المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اذا كانت روسيا ستسمح لمصر بتصنيع الميج29 فهذا سيكون نقلة نوعية وهى أفضل من الثاندر
واذا لم يحدث فالافضل شراءالميج35 المتطورة لان عدونا لدية أحدث المقاتلات
أنا عندى سؤال ماهى بصمة الميج35؟
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اذا كانت روسيا ستسمح لمصر بتصنيع الميج29 فهذا سيكون نقلة نوعية وهى أفضل من الثاندر
واذا لم يحدث فالافضل شراءالميج35 المتطورة لان عدونا لدية أحدث المقاتلات
أنا عندى سؤال ماهى بصمة الميج35؟

المقاتلة ميغ – 35


تم تصميم المقاتلة "ميغ – 35" على اساس المقاتلة "ميغ-29" واطلقت عليها أولا تسمية "ميغ – 29 أم".

تعتبر الطائرة "ميغ – 35" مقاتلة متعددة الوظائف ومزودة باجهزة الملاحة اللاسلكية الالكترونية من الجيل الجديد التي تضم بصورة خاصة الرادار ذا الشبك الطوري الايجابي، والمنظومات البصرية اللاسلكية الالكترونية الخاصة بمكافحة الاهداف الجوية والارضية والاسلحة الجوية الحديثة. وقد تحمل الطائرة على ظهرها الصواريخ الموجهة "جو – جو" و"جو – سطح" والصواريخ غير الموجهة، بالاضافة الى انها مزودة بمدفع جوي. ويسمح الرادار المنصوب في المقاتلة باكتشاف الاهداف الجوية على مدى حتى 120 كم، ومتابعة 10 أهداف وضرب 4 أهداف في آن واحد. وعند التعامل مع الاهداف البحرية يبلغ مدى اكتشافها 250 كم. اما هدف بحجم الزورق البحري فتكتشفه الطائرة على مدى 150 كم.

مواصفات فنية تكتيكية

- سرعة الطائرة القصوى 2400 كم في الساعة،

- السقف العملي للارتفاع 17500 متر،

- الوزن الاقصى عند الاقلاع 22700 كغ،

- مدى الطيران الاقصى 3000 كم،

- مدى الطيران في حالة تزويد الطائرة بالوقود في الجو 6000 كم

- الاسلحة المستخدمة في الطائرة هي الصواريخ الموجهة "جو – جو" و"جو- سطح " المتوسطة والقريبة المدى والمدفع عيار 30 مم.

- الطاقم فردان

ميكويان ميج-35


الميكويان ميج 35 (روسى: Микоян МиГ-35) (لقب الناتو: فلكروم إف Fulcrum F) هي طائرة حربية حديثة وتعد تطورا لكل من للميج-29 والميج-29 إم. الميج-35 من تصميم وتصنيع مكتب ميكويان في روسيا الإتحادية. تعد الميج-35 من الجيل 4.5 في المقاتلات. تصنف الميج-35 الآن على انها مقاتلة متوسطة الوزن وذلك لأن الوزن الأقصى عند الإقلاع الخاص بها قد زاد بنسبة 30% عن وزنها السابق مما أخرجها من تصنيف الطائرة الخفيفة.
كشف الستار عن الميج-35 لأول مرة عندما زار وزير الدفاع الروسي "سيرجي إيفانوف" مصنع مابو-ميج. أتاحت إلكترونيات الطيران المحدثة بشكل كبير، والرادار طراز "أيسا" الجديد ونظام التحديد البصري الفريد من نوعه، كل هذا خلص الطائرة من الاعتماد على التوجيه الأرضي وجعلها مقاتلة متعددة المهام.
سوقت الطائرة تحت اسم ميج-35 (بمقعد واحد) وميج-35 D (بمقعدين) للتصدير. ظهرت الطائرة لأول مرة في معرض الهند الجوي عام 2007.

مواصفات فنية تكتيكية

سرعة الطائرة القصوى 2400 كم في الساعة،
السقف العملي للارتفاع 17500 متر،
الوزن الأقصى عند الاقلاع 22700 كغ،
مدى الطيران الأقصى 3000 كم،
مدى الطيران في حالة تزويد الطائرة بالوقود في الجو 6000 كم
الأسلحة المستخدمة في الطائرة هي الصواريخ الموجهة "جو – جو" و"جو- سطح " المتوسطة والقريبة المدى والمدفع عيار 30 مم.

