on January 27, 1996, an alarm was sounded at the Ramat David base after the control launched a pair of F-16D aircraft of the 109 squadron towards a suspicious target. The leader of the pair was Rani Fleck with navigator Avner Golan. Number two was Dror Carmeli with navigator Alon Getz. The two "intercepted" what turned out to be a Russian Sukhoi-27 plane approaching Israel's borders, and returned to land.
However, a short time later there was an alarm again at the Ramat David base, this time taking off to intercept Yafoud Rafe and Vinon Behat. As we published, the two found themselves in a very unusual interception, in front of at least two Sukhoi-27 planes, which even tried to "sit on their tails" and apparently were also armed.
After minutes of intense maneuvers at low altitude, it was the Israeli F-16 that "sat on the tail" of the Russian Sukhoi, which despite many attempts was unable to shake the Israelis off it. When the Israeli Air Force pilots realized that it was the Russians,