الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,


صقور الدفاع
13 ديسمبر 2011
507 0 0

أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الامريكية لسلاح الجو الاميركي منح عقد 11.4 مليار دولار إلى شركة بوينج لتغطية 84 طائرة مقاتلة من طراز F-15SA ونظم والذخائر التي سيتم بيعها للمملكة العربية السعوديه.

العقد يمثل جزءا كبيرا من إجمالي المبلغ المعلن 29.4 مليار دولار

كما اعلن في 30 ديسمبر الماضي بانه سيت دفع مبلغ 18 مليار دولار لتحديث 70 طائرة من طراز F-15S القديمة وكذلك لخدمات الدعم.

ومن المقرر بناء الطائرات الجديدة إلى أن يكتمل بحلول اكتوبر تشرين الاول عام 2020.

وأعلن عدد كبير من بلدان في الشرق الأوسط رغبتهم في ابرام صفقات لشراء الاسلحه في نهاية عام 2011 بما في ذلك صفقات مع العراق وسلطنة عمان ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

دوما صاحب الحصريات ... تقبل تقيمي
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

دفع مبلغ 18 مليار دولار لتحديث 70 طائرة من طراز f-15s القديمة وكذلك لخدمات الدعم
منح عقد 11.4 مليار دولار إلى شركة بوينج لتغطية 84 طائرة مقاتلة من طراز f-15sa ونظم والذخائر التي سيتم بيعها

136 مليون يساوي f-15sa واحده مع نظم والذخائر

بكم سوف يحدثون 70 طائرة

258 مليون يساوي تحديث 1 طائرة مع
خدمات الدعم


التعديل الأخير:
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الامريكية لسلاح الجو الاميركي منح عقد 11.4 مليار دولار إلى شركة بوينج لتغطية 84 طائرة مقاتلة من طراز f-15sa ونظم والذخائر التي سيتم بيعها للمملكة العربية السعوديه.

العقد يمثل جزءا كبيرا من إجمالي المبلغ المعلن 29.4 مليار دولار

كما اعلن في 30 ديسمبر الماضي بانه سيت دفع مبلغ 18 مليار دولار لتحديث 70 طائرة من طراز f-15s القديمة وكذلك لخدمات الدعم.

ومن المقرر بناء الطائرات الجديدة إلى أن يكتمل بحلول اكتوبر تشرين الاول عام 2020.

وأعلن عدد كبير من بلدان في الشرق الأوسط رغبتهم في ابرام صفقات لشراء الاسلحه في نهاية عام 2011 بما في ذلك صفقات مع العراق وسلطنة عمان ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة

صيغة الخبر غبية تبون تعرفون كيف يقول لك

11.4 مليار دولار لشراء 84 طائرة ودفع مبلغ 18 مليار دولار لتحديث 70 طائرة

يعني بالعقل اروح اشتري طائرات جديده ارخص لي

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

دفع مبلغ 18 مليار دولار لتحديث 70 طائرة من طراز f-15s القديمة وكذلك لخدمات الدعم
منح عقد 11.4 مليار دولار إلى شركة بوينج لتغطية 84 طائرة مقاتلة من طراز f-15sa ونظم والذخائر التي سيتم بيعها

136 مليون يساوي f-15sa واحده

بكم سوف يحدثون 70 طائرة


هذا دليل ان التقرير كله خطا في خطا

لان الصفقة اعلنت عنها السعودية في التلفزيون السعودي وكانت بمبلغ 29.4 :
شراء 84 طائرة f15sa


تحديث 70 طائرة f15s الى طراز f15sa


شراء 70 اباتشي بلوك 3

شراء 72 بلاك هوك

شراء 36 مروحية ليتيل بيرد دعم ارضي

شراء 12 مروحية ليتيل بيرد لنقل القوات الخاصة

شراء20 الف قنبلة منوعة

شراء خوذ متطورة
واشياء كثيرة تشملها الصفقة

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

الصفقة ضخمة وتحتوي على امور تجعل القوات الجوية الاولى بالمنطقة
على سبيل المثال
شراء 338 خوذة المتطورة JHMCS


رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

قيمة صفقة 84 طائرة جديدة من طراز f-15sa + تطوير 70 طائرة f-15s + ذخائر هو 29.4 مليار دولار ولا علاقه لهابطائرات الهليكوبتر

وقيمة صفقة طائرت الهليكوبتر 30 مليار دولار الاباتشى والبلاك هوك والليتل بيرد

وهناك صفقة متوقعه لعدد 12 فرقاطة و 6 غواصات وعدة سفن دعم مع عدد من طائرت السى هوك
مكملة لعدد من طائرت p-8a ستكون قيمتها 30 مليار دولار مبروك للسعوديون وهنيئا للامريكيون

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

يارجل والصواريخ بجميع انواعها والقنابل الذكيه ترى بعد شارين المحركات

للطائرات يعني زود اسبيرات للمحركات وامور كثيره ما انذكرت

وقنابل خارقه للحصون
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

mr.x وش اللي محرق رزك وش عليك منا في جيبك ولا في جيوب الامريكان

وبعدين انا ترى شاري سلاح اخر تقنيه ماشريت خرده من روسيا

اللي والله مانفع لاليبيا ولا العراق ولا هو مجرب في حروب حقيقيه

بعدين السعوديه تبي تبني جيش لايقهر ماهو مثل بعض الناس

اللي يقول عندي جيش وهو ماعنده الا الخرطي
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

قيمة صفقة 84 طائرة جديدة من طراز f-15sa + تطوير 70 طائرة f-15s + ذخائر هو 29.4 مليار دولار ولا علاقه لهابطائرات الهليكوبتر

وقيمة صفقة طائرت الهليكوبتر 30 مليار دولار الاباتشى والبلاك هوك والليتل بيرد

وهناك صفقة متوقعه لعدد 12 فرقاطة و 6 غواصات وعدة سفن دعم مع عدد من طائرت السى هوك
مكملة لعدد من طائرت p-8a ستكون قيمتها 30 مليار دولار مبروك للسعوديون وهنيئا للامريكيون

خخخخخخخخخخخ بلاش كذب

ما دليلك انت لست اصدق من الحكومة السعودية ولست اصدق من البيت الابيض

الصفقة البحرية والجوية هي 60 مليار مقسمة على النحو التالي
29.4 مليار الصفقة الجوية
29.6 مليار الصفقة البحرية

التعديل الأخير:
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

ما شاء الله ارى ان البعض قد استل الحاسبة الرقمية وكلا يعطى سعرا من مخيخة

ما المشكلة لم أسمع أن الحكومة السعودية قد اقترضت المال من دولة عربية أو حتى اجنبية !!!
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

اعصابك يالعملاق الرجال ماقال شي وبعدين وش جاب الفلوس والجيب وانت بعد مانت خاسر شي عطنا شي يفيدنا والا بالله تسكت نبي نقاش هادف مو تهجم ترى ملينا من اسلوب بعض الناس ومن جاب طاري السعوديه وصرف الاموال الاانت

يمكن الرجال معلومات خاطئه المفرووض تصححها خلو الحوار والنقاش هادف ياشباب

والصفقات اهم اعلم منا بكل شي مايروح ريال الا لغرض مافي شي بلاش..

وصفقة الجويه والبحريه كلها 60 مليار الجويه عرفناها باقي البحريه الله يجيبها بخير
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

الله يكتب اللي فيه الخير
يا شباب بكيفهم خلوهم يدفعون اللي يدفعون و خلوا التقرير يخطي زي ما يبي
أهم شيء ال إف 15 sa توصلنا
والباقي ما علينا منه
خذلك تقييم يا مررغب
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

شف وش يقول مبروك للامريكيين .

مايبي يقول انكم تدعمون الصناعات الامريكيه وتنقذون امريكا من ازمتها

الذي اللي يدور في باله .
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

Saudi MEGA Deal

U.S.-Saudi Arms Plan Grows to Record Size

Addition of Apaches, Black Hawks Swells Deal to $60 Billion.


