أخبار الصفقة الفرنسية المصرية (رافال +فريم )

فيما يتعلق بالفريم تم ذكر الرادار هرقل و عدم تصدير النافال !!!! و سوف تحتوي على الاستر و من المشاكل المتوقعه تدريب الطاقم ، طوربيدات الام يو 90 و سونار الكابتور ، مفيش جديد عن اول خبر للصفقه زمان ، اظن التقرير ليس مطلع او دقيق تماما و تم الحديث ايضا عن تسريع و تيرة تصنيع الفريم للبحريه الفرنسية لمواجهة النقص بعد تسليم المصريه و تاريخ تسويق الرافال و مجئ الرافال المصريه بالميكا حراري و رداري و ميتور و سكالب و rbe2 aesa
Ces bâtiments de 102 mètres et 2700 tonnes en charge seront notamment équipés de missiles surface-air VL Mica et de missiles antinavire Exocet MM40, de torpilles MU90, d’un canon de 76mm, d’un système de combat SETIS, d’un radar tridimensionnel (probablement un SMART-S), de lance-leurres Sylena ainsi que de sonars Kingklip et Captas 2.

الجويند بردار سمارت اس ممكن ، اكزوسيست ام ام 40 و النظام setis ، سواني عليا في الباقي :D

بيتهيالي في كلام كمان عن تسليح الرافال والفريم

These buildings 102 meters and 2,700 tons in charge will include equipped with surface-to-air missiles VL Mica and Exocet MM40 missiles, MU90 torpedoes, a 76mm cannon, a SETIS combat system, a radar three-dimensional (probably a SMART-S) of decoy launcher Sylena well as sonar and Kingklip CAPTAS 2
بيتهيالي في كلام كمان عن تسليح الرافال والفريم

These buildings 102 meters and 2,700 tons in charge will include equipped with surface-to-air missiles VL Mica and Exocet MM40 missiles, MU90 torpedoes, a 76mm cannon, a SETIS combat system, a radar three-dimensional (probably a SMART-S) of decoy launcher Sylena well as sonar and Kingklip CAPTAS 2

فيما يتعلق بالفريم تم ذكر الرادار هرقل و عدم تصدير النافال !!!! و سوف تحتوي على الاستر و من المشاكل المتوقعه تدريب الطاقم ، طوربيدات الام يو 90 و سونار الكابتور ، مفيش جديد عن اول خبر للصفقه زمان ، اظن التقرير ليس مطلع او دقيق تماما و تم الحديث ايضا عن تسريع و تيرة تصنيع الفريم للبحريه الفرنسية لمواجهة النقص بعد تسليم المصريه و تاريخ تسويق الرافال و مجئ الرافال المصريه بالميكا حراري و رداري و ميتور و سكالب و rbe2 aesa
فيما يتعلق بالفريم تم ذكر الرادار هرقل و عدم تصدير النافال !!!! و سوف تحتوي على الاستر و من المشاكل المتوقعه تدريب الطاقم ، طوربيدات الام يو 90 و سونار الكابتور ، مفيش جديد عن اول خبر للصفقه زمان ، اظن التقرير ليس مطلع او دقيق تماما و تم الحديث ايضا عن تسريع و تيرة تصنيع الفريم للبحريه الفرنسية لمواجهة النقص بعد تسليم المصريه و تاريخ تسويق الرافال و مجئ الرافال المصريه بالميكا حراري و رداري و ميتور و سكالب و rbe2 aesa

