to sign a Communications Electronics Security Agreement (CESA aka CISMOA) with the Unites States, which would pave the way for the transfer of advanced technology to Egypt and greatly increase interoperability.
Al-Assar stated that Egypt had "its reasons to delay a decision on a CISMOA." ......
Al-Assar noted that a CISMOA was not a condition for obtaining these systems, but instead they were held up due to a "third party".
عايز التسريبات اجبهالك .. هيا موجودة على النت بس .. المشرفين افيدونا احطها هنا ؟؟
موضوع تانى بس فية نشاط يورانيوم فى واحد من التسريبات فى السعودية
