Iranian made military radars


10 مارس 2019
34,062 243 2
Ground Surveillance Radars

GSR-110S Medium Range Ground Surveillance Radars



GSR-110S is an advanced new generation of medium-range tactical radar which is high performance, low cost with low power of intercept. This system is man-portable and can be easily carried by two soldiers. A lightweight, solid-state & low power have made it one of the most effective and efficient battlefield surveillance radars available in the military market. It is also capable of fulfilling tactical surveillance mission efficiency as fixed-site surveillance radar
GSR-110S is used to detect and track any moving target on the ground such as pedestrians, vehicles or low flying helicopters during day and night in all weather conditions such as fog, smoke, snow and etc. This system can be installed both on the ground and on the vehicle​
Pulse radar
(Low probability of intercept (LPI
Doppler processing
High mobility and fast set-up
Modular design
CFAR processing
Audible detection alarm
Digital waveform generation & pulse compression
Fully solid state transceiver
(Automatic target tracking (TWS
Rugged computer as a radar terminal
(Full function remote control (FFRC
Sectorial rotation with selectable sector width
Light weight
Area management
Low output power
Separation of radar unit and operator unit up to 30m by a network cable
(Excellent ECCM capability (Frequency agility, PRF jitter, Low side lobe, Pulse compression


Battlefield frontier reconnaissance & surveillance
Border surveillance for police squadron
Periphery protection of strategic zones
Military force deployment monitoring
Coastal surveillance, environmental protection


GSR-110 N Long Range Ground Surveillance Radar


Battlefield awareness is the key to battlefield dominance. The field commander who knows the enemy’s location and the types of forces being deployed enjoys a great tactical advantage. GSR-110N radar is a long-range ground surveillance radar system developed for detecting, locating, and tracking ground moving targets like pedestrian, light and heavy vehicles and air moving targets at low altitude like helicopters. It is a fully coherent pulse radar system that works in X-band and uses Doppler Effect to detect targets. The control and monitoring operation is performed on a laptop computer and processing operation is performed by a powerful processing platform. This system sits on a tripod. It can be installed both on the ground and on the vehicle and carried by 2 people


Pulse radar
(Low probability of intercept (LPI
Fully solid state transceiver
High RF band width
Audible detection alarm
(Automatic tracking of targets (TWS
Displaying at least 10 tracked targets directions
Alarming when the searching target appears
Displaying of echo map zone
Displaying of Cartesian and Polar coordinates
Excellent ECCM capability (Frequency agility, PRF
(jitter, Low side lobe, Pulse compression
(Full function remote control (FFRC
Sectorial rotation with selectable sector width
Area management

Battlefield frontier reconnaissance & surveillance
Border surveillance for police squadron
Protection of important zones
Military force deployment monitoring
Guidance of ground forces and airborne attack units



Fire Control Radar

MST-X fire control radar is responsible for detecting and tracking air and marine targets simulta- neously by using one search radar and two independent track radars in both normal and jammer conditions. The second track radar is combined with an electro optical system for better reliability in radar jamming conditions. Information of tracked targets including range, azimuth and elevation is sent to combat management system through a secure port so that calculations related to the future point are done by a ballistic computer and then, a rocket or a missile is fired against enemy targets. Stabilizer unit in the main radar compensates angular movements of the ship and provides a stable platform for radar antennas. This system acts as the main member of fire control system in warships.

Electro optical unit specifications

Vision camera

- CCD type: 1/2 inches, wavelength: 0.4 to 1 micron
- Sensitivity: 0.003 lux
- Horizontal resolution: at least 570 lines
- Number of pixel: at least 600*800
- Focal length: 10 to 1000 mm
IR camera
- Wavelength: 3 to 5 micron
- Resolution: 258*320
- Frame frequency: 25
- Field of view: narrow: 1.7*2.3 and wide:5.5*6.9
- IFOV: 0.1 mr
Target range finder
- Wavelength: 1540 micron
- Range: 0.5 to 18 km
- Accuracy: 5m
- Repetition frequency: 12.5 Hz
- Resolution: 14 bit
Target Designator
Optical site Day Vision
- Zoom: 3 Times
- Accuracy on 100 meter: 13 millimeter
- Visibility : 11 meter on 100 meter
- Optical opening Diameter: 32 millimeter
- Reticle Color: Red , Green , Blue
Optical site Night Vision
- Visibility : 40 Degree
- Resolution: 0.76 Cycle per Mill radian
- Diopter Adjustment: (+2 to -6) Diopter
Movement pedestal:
- in azimuth :360 Degree
- in elevation: ( 0 to 45) Degree


Medium Range Air Defense System


ADS-M2 is a medium range air defense missile system used effectively against the extensive invasion of air attacks such as low and medium altitude flying fighters and UAVs. It is used in all-weather and jamming conditions. This system is capable of detecting 150 targets while simultaneously engaging with and killing two targets. ADS-M2 consists of one command and control center, one low/ medium altitude detection radar, two tactical trackers, six missile launchers, three loaders for carrying and loading the missile and five 64Kw power generators.

Coastal Surveillance Radar

CSR-X270 is a surveillance marine radar, highly mobile, two-dimensional, tactical air (low-altitude) and naval/coastal surveillance radar operating in X band. It is mainly used for detecting air (low-altitude) and marine targets. This radar system incorporates in reconfigurable transmitting Peak Power control for decreasing the probability of interception. Besides, this radar employs modern radar technologies widely such as, low side lobe antenna, air-cooled solid state transmitter, DDS-based waveform generator, digital pulse compression, AMTI processing, JATS, High level of system automation, automatic set-up/tear-down. Therefore, it exhibits an excellent operational performance.


Reconfigurable transmitting peak power control, wide dynamic range and wide bandwidth for receiving with excellent performance
Light weight, low side lobe level, low loss, Reflector antenna
Desirable site compatibility due to self-elevated operation function
Highly efficient and highly reliable transmitter system, air-cooled, distributed solid-state transmitters using high power modules of the same kind
Integrated, modular receiver
Networked and computerized radar terminal and control/monitoring system
Rapid set-up and tear-down realized by automatic antenna leveling
High level of system automation
High performance, compact structure, transportable by road, rail, air and sea
Excellent air (low-altitude) and marine target detection performance
High mobility, rapid set-up/tear-down
High reliability
High survivability, multiple operation modes, various anti-jamming measures


Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) Radar

M4 radar is three dimensional (3D), long range, ground-based, tactical, phased array radar working as an air control, guidance and surveillance radar system. In this radar, waveguide slotted array antenna technology and digital beam forming technique in receiving have been used for the purpose of height finding. This radar system operates in S frequency band. The main mission of the system is to detect and track while scan (TWS) the air targets and also to control the fighters in Air Defense Systems (ADS) as a Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) Radar. This radar can be designed as a stationary system as well. Command Post (CP) shelter of this system can act as a control center of Control Report Center (CRC) in air defense network and merge the information of several radars or sensors.


Using waveguide slotted array antenna with low side lobe
Using Air Cooling Solid State Power Amplifier
Height finding by using multi beam digital processing in receiver
Forming Csc2 pattern and Burn Through beam in transmission by using Phase Only distribution on transmitter array
Capability of amplitude and phase calibration in transmitting path and receiving path
Being modular with low maintenance average time
Equipped with IFF sub-system, IFF/SSR (Identifying Friend of Foe)
Using digital pulse compression technique to reduce transmitting peak power
High mobility, automatic leveling system and automatic antenna seat and stand mechanism
Capable of being placed in a network in air defense systems
Main ECCM capabilities

Burn Through, SLB and SLC, Frequency Hopping, PRF Jitter, PRF Staggering, JATS, Pulse Compression, MTI, CFAR, Clutter Map, Low SLL Antenna



LA-ASR radar is a tactical UHF band air surveillance radar which can automatically detect 2D
information of the low altitude flying targets in jamming and clutter conditions. This system is installed on a truck where the operator console and communication system is located. This system uses different operating techniques according to the operational requirements and constantly works in different weather conditions and is able to extract data in 2 dimensions (range and azimuth).


Transmitting data to the defense network to increase the capability of radar defense system
Local display and remote control (inside the vehicle cabin)
Detecting the low RCS and low altitude flying targets including UAV, helicopters, and cruise missiles
Equipped with IFF
Capability of IFF system conjunction as secondary radar
Target tracking using TWS technique
Supplying peripheral radars with extracted target data

Early Warning Radar

SEW-14 is a long range, stationary VHF search radar which is based on an array of directive antenna to detect the targets, specially stealth types as an early warning radar in a defense network system. All subsystems such as transmitter, receiver, antenna, control and processors have been manufactured based on the latest technologies and are upgradable as well. The radar subsystems such as related transmitter, receiver, processor and monitors are installed in a tactical shelter. The mechanical parts of the system including mast, antenna, and rotator are installed on the roof of a building as a stationary part of the radar. SEW-14 is used as an early warning radar in a defense network to cover other defense network necessities and infirmities.


Advanced ECCM capabilities
Advanced signal processing and data extraction
Early detection of air targets and determination of their coordinates including range and azimuth
Capability of IFF system conjunction as secondary radar
Target tracking using TWS technique
Supplying peripheral radars with extracted target data
High reliability and maintenance
Low RCS and stealth target detection (such as UAVs)
Modular designed system



Tactical Air Surveillance Radar

T-ASR-III is a tactical S-band solid-state pulse radar with moving target indication (MTI) and the pulse compression techniques. In this air surveillance radar, solid state technology is used for manufacturing transmitter and receiver. Processing and display units have been made based on the modern technologies. It is capable of searching an area with respect to range and azimuth and provide the user with relevant information. T-ASR-III is designed in such a way that can resist against jammers using JATS, pulse compression, CFAR, MTI, Staggered PRF, and frequency hopping.