معلش ممكن تنقل الكلام نصا بالفرنساوي لاني مش قادر اشوفه :)
Les lanceurs Sylver A70 conçus pour accueillir 16 missiles de croisière MdCN seront en outre débarqués, cet armement n’étant pas vendu. L’un des grands enjeux enjeu de la FREMM égyptienne sera la formation de son futur équipage, qui sera probablement menée sous la houlette de DCI Navfco
d’un sonar de coque et d’un sonar remorqué (Captas 4), ainsi que d’un système SETIS, cette frégate mettra en œuvre des missiles surface-air Aster 15, des missiles antinavire Exocet MM40, un canon de 76mm, des torpilles MU90 et un hélicoptère.
L’un des grands enjeux enjeu de la FREMM égyptienne sera la formation de son futur équipage, qui sera probablement menée sous la houlette de DCI Navfco
لا دا فى كلام كبير بيتقال الجويند هيجى متسلح بالميكا النسخه البحري ومعاه الاكسوسيت MM40 والتوربيد MU90

frappe au sol avec des bombes à guidage laser, des missiles AASM et des missiles de croisière, attaque antinavire avec l’Exocet AM39, défense aérienne avec les missiles Mica IM et ER, bientôt complétés par le Meteor, et même frappes nucléaires avec l’ASMPA. Doté d’une nacelle de désignation d’objectif et d’un canon de 30mm, le Rafale est également apte aux missions de reconnaissance grâce au pod Reco NG, ainsi qu’au ravitaillement en vol d’autres appareils. Continuant à évoluer au fil du temps, avec de nouveaux équipements, les derniers modèles intègrent le radar à antenne active RBE2 AESA

اعتذر عن التاخير و كثرة المشاركات ثقافتي الفرنسيه صفر :D
الطائرات الفرنسية ليست لهم القدرة على على مواجهة الطائرات الروسية والامريكية كون الطائرات الروسية والامريكية يحتويان معضم طائراتهم الجديدة على مبدا المنافسة حيث ان المريكان كلما ياتي بطائرات حديثة وانضمة الكترونية حديثة يعمل الروس على ابتكار اجهزة اقوى واحدث وطائرات خفيفة ولديها القدرة الفائقة على المناورة والتحكم العالي في الصواريخ الموجهة و ومواجهة الاهداف حتى عند وجود اجهزة تشويش حيث يتم التدمير الهدف بقدر عالية اما فرنسا فامكانياتها لاتسمح بانتاج مقاتلات منافسة للروس والامريكان معضم الطائرات الفرنسية ثقيلة بطيئة المناورة مدى الطائرة القصير دون التزود بالوقود مع امكانية كشف الراداري للطائرة باستعمال منضومة اس-300 الروسية اين فرنسا من المنافسة
دى حالتى تحديدا عندما قرأت تعليقك لا توجد كلمه واحده من الممكن مناقشتها بالاساس
اعتراضى الكامل على الصفقه وان فرنسا لبستنا فى الحيطه فى صفقه مرتفعه التكلفه 20% منها ذهب لذخائر كالاكسوسيت والميكا و AASM
وقت زياره بوتين لمصركان هناك تهكم على منتديات روسيه من ان مصر اشترت الفريم فى صفقه تعادل مليار يورو اغلى مما تتكلفه روسيا فى بناء غواصه بورى نوويه ..... شعرت بحزن شديد من التعليق :(
المحزن ان ترى احتفاء بالحصول على السكالب فى وقت تخجل من وضعه فى مقارنه مع Stand off صينى و روسى وما اكثرهم
فرنسا ربحت من الصفقه بلا شك , تسويق الرافال . بيع نسخه الفريم بسعر لم يكن ليحلموا به
التسهيلات فى نظم السداد اعتقد كانت العامل الاهم فى حسم الصفقه , غير ذلك كنا نستطيع استثمار المبلغ بشكل افضل من مصادر اخرى
لا دا فى كلام كبير بيتقال الجويند هيجى متسلح بالميكا النسخه البحري ومعاه الاكسوسيت MM40 والتوربيد MU90


