هيا مش دي النسخه الجديده من الباراكودا النوويه لاكن بالدفع العادي?
احد الاخوة كان شرح النسخه دي و قال انها صنعت لاستراليا
لاكن الوحيدة المعروض معاها نقل تقنيه هيا الاسكوربيون
سوال شخصي لم تسمح : مين برين ? بنتك ? اول مره اسمع الاسم دا
عبارة عن غواصة ديزل كربائية بمواصفات غواصة نووية إزاحتها 4750 طن
لديها قدرات شبحية فريدة من نوعها
لديها القدرة على الغوص لمدة بعيدة وعمق كبير
العمل في المحيطات
تصل إلى 18000 ميل بحري على سرعة 10عقدة
الفرنسيين يخططون لتكون أصغر حجما في النسخ القادمة
ستدخل الخدمة لدى فرنسى 2017
هذه الغواصة متعددة المهام
ضد الغواصات
ضد الأهداف البرية
ضد الأهداف الجوية
ضد السفن
حمل قوات خاصة
Weapon systems
The submarine will be equipped with a total of 34 weapons of five different types including torpedoes, mines, anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles and anti-air missiles. Multiple weapons aboard the submarine will allow the engagement of surfaced and submerged targets, as well as aerial and land-based targets.
Vertical launchers will be included on the watercraft. These will provide salvo capability for cruise missile strikes on land targets.
A deployable 'virtual mast' system is also built into SMX-Ocean design. Basically, this is a buoy system fitted with electro-optical, signals intelligence, and even radar sensors, as well as data-link communications, that can be deployed while the sub is at great depth. Such a system can be used as a traditional periscope would, to visually survey the boat's surface surroundings and target craft if need be, or it could be used for communications, building an aerial and surface radar picture, or to relay information collected by a sub-launched UAV.
DCNS's latest fuel cell and lithium-ion battery based AIP technology will allow these big boats to stay submerged and near entirely silent for up to 21 days at a time. With its large internal volume, the SMX-Ocean will have enough fuel and stores on-board that it will be as adapted to 'blue water' operations (open ocean) as 'brown water' operations in the coastal littoral areas. This makes them capable of missions like carrier escort, which have traditionally been conducted by nuclear boats for navies that have the capability.
لو حصلت عليها مصر ستكون معجزة ..................قول يارب
إجابة على سؤالك : أبو برين اسم العائلة ...