توقيع اتفاقيات فى مجال الدفاع بين مصر وفرنسا اثناء زياره رئيس الوزراء الفرنسى للقاهره

لن يتم استبدال الميج21 بعدد112 مقاتله ب92 ميج35
لو سمحت يا مستر راجح ...
هوه ليه كل الناس بتتكلم انه ستم إستبدال الميج 21 بالميج 35 بالرغم من حدوث تطوير شامل للميج 21 يجعلها فى الخدمه لما بعد 2020
- ثانيا فى كثير من المواقع بتتكلم عن FC-1 وانها موجوده فى مصر بعدد 48 مقاتله هل الكلام ده فعلا صحيح ولا أُشُعات !!!
لان من وجهة نظرى خير بديل للميج 21 هى FC-1 لان وبكل بساطه الميج 21 هى F-7 هى FC-1
منتظر رد حضرتك فى المسأله دى لأنه محيرانى جدا جدا ...

Airbus receives from Egypt its first order of A400M after the accident


St. Paul in a speech that Egypt has asked the company to have the A400M as soon as possible.
Has not disclosed the number of units that the African country has requested, but what matters is that would be the first state seeking to buy these aircraft since the program was launched by the customer nations (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Belgium and Malaysia, which joined in 2005). And even more relevant because last May 9 one of the planes that was by testing before delivery to the Turkish army fell shortly after takeoff in Seville. The accident is therefore not taking effect on the export potential of the device.

Egypt is the first customer of another Airbus military aircraft that is assembled in Seville, the C295, which runs 24 aircraft, the largest fleet in the world individually. Albiac told the staff that the response of the Egyptian army Airbus has been that it must meet its commitments to the countries and customers, but that Egypt welcomes aware of the importance of the A400M aircraft to keep it safe.
Airbus already had an order of 8 aircraft from South Africa that eventually was canceled, and another 3 to Chile is to be realized after being frozen by the change of government in recent years. Egypt and would be the first new customer. It remains to be seen whether the planes that can be sold to the country would be the Spanish army has already said it does not want, half of the 27 aircraft originally commissioned and that Spain has agreed with Airbus to jointly market.

اسرائيل احتلت اراضي عربيه في ٦٧ بالتكنولوجيا الفرنسيه
العراق حسم المعركه مع ايران عندما دخلت المقاتلات والزخائر الفرنسيه على الخط
السلاح الفرنسي مع جندي مدرب= قوه رهيبه
التكنولوجيا الفرنسيه تقريبا الوحيده المستقله في اوروبا عن الشيطان الامريكي
وتستحق قل يورو يدفع فيها​
بسم الله ما شاء الله والله كلام حضرتك معقول وزى الفل وفعلا إستنتاجات حقيقيه إن لم تكن فعلا نتائج .....
ربنا يبارك فى حضرتك أمال الإعلام بيدينا صوره مُختلفه عن حضرتك ليه !!!!!:D
دول عالم ظلمه والله
تقبل تحياتى
الصراحة اتفاجأت بتصنيع الميج
ولو ان زيادة عددها منطقي جدا
اتمني ما يكون تجميع نهائي فقط
اتمني نسبة تصنيع حقيقية حتي لو ٢٠٪
بالنسبة للسو
انا راي قلتوا اكتر من مرة انها مش جاية
وان مصر هتزود اعداد الرافال والميج
اول سو ممكن تيجي مصر ستكون الفاباك
طائرات الجيل الرابع +
الاف١٦ بلوك ٥٠
الباقي سيخرج من الخدمة بشكل كامل
لانة مش الكل هيخرج تماما الا مع بداية دخول طائرة الجيل الخامس
لو سمحت يا مستر راجح ...
هوه ليه كل الناس بتتكلم انه ستم إستبدال الميج 21 بالميج 35 بالرغم من حدوث تطوير شامل للميج 21 يجعلها فى الخدمه لما بعد 2020
- ثانيا فى كثير من المواقع بتتكلم عن FC-1 وانها موجوده فى مصر بعدد 48 مقاتله هل الكلام ده فعلا صحيح ولا أُشُعات !!!
لان من وجهة نظرى خير بديل للميج 21 هى FC-1 لان وبكل بساطه الميج 21 هى F-7 هى FC-1
منتظر رد حضرتك فى المسأله دى لأنه محيرانى جدا جدا ...