اينعم من المقال الجويند قطعه في منتهى القوه و التسليح لو نقل التقنيه 60% حتى و نستطيع ادخال وحدات كثيره منه براحتنا 10 مثلا لن يكون هناك حاجه لادخال اكثر من 2 فري اضافي
دى حالتى تحديدا عندما قرأت تعليقك لا توجد كلمه واحده من الممكن مناقشتها بالاساس
اعتراضى الكامل على الصفقه وان فرنسا لبستنا فى الحيطه فى صفقه مرتفعه التكلفه 20% منها ذهب لذخائر كالاكسوسيت والميكا و AASM
وقت زياره بوتين لمصركان هناك تهكم على منتديات روسيه من ان مصر اشترت الفريم فى صفقه تعادل مليار يورو اغلى مما تتكلفه روسيا فى بناء غواصه بورى نوويه ..... شعرت بحزن شديد من التعليق :(
المحزن ان ترى احتفاء بالحصول على السكالب فى وقت تخجل من وضعه فى مقارنه مع Stand off صينى و روسى وما اكثرهم
فرنسا ربحت من الصفقه بلا شك , تسويق الرافال . بيع نسخه الفريم بسعر لم يكن ليحلموا به
التسهيلات فى نظم السداد اعتقد كانت العامل الاهم فى حسم الصفقه , غير ذلك كنا نستطيع استثمار المبلغ بشكل افضل من مصادر اخرى

و هنا سؤال يطرح نفسو ارضا :D لو تكرمت اخ باتون بوجهة نظرك ليه مصر لا تهتم بشكل صريح بالشق البحري الروسي !
تحب انزلهولك انجليزى يبقى الموضوع اسهل ؟

اي حاجة .. فرنساوي او انجليزي
المشكلة عندي ان رابط الخبر بيفتح سطرين فقط وبيطلب مني الاشتراك المدفوع لرؤية بقية الخبر
يبدو انني استهلكت عدد المرات المجانية :D
اكون شاكرا لو وضعت الخبر كله مره واحد باي لغة (ربنا يخليلنا العم جوجل) :D
وشكرا لاخي العزيز
batteryneon على تعبه
تفضل اخى الكريم House
This is so unexpected that important contract for French industry. Last night, Francois Hollande confirmed the sale to Egypt of a multi-mission frigate and Rafale combat aircraft. The President announced that the contract would be signed Monday, February 16, Cairo, by the Minister of Defence, Jean-Yves Le Drian. Estimated at 5.2 billion euros, it was negotiated in a few months, the first discussions dating back to last September. Initially, Egypt would have liked one second FREMM and a large batch of missiles but the bill, exceeding 7 billion euros was too high.

(© Dassault Aviation)

An order of four to six corvettes already signed in 2014

Especially since 2014 had been marked by a major contract between the two countries, the Egyptian Navy ordering DCNS four corvettes Gowind Type 2500 for more than a billion euros. The seed is available in the summer of 2017 by the DCNS site in Lorient, the other three to be conducted in Egypt through a technology transfer. The contract is, moreover, with an option for two additional units planned to be built in France.

These buildings 102 meters and 2,700 tons in charge will include equipped with surface-to-air missiles VL Mica and Exocet MM40 missiles, MU90 torpedoes, a 76mm cannon, a SETIS combat system, a radar three-dimensional (probably a SMART-S) of decoy launcher Sylena well as sonar and Kingklip CAPTAS 2.


Gowind 2500 (© DCNS)

Normandy frigate will change nationality

So it will add a FREMM, much more imposing building with its 142 meters and 6,000 tons. With a Herakles multifunction radar, a hull sonar and a towed sonar (CAPTAS 4), as well as a SETIS, the frigate will implement SAMs Aster 15 anti-ship Exocet missiles MM40, a 76mm cannon, the MU90 torpedoes and a helicopter. It will be delivered this summer to meet the will of the Egyptian president to dispose to conduct naval review from early August to mark the end of the widening of the Suez Canal. The deadlines are too short for a new building, it was decided to take Normandy, French FREMM second, to be delivered in late 2014 in the Navy. The building, currently docked in Lorient, DCNS will be modified to meet the needs and Egyptian standards. The Sylver A70 launcher designed to accommodate 16 MdCN cruise missiles will also be landed, this weapon is not sold. One of the major issues at stake in Egyptian FREMM will be the formation of his future crew, who will likely be conducted under the leadership of DCI Navfco. The company will build no doubt the French sailors, who have carried out for over a year, arming, and the rise of the frigate, along with DCNS teams.


The FREMM Normandie (© DCNS)

Navy reorganizes

The levy of a building that would integrate the French fleet will impose the Navy and DCNS to reorganize. Concerning seafarers, the crew of the Normandy will be switched to Provence, now in testing and delivery of which is scheduled for later this year. As to that of Provence, it will be transferred to the Languedoc, which is completed afloat after launching in Lorient last October. In order to have as fast a core of two FREMM in Brest, where frigates priority mission to protect nuclear submarine ballistic missile, Provence replace Normandy to the tip of Brittany, while it was join Toulon to succeed Montcalm. Since the Var naval base will have to wait to see happen in 2017 its first FREMM, namely the Languedoc, it was decided to extend the Montcalm at least one year, knowing that this unit should be removed from service in 2016. A similar measures could be adopted for the Jean de Vienne, the second frigate F70 Var ASM type. Everything will depend in fact the rate of delivery of the following FREMM. Asked earlier this week by Sea and Navy, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Rogel, said assurances had been taken from DCNS so that in case of sale of Normandy, the pace production FREMM be accelerated. With the objective that four frigates of this type to be delivered by the end of 2016 and six by the end of 2018.



Modernization and jump capability

Through the "future ex-Normandie" and Gowind the Egyptian Navy will profoundly modernize its naval forces. Its main body is indeed very old age with six American frigates, four OH Perry commissioned in 1981 and 1982, and two Knox in 1973 and 1974. Added to two Chinese units Jianghu type I, delivered 1984 and 1985, as well as two former Spanish corvettes Descubierta type operational since 1984. The new buildings will enable Egypt to significantly strengthen its naval power in the region, both for geopolitics and military, maritime approaches security the country, guaranteeing free access to the Suez Canal, is a compelling need (the channel is one of the main Egypt resources). Note that the FREMM and Gowind very versatile, will allow the Egyptian Navy to have anti-submarine capabilities of the first order.A control area considered crucial by Cairo, who also ordered Germany to two submarines of the type 209, whose delivery is expected from 2016 (the agreement was reached between Berlin and Cairo in 2011).


First export contract for the Rafale

The contract to be signed between France and Egypt will also be the first export order for the Rafale. A long-awaited success by Dassault Aviation and its partners, beginning with Thales, Safran and MBDA. But 500 subcontractors for a program generating some 7,000 jobs. In service since 2001 in the naval aviation since 2006 and in the Air Force, the French fighter aircraft has largely proven in the theater of operations, from Afghanistan to Iraq, to Libya and Mali.Unique, this totally versatile, which replaces 7 types of aircraft in the French armed, can fill any type of mission: hit the ground with laser-guided bombs, AASM missiles and cruise missiles, antiship attack Exocet AM39, air defense missile Mica with IM and ER soon supplemented by Meteor, and even nuclear strikes with ASMPA. Featuring a targeting pod and a 30mm cannon, the Rafale is also able to reconnaissance pod with the Reco NG as well as refueling other aircraft flight. Continues to evolve over time, with new equipment, the latest models feature active antenna radar RBE2 EASA. Hailed by the air forces and navies (including the US Air Force and US Navy) as an exceptional product with remarkable abilities, the Rafale has until now never been sold for export. After the failures encountered in Asia in the 2000s, which logically explained by the interest of the countries concerned to come under American protection, the missed opportunity in Morocco, whose fault probably is for the state, was resented. As for Brazil, the too premature announcements of the then president, Nicolas Sarkozy, have only accentuated the feeling of a serious business downturn. Yet Brazilians, eventually choosing the Gripen NG, less expensive but far from offering the same capabilities as its French competitor, took a rather "wise" decision, the little Swedish hunter to being good enough truth for Air Force that are not brought to be projected on large international theaters.