الطاقم فردان
[عدل]الصفات العامة
الطاقم: 1 أو 2.
الطول: 19 متر.
المسافة بين الجناحين: 15 متر.
الارتفاع : 6 متر.
الوزن فارغة: 5,350 كجم.
الوزن محملة: 17.500 كجم.
أقصى وزن: 29.700 كجم.
المحرك: محركين نفاثين اثنين من النوع التربيني المروحي مزود بحارق خلفي: كليموف أر.دي-33.
* قوة الدفع جاف: 53.0 كيلو نيوتن لكل محرك.
* قوة الدفع بالحارق الخلفي: 88.3 كيلو نيوتن لكل محرك.
السرعة القصوى: ماخ 2.4 (2.556 كيلومتر/ساعة) في الارتفاعات.
المدى: 2000 كيلومتر.
أقصى ارتفاع: 18.900 متر.
معدل الصعود: 330 متر/ثانية.
النسبة دفع-وزن: 1:1
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2


The MiG-35 (single seat) and MiG-35D (double seat) are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters, exhibiting the further development of the MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2 fighters in the field of the combat efficiency enhancement, universality and operational characteristics improvement.

The MiG-35/MiG-35D main features are the following:
– the fifth generation information-sighting systems integration into aircraft airborne avionics;
– possibility of advanced Russian and foreign origin weapons application;
– increased combat survivability due to integration of airborne integrated defense system.

State-of-the art avionics in combination with advanced weapons allow the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters fulfill a great number of missions:
– air superiority gaining against four & fifth generation fighters;
– interception of existing and being developed air attack means;
– ground/surface targets destruction with high precision weapons without entering the air defense zone day and night in any weather conditions;
– air reconnaissance using optical-electronic and radio-technical equipment;
– participation in group actions and air control over groups of fighters.

The MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters structure is based upon the following achievements obtained on the MiG-29K/KUB, MiG-29M/M2 aircraft:
– increased weapons load stored at nine external stations;
– increased fuel capacity, in-flight refueling and possibility of using as a tanker;
– airframe & main systems anti-corrosion protection technology which meets the standards developed for carrier-based aircraft thus simplifying fighters operation in tropical weather conditions;
– significantly reduced radar signature;
– three channel fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy.

In the course of the MiG-35 aircraft development the most attention was paid to operational characteristics improvement:
– reliability of aircraft, engines and avionics is significantly increased;
– lifetime and service life are extended;
– mean time between overhauls (MTBO) of engines is increased;
– the MiG-35 aircraft flight hour cost is almost 2.5 times lower than those of the MiG-29 fighter;
– the MiG-35 aircraft is intended for the on-condition maintenance.

The complex of technical and technological solutions has been developed for the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft which provides for independent operation, like airborne oxygen generation plant.

The power plant includes two engines RD-33MK with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

Upon customer request the fighters can be equipped with "all aspect" thrust vectored RD-33MK engines ensuring the aircraft superiority in the maneuvering dogfight. The power plant of two thrust vectored engines was tested on the super-maneuverable prototype-aircraft MiG-29M OVT.

The airborne avionics of the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft is developed on the basis of the new generation technologies.

The multi-role radar with active phased array provides for advantage over the competitors due to the following factors:
– extended range of operating frequencies;
– increased quantity of detected, tracked and attacked targets;
– possibility of simultaneous attack of air and ground targets;
– extended detection range;
– enhanced resolution in the surface mapping mode;
– high jamming protection and survivability.

The IRST system with infra-red, TV and laser sighting equipment has been developed using the space technologies which were not applied previously in aviation. The system distinctive features are the increased range, detection, tracking, identification and lock-on of air, ground/surface targets in the forward and rear hemispheres, at day and night measuring the distance with laser range-finder as well as the formation of target designation and laser illumination of ground targets. The IRST system and new helmet-mounted target designation system are integrated into the armament control system. In addition to the built-in IRST system the MiG-35 aircraft is equipped with a podded one.

The MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft is provided with a defense system including in particular:
– radio electronic reconnaissance and electronic counter measures;
– optronic systems for detection of attacking missiles and laser emission;
– decoy dispensers to counteract the enemy in the radar and infrared ranges.

In addition to the "A-A" and "A-S" class weapons applied on the MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2 aircraft the advanced aircraft armament, which have not been offered earlier for export, is being included into the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft weapons. The long range weapons capable to attack targets without approaching the air defence zone are among them.

Avionics’ open architecture allows installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer’s request.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters the full set of training means was developed including the interactive computer-based training system and a number of simulators including the full-mission simulator with a motion system.

The basic version of the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighter is designed taking into account the international cooperation organization when developing new modifications of aircraft and during serial production.

من طراز ميج 35 (مقعد واحد) وميغ 35D-(مقعد مزدوج) هي "4 + +" الجيل مقاتلة متعددة المهام، واظهار مزيد من تطوير وMiG-29K/KUB MiG-29M/M2 المقاتلين في الميدان من تحسين الكفاءة القتالية الخصائص تعزيز والعالمية والتشغيلية.

ملامح MiG-35/MiG-35D الرئيسية هي التالية:
- الجيل الخامس للتكامل نظم المعلومات في رؤية الكترونيات الطيران الطائرات المحمولة جوا؛
- إمكانية الروسية المتطورة والأجنبية المنشأ الأسلحة التطبيق؛
- البقاء على قيد الحياة بسبب القتال زيادة التكامل بين نظام الدفاع الجوي المتكامل.

دولة من الكترونيات الطيران الفن في تركيبة مع أسلحة متطورة تسمح للمقاتلين MiG-35/MiG-35D الوفاء عدد كبير من البعثات:
- الحصول على التفوق الجوي ضد مقاتلي الجيل الاربعة والخامس؛
- اعتراض القائمة ويجري تطوير وسائل الهجوم الجوي؛
- تدمير الأهداف الأرضية / السطحية بأسلحة عالية الدقة دون الدخول في منطقة الدفاع الجوي ليلا ونهارا في أي الأحوال الجوية؛
- الاستطلاع الجوي باستخدام المعدات البصرية الالكترونية وراديو التقنية؛
- المشاركة في أعمال المجموعة والهواء السيطرة على مجموعات من المقاتلين.

ويستند هيكل المقاتلين MiG-35/MiG-35D على الإنجازات التالية التي تم الحصول عليها على MiG-29K/KUB، MiG-29M/M2 الطائرات:
- زيادة حمولة الاسلحة المخزنة في تسع محطات الخارجية؛
- زيادة سعة خزان الوقود، في التزود بالوقود أثناء الطيران وإمكانية استخدام باعتبارها ناقلة؛
- هيكل الطائرة وأنظمة حماية التكنولوجيا الرئيسية المضادة للتآكل الذي يلبي معايير وضعت لحاملة الطائرات المستندة إلى تبسيط العملية وبالتالي المقاتلين في الظروف المناخية المدارية؛
- انخفاض كبير توقيع الرادار؛
- ثلاثة قناة التحكم نظام يطير بها لسلك مع التكرار الرباعي.

في سياق تطوير الطائرات من طراز ميج 35 ودفع بأكبر قدر من الاهتمام لتحسين الخصائص التشغيلية:
- زيادة كبيرة موثوقية محركات والطائرات والكترونيات الطيران؛
- يتم توسيع مدى الحياة وخدمة الحياة؛
- متوسط ​​الوقت بين اصلاحات (MTBO) من المحركات هو زيادة؛
- رحلة طائرة من طراز ميج-35 تكلفة ساعة تقريبا 2.5 مرة أقل من تلك التي من طراز ميج المقاتلة-29؛
- ويقصد الطائرة من طراز ميج 35 لصيانة على الشرط.

وقد تم تطوير هذا المجمع من الحلول التقنية والتكنولوجية لالطائرات MiG-35/MiG-35D الذي ينص على عملية مستقلة، مثل محطة توليد الأوكسجين المحمولة جوا.

محطة توليد الكهرباء تضم اثنين من محركات RD-33MK مع زيادة قوة الدفع، ومجهزة غرفة الاحتراق الذي لا يدخن ونظام التحكم الإلكتروني الجديد (من نوع FADEC). محركات ذات بنية وحدة ولها زيادة الموثوقية وخدمة الحياة.

