تدشين برنامج اشباه الموصلات السعودي

هل توجد معلومة عن دقة التصنيع nm؟

بعض بحوث KACST تصل الى 100NM
The firm, based on Los Angeles, is a spinout from the Center of Excellence for Green Nanotechnologies at UCLA and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).

The paper reports the wafer-scalable fabrication of an array of aligned carbon nanotube field-effect transistors operating at gigahertz frequencies. The devices have gate lengths of 110 nm and are capable, in distinct devices, of an extrinsic cutoff frequency and maximum frequency of oscillation of over 100 GHz, which surpasses the 90 GHz cutoff frequency of radio-frequency CMOS devices with gate lengths of 100 nm and is close to the performance of GaAs technology.​


بعض بحوث KACST تصل الى 100NM
The firm, based on Los Angeles, is a spinout from the Center of Excellence for Green Nanotechnologies at UCLA and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).

The paper reports the wafer-scalable fabrication of an array of aligned carbon nanotube field-effect transistors operating at gigahertz frequencies. The devices have gate lengths of 110 nm and are capable, in distinct devices, of an extrinsic cutoff frequency and maximum frequency of oscillation of over 100 GHz, which surpasses the 90 GHz cutoff frequency of radio-frequency CMOS devices with gate lengths of 100 nm and is close to the performance of GaAs technology.​


باي معمارية اخوي ؟ ARM ولا Risc-v ؟
اخيرا صرنا نبي نستغل الثروه العلميه
اخيرا صرنا نبي نستغل الثروه العلميه

يوجد كفات ومركز ابحاث متميزة وبحوث متكامله ناقص بس شركة وطنية في المجال


The semiconductor industry is facing a technological crisis, as the power density of integrated circuit “chips” has been constantly increasing for CMOS technology nodes below 90 nm, a consequence of increasing transistor OFF-state leakage current with miniaturization. The aim of this project is to address this problem by incorporating compact, zero-leakage switching devices as additional building blocks for integrated circuits, to enhance the energy efficiency and functionality of future integrated systems.​


Although microelectromechanical (MEM) relays have been introduced as an appealing class of such alternative switches, their large footprints, slow operation, large operational voltage, and lack of analog functionality have undermined their near ideal switching behavior (zero OFF-state leakage).

In this collaborative project between KAUST and UC Berkeley, we will leverage the expertise of our teams to investigate a novel nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relay technology for the implementation of robust, reliable and energy-efficient integrated systems. This technology will use an advanced air-gap back-end-of-the-line (BEOL) process, which allows for aggressive scaling of relay footprint and monolithic integration of relay and CMOS devices. A new circuit design paradigm will be developed for the automated implementation of hybrid CMOS-NEM relay integrated circuits (ICs). Such ICs comprise NEM relay logic blocks, analog CMOS blocks, and mixed-mode blocks implemented with both relays and CMOS transistors, such as non-volatile memories, interfaces or data converters. The demonstration of such hybrid integrated systems will be an important milestone toward the adoption of this technology by the semiconductor industry for future IC products.​
يوجد كفات ومركز ابحاث متميزة وبحوث متكامله ناقص بس شركة وطنية في المجال


The semiconductor industry is facing a technological crisis, as the power density of integrated circuit “chips” has been constantly increasing for CMOS technology nodes below 90 nm, a consequence of increasing transistor OFF-state leakage current with miniaturization. The aim of this project is to address this problem by incorporating compact, zero-leakage switching devices as additional building blocks for integrated circuits, to enhance the energy efficiency and functionality of future integrated systems.​


Although microelectromechanical (MEM) relays have been introduced as an appealing class of such alternative switches, their large footprints, slow operation, large operational voltage, and lack of analog functionality have undermined their near ideal switching behavior (zero OFF-state leakage).

In this collaborative project between KAUST and UC Berkeley, we will leverage the expertise of our teams to investigate a novel nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relay technology for the implementation of robust, reliable and energy-efficient integrated systems. This technology will use an advanced air-gap back-end-of-the-line (BEOL) process, which allows for aggressive scaling of relay footprint and monolithic integration of relay and CMOS devices. A new circuit design paradigm will be developed for the automated implementation of hybrid CMOS-NEM relay integrated circuits (ICs). Such ICs comprise NEM relay logic blocks, analog CMOS blocks, and mixed-mode blocks implemented with both relays and CMOS transistors, such as non-volatile memories, interfaces or data converters. The demonstration of such hybrid integrated systems will be an important milestone toward the adoption of this technology by the semiconductor industry for future IC products.​
اهم شيء صناعة الالات الصناعية للأشباه الموصلات
اهم شيء صناعة الالات الصناعية للأشباه الموصلات
هذا مجال صعب جدا هناك ثلاث دول فقط تصنع ألات اشباه الموصلات
امريكا واليابان وهولندا حتى هولندا تحتوي على مكونات امريكية والمانية وبراءات اختراع امريكية
اشباه الموصلات والابحاث بها ضرورة قصوى نرى وضع روسيا عندما اهملت هذه الابحاث وكيف انها تخلفت عن الركب لدرجة انها تنزع مايوجد بالثلاجات والغسالات المستورده لدعم صناعة اسلحتها بعد الحضر المقام عليها من الغرب
مليون مبرووك لااهلنا بالمملكه وان شاء الله تعالى تشوفون كل خير من هذا الصرح العلمي الثمين ...

احسنتم الاختيار الكوريون نعم الشريك التقني فهم غنيون عن التعريف بهذا المجال ...

مشاهدة المرفق 582255

اتمنى ان نرى اعتماد تقنية 3D GaN فهي اخر ماتوصل اليه علم اشباه الموصلات لما لها من ميزات خاصة بنمذجة SWaP-C والتي تتطلبها الكثير من تطبيقات اشباه الموصلات بالصناعات المتقدمه المدنيه والدفاعيه ...

للتنويه المقصود بالخبر ب الصمامات الثنائية الباعثة للضوء هو LED، وماكثر تطبيقاتها على سبيل المثال صناعة منتجات الليزر الحديث المدني والدفاعي....
مشكلة هذه القائمة هي أنها لا تذكر شركة تي سي إم سي التايوانية و اس ام أي سي الصينية!!
فقط وجب
مشكلة هذه القائمة هي أنها لا تذكر شركة تي سي إم سي التايوانية و اس ام أي سي الصينية!!
فقط وجب
اشكر تعقيبك اخي الكريم!

اظن انهم ذكروا TSMC التايوانيه فهي الاكبر بين العشر الكبار، ستجدها بإسفل الانفوكرافيك: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC; also called Taiwan Semiconductor) لااحد يمكنه تجاوزها باحصائيات كهذه.

اما الصينيه فربما لسبب ما لم تذكر، علما انها عملاقه ايضا.
(SEMC) Saudi Electronic Materials Company


شركة رائدة متخصصة في تصنيع أشباه الموصلات في المملكة العربية السعودية