Detection of air target and determination of their coordinates including range & azimuth
Advanced digital signal processing
Target tracking using TWS technique
Fully solid state transceiver
ECCM capabilities against wide range of jamming and interference
Capable of being integrated to IFF system as secondary radar


Long Range Air Surveillance Radar

L-ASR4 is a long-range tactical phased-array 3D active early warning radar working in VHF fre- quency band and based on an array of yagi antennas. In addition to quick deployment and sec- tor scan, this system also benefits from the latest ECCM techniques. The mission of this radar is to detect and track different types of air targets, fighters, bombers, stealth targets, UAVs, ballistic missiles and satellites. The latest technologies have been utilized in manufacturing transmitter, receiver, processor, digital beamforming, communication systems and other sub-systems. What distinguishes this system compared to other systems in this band is remarkable characteristics of antenna automatic mechanism to open and close in the shortest possible time (about 8 minutes), applying phased array structure for sector scan and also capability of detecting ballistic targets and satellites. All equipment of this radar including operator shelter, mast and antenna unit (120 yagi elements), rotating cabinet and etc. are mounted on a platform.


Highly tactical with automatic antenna mechanism to open and close
Active phased-array structure (beam electronic rotation in both azimuth and elevation)
RF sampling in 32 processing channels
Digital beam forming in receiving path
Height finding capability
Detecting targets with very high altitude
TAS of the detected targets
ECCM capabilities including: pulse to pulse and scan to scan method of changing transmitting code and operating frequency, pulse to pulse and scan to scan PRF change, JATS, SLB, SLC, detecting jammer direction, rejecting interferences, MTI, MTD, CFAR.
Different display tools for ease of use
Modular and easily repaired System
Built-in-test capability
Highly reliable

Semi-Long VHF Air Surveillance Radar

Mobile solid state digital VHF band radar is a semi-long range system designed to detect air targets within the radar's coverage to determine the target's coordinates such as range, azimuth and range rate as well as to send radar information to the air defense information network. SL-ASR-II is a new generation radar, combining advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solution.The radar can operate in self-contained mode and also as a component to automation C3I system. SL-ASR-II is a highly mobile, fully solid state surveillance radar developed based on the armed forces' operational demands. This radar is vehicle carried and designed based on full coherent pulse compression and MTD detection techniques. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high mobility, high automation, etc.


Advanced signal processing and data extraction
Early detection of air targets and determination of their coordinates including range, azimuth, radial velocity and height
Capability of IFF system conjunction as secondary radar
Advanced ECCM capabilities against wide range of jamming and interference
Target tracking using TWS technique
Detection of targets with small RCS, Stealth, & low altitude (such as UAVs)
Supplying peripheral radars with extracted target data
Standard ports for data transmission
High reliability and easy maintenance
Modular system
Semi-Long VHF Air Surveillance Radar
Air Surveillance Radars


Semi-Long VHF Air Surveillance Radar
Mobile solid state digital VHF band radar is a semi-long range system designed to detect air targets within the radar's coverage to determine the target's coordinates such as range, azimuth and range rate as well as to transmit radar information to the air defense information network. SL-ASR-III is in fact the upgraded version of SL-ASR-II radar that has been equipped with ad- vanced ECCM capabilities such as SLB, SLC, and independent JATS channel. Such capabili- ties enhance radar proper performance in the presence of jamming. The radar can operate in self-contained mode and also as a component to automation C3I system. SL-ASR-III is a highly mobile, fully solid state surveillance radar developed based on the armed forces' operational demands. This radar is vehicle-carried and designed based on full coherent pulse compression and MTD detection techniques. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high mobility, high automation, etc.​

Advanced signal processing and data extraction
Early detection of air targets and determination of their coordinates including range, azimuth, radial velocity and height
Capability of IFF system conjunction as secondary radar
Advanced ECCM capabilities against wide range of jamming and interference (SLB, SLC,JATS independent channel, Frequency Hopping, CFAR, Stagger PRF, Sector Blanking, Code Agility, Pulse Compression, MTI & MTD)
Target tracking using TWS technique
Detection of targets with small RCS, Stealth, & low altitude (such as UAVs)
Supplying peripheral radars with extracted target data
Standard ports for data transmission
High reliability and easy maintenance
Modular system
Using Antenna with wide band width
Using proper ergonomics in designing the shelter to separate operator section from other components of the system
Using 8 receivers (two main receiving channels, four SLC channels, one SLB channel, and one JATS channel)
ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) for automatic switch be- tween city power and generator to avoid system operation stop in case of power cut-off by using UPS
Using passive parts like circulator in the path of antenna to increase system operation continuity

Long Range Air Surveillance Radar

L-ASR4 is a long-range tactical phased-array 3D active early warning radar working in VHF fre- quency band and based on an array of yagi antennas. In addition to quick deployment and sec- tor scan, this system also benefits from the latest ECCM techniques. The mission of this radar is to detect and track different types of air targets, fighters, bombers, stealth targets, UAVs, ballistic missiles and satellites. The latest technologies have been utilized in manufacturing transmitter, receiver, processor, digital beamforming, communication systems and other sub-systems. What distinguishes this system compared to other systems in this band is remarkable characteristics of antenna automatic mechanism to open and close in the shortest possible time (about 8 minutes), applying phased array structure for sector scan and also capability