يمكن بناء على طلب العميل تكون مجهزة المقاتلين مع "جميع الجوانب" التوجه تنقلها محركات RD-33MK ضمان التفوق طائرة بالهبوط في المناورة. تم اختبار محطة توليد الكهرباء من محركات الهدف الثاني تتوانى تنقلها على المناورة الفائقة من طراز ميج 29M النموذج للطائرات.

يتم تطوير الكترونيات الطيران الجوي من الطائرات MiG-35/MiG-35D على أساس من الجيل الجديد من التقنيات.

الرادار متعدد دور نشط مع مجموعة مراحل تنص على ميزة على المنافسين بسبب العوامل التالية:
- مجموعة موسعة من ترددات التشغيل؛
- زيادة كمية من الأهداف الكشف عن تعقب وهاجم؛
- احتمال وقوع هجمات في وقت واحد من الأهداف الجوية والبرية؛
- توسيع نطاق الكشف؛
- قرار تعزيز في السطح وضع رسم الخرائط؛
- حماية عالية التشويش والبقاء على قيد الحياة.

وقد تم تطوير نظام IRST مع معدات رؤية الأشعة تحت الحمراء، والليزر TV باستخدام تكنولوجيات الفضاء التي لم تطبق من قبل في مجال الطيران. ملامح نظام المميزة هي زيادة المدى، وكشف، وتعقب، وتحديد وقفل على أرض الواقع من الأهداف الجوية / سطح، في نصفي الكرة إلى الأمام والخلف، ليلا ونهارا في قياس المسافة مع مكتشف الليزر المدى فضلا عن تشكيل تحديد الهدف من الليزر والإضاءة أهداف أرضية. يتم دمج نظام IRST وتحديد الهدف الجديد نظام خوذة محمولة على نظام التحكم في التسلح. بالإضافة إلى المدمج في نظام IRST تم تجهيز طراز ميج 35 طائرة مع احد قرني.

يتم توفير الطائرات MiG-35/MiG-35D مع نظام الدفاع بما في ذلك على وجه الخصوص:
- الإذاعة الإلكترونية الاستطلاع والتدابير الإلكترونية المضادة؛
- نظم يظهروا للكشف عن الصواريخ المهاجمة وانبعاث الليزر؛
- موزعات شرك لمواجهة العدو في الرادار ونطاقات الأشعة تحت الحمراء.

بالإضافة إلى "AA" و "AS" أسلحة فئة تطبيقها على MiG-29K/KUB والطائرات MiG-29M/M2 التسلح الطائرات المتقدمة، والتي لم تقدم في وقت سابق للتصدير، ويجري تضمينها في ميغ 35- / الأسلحة طائرات من طراز ميج 35D. الأسلحة بعيدة المدى قادرة على ضرب أهداف من دون الاقتراب من منطقة الدفاع الجوي وفيما بينها.

إلكترونيات الطيران الهندسة المعمارية المفتوحة، مما يسمح بالتركيب على الطائرات من المعدات والأسلحة الجديدة من أصل روسي والأجنبية بناء على طلب العميل.

كل إصدارات مقعد واحد وضعف الطائرات لديها نفس المعدات المحمولة جوا والأسلحة فضلا عن مستوى عال من توحيد هيكل.

لمقاتلين MiG-35/MiG-35D تم تطوير مجموعة كاملة من وسائل بما في ذلك نظام التدريب التفاعلي التدريب القائم على الحاسوب وعدد من أجهزة المحاكاة الكاملة بما في ذلك محاكاة البعثة مع نظام الحركة.

تم تصميم الإصدار الأساسية للمقاتلة MiG-35/MiG-35D مع مراعاة منظمة التعاون الدولي عند وضع تعديلات جديدة من الطائرات وخلال إنتاج المسلسل.
التعديل الأخير:
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

غريب أمر رووس

يردون ان يبعون مقاتلات للدول عديدة ولكن هذه مقاتلات غير جاهزة ولايوجد من يريد شراؤها !!!!!!!!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2


Both the MiG-29M (single seat) and MiG-29M2 (double seat) aircraft are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters with the extended range, weapons increased load and airborne weapons broad nomenclature.

