كلام صحيحyou know what dear
I salute on your consistency in participating in this forum ,yes you do have a major role in making this content spicy,however with all due respect your point of view is narrowed and a bit shallow toward the cause of the conflict , coming back to the pact signed 1991 after the USSR collapsed NATO and EU agreed to stop extending their expansion toward Russia , one part of the agreement consisted of maintaining Ukraine neutral ,for information Putin at the beginning was ready to cooperate and Be a part of the driving economy force of EU but he get snubbed by some stupid arrogant pseudo leaders non less the British and American participated on this isolation especially the British as they will be overwhelmed by the Russian capacity to be a major player in the EU economy ( indirectly its true ) Following that the growth of Russia with EU will eclipse the British from being a decision maker in world wide , the dirty game started since 2010 and the confirmed by the 2013 Maidan revolution where your nice friend and architect of this disaster V. Nuland was intercepted saying ( F******K EU) while she was inciting protesters
all this operation done by Russia is a preventive containment to protect them self from a future direct attack and domestic disturbance , check the time line all have been prepared together with the Arab spring , among the targeted country are major ally of Russia(Libya and Syria) .
from a larger perspective and after seeing all this mess rolling toward them ,i have a question for you , do Russian have the right to protect them self from a plan aiming to split them like a cake and suck their resources yes or no?? , do Russia have the right to protect her common interest , as you use to hear this from major leader in EU and US leader ( our common interest is major red line )
i m agreed to see balance again in the world , this balance will be with mutual benefit for every one
thank you in advance for answering my questions
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