قطر تفاوض أمريكا لشراء نظام رادار للإنذار المبكر من نوع «FPS-132» بقيمة مليار دولار

أو ممكن هي تفتح باب للموافقة الخليجية على الدرع الصاروخي بعد رفض مسبق

ههههه تقصد بيد امريكيه مستحيل الخليج ممكن يوافق الا المملكة خذها مني عرضت علينا كم مره واخرها في زيارة الملك لاكن مايفهموا قطر تمشي بطريق وتغرد خارج السرب ومهي بضارتنا
ابدا يا سيد اهو غلاسه كده
اما سؤال غريب و الله

شوف يا كبير

U.S. Radar in Israel: What’s it For, Really? (Updated)

A few weeks back, the
U.S. Army’s European Command set up an early-warning radar system in
. It’s ostensible purpose is to boost defenses against Iranian missiles. But Entropic Memes wonders whether there isn’t something more to this radar than meets the eye.

The AN/TPY-2 radar is one of the "key component" in the "American Forward-Based Radar global missile-defense system," Entropic Memes notes. And it has a huge range — about 2000 kilometers, by some estimates.

Placed in Israel, the radar could watch over most of Iran. But it also covers a broad swath of the Middle East and the Caucasus, too. Plus, EM observes, "you can’t help but wonder why the system wasn’t installed in Iraq, or better yet Afghanistan." That "would ensure full coverage of
Iran – and, in the case of Afghanistan, provide coverage of Pakistan as well."

What’s more, the system in Israel is quite similar to the radar that the U.S. wanted so badly to install in the Czech Republic earlier this year, as part of its larger missile defense shield. Could this be another attempt, to piece together that regional defense? Victoria Samson, with theCenter for Defense Information, believes it might. "It was sold to the Israelis as something that could feed information into their system about incoming Iranian missiles," she writes. "But I would argue its primary purpose is to be part of the
U.S. missile defense system in Europe."

CIA veteran Allen Thomson is "not convinced," however. Israel Negev desert "is marginal as a site to provide coverage of Iranian launches to the north, particularly if you factor in earth curvature and the altitude missiles launched from Iran would have to get to to break the radar’s horizon. The Caucasus or even eastern
Turkey would be much better," he tells DANGER ROOM.

Thomson adds, "That said, I agree that very careful (meaning quantitative) scrutiny should be given to this deployment to see if it makes sense in terms of its claimed purpose. Or in terms of other, unclaimed purposes."

UPDATE: Be careful about those radar range estimates, former Air Force officer Brian Weeden counsels. They vary quite a bit.

First, range is function of the power of the radar. Modern phased arrays are made of a number of smaller transmit/receive elements, often times hundreds or thousands depending on the size of the radar face and the width of the radar beam (a function of the frequency). The total power (and thus range) of the radar depends on how many of these elements you pack into the face. There’s a huge difference in capability between a fully populated array and one that’s only 10%
populated, and it looks like MDA isn’t going to have nearly the money or manufacturing capacity to fully populate the elements either the
Israel or Czech radar (10 to 25% populated is more likely).

Second, effective tracking range of a radar is dependent on the Radar Cross Section
(RCS) of the object it is trying to track (which is partly dependent on the frequency of the radar). This makes sense – the more radar reflective an object is, the more energy it will reflect back to the receiver and thus less power is needed to track it. So whenever someone gives you the "effective range" of a radar, you always need to ask "against what size target?" And here once again MDA isn’t really being completely honest. The stated ranges for the Israel and Czech
(and Sea Based X-band for that matter) are against 1 meter RCS targets. Unfortunately, their primary target – nuclear warheads in flight – are much smaller than that in the frequency the are using, typically about 0.1 meter RCS.

هيهيهيه و احنا فرحانين بالنيبو ام ... حماده و الله
في مشكلة ان تقريبا في شئ مشابه لل SBX بيعمل في اسرائيل ، يا ريت لو في تاكيد
هيهيهيه و احنا فرحانين بالنيبو ام ... حماده و الله
في مشكلة ان تقريبا في شئ مشابه لل SBX بيعمل في اسرائيل ، يا ريت لو في تاكيد

و الله يا عزيزي محتاجين حد من الخبراء يقولنا الرادارات العامله في اسرائيل لان واضح ان في غابه هناك
SBX في اسرائيل لا اعتقد ذلك
تبدو كهذا


اعتقد رادار مثل الذي في الصوره او رادار بالعموم

هذه هي العديد؟

جزء من المنظومة الدفاعية الامريكية التي وعدوا بها دول الخليج و هناك حديث عن ان دول الخليج ستدخل تحت المظلة النووية الامريكية مثل تركيا و اليابان
من المستحيلات أن تقبل المملكة بهذه المظلة

الرادارات النظيرة لرادار الامريكي fps 132

الرادار الروسي Voronezh فورونيج مداه 10000 الاف كم


الرادار الصيني (لم أجد أسمة ) مداة 5500 كم


الرادار الفرنسي TLP مداة 3000 كم

أعتقد أن لدينا نوع قريب من هذه هل تعرف مانوعه؟

من المستحيلات أن تقبل المملكة بهذه المظلة

أعتقد أن لدينا نوع قريب من هذه هل تعرف مانوعه؟

تقصد رادار بمدى 5000 او اكثر لا لا لانمتلك كهذا والله اعلم
انا عموما ارى بانها باذن الله بداية للدرع الخليجي الي بيكون بمستوي قوي جدا جدا وهو سياتي باذن الله
هيهيهيه و احنا فرحانين بالنيبو ام ... حماده و الله
في مشكلة ان تقريبا في شئ مشابه لل SBX بيعمل في اسرائيل ، يا ريت لو في تاكيد

عائلة ال ULTRA-C منها



The basic module, designated ULTRA-C1, comprises a single AESA cluster measuring 3×3 meters. It is mounted on a rotating pedestal covering 360 degrees. ULTRA C-1 is configured as a relocateable system designed to provide an autonomous search and detection capability at a range of up to 500km for a typical fighter aircraf

The ULTRA-C1 (single cluster configuration) is a lightweight mobile system designed to provide an autonomous search and detection capability up to 500km for a typical fighter aircraft. .​



Another variant is ULTRA-C6, which comprises six clusters (three stacks of two units). It is designed to provide early warning, at long ranges, of satellites, ballistic missiles and other airborne targets,



Both C-6 and C-22 are based in fixed sites but can be aimed at specific sectors, using trainable mounts to point the entire array toward an area with coverage of 320 degrees. These radars are employed primarily for long-range early warning against missile attacks, or for space debris monitoring and surveillance. Other cluster configurations are possible to meet specific customer requirements.

ULTRA C-22 (22 clusters configuration) is a strategic system for ballistic missiles and space objects detection and tracking at very long ranges.
فيديو مميز للمنظومات الإسرائيلية وطريقة تركيبها وتسميتها

لاكن قطر وممكن بعض الدول الخليجية راح تقبل
وهذا قطر طلبت الرادار باموالها يعني ماتفرق وهذا الذي يريده الامريكان دولة خليجية واحدة توافق
توجد معلومات بوجود رادار بالاردن لاكن نوع مختلف تحت الايدي الامريكية هم المشغلين له

كلامك غير صحيح المملكة رفضت في كل المناسبات ان يكون هناك صلة للولايات المتحدة بالدرع الخليجي وكل الدول الخليجية اتبعت منهاج المملكة في هذه النقطة قطر مثل ماوضعنا كاحتمال انها تغرد خارج السرب اذا كان هذا الرادار بكوادر امريكية لاكن نحن نعمل على تشكيل درع خليجي وقطر معنا والله اعلم