Main technical and technological innovations applied on the MiG-29M/M2 fighters are as follows:
– improved fuselage & wing;
– fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy;
– significantly reduced radar signature;
– increased internal fuel capacity and in-flight refueling possibility;
– increased weapons load stored at nine external hard points.

The MiG-29M/M2 fighters belong to the new unified combat aircraft family designed on the basis of MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters.

The power plant includes RD-33MK engines with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

Upon customer’s request the fighters can be equipped with the modified "all aspect" vectored thrust RD-33MK engine ensuring the aircraft superiority in a maneuvering dogfight. The power plant of two vectored thrust engines was tested on the super-maneuverable prototype-aircraft MiG-29M OVT.

The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are remarkable for the improved operational characteristics and increased reliability of assemblies, systems and units. As compared to the previous fighters the flight hour cost is reduced about 2.5 times. The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are intended for the on-condition maintenance.

The airborne avionics is of the open architecture based on MIL-STD-1553B standard that allows the installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer request.

The fighter has multi-role, multi-mode "pulse-Doppler" type radar "Zhuk-ME" manufactured by "Fazotron-NIIP" Corporation. The radar is provided with the slot array. As compared with radars of the previous generation, "Zhuk-ME" has wider scanning angle in azimuth, twice longer target detection range, less weight and increased reliability. "Zhuk-ME" provides tracking up to 10 air targets with four targets simultaneous firing with missiles.

The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are equipped with state-of-the-art multi-channel IRST with target designation system to the anti-radar passive war-head missiles.

There is the possibility of installation on aircraft of IR and laser sighting equipment pods for ground targets illumination.

Weapons system includes "A-A", "A-S" missiles, guided aerial bombs, rockets, aerial bombs and built-in air-gun of 30 mm caliber. Upon request of the customer the new types of weapons can be applied. The MiG-29M/M2 fighters weapons allow to destruct air targets as well as the movable and stationary ground/surface targets.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-29M/M2 fighters the full set of training means was developed.

MiG-29M MiG-29M2
Take-off weight, kg:
- normal 17 500 17 800
Maximum airspeed, km/h:
- near ground 1500 1500
- at high altitude 2400 2400
Maximum M-number 2,25 2,25
Service ceiling, m 17 500 17 500
Maximum G-load 9 9
Ferry range, km:
- without drop tanks 2000 1800
- 3 drop tanks 3200 3000
- 3 drop tanks & one in-flight refueling 6000 6000
Engines RD-33MK RD-33MK
Take-off thrust, kgf 2х9000 2х9000
Number of external stations 9 9
"A-A" missiles:
- middle range 6хRVV-AE 6хRVV-AE
- short range 8хR-73E 8хR-73E
"A-S" missiles:
- general purpose 4хKh-29T(TE) 4хKh-29T(TE)
- anti-ship 4хKh-31A, Kh-35E 4хKh-31A, Kh-35E
- anti-radar 4хKh-31P 4хKh-31P
Guided bombs 4хKAB-500Kr 4хKAB-500Kr
Built-in air gun, 30 mm GSh-301 GSh-301
التعديل الأخير:
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2


Both the MiG-29K (single seat) and MiG-29KUB (double seat) aircraft are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters intended for air-defense missions of naval forces, air superiority gaining, sea & ground targets destruction with the high precision guided weapons day and night and in any weather conditions.

The MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters are the basic aircraft of a new unified family including also the MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft.

The MiG-29K/KUB aircraft are based on the aircraft-carriers with tonnage from 28,000 tons, equipped with take-off ramp and landing arrestor, as well as at the airfields.

Main technical and technological innovations, applied on the MiG-29K/KUB fighters are the following:
– improved airframe with about 15% composite materials application;
– folding wing with upgraded high-lift devices improving take-off/landing performance;
– fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy;
– significantly reduced signature in radar range;
– increased weapons load, stored at eight external hard points;
– increased internal fuel capacity and in-flight refueling possibility;
– possibility of other aircraft refueling being equipped with "PAZ-1MK" refueling unit.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters as well as other aircraft of the unified family, have improved operational characteristics and higher reliability of assemblies, systems and units. In comparison with the previous fighters, the MiG-29K/KUB flight hours are increased more than twice, but a flight hour cost is reduced about 2.5 times. The MiG-29K/KUB fighters operate without overhaul.

The power plant includes two engines RD-33MK with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

The airborne avionics is of the open architecture based on MIL-STD-1553B standard.

The fighter has multi-role, multi-mode "pulse-Doppler" type radar "Zhuk-ME" manufactured by "Fazotron-NIIP" Corporation. The radar is provided with the slot array. As compared with radars of the previous generation, "Zhuk-ME" has wider scanning angle in azimuth, twice longer target detection range, less weight and increased reliability. "Zhuk-ME" provides tracking up to 10 air targets with four targets simultaneous firing with missiles.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are equipped with state-of-the-art multi-channel IRST with target designation system to the anti-radar passive war-head missiles.

There is the possibility of installation on aircraft of IR and laser sighting equipment pods for ground targets illumination.

Avionics’ open architecture allows installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer’s request.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are equipped with the built-in automated integrated system "Karat" of serviceability check and data recording, video-recorder, computer-aided flight mission recording into the airborne radio-electronic system as well as airborne autonomous power generation station used for the equipment ground checks without main engines starting-up.

Weapons system includes "A-A", "A-S" missiles, guided aerial bombs, rockets, aerial bombs and built-in air-gun of 30 mm caliber. Upon request of the customer the new types of weapons can be applied.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-29K/KUB fighters the full set of training means was developed including the full mission simulator with the motion system.

The MiG-29KUB aircraft first flight took place in January 2007.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are in production under order of the Indian Navy.

MiG-29K MiG-29KUB
Length, m 17,3 17,3
Wing span, m* 11,99 11,99
Height, m 4,4 4,4
Take-off weight, kg:
- standard 18 550 18 650
- maximum 24 500 24 500
Maximum flight speed, km/h:
- near ground 1400 1400
- at high altitude 2200 2100
Service ceiling, m 17 500 17 500
Maximum G-load 8 8
Ferry range, km:
- without drop tanks 2000 1700
- with 3 drop tanks 3000 2700
- with 3 drop tanks & one in-flight refueling 5500 5500
Engines RD-33MK RD-33MK
Take-off thrust, kgf 2х9000 2х9000
Number of external stations 8 8
"A-A" missiles:
- middle range 6хRVV-AE 6хRVV-AE
- short range 8хR-73E 8хR-73E
"A-S" missiles:
- anti-ship 4хKh-31A, Kh-35E 4хKh-31A, Kh-35E
- anti-radar 4хKh-31P 4хKh-31P
Guided bombs 4хKAB-500Kr 4хKAB-500Kr
Air gun, 30 mm GSh-301 GSh-301
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

Multi-Role Combat Aircraft


Based on the MiG-29M OTV, MiG-35 (Nato reporting name Fulcrum F), is equipped with advanced avionic suite comprising of a modern glass cockpit designed with three 6x8 inch flat-panel LCDs and full HOTAS controls, digital map, helmet-mounted sight. The latest Zhuk-AE active electronically scanning array (AESA) radar is mounted on this aircraft. This radar was developed with modular approach, enabling upgrading existing Zhuk ME/MSE radars, into the phased array equipped MFE/MSFE standard, deployed in MiG-29/Su-27 platforms.


The MiG-35 is fitted with western standard Mil-1553 bus and advanced Russian made weaponry. Reliability and serviceability have been improved, reducing operating cost and improving serviceability by


2.5 times (compared to older MiG-29s). MiG-35 is equipped with an optronic target tracker, identical to the system used on the Su-30MKI. For precision air-to-ground attack missions, the aircraft can be equipped with a conformal electro-optical targeting module, installed under the right air intake. The aircraft is equipped with radar warning, electro-optical missile launch warning and laser warning sensors, and integral active self protection (jamming, chaff and flare) as part of the integral self-defense system. The aircraft has four additional hardpoints and can haul an external payload in excess of six tons.


Most of the systems introduced in the MiG-35 can be applied to older MiG-29s through upgrading programs.