WASHINGTON—The Obama administration plans to include attack helicopters in an expanded arms package for Saudi Arabia, swelling the size of the proposed deal to as much as $60 billion over 10 years, according to officials familiar with the matter.

The deal would be the largest overseas U.S. arms sale, the officials said, though the size could change as the package is finalized, one official said


A proposed U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia would include about 70 UH-60 Black Hawk attack helicopters, shown in Iraq in November 2009. The deal would also include up to 60 Longbow Apache attack helicopters.

Negotiated largely in secret because of the sensitivities in the region, the sale is part of a strategy spearheaded by the George W. Bush administration and expanded by President Barack Obama to beef up the militaries of Arab allies as a counterweight to Iran. Saudi Arabia, home to the birthplace of Islam, claims leadership of the Sunni world, making it a rival of Iran, which is predominantly Shia.

The size and scope of the Saudi deal has stoked concerns in Israel that Washington risks undercutting Jerusalem's military edge. Officials said some weapons systems strongly opposed by the Jewish states won't be included in the package, assuaging some of the Jewish state's concerns.

Israel considers Iran its archenemy but also views Saudi Arabia as a potential future threat to the Jewish state. Israeli and Saudi embassy officials in Washington had no immediate comment on the proposed helicopter sales.

New details about the deal include plans to sell the Saudis about 70 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and up to 60 Longbow Apache attack helicopters together worth about $30 billion. That comes on top of a previously disclosed $30 billion tranche that includes 84 Boeing Co. F-15s and upgrades to older fighters in the Saudis fleet.

Boeing makes the Apache. The Black Hawk is manufactured by United Technologies unit Sikorsky.

The package will also include flight simulators, spare parts and long-term support for the planes and helicopters, the officials said.

The Obama administration is expected to formally notify Congress next month about the deal. Lawmakers close to Israel could hold up parts of the sale or seek assurances of their own that Israel's military edge won't be compromised.

The Pentagon declined to comment on the details of the package.

U.S. officials said weapons systems were excluded from the sale if they were deemed not conducive to regional stability, or if they were objectionable to Israel or Congress. A senior U.S. defense official said of the Israeli response to the Saudi package: "There is a heightened anxiousness about their security situation, and it is not just because of Iran."

Officials said the Saudi F-15s wouldn't be equipped with so-called standoff systems, advanced long-range weapons that can be attached to the fighter for use in offensive operations against land- and sea-based targets. Giving standoff systems to the Saudis would have crossed Israel's red line, an official in the region said.

The Apache sale would also exclude certain weapons opposed by Israel, said officials, who declined to provide further details.

The Saudi deal could increase pressure on Israel to quickly commit to buying the F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, which Lockheed Martin Corp. could start delivering as early as 2015, around the same time the Saudis would begin to get new F-15s.

A senior U.S. defense official said the Joint Strike Fighter would be "the most stealthy, sophisticated and lethal tactical fighter in the sky," adding: "Quite simply, the F-15 will be no match for the F-35."

Israel has been seeking assurances that it could customize the new fighter with Israeli technology, a request that has received a cool reception in Washington. The F-35 is already the costliest and most technically challenging weapons program the Pentagon has ever attempted.

"We've had enough experience with these things that it's possible to come up with a package that reassures the Saudis but doesn't alarm the Israelis. But if we don't succeed, the Saudis are perfectly capable of taking their business elsewhere," said John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org, which tracks such deals.

Saudi officials, in private, chafe over the leverage Israel has over its weapons purchases from U.S. suppliers, from its purchases of its first AWACs planes in the 1980s to the F-15 fighter jet purchases in the early 1990s.

As a way to counter Israeli pressure or vetoes over such purchases, the Saudis in recent years have sought more European- and Russian-made weaponry. That thinking was partially behind the 2007 deal to purchase dozens of Eurofighter fighter planes from BAE Systems, according to Saudi officials.

Flush with oil cash, Saudi Arabia has become a top weapons buyer. It spent $36.7 billion worldwide on arms between 2001 and 2008, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

In additional to Saudi Arabia, the Obama administration has moved aggressively to sell sophisticated arms to the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states, as well as to provide support on a much smaller scale to the Lebanese Army.