تطوير شامل ههههههههه لا تطوير ولا بتنجنا + الميح 21 البدن متهالك واغلب الطيارت خارج الخدمة
ومفيش الفسية الصيني في مصر
Airbus receives from Egypt its first order of A400M after the accident


St. Paul in a speech that Egypt has asked the company to have the A400M as soon as possible.
Has not disclosed the number of units that the African country has requested, but what matters is that would be the first state seeking to buy these aircraft since the program was launched by the customer nations (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Belgium and Malaysia, which joined in 2005). And even more relevant because last May 9 one of the planes that was by testing before delivery to the Turkish army fell shortly after takeoff in Seville. The accident is therefore not taking effect on the export potential of the device.

Egypt is the first customer of another Airbus military aircraft that is assembled in Seville, the C295, which runs 24 aircraft, the largest fleet in the world individually. Albiac told the staff that the response of the Egyptian army Airbus has been that it must meet its commitments to the countries and customers, but that Egypt welcomes aware of the importance of the A400M aircraft to keep it safe.
Airbus already had an order of 8 aircraft from South Africa that eventually was canceled, and another 3 to Chile is to be realized after being frozen by the change of government in recent years. Egypt and would be the first new customer. It remains to be seen whether the planes that can be sold to the country would be the Spanish army has already said it does not want, half of the 27 aircraft originally commissioned and that Spain has agreed with Airbus to jointly market.

حادثة إييييييييييييييييه !!!
والله اسبانيا عملت معانا الصح تتنازل عن 27 حته مره واحده
صحيح العِرق العربى الى فيهم بيحن
ربنا يباركلك يا اسبانيا ...
والله أنا قلقان تكون الطائره دى فيها عيوب وعلشان كده كله بينفضلها ...
لازم نعاين الأول
Airbus receives from Egypt its first order of A400M after the accident


St. Paul in a speech that Egypt has asked the company to have the A400M as soon as possible.
Has not disclosed the number of units that the African country has requested, but what matters is that would be the first state seeking to buy these aircraft since the program was launched by the customer nations (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Belgium and Malaysia, which joined in 2005). And even more relevant because last May 9 one of the planes that was by testing before delivery to the Turkish army fell shortly after takeoff in Seville. The accident is therefore not taking effect on the export potential of the device.

Egypt is the first customer of another Airbus military aircraft that is assembled in Seville, the C295, which runs 24 aircraft, the largest fleet in the world individually. Albiac told the staff that the response of the Egyptian army Airbus has been that it must meet its commitments to the countries and customers, but that Egypt welcomes aware of the importance of the A400M aircraft to keep it safe.
Airbus already had an order of 8 aircraft from South Africa that eventually was canceled, and another 3 to Chile is to be realized after being frozen by the change of government in recent years. Egypt and would be the first new customer. It remains to be seen whether the planes that can be sold to the country would be the Spanish army has already said it does not want, half of the 27 aircraft originally commissioned and that Spain has agreed with Airbus to jointly market.

كدا الكاسا بقت 24 مش 20 كمان
لو سمحت يا مستر راجح ...
هوه ليه كل الناس بتتكلم انه ستم إستبدال الميج 21 بالميج 35 بالرغم من حدوث تطوير شامل للميج 21 يجعلها فى الخدمه لما بعد 2020
- ثانيا فى كثير من المواقع بتتكلم عن FC-1 وانها موجوده فى مصر بعدد 48 مقاتله هل الكلام ده فعلا صحيح ولا أُشُعات !!!
لان من وجهة نظرى خير بديل للميج 21 هى FC-1 لان وبكل بساطه الميج 21 هى F-7 هى FC-1
منتظر رد حضرتك فى المسأله دى لأنه محيرانى جدا جدا ...