Rafale on the Charles de Gaulle (© NAVY)

Negotiations drag with India

For the Rafale, the first good news came in January 2012 when he won the tender launched by India for 126 aircraft program. The "Contract of the Century", valued at some $ 20 billion, for which negotiations are continuing, but drag on, which raises some concerns. The discussions, tough, cover aspects related to technology transfer, 108 of the 126 aircraft to be made locally, where it is appropriate to bring together the skills and know-how. Dassault hope this giant order will be notified by 2016. In addition to India, there are also different prospects, such as the United Arab Emirates, with there too complex negotiations since 2009, or Qatar, with which exchanges are ongoing.

Combination of factors leading to success

By becoming the first international customer flagship of French military aviation, Egypt (using Dassault aircraft since the 70s with the Mirage 5, the Alpha Jet and Mirage 2000) may encourage other countries to follow suit not. It is in any case what hoped yesterday Francois Hollande. The Head of State reiterated the urgent need for Egypt to build capacity to enable it to defend itself meet the threats it faces. A requirement that France responded with materials that have charmed the Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Beyond the excellent relations between Paris and Cairo, the political dimension is essential in this type of market, it must be said that with regard to the Rafale, the French plane has scored points lately. It will obviously its performance in operations, but also the difficulties of the Middle East countries have had with the United States to use American equipment in transactions without the consent of Washington.According to some observers, this resulted in the conviction in several Arab capitals that do business with the French was an asset in terms of sovereignty. To these must be added the positive engagement of Jean-Yves Le Drian, acclaimed industrial, yet rarely the same political edge as an extremely active minister in supporting export. France also reaping the benefits of decades of cooperation with many countries, including in training. Thus, several generations of officers learned their trade with French armies arrive today to senior positions. So it's a combination of factors contributing to business success.


Rafale production line (© Dassault Aviation)

Offset lower deliveries to the French forces

In France, sales of the export Rafale is in any case a priority, and with the delay in the conclusion of the Indian program, signing a contract with Egypt is an incredible boon to the industry and state. To financially meet military planning law (2014-2019), the Ministry of Defence had anticipated effect in the export successes. Thus, from 2016, it is expected to reduce deliveries to the French forces Gust, 6 units per year instead of 11, the threshold limit under which Dassault Aviation provides unable to descend. To ensure the differential, it was expected that about 5 planes are each year until the end of the LPM at least for foreign customers. It was thought the 18 Indian Rafale. Except that they are slow and will therefore be appropriately replaced in the production chain by Egyptian planes. We do not know for now, how exactly will reorganize Dassault. The only certainty Egypt orders 24 Rafale and she wants very quickly.Spreading deliveries over 5 years is it playable? Will it go faster? Also what about the workload if another export command is juxtaposed? Will it still reduce deliveries to the French forces? Can the production rate to be increased?We should, quite quickly, to see more clearly.

The unloved finally greeted on his land ...

Meanwhile, the Rafale, which since its inception in France of the object amounts of criticism, often stupid are unjustified, should normally out of purgatory. Unloved in one country, one that he was born, this superb plane, pride industrial and military, will perhaps finally find favor in the eyes of the public and the general press. Always a Vachard stranded, many media did not miss last night to launch spades on the price of the aircraft and the time it took for the sale for export. But at the same time, the good news and the Rafale's performance was
unanimously acclaimed. This is already a good progress ...

اي حاجة .. فرنساوي او انجليزي
المشكلة عندي ان رابط الخبر بيفتح سطرين فقط وبيطلب مني الاشتراك المدفوع لرؤية بقية الخبر
يبدو انني استهلكت عدد المرات المجانية :D
اكون شاكرا لو وضعت الخبر كله مره واحد باي لغة (ربنا يخليلنا العم جوجل) :D
وشكرا لاخي العزيز
batteryneon على تعبه