—Julian E. Barnes in Washington and Margaret Coker in Abu Dhabi contributed to this article.

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

Saudis Want Raytheon AESA Radar On F-15s

Aug 17, 2010

By David A. Fulghum


A major sticking point on the sale by the U.S. of 84 new F-15S strike-fighters to Saudi Arabia is the degree of sophistication of the long-range aircraft’s radars.

New digital radars with active, electronically scanned array (AESA) antennas can increase surveillance and targeting ranges by three times. They can create ground maps with enough resolution to find small, moving targets. With the right software, they can become impressive electronic warfare devices. And the newest twist is that with the next generation of air-to-air missiles, they can defend against short-range and some medium-range ballistic missiles.

The original request from Saudi Arabia was for the F-15S with a Raytheon-made AESA radar that could increase the sensor’s range for detecting small targets to about 150 mi., depending on the radar cross section of the target, and almost eliminates maintenance costs. The current radar in both the F-15S and Israel’s F-15I is the manually scanned APG-70, which is no longer in production. Israeli pilots say they can see large-airliner-size targets at 150 nm., but tactical-fighter-size targets only register at about 56 nm.

The F-15Ss are part of a proposed $30-billion arms package being promoted by the Obama administration.

“I believe the Saudis want more F-15s to replace some of their older aircraft and because of the long-range [flight] capabilities of the F-15 and the upgraded avionics,” says a senior U.S. aerospace industry official with insight into the program. “They looked at other aircraft but wanted the long-range capability.”

The new AESA radar designs—such as the APG-63(v)3 on upgraded U.S. Air Force F-15Cs and Singapore’s new F-15SGs—can detect much smaller targets. The U.S. variant can find and target small, stealthy cruise missiles at ranges great enough to attack and destroy them.

More importantly, AESA radars the size of those in F-15s can find and target small moving ground targets at long range so they can be struck with standoff weapons beyond the range of antiaircraft weapons.

While Israel and Saudi Arabia carry the same radars in their F-15s, the Israeli air force has fielded long-range unmanned aircraft with precision targeting capabilities that make up for a lack of long-range radar on the manned aircraft. This gives Israel a qualitative advantage for the time being.

South Korean F-15Ks have the APG-63(v)1 (without an AESA antenna but with a digital processing back end). That means the South Koreans can upgrade the fighter’s capabilities when they can afford the advanced antenna arrays.

The negotiations and manufacturing capabilities still in place at Raytheon indicate the candidate radar for Saudi Arabia would be the APG-63(v)1 or 3. Since the Israeli air force is planning to buy about 22 AESA-radar-equipped F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, the purchase of an advanced radar by the Saudis may become a moot issue. It could also soften any onus associated with introducing a stealth fighter to the Middle East.

Fighting with insurgents along the Saudi Arabia-Yemen border reportedly has produced considerable casualties within the Saudi forces. Air raids conducted with Saudi Tornado and F-15S aircraft began late last year against Houthi rebels in the northern Yemen Sa’dah region.

It is the first military action for the Royal Saudi Air Force since 1991. Results have apparently attached some urgency to plans for upgrading air force and ground forces. After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the Saudi forces were modernized, but some equipment is aging and needs replacement.

High on that list are the 82 F-15C/Ds. The Saudis’ best strike aircraft currently are 71 S-models with the Raytheon APG-70 radar with a detuned Doppler beam-sharpening capability. The Israelis have much the same radar (the APG-70I) with a similar reduction in capability. The USAF radars have about three times better resolution than those on I- and S-models. With the APG-70 radar line now closed, it is not clear which radar the new F-15S aircraft will carry.

An increasing threat in the Middle East are ballistic missiles—including Scuds—in the hands of trans-state militant groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas delivered via Iran’s Revolutionary Guard-associated Qods Force. Even long-range artillery rockets are being equipped with guidance systems that make them much more accurate, and thus a greater threat to populated areas.

