خد الجديد يا حج راجح
اولا موضوع محدودية قدرة الهركليز الحالي للتعامل مع الاستر 30 طلع غير صحيح
ده حوار بتاريخ 6 يوليو 2015 مع مدير برنامج الفريم بـ dcns
NR: Will this "boosted" HERAKLES be a limiting factor relative to the capacity of Aster 30 missiles? In other words, in case of interception, will the FREDA + Herakles + Aster 30 combination have the same capabilities as the Horizon + Smart L+ Aster 30 combination
TRE: The Horizon frigates are equipped with SMART-L radar and EMPAR. Aster 30 firing tests (with French and foreign navies) showed that Herakles was very effective in its current configurations.
ثانيا رادار الهركليز سيخضع لتحديث لزيادة مداه دون التاثير على باقي القدرات الخاصة بالفريم ولتتحول الفريم الفرنسية الي فريدا فرنسية تحمل 16 استر 15 + 16 استر 30
NR: Will the FREDA receive a specific combat management system (CMS)? Will it be an evolution of the FREMM CMS or will it be based on the Horizon class? Will the Combat Information Center (CIC) be re-arranged compared to the one currently found on board Aquitaine class frigates ?
AB: The specific functions related to air defense missions will be developed from the CMS installed on board anti-submarine warfare FREMM frigates. Regarding the CIC, we will apply adaptability measures such as increasing the number of consoles. (Ed note: but the same hardware/consoles will be used)
NR: What will the configuration of the vertical launch system be ? 32x Sylver A50 or 16x Sylver A50 and 16x Sylver A70? Will the FREDA retain the capacity to launch Naval Cruise Missiles ? (Ed. note: A70 is the "strike length" VLS and the current Aquitaine class is fitted with 16x Sylver A50 for Aster 15 missiles and 16x Sylver A70 for Naval Cruise Missiles).
AB: The FREDA vessels will be configured with 4x A50 modules (for a capacity of 32x Aster missiles). The Naval Cruise Missile capacity is not expected for FREDA.
NR: Is the installation of adjunct systems necessary for the implementation of this radar ? (More power, more computers etc ...)
TRE: There is no installation of additional systems but an evolution of the Herakles system:
• Additional Tx modules are added for the "boosted" version of Herakles, requiring adjustment of the setting of the Tx modules cooling system.
• Changes in certain subsets of the radar was necessary to generate new impulses and the new "Long Range" search/watch mode (signal generation, treatment, ...)
NR: Finally can you confirm the range increase of 50 Km for the "boosted" Herakles (from 250 km to 300 km) ?
TRE: We can not mention any numbers, we can just mention a significant increase in range.
ثالثا بقى يا حج راجح وده الاهم .. فرنسا عرضت على استراليا نموذج رائع من الفريم .. يحمل رادار الايسا الجديد CEAFAR2 الذي هو في مراحله الاخيرة .. ليس هذا فقط لكن دون اي تقليل من قدرات الفريم في جزئية مكافحة الغواصات >> لتجعلها متعددة مهام بامتياز دون اي تغيير في المحرك او خلافه
DCNS representative explained to
Navy Recognition that the vessel shares the same hull (same engines, same displacement) based on the proven FREMM design. DCNS used its research and development work already conducted on the FREMM ER (unveiled at Euronaval 2012) to fine tune the design of the mast area for this SEA5000 proposal. As can be seen on the CGIs, the FREMM for Australia is fitted with a 127mm main gun and a Rheinmetall Millenium CIWS gun on top of the helicopter hangar. DCNS stresses that this is "a first approach to SEA5000 with known or anticipated requirements" and that it will adapt the design and systems fit as customer requirements emmerge. The FREMM was designed from the start by DCNS as a potent ASW platform with very low accoustic signature even at speed.
CEA says CEAFAR 2 will be a tri-band (S, X, L) radar with plannar arrays on an integrated mast. It will be developped (as part of SEA1448 Ph4B) by agnostic to the ship design chosen for SEA5000.
وجهة نظري ان الرادار ده مش مضمون حصولنا عليه من جانب الاستراليين .. لكن نسخة الفريدا الفرنسية بالهركليز المطور متاحة بالفعل وتخطط فرنسا لنفسها بالحصول على 2 قبل انتهاء برنامج الفريم
وبالتالي احنا مش هنكون مضطرين للحصول على فريم مخصصة لمكافحة الغواصات واخرى مخصصة للدفاع الجوي
لكن هي هتكون متعددة المهام
المشكلة الحقيقية هتكون في موافقة فرنسا على تصدير الاستر 30