عفوا ، سامحني انا افتكرت انك عايز النصوص الصريحه :)
بس كلام المقال مش مريح لا في seafire500 ولا في السكالب نافال
وكلام استاذ باتون صائب في الشق الروسي اصل عندهم بلاوي يا جماعه و كلها حلوه و رخيصه و كتيره بشكل يزهق فا لماذا !
تفضل اخى الكريم House
This is so unexpected that important contract for French industry. Last night, Francois Hollande confirmed the sale to Egypt of a multi-mission frigate and Rafale combat aircraft. The President announced that the contract would be signed Monday, February 16, Cairo, by the Minister of Defence, Jean-Yves Le Drian. Estimated at 5.2 billion euros, it was negotiated in a few months, the first discussions dating back to last September. Initially, Egypt would have liked one second FREMM and a large batch of missiles but the bill, exceeding 7 billion euros was too high.

(© Dassault Aviation)

An order of four to six corvettes already signed in 2014

Especially since 2014 had been marked by a major contract between the two countries, the Egyptian Navy ordering DCNS four corvettes Gowind Type 2500 for more than a billion euros. The seed is available in the summer of 2017 by the DCNS site in Lorient, the other three to be conducted in Egypt through a technology transfer. The contract is, moreover, with an option for two additional units planned to be built in France.

These buildings 102 meters and 2,700 tons in charge will include equipped with surface-to-air missiles VL Mica and Exocet MM40 missiles, MU90 torpedoes, a 76mm cannon, a SETIS combat system, a radar three-dimensional (probably a SMART-S) of decoy launcher Sylena well as sonar and Kingklip CAPTAS 2.


Gowind 2500 (© DCNS)

Normandy frigate will change nationality

So it will add a FREMM, much more imposing building with its 142 meters and 6,000 tons. With a Herakles multifunction radar, a hull sonar and a towed sonar (CAPTAS 4), as well as a SETIS, the frigate will implement SAMs Aster 15 anti-ship Exocet missiles MM40, a 76mm cannon, the MU90 torpedoes and a helicopter. It will be delivered this summer to meet the will of the Egyptian president to dispose to conduct naval review from early August to mark the end of the widening of the Suez Canal. The deadlines are too short for a new building, it was decided to take Normandy, French FREMM second, to be delivered in late 2014 in the Navy. The building, currently docked in Lorient, DCNS will be modified to meet the needs and Egyptian standards. The Sylver A70 launcher designed to accommodate 16 MdCN cruise missiles will also be landed, this weapon is not sold. One of the major issues at stake in Egyptian FREMM will be the formation of his future crew, who will likely be conducted under the leadership of DCI Navfco. The company will build no doubt the French sailors, who have carried out for over a year, arming, and the rise of the frigate, along with DCNS teams.


The FREMM Normandie (© DCNS)

Navy reorganizes

The levy of a building that would integrate the French fleet will impose the Navy and DCNS to reorganize. Concerning seafarers, the crew of the Normandy will be switched to Provence, now in testing and delivery of which is scheduled for later this year. As to that of Provence, it will be transferred to the Languedoc, which is completed afloat after launching in Lorient last October. In order to have as fast a core of two FREMM in Brest, where frigates priority mission to protect nuclear submarine ballistic missile, Provence replace Normandy to the tip of Brittany, while it was join Toulon to succeed Montcalm. Since the Var naval base will have to wait to see happen in 2017 its first FREMM, namely the Languedoc, it was decided to extend the Montcalm at least one year, knowing that this unit should be removed from service in 2016. A similar measures could be adopted for the Jean de Vienne, the second frigate F70 Var ASM type. Everything will depend in fact the rate of delivery of the following FREMM. Asked earlier this week by Sea and Navy, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Rogel, said assurances had been taken from DCNS so that in case of sale of Normandy, the pace production FREMM be accelerated. With the objective that four frigates of this type to be delivered by the end of 2016 and six by the end of 2018.



Modernization and jump capability

Through the "future ex-Normandie" and Gowind the Egyptian Navy will profoundly modernize its naval forces. Its main body is indeed very old age with six American frigates, four OH Perry commissioned in 1981 and 1982, and two Knox in 1973 and 1974. Added to two Chinese units Jianghu type I, delivered 1984 and 1985, as well as two former Spanish corvettes Descubierta type operational since 1984. The new buildings will enable Egypt to significantly strengthen its naval power in the region, both for geopolitics and military, maritime approaches security the country, guaranteeing free access to the Suez Canal, is a compelling need (the channel is one of the main Egypt resources). Note that the FREMM and Gowind very versatile, will allow the Egyptian Navy to have anti-submarine capabilities of the first order.A control area considered crucial by Cairo, who also ordered Germany to two submarines of the type 209, whose delivery is expected from 2016 (the agreement was reached between Berlin and Cairo in 2011).


First export contract for the Rafale

The contract to be signed between France and Egypt will also be the first export order for the Rafale. A long-awaited success by Dassault Aviation and its partners, beginning with Thales, Safran and MBDA. But 500 subcontractors for a program generating some 7,000 jobs. In service since 2001 in the naval aviation since 2006 and in the Air Force, the French fighter aircraft has largely proven in the theater of operations, from Afghanistan to Iraq, to Libya and Mali.Unique, this totally versatile, which replaces 7 types of aircraft in the French armed, can fill any type of mission: hit the ground with laser-guided bombs, AASM missiles and cruise missiles, antiship attack Exocet AM39, air defense missile Mica with IM and ER soon supplemented by Meteor, and even nuclear strikes with ASMPA. Featuring a targeting pod and a 30mm cannon, the Rafale is also able to reconnaissance pod with the Reco NG as well as refueling other aircraft flight. Continues to evolve over time, with new equipment, the latest models feature active antenna radar RBE2 EASA. Hailed by the air forces and navies (including the US Air Force and US Navy) as an exceptional product with remarkable abilities, the Rafale has until now never been sold for export. After the failures encountered in Asia in the 2000s, which logically explained by the interest of the countries concerned to come under American protection, the missed opportunity in Morocco, whose fault probably is for the state, was resented. As for Brazil, the too premature announcements of the then president, Nicolas Sarkozy, have only accentuated the feeling of a serious business downturn. Yet Brazilians, eventually choosing the Gripen NG, less expensive but far from offering the same capabilities as its French competitor, took a rather "wise" decision, the little Swedish hunter to being good enough truth for Air Force that are not brought to be projected on large international theaters.


Rafale on the Charles de Gaulle (© NAVY)

Negotiations drag with India

For the Rafale, the first good news came in January 2012 when he won the tender launched by India for 126 aircraft program. The "Contract of the Century", valued at some $ 20 billion, for which negotiations are continuing, but drag on, which raises some concerns. The discussions, tough, cover aspects related to technology transfer, 108 of the 126 aircraft to be made locally, where it is appropriate to bring together the skills and know-how. Dassault hope this giant order will be notified by 2016. In addition to India, there are also different prospects, such as the United Arab Emirates, with there too complex negotiations since 2009, or Qatar, with which exchanges are ongoing.

Combination of factors leading to success

By becoming the first international customer flagship of French military aviation, Egypt (using Dassault aircraft since the 70s with the Mirage 5, the Alpha Jet and Mirage 2000) may encourage other countries to follow suit not. It is in any case what hoped yesterday Francois Hollande. The Head of State reiterated the urgent need for Egypt to build capacity to enable it to defend itself meet the threats it faces. A requirement that France responded with materials that have charmed the Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Beyond the excellent relations between Paris and Cairo, the political dimension is essential in this type of market, it must be said that with regard to the Rafale, the French plane has scored points lately. It will obviously its performance in operations, but also the difficulties of the Middle East countries have had with the United States to use American equipment in transactions without the consent of Washington.According to some observers, this resulted in the conviction in several Arab capitals that do business with the French was an asset in terms of sovereignty. To these must be added the positive engagement of Jean-Yves Le Drian, acclaimed industrial, yet rarely the same political edge as an extremely active minister in supporting export. France also reaping the benefits of decades of cooperation with many countries, including in training. Thus, several generations of officers learned their trade with French armies arrive today to senior positions. So it's a combination of factors contributing to business success.


