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Moskva-1: Passive scout
The modern radar complex, which Russian troops are about to receive, can see and accompany all airborne targets at a distance of 400 km (previous similar radar development Avtobaza could track objects at a maximum distance of only 150 km). Moskva-1 operates on the principle of passive radar. This means that it does not emit any signals, only receives and analyses the outer ones. Therefore, unlike conventional radars, it remains invisible to the enemy. Scanning the airspace, Moskva-1 determines the type of the object and is able to correctly classify it as a missile or an aircraft. The station immediately transmits this valuable information to the command post, and then the operator decides to destroy the object or not. In addition, Moskva-1 can guide air defence system to the target, so that it keeps its radar off, staying invisible to the enemy fire till last.