The aircraft is powered by two RD-33 MK engines digitally controlled smokeless engines, producing 9000kgf of thrust each. This type is an improved and uprated version of the standard RD33 engine. The engine was developed to power the carrier based MiG-29K and modernized version MiG-29M/M2. The prototype demonstrated in Bangalore did not have thrust vector exhausts, but, according to the manufacturer, these can be installed in production aircraft.


رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

MiG-35 Fulcrum-F Multirole Fighter, Russian Federation

The MiG-35's combination of TVC and advanced missile-warning sensors gives it the edge during combat

MiG-35 offers a 160km (85nm) air target detection radius and 300km for surface ships

MiG-35 is compatible with Russian and foreign-origin weapons applications and an integrated variety of defensive systems to increase combat survivability.

MiG-35 will be the first Russian aircraft to be fitted with active electronically scanned array radar. The Zhuk-MA's antenna consists of 160 modules, each with four receive-and-transmit modules.

MiG-35 is a new export variant that combines the modern systems of the MiG-29M2 with an AESA radar. The fighter plane has the thrust vectoring of the MiG-29OVT as an additional option. Improved avionics and weapon systems, notably the new AESA radar and the uniquely designed optical locator system (OLS), make the aircraft less dependent on ground-controlled interception (GCI) systems and enables the MiG-35 to conduct independent multirole missions.
MiG-35 is compatible with Russian and foreign-origin weapons applications and an integrated variety of defensive systems to increase combat survivability. The fighter plane is being marketed globally under the designation MiG-35 (single seat) and MiG-35D (dual seat). MiG Corporation made their first official international MiG-35 presentation during Aero India 2007. MiG-35 Fulcrum-F is an export version of the MiG-29M OVT (Fulcrum F).
MiG-35 AESA radar

MiG-35 will be the first Russian aircraft to be fitted with active electronically scanned array radar. The Zhuk-MA's antenna consists of 160 modules, each with four receive-and-transmit modules. It is believed to offer a 160km (85nm) air target detection radius and 300km for surface ships.
Like radar, OLS allows the MiG-35 to detect targets and aim weapon systems. But, unlike radar, OLS has no emissions, meaning it cannot be detected.
OLS works like a human eye by getting the picture and later analysing it. NII PP, the federal space agency science and research institute's engineers have chosen more short-wave bands for the matrix, which has increased sensitivity of the complex several times and has increased detection range.
"MiG-35 is a new export variant that combines the modern systems of the MiG-29M2 with an AESA radar."
The OLS on the MiG-35 is considered to help pilots to spot even the USAF's stealth planes. OLS includes a complex of powerful optics with IR vision that makes it impossible for any plane to hide.
OLS solves the problem of blurred vision. At speed, each piece of dust can cause harm to the glass of the OLS. The new OLS uses leuco-sapphire, the next-hardest material after artificial diamonds, making the lifetime for such glass much longer. According to NII PP engineers, leuco-sapphire is clear for all the OLS emissions and doesn't corrupt the signal, an important factor for the optical systems.
MiG-35 engines

The MiG-35 is powered by two RD-33MKBs that can be fitted with KliVT swivel-nozzles and a thrust vectoring control (TVC) system. The MiG-35's combination of TVC and advanced missile-warning sensors gives it the edge during combat.
RD-33 engines generate 7% more power compared to the baseline model due to the modern materials that go into the manufacturing of the cooled blades. The engines provide a higher-than-average thrust of 9,000kgf. RD-33 engines are smokeless and include systems that reduce infrared and optical visibility. The engines may be fitted with vectored-thrust nozzles, which would result in an improvement in combat efficiency.
Russia's developmental work on thrust vectoring started in 1980s. The Sukhoi and Saturn / Lyulka engine design bureaus led the way, and their efforts resulted in the Su-30 MKI aircraft. The MiG and Klimov engine bureaus began their work in the field of thrust vector engines a little later and aimed at all-aspect thrust vectoring, as opposed to Sukhoi / Saturn's two dimensional (horizontal / vertical) vectoring.
Klimov achieved all-aspect vectoring with the aid of three hydraulic actuators that deflect the nozzles, and are mounted at 120A° intervals around the engine nacelle. This enabled MiG-35 to fly at very low speeds without angle-of-attack limitations, and ensured that it will also remain controllable in zero-speed and 'negative-speed' (tail-forward) areas for sustained periods.