Rafale production line (© Dassault Aviation)

Offset lower deliveries to the French forces

In France, sales of the export Rafale is in any case a priority, and with the delay in the conclusion of the Indian program, signing a contract with Egypt is an incredible boon to the industry and state. To financially meet military planning law (2014-2019), the Ministry of Defence had anticipated effect in the export successes. Thus, from 2016, it is expected to reduce deliveries to the French forces Gust, 6 units per year instead of 11, the threshold limit under which Dassault Aviation provides unable to descend. To ensure the differential, it was expected that about 5 planes are each year until the end of the LPM at least for foreign customers. It was thought the 18 Indian Rafale. Except that they are slow and will therefore be appropriately replaced in the production chain by Egyptian planes. We do not know for now, how exactly will reorganize Dassault. The only certainty Egypt orders 24 Rafale and she wants very quickly.Spreading deliveries over 5 years is it playable? Will it go faster? Also what about the workload if another export command is juxtaposed? Will it still reduce deliveries to the French forces? Can the production rate to be increased?We should, quite quickly, to see more clearly.

The unloved finally greeted on his land ...

Meanwhile, the Rafale, which since its inception in France of the object amounts of criticism, often stupid are unjustified, should normally out of purgatory. Unloved in one country, one that he was born, this superb plane, pride industrial and military, will perhaps finally find favor in the eyes of the public and the general press. Always a Vachard stranded, many media did not miss last night to launch spades on the price of the aircraft and the time it took for the sale for export. But at the same time, the good news and the Rafale's performance was
unanimously acclaimed. This is already a good progress ...

شكرا جزيلا اخي العزيز المحارب المصري :)
عفوا ، سامحني انا افتكرت انك عايز النصوص الصريحه :)
بس كلام المقال مش مريح لا في seafire500 ولا في السكالب نافال
وكلام استاذ باتون صائب في الشق الروسي اصل عندهم بلاوي يا جماعه و كلها حلوه و رخيصه و كتيره بشكل يزهق فا لماذا !

ده انت تشكر انك كنت بتقرا وبترجم في نفس الوقت
بالنسبة للرادار فمن الطبيعي انه يكون هرقل لان رادار نار البحر قدامه فترة عشان يركب فعليا
وبالتالي اذا كنا عايزين نستلم الفريم بدري فلا بديل عن الرادار القديم حاليا
وبالتالي حسب ما يقول اخونا عادل دويدار تعاقدنا على هذا التطوير منذ الان

اما موضوع الاسكالب البحري فهو القلق الحقيقي فعلا .. والان نحن نريد معلومة مؤكدة بخصوصه

اما سعر الفريم فانا على يقين ان ثمنها ليس مليار يورو (حتى مع ثمن تطوير الرادار)
خلينا نحسبها
اولا كم تتوقع يكون ثمن الذخيرة المطلوبة (ميكا راداري وحراري - ميتيور - سكالب جوي على الاقل - الاستر 15 - طوربيدات- الاكسوسيت -وغير ذلك)
بالميت خالص مش اقل من مليار يورو (وفي الحقيقة اعتقد انه اكثر من ذلك)
24 رافال ثمن الواحدة حوالي 143 مليون يورو = 3.5 مليار يورو(شاملة اخر التطويرات وقطع الغيار والتدريب ووو)
ا فريم = 600 - 700 مليون يورو
ستجد ان ثمن الصفقة هو بالفعل 5.2 مليار يورو وهو السعر الغالب على الصحف الفرنسية
بينما لا تريبون اعتبرت ثمن الصفقة 5.6 مليار يورو (وحتى لو كان كذلك فانا اعتقد ان تلك الزيادة ستذهب للذخيرة .. فسعر صاروخ الميكا الواحد 3 مليون يورو)
ايضا لا تنسى سرعة التسليم .. وانك بتاخد سلاح بالتقسيط المريح وبتكنولوجيا اعلى من الروسية