Saudi Arabia, the U.S., South Korea and Japan, all operators of the F-15, are looking for a weapon to defend against aircraft-launched antiballistic missiles. Among the early candidates is Raytheon’s two-stage, Network-Centric Airborne Defense Element (Ncade) missile. It is a derivative of the AIM‑120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (Amraam) that is carried by most F-15s as a longer-range weapon against other aircraft and small targets like cruise missiles. Ncade prototypes launched by F-16s have shot down sounding rockets.

The combination of a large AESA radar and a powerful new air-to-air weapon would help match the Middle East’s growing short-range missile proliferation problem and help contain a nuclear weapons threat from Iran that worries planners in the region.

Right now there is a gap in missile defense because no airborne weapons can engage ballistic missiles during their boost phase from launch to low space. However, in this part of their flight, ballistic missiles are slowest and most vulnerable to attack. U.S. studies contend that air-launched, hit-to-kill missiles are operationally feasible and technically viable. The U.S. is considering making the project an urgent-procurement quantity buy.

Photo: USAF
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

Riyadh to Invest up to $60 Billion Modernizing Airpower with U.S. Systems

September 14, 2010 at 7:56 am


The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are finalizing an arms package that shadows even the large arms mega-sales in the region. The packages worth about $60 Billion include mostly platforms produced by Boeing, including 84 F-15 fighter jets, replacing the Kingdom’s aging F-15C/D fighters, upgrading of existing F-15S strike fighters in service with the RSAF, supply of 70 new AH-64D attack helicopters and upgrading of existing Apaches, and delivery of 36 AH-6 Little Bird. The package also includes 70 Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk assault helicopters. the deal will also include various types of air/air, and air/surface precision guided weaponry. It is assumed that the quoted price ($60 billion) reflects the full life cycle cost over 10 years.

Other elements on the shopping list being discussed between Riyadh and Washington focus on missile defense, integrating both land-based and, potentially, ship borne elements – once the Saudis commit to an adequate platform. Such systems commonly include variants of the SM-3 or THAAD interceptors, and early warning and fire control systems including the TPY-2 radar or TPY-1 AEGIS BMD naval systems. Unlike other countries in the region, the Saudis preferred to invest in modernizing their airpower but delayed the upgrade of their Patriot air defense systems, which could provide limited ballistic missile defense capability.

In recent years Saudi Arabia has bought military hardware from Russia (main battle tanks, helicopters) the U.K., (Typhoon strike fighters). The kingdom is yet to improve its air defense systems (probably, an element in the new package) and naval capabilities. As other Gulf States, Saudi Arabia is bolstering its military power against the growing from Iran. Most of the investments made by the rich Gulf countries were in missile defense and airpower, trusting the U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf to deal with the Iranian naval forces. On the other side of the Gulf, Iran is constantly expanding its naval capabilities and ballistic missile reach, seeking strategic domination of the region, by conventional and unconventional means.
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

Why Does Saudi Arabia Need $90 Billion in Weapons?


The Obama administration is seeking a go-ahead from Congress to sell up to $60 billion worth of sophisticated warplanes to Saudi Arabia and could add another $30 billion worth of naval arms in a deal designed to counter the rise of Iran as a regional power.

The deal would apparently represent the largest single U.S. arms sale ever approved. It would allow Saudi Arabia, the most militarily advanced of the Arab Gulf states and one of the richest countries in the world, to buy top-line U.S.-made helicopters and fighter jets with ranges that would span the Middle East and beyond.

Unlike some previous sales to Saudi Arabia, this one is not expected to be derailed by opposition in Congress or from U.S. backers of Israel, who have worried in the past about blunting Israel’s military edge over its Arab neighbors.

That’s more than half of the regular DoD procurement budget in 2010 and a number equal to the entire defense budget of the UK for this year (adjusted roughly to USD).

Iran is now seen by Israel, the Gulf Arab states and the West as a significant and unpredictable threat that has changed the old calculus of the region’s balance of power.

The U.S. is realigning its defense policies in the Gulf as Iran improves the range and accuracy of missiles and other weapons that could threaten Israel or U.S. allies in Europe. Besides the Saudi deal, the U.S. has pending or proposed arms sales to Kuwait, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, and has repositioned some U.S. forces and military assets around the Gulf.

And the Pentagon is hinting the reason is to build a bulwark against Iran? Come on. If Iran strikes Saudi in any kind of conflict, it isn’t going to be by flying ragged out F-14s or second hand MiG-29s on a cross-country Kamikaze mission. It’s going to be from a suicide vest in a royal palace or a car bomb of Prince Bandar’s motorcade.

They’re going to need MRAPs not Apaches.

One wonders why the Saudis need the high-end, major-theater-war gear. Is it prestige? A bulwark against Israel? Something fun for the princes and their buddies to fly to Dubai in?

Or maybe it’s a nice pick-me-up for a defense industry that’s about to take a hit to the gut from a departing Gates.

Read more:
رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

اعتقد هناك لبس

84 طائرة اس ايه بمبلغ 11 مليار

72 تحديث طائرات الاس الى اس ايه بمبلغ 18 مليار

بالنسبة لل60 مليار طرحت موضوع كامل متكامل في التحاليل والدراسات لكن محد جاني الا الصاعقة مظلي مشكور

ال 60 مليار للجوية - يعني صفقة طائرات للجوية 29 الصفقة الي تمت وتضم 84 و72 اف 15 شراء وتحديث بالاضافة الى 70 اباتشي وبلاك هوك بالاضافة الى الليتل بيرد والقنابل والصواريخ وغيره

وفي صفقة منفصلة للاف 15 النسر الصامت وفي صفقة اخرى منفصلة للاف 18 سوبر هورنيت لما تحسب الصفقات بعد اتمامها بتشوف ان المبلغ صار 60 مليار

طبعا مع احترامي للاخ جلاد اصدق صحيفة او موقع او صدق الشركة نفسها

رد: الاتفاق على صفقة f15 السعوديه ,,

US to sell $60 billion in advanced arms to Saudi Arabia

The Obama administration notified Congress on Wednesday that it plans to sell up to $60 billion (£38 billion) in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia in one of the largest-ever single US arms sales, a deal intended to counter the rising influence of Iran.

Published: 11:43PM BST 20 Oct 2010

State Department and Pentagon officials told lawmakers that the sales that will include 84 new F-15 fighter jets, upgrades to 70 existing Saudi F-15s, 190 helicopters (includes 72 UH-60, 70 AH-64D and 36 AH-6i) and a wide array of missiles, bombs and delivery systems, as well as accessories such as night-vision goggles and radar warning systems.

The sale, first revealed in September, has been in the works for months and is designed to strengthen the defence forces of Saudi Arabia, a longtime US ally, and counter Iran as a regional power in the Persian Gulf.

"This proposed sale has tremendous significance from a strategic regional perspective," said Andrew Shapiro, the assistant secretary of state for political and military affairs who announced the deal.

"It will send a strong message to countries in the region that we are committed to support the security of our key partners and allies in the Arabian Gulf and broader Middle East," Shapiro told reporters. "And it will enhance Saudi Arabia's ability to deter and defend against threats to its borders and to its oil infrastructure, which is critical to our economic interests."

Congress has 30 days to block the deal, but the officials said they did not expect significant opposition despite concerns by some lawmakers about the impact the sales might have on Israel's security.

Mr Shapiro and Alexander Vershbow, the assistant secretary of defence for international security affairs, said the sales would not affect Israel's qualitative military edge in the Middle East and that Israel is not expected to object.

Israeli officials have said previously that they were not pleased with the proposed sales but would not try to prevent them.

Iran is now seen by Israel, the Gulf Arab states and the West as a significant and unpredictable threat that has changed the region's balance of power. The US is realigning its defence policies in the Persian Gulf as Iran improves the range and accuracy of missiles and other weapons that could threaten Israel or US allies in Europe.

Mr Vershbow said the new and upgraded F-15s would be key to accelerating defence co-operation between the United States and Saudi Arabia as it would standardise the fleet of the Saudi Air Force and make it more compatible with that of the US and other Gulf allies.

The helicopters, including Apaches, Black Hawks and Little Birds attack choppers, will give Saudi authorities greater ability to protect borders along with military installations and oil facilities.