The MiG-35 is a highly manoeuvrable air superiority fighter, which was shown for the first time in August 2005 during the MAKS Air Show outside Moscow. The fighter is powered by RD-33 OVT thrust vectoring control engines. The RD-33 OVT engines provide superior manoeuvrability and enhance the fighter's performance in close air-to-air engagements.
The MiG-35 presents super-manoeuvrability, a capability to fly at supercritical angles of attack at increased level of sustained and available g-loads and high turn-angle rate, which requires a greater thrust-to-weight ratio and improved wing aerodynamic efficiency.
"The MiG-35 is a highly manoeuvrable air superiority fighter."
MiG-35 weapons

The aircraft's suite of guided weapons includes Kh-31A anti-ship missiles with active radar seekers, the Kh-31P anti-radar missiles, Kh-29TE missiles and KAB-500Kr TV-guided bombs. Added, when equipped with an external optical / laser targeting pod, the fighter can use the Kh-29L air-to-surface missiles and KAB-500L laser-guided bombs. These weapons will allow the aircraft to engage aerial and land targets.
Italy-based Elettronica signed an agreement with Mikoyan in 2007 to support in incorporating ELT/568(V)2 self-protection jammer in the MiG-35. The jammer renders self defence from radar controlled anti-aircraft artillery.

An addition of a strap-on tank behind the cockpit has allowed MiG-35 to have a higher internal fuel capacity of 950l. The capacity of the external fuel tank suspended under the fuselage has increased up to 2,000l. Ferry range with three external fuel tanks has also been increased, rising to 3,100km, and with one in-flight refuelling the range will be 5,400km.
The fuel management system has also been digitised, and includes a new digital fuel metering system.
Aero India 2007 launch

The final version of MiG-35 was displayed for the first time at Aero India 2007. The prototype of the MiG-35 had been shown to the public in 2005 at air shows in Russia and the UK. MiG-35 is a contender to the Eurofighter Typhoon, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, JAS 39 Gripen and F-16 Falcon for the bid of more than 126 multirole combat aircraft worth $10bn to be procured by the Indian Air Force in Indian MRCA competition.
Mikoyan will commence production of the MiG-35 fighter at the Sokol aviation plant in Russia in 2013 or 2014 as part of the bid.

The MiG-35 can climb at the rate of 330m/s. Its maximum speed is 2,400km/h. The normal and ferry range of the aircraft are 2,000km and 3,100km respectively. The service ceiling is 17,500m. The aircraft weighs around 11,000kg and its maximum take-off weight is 29,700kg.

التعديل الأخير:
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

طائرة ممتازة جداا لكن ردراها لم يعجبني مداه مابين 120 الي 160 كيلو ضعيف جدااا !!!!!
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

طائرة ممتازة جداا لكن ردراها لم يعجبني مداه مابين 120 الي 160 كيلو ضعيف جدااا !!!!!

هم يطورونه الروس عازمون على اللحاق في رادارات ايسا
غير رادار ايسا الأخير والذي يتجاوز مداه 400 كلن الخاص بالباك فا و السو35
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

هم يطورونه الروس عازمون على اللحاق في رادارات ايسا
غير رادار ايسا الأخير والذي يتجاوز مداه 400 كلن الخاص بالباك فا و السو35

هل يوجد معلومات عن هذا رادار جديد+ تطويرات جديدة للميغ 35 لو سمحت
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

هل يوجد معلومات عن هذا رادار جديد+ تطويرات جديدة للميغ 35 لو سمحت

اعتذر لا اذكر المقال الذي قراته الرادار من نوع زوك وهو تكوير للإصدار الرادار القديم
سابحث عليه
رد: المقاتله الرائعه Mig29 m2

طائرة ممتازة جداا لكن ردراها لم يعجبني مداه مابين 120 الي 160 كيلو ضعيف جدااا !!!!!
هل لديك مصدر أن راداراها الحالى بهذا المدى 120 - إلى 160 ؟
وما ال rcs لهذا الهدف المرصود؟
وما مدى التعقب ؟
ويجب أن تكون الإجابة بالمصادر