المغرب يتعاقد على دبابات Merkava

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
مقال اسرائيلي آخر يتحدث عن الصفقة ب 1,2 مليار دولار ل 200 دبابة mark3 محدثة بمحرك جديد و مدفع 120 ملم يبدوا أن الصفقة مؤكدة و سيتم تاكيدها قريبا، ربما يتم العالم عن بعض الصفقات خلال زيارة نتانياهو. ؟؟؟
ممكن رابط المقال أخي الكريم ؟
اولا يا ريت تفيدونا برابط المقال .. حبيب القلب الميركافا مارك 3 في الخدمة الاسرائيلية لم يركب عليها التروفي
أما تركيبه على الميركافا مارك 3 المغربية فهذا ليس مستحيلا .. عادي تقدر تركبه على T72 تقدر تركبه على مرسيدس بنز كمان اذا ودك 😅
متفق ، أتذكر أن البعض وضع هاته الصورة مدعيا بأنها تروفي ، و لكن بعد بعث قصير تبين أنها فقط Smoke dischargers

المغرب حصل على صواريخ طويلة المدى و دفاعات جوية ورادارات حديثة لمذا لن يحصل على نظام حماية للدبابات و هو أمر أقل أهمية بكثير مما تم الحصول عليه في المدفعية و الدفاع الجوي .....، كلام الاعضاء يبقى كلام عاطفي يعبر عن المتمنيات خصوص ان لم يكن مدعوم بمصادر
الثمن هو الذي يجعله محل جدل
المهم ها هو مصدر الخبر

Will the Merkava tank deal for Morocco change the balance of power in the region?​

The deal to sell Merkava tanks to Morocco is a major military deal between Morocco and Israel, announced in 2023. The deal includes the sale of 200 Mark 3 Merkava tanks to Morocco, as well as additional ammunition and weapon systems. The value of the deal is estimated at 1.2 billion dollars.
The chariot tanks are among the best in the world, and are equipped with the latest military technology. This transaction is an important step to improve the capabilities of the Moroccan army, and to deal with all potential security threats.
This deal comes as part of the increasing military cooperation between Morocco and Israel. This deal is an important step in improving relations between the two countries and increasing security in the region.
The 3M chariot tanks are among the most modern main battle tanks in the world, and are equipped with the latest defense and attack systems.
The Merkava 3M tank deal is an important military deal that reflects the depth of military relations between Morocco and Israel.
This deal improves the capabilities of the Moroccan army to deal with any potential threats, and it also reflects Morocco's commitment to strengthening military cooperation with Israel.
The 3M chariot tanks deal is one of the most important arms deals concluded between Israel and an Arab country, and it constitutes an important step in the path of normalization between the two countries.

The military significance of the deal
*- The 3M chariot tanks are among the most modern main battle tanks in the world, and are equipped with the latest defense and attack systems.
*- 3M Merkava tanks are highly protected against conventional weapons and explosives, and are equipped with a variety of weapons including a 120 mm cannon and guided missile systems.
*- The 3M chariot tanks are considered one of the main weapons in the Israeli army, and they have proven their effectiveness in many battles.
*- The 3M chariot tank deal improves the Moroccan army's capabilities to deal with any possible threats, and it also reflects Morocco's commitment to strengthening military cooperation with Israel.
*- The chariot tank is considered one of the most effective tanks in the world, and it has proven its effectiveness in many battles.

Here are some points that show the superiority of the chariot tank over other tanks:
  • The chariot tank is more protective than its competing tanks, as it is equipped with a complex armor system that protects it from conventional weapons and explosives.
  • The chariot tank has improved maneuverability, as it is equipped with a more powerful engine and a more advanced suspension system.
  • The chariot tank is more effective in attack, as it is equipped with a larger caliber cannon and more advanced guided missile systems.

The political significance of the deal
*- The 3M Chariot tank deal is one of the most important arms deals concluded between Israel and an Arab country, and is an important step in the path of normalization between the two countries.
*- The 3M Chariot tanks deal reflects the desire of Morocco and Israel to increase their military cooperation, and indicates that relations between the two countries are moving in the right direction.
*- The tank deal, Merkava 3M, is one of the important steps supporting peace in the Middle East, as it contributes to building trust between Israel and the Arab countries.

The economic significance of the transaction
*- The Merkava 3M tank deal is an important economic deal that will benefit both countries.
*- The transaction will contribute to strengthening the economic cooperation between Morocco and Israel, and will also create new job opportunities in both countries.
*- The transaction will also contribute to the development of the defense industry sector in Morocco, since Morocco will be able to obtain modern Israeli technology.
*- The Merkava 3M tank deal is considered one of the strategic deals that will benefit both countries, as it will increase their military, economic and political capabilities.

Chariot 3:
اولا يا ريت تفيدونا برابط المقال .. حبيب القلب الميركافا مارك 3 في الخدمة الاسرائيلية لم يركب عليها التروفي
أما تركيبه على الميركافا مارك 3 المغربية فهذا ليس مستحيلا .. عادي تقدر تركبه على T72 تقدر تركبه على مرسيدس بنز كمان اذا ودك 😅
تركبة علي حسب قدرة منظومات الطاقة
لا تتعبوا انفسكم في الردود على الحاقدين و التافهين فكلامهم لا يقدم و لا يؤخر، ركظوا في تفاصيل الصفقة، لأول مرة لدينا رقم أو مبلغ محتمل للصفقة و لأول مرة لدينا العدد و النوع بشكل مضبوط و مذكور ان هناك تحديث للمحرك و التدريب و لدينا تاكيد انه بمدفع 120 ملم، وجود الترفيه من عدمه يبقى جزئية في نظري لا تستحق الجدل في الوقت الراهن، ليس لدينا تروفي على الابراهيم التي توصلنا بها لكن قد نقوم بتركيبها اذا اقتضى الحال و كانت بيئة المعركة تلزم ذلك، و بالتالي فلكل مقام مقال،
الآن ما يهم هو ظهور المزيد من المصادر تؤكد الصفقة و عدد 200 هو عدد ممتاز قد يمكننا من تجهيز العديد من الوحدات بدبابة حديثة و اخراج بعض الانواع القديمة من الخدمة .....

Will the Merkava tank deal for Morocco change the balance of power in the region?​

The deal to sell Merkava tanks to Morocco is a major military deal between Morocco and Israel, announced in 2023. The deal includes the sale of 200 Mark 3 Merkava tanks to Morocco, as well as additional ammunition and weapon systems. The value of the deal is estimated at 1.2 billion dollars.
The chariot tanks are among the best in the world, and are equipped with the latest military technology. This transaction is an important step to improve the capabilities of the Moroccan army, and to deal with all potential security threats.
This deal comes as part of the increasing military cooperation between Morocco and Israel. This deal is an important step in improving relations between the two countries and increasing security in the region.
The 3M chariot tanks are among the most modern main battle tanks in the world, and are equipped with the latest defense and attack systems.
The Merkava 3M tank deal is an important military deal that reflects the depth of military relations between Morocco and Israel.
This deal improves the capabilities of the Moroccan army to deal with any potential threats, and it also reflects Morocco's commitment to strengthening military cooperation with Israel.
The 3M chariot tanks deal is one of the most important arms deals concluded between Israel and an Arab country, and it constitutes an important step in the path of normalization between the two countries.

The military significance of the deal
*- The 3M chariot tanks are among the most modern main battle tanks in the world, and are equipped with the latest defense and attack systems.
*- 3M Merkava tanks are highly protected against conventional weapons and explosives, and are equipped with a variety of weapons including a 120 mm cannon and guided missile systems.
*- The 3M chariot tanks are considered one of the main weapons in the Israeli army, and they have proven their effectiveness in many battles.
*- The 3M chariot tank deal improves the Moroccan army's capabilities to deal with any possible threats, and it also reflects Morocco's commitment to strengthening military cooperation with Israel.
*- The chariot tank is considered one of the most effective tanks in the world, and it has proven its effectiveness in many battles.

Here are some points that show the superiority of the chariot tank over other tanks:
  • The chariot tank is more protective than its competing tanks, as it is equipped with a complex armor system that protects it from conventional weapons and explosives.
  • The chariot tank has improved maneuverability, as it is equipped with a more powerful engine and a more advanced suspension system.
  • The chariot tank is more effective in attack, as it is equipped with a larger caliber cannon and more advanced guided missile systems.

The political significance of the deal
*- The 3M Chariot tank deal is one of the most important arms deals concluded between Israel and an Arab country, and is an important step in the path of normalization between the two countries.
*- The 3M Chariot tanks deal reflects the desire of Morocco and Israel to increase their military cooperation, and indicates that relations between the two countries are moving in the right direction.
*- The tank deal, Merkava 3M, is one of the important steps supporting peace in the Middle East, as it contributes to building trust between Israel and the Arab countries.

The economic significance of the transaction
*- The Merkava 3M tank deal is an important economic deal that will benefit both countries.
*- The transaction will contribute to strengthening the economic cooperation between Morocco and Israel, and will also create new job opportunities in both countries.
*- The transaction will also contribute to the development of the defense industry sector in Morocco, since Morocco will be able to obtain modern Israeli technology.
*- The Merkava 3M tank deal is considered one of the strategic deals that will benefit both countries, as it will increase their military, economic and political capabilities.

Chariot 3:
جميل! لكن لم يتم الإشارة إلى التدريع. هل هذا يعني أن الدبابات هي MK 3D لأنه آخر تطوير لها على مستوى التدريع وهو قوي. أم سيكون تدريع آخر أقوى مادامنا قد اخترنا محركا جديدا؟ عمونا حسب المقال النسخة ستكون بتطوير خاص بنا M و ربما ستكون أكثر افتراسا من الأبرامز التي نمتلمها.
Here are some points that show the superiority of the chariot tank over other tanks:
  • The chariot tank is more protective than its competing tanks, as it is equipped with a complex armor system that protects it from conventional weapons and explosives.
  • The chariot tank has improved maneuverability, as it is equipped with a more powerful engine and a more advanced suspension system.
  • The chariot tank is more effective in attack, as it is equipped with a larger caliber cannon and more advanced guided missile systems.
لن اصدق هذا الخبر حتى ارى المركافا في المغرب
صفقة بيع دبابات ميركافا إلى المغرب هي صفقة عسكرية كبيرة بين المغرب وإسرائيل ، أُعلن عنها في عام 2023. وتشمل الصفقة بيع 200 دبابة ماركافا ماركافا إلى المغرب ، بالإضافة إلى ذخيرة وأنظمة أسلحة إضافية. وتقدر قيمة الصفقة بنحو 1.2 مليار دولار.
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
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