اولا مفيش اي fc-1 في مصر و لن يكون هناك مصر صرفت النظر عنها مليون بالمائة
الميج21 تخرج من الخدمه من فتره و لن يتم تطويرها
الميج35 ستكون المسئوله عن مهام الاعتراض و معاونه الدفاع الجوي و عدد 92 مقاتله دليل علي تضخم حجم الاسطول الجوي ليضم 400-500 مقاتله حديثه اي من الجيل الرابع و ما يليه استنادا علي النسب المعروفه دوليا من المقاتلات المخصصة لتامين سماء الدوله و المقدره ب25% و هي نفس النسبه للكيان
Airbus receives from Egypt its first order of A400M after the accident


St. Paul in a speech that Egypt has asked the company to have the A400M as soon as possible.
Has not disclosed the number of units that the African country has requested, but what matters is that would be the first state seeking to buy these aircraft since the program was launched by the customer nations (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Belgium and Malaysia, which joined in 2005). And even more relevant because last May 9 one of the planes that was by testing before delivery to the Turkish army fell shortly after takeoff in Seville. The accident is therefore not taking effect on the export potential of the device.

Egypt is the first customer of another Airbus military aircraft that is assembled in Seville, the C295, which runs 24 aircraft, the largest fleet in the world individually. Albiac told the staff that the response of the Egyptian army Airbus has been that it must meet its commitments to the countries and customers, but that Egypt welcomes aware of the importance of the A400M aircraft to keep it safe.
Airbus already had an order of 8 aircraft from South Africa that eventually was canceled, and another 3 to Chile is to be realized after being frozen by the change of government in recent years. Egypt and would be the first new customer. It remains to be seen whether the planes that can be sold to the country would be the Spanish army has already said it does not want, half of the 27 aircraft originally commissioned and that Spain has agreed with Airbus to jointly market.


خبر حلو بصراحة يا معلم
لو تسمح أنقلها في موضوع مستقل عشان نناقشها بصورة مفصلة يا كبير
حادثة إييييييييييييييييه !!!
والله اسبانيا عملت معانا الصح تتنازل عن 27 حته مره واحده
صحيح العِرق العربى الى فيهم بيحن
ربنا يباركلك يا اسبانيا ...
والله أنا قلقان تكون الطائره دى فيها عيوب وعلشان كده كله بينفضلها ...
لازم نعاين الأول
27 ده حجم الطلب الاسباني كله و هي تعرض التنازل عن نصفه فقط
he Spanish army has already said it does not want, half of the 27 aircraft originally commissioned and that Spain has agreed with Airbus to jointly market
و كذلك المانيا بطلب 53 طائره و فرنسا 50 طائره يعرضون التنازل عن جزء من صفقاتهم
التعديل الأخير:
متابعات | نائب رئيس شركة إيرباص : قدمت طلباً للتعاقد على طائرات النقل العسكرى A400M فى أسرع و قت و بقدر الإمكان - الصحافة الأسبانية .


عملاق يا سيسى
المفروض لما يخلص مدة الرأسة يمسك شعبة التسليح :D
متابعات | نائب رئيس شركة إيرباص : قدمت طلباً للتعاقد على طائرات النقل العسكرى A400M فى أسرع و قت و بقدر الإمكان - الصحافة الأسبانية .


عملاق يا سيسى
المفروض لما يخلص مدة الرأسة يمسك شعبة التسليح :D
يا باشا في مده تانيه كمان
حادثة إييييييييييييييييه !!!
والله اسبانيا عملت معانا الصح تتنازل عن 27 حته مره واحده
صحيح العِرق العربى الى فيهم بيحن
ربنا يباركلك يا اسبانيا ...
والله أنا قلقان تكون الطائره دى فيها عيوب وعلشان كده كله بينفضلها ...
لازم نعاين الأول