احسن الله عزاءنا جميعا ..
اعتقدت ان البانتسير لديه نظام IFF !!
وهنا حديث عن حل معضلة دمج IFF البانتسير ضمن نظام IFF المستخدم والتي تم حلّها بحسب المصدر
Adherence to modular concept was applied not only to design of the system but to its software as well.
That was the way to solve the issues of integration into IFF system existing with each of the Customers. The issue of upgrading the IFF system in case the Customer’s decision to change it was also worked out.
سبب الاعتقاد ايضا ان سابقه التانجوسكا مدمج فيه نظام IFF من نوع 1RL138
The missile requirement led to the unusual two stage 9M311 design, in which the first stage boosted the round to 900 m/s at burnout, the sustainer in the terminal stage burning to impact and maintaining a 600 m/s velocity. The missile employs command link guidance, with an automatic Command to Line Of Sight (CLOS) control loop for the terminal phase to impact, with an 18G capability. The engagement radar component of the 1RL144M Hot Shot system is claimed to operate in the
millimetric band, using jam resistant monopulse angle tracking; a 1A29M optical sight is boresighted with the radar. A 1RL138 IFF system is included. Conceptually the 2S6 missile package has its closest Western equivalents in the Franco-German Roland system, and the UK Rapier Blindfire and Seawold systems.
والله اعلم