أخبار الصفقة الفرنسية المصرية (رافال +فريم )

تم تعديل العنوان
وشكرا للاخ هشام على تعاونه

وتبقى الحصريات دوما من نصيب ابوقحط :cool:


طياره من الـ 24 تنزل هنا عند الكبير ابو قحط وبالميتيور والسكالب والميكا وشوية سلطات ومخلل "تاكل حاف ولا تغمس" :D
Because operationally, the camera the job, and does it very well. He proved in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, now in Iraq. It is one of the only truly multi-role aircraft: intelligence, policing the sky, strikes the ground, and an ability to be flown on aircraft carriers that do not have the Eurofighter or Gripen. With 14 hardpoints, it is an almost unique versatility in the market. Its new configuration heavily armed it a formidable war machine capable of carrying 1.5 times its weight: 6 precision air-to-ground missiles AASM, 4 average air-air missiles and long-range MICA, 2 long Meteor missiles scope, all with three tanks of 2000 liters of fuel.

Of course, the price is not within the reach of every budget: € 142.3 million piece including development and 101.1 million euros at the unit price of production according to the Court of Accounts 2010. But it is the lot of all hunters in this range, such as the historical rival Eurofighter Typhoon. Even the US single-engine F-35 (JSF), described as low-cost at launch, is now happily catch the price of French fighter. This award reserves the Rafale to a much more limited market than monoréacteurs like the F-16 or the Gripen. The debate is still open as to whether the maintenance of the chain of the Mirage 2000, despite the lack of orders from the early 2000s would not have been a better choice than closing.
It is at 18:45 on Thursday 12 February, the Egyptian General Mohammed al-Assar called Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Minister of Defence, to inform the president Sissi had given its approval for the signing a contract for the delivery of 24 Rafale combat aircraft and a multimission frigate (FREMM). Jean-Yves Le Drian therefore travel on Monday to Cairo to sign this contract in the amount of 5.2 billion euros. The Elysee confirmed tonight that signature.

Rarely in the history of arms contracts, a contract has been signed so quickly, less than 5 months in total. The first contact was on 16 September during the visit of the French Minister of Defence in Cairo. That morning, the president Sissi evokes the purchase of Rafale and frigates. Three French companies are mandated to the negotiations with the minister's office: Dassault Aviation, MBDA (missiles) and DCNS. The discussion takes place between the Ministry of Defence and General al-Assar, a close associate of the Egyptian president. When the latter went to Paris, November 26, he participated in Jean-Yves Le Drian, during a dinner of its intention to acquire 24 Rafale and a frigate.

In mid-December an Egyptian team spent a week in Paris and a first draft contract is then established. On January 11, at the inauguration of the new king Salman of Saudi Arabia, President Sissi meets with Francois Hollande and Jean-Yves Le Drian, expressing their willingness to go very fast. His ambition is to have the equipment (at least three Rafale and the frigate) from August 2nd, for the inauguration of the widening of the Suez Canal. The discussions between the two sides conclude Friday, February 6, at 19 am at the Hotel de Brienne. Six days later, President Sissi agrees.
الميتيور والسكالب (يبدو انه بالنسخة الفرنسية)

Elysée just announced "The Rafale fighter won his first export contract. The signing will take place on February 16 in Cairo. I asked the defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, sign in name of France, "the head of state.

Dassault won the team's first export contract for its fighter. Great news for the French fighter as well as for the defense budget! For military planning law (LPM) is based on assumptions of the Rafale export to lighten his order and thus smooth the financial burden of the program.

If the conditions of the contract are not yet fully known, the first three aircraft will be removed from the production line to the French army. So the first 3 Rafale products early this year will go directly to Cairo, reports a good source. Still, it will take some work to adapt "défrancisation" to bring them to the Egyptian standard

This means that the Egyptian Rafale will be virtually the French standards.

Side arms, according to a close case, the demand of Cairo is about "French Suite" or Scalp cruise missiles, air to air missiles Meteor MBDA and Sagem 2ASM propelled bombs

If Egypt has French Mirage fleet, Cairo is traditionally an American client. Still, Cairo has decided to diversify its arms purchases following the decsion of the US administration to limit its arms supplies with the arrival of Morsi government. While Paris is at the forefront in the fight against terrorism in the region including the Operation Barkhane.
رابط بسرعة
Because operationally, the camera the job, and does it very well. He proved in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, now in Iraq. It is one of the only truly multi-role aircraft: intelligence, policing the sky, strikes the ground, and an ability to be flown on aircraft carriers that do not have the Eurofighter or Gripen. With 14 hardpoints, it is an almost unique versatility in the market. Its new configuration heavily armed it a formidable war machine capable of carrying 1.5 times its weight: 6 precision air-to-ground missiles AASM, 4 average air-air missiles and long-range MICA, 2 long Meteor missiles scope, all with three tanks of 2000 liters of fuel.

Of course, the price is not within the reach of every budget: € 142.3 million piece including development and 101.1 million euros at the unit price of production according to the Court of Accounts 2010. But it is the lot of all hunters in this range, such as the historical rival Eurofighter Typhoon. Even the US single-engine F-35 (JSF), described as low-cost at launch, is now happily catch the price of French fighter. This award reserves the Rafale to a much more limited market than monoréacteurs like the F-16 or the Gripen. The debate is still open as to whether the maintenance of the chain of the Mirage 2000, despite the lack of orders from the early 2000s would not have been a better choice than closing.

معلومه قويه جدا ان المقاتله تستطيع حمل 6 صواريخ جو ارض aasm و4 صواريخ جو -جو ميكا وصاروخين ميتيور ,,,كل هذا بجانب 3 خزانات وقود (دون احتساب انه سيكون هناك خزانات وقود كتفيه ان شاء الله)
معلومه قويه جدا ان المقاتله تستطيع حمل 6 صواريخ جو ارض aasm و4 صواريخ جو -جو ميكا وصاروخين ميتيور ,,,كل هذا بجانب 3 خزانات وقود (دون احتساب انه سيكون هناك خزانات وقود كتفيه ان شاء الله)

وعرفنا كمان ان سعر بيع الطائرة 143 مليون يورو .. وسعر تكلفتها 101 مليون يورو
تحيه مني لالقوات المسلحه المصريه والف الف مبروك
ياسلام ان شاء الله نشوف تمارين فيصل 11 الرافال المصريه

الصوره هذي لتمارين فيصل 10 وشملت طائرتين اف 15 سعوديه وطائرتين تايفون وطائرتين اف 16 مصريه



قريبا الرافال المصريه بتطلع بالصوره هذي بتمارين فيصل 11:rolleyes:
مبروووك علينا كلنا الصفقة وشكرا لاخوة علي روحهم الجميلة الطيبة اتجاه اخوانهم
طالع معاي اقوم اضرب نار بالحتة الـ 9 ملم .
اهم شىي من الصفقة ديه
ان الامريكان هيتسهلوا فى موضوع تسليح الفالكون المصرى بل وترقيته

زى قصة الابرامز بالظبط
رفضوا تصنيع مصر ليها ولما مصر كانت على وشك الاتفاق النهائى مع البرازيل تراجوا لابو غزالة

مصر سيكون سلاحها الجوى خطير للغاية فى ظرف 5 سنين ان شاء الله
طياره من الـ 24 تنزل هنا عند الكبير ابو قحط وبالميتيور والسكالب والميكا وشوية سلطات ومخلل "تاكل حاف ولا تغمس" :D

وراح تستقبلها التايفون بالامرام والميتور والستورم شادو مجرد روتين بسيط لحمايه ل ابو قحط لحد ماتروح الرافال :D

حصلنا على الميتيور + السكالب (غالبا النسخة الفرنسية)

للاسف الميتور ماهو من ضمن الصفقه
ربما مستقبلا ان شاء الله
الذخائر المذكوره بالمصادر هي ثلاثه ( صواريخ الميكا + قنابل AASM + صواريخ كروز سكالب )
وراح تستقبلها التايفون بالامرام والميتور والستورم شادو مجرد روتين بسيط لحمايه ل ابو قحط لحد ماتروح الرافال :D

ههههههههههههههههههههه لا انا كنت اقصد هديه للراجل :D "وغير كدا عرفوا التايفون عندكم ان ليها اخوات فى السكه من روسيا وفرنسا "دا احنا هنعمل احلى مناورات السنه دى يا جدعان :D
للاسف الميتور ماهو من ضمن الصفقه
ربما مستقبلا ان شاء الله
الذخائر المذكوره بالمصادر هي ثلاثه ( صواريخ الميكا + قنابل AASM + صواريخ كروز سكالب )

Côté armement, selon un proche du dossier, la demande du Caire porte sur la "suite française", soit missiles de croisière Scalp, missiles air-air Meteor de MBDA ou bombes autopropulsées 2ASM de Sagem.
للاسف الميتور ماهو من ضمن الصفقه
ربما مستقبلا ان شاء الله
الذخائر المذكوره بالمصادر هي ثلاثه ( صواريخ الميكا + قنابل AASM + صواريخ كروز سكالب )

If the conditions of the contract are not yet fully known, the first three aircraft will be removed from the production line to the French army. So the first 3 Rafale products early this year will go directly to Cairo, reports a good source. Still, it will take some work to adapt "défrancisation" to bring them to the Egyptian standard.

This means that the Egyptian Rafale will be virtually the French standards.

Side arms, according to a close case, the demand of Cairo is about "French Suite" or Scalp cruise missiles, air to air missiles Meteor MBDA and Sagem 2ASM propelled bombs
ههههههههههههههههههههه لا انا كنت اقصد هديه للراجل :D "وغير كدا عرفوا التايفون عندكم ان ليها اخوات فى السكه من روسيا وفرنسا "دا احنا هنعمل احلى مناورات السنه دى يا جدعان :D
ههههه فهمتك غلط توقعتك راح تغتال ولدنا ابو قحط قلت لازم نحميه :rolleyes:
دا احنا بنزلزل المنطقه بالمناورات الجويه ترحيب بالرافال الجديده:D

وربما نسمع اخبار من الاشقاء الصهاينه:p خوف وتوتر:rolleyes:
زي ما اعلنت توترها بمناورة تبوك3 بانها تستهدف اسرائيل لانها كانت ضخمه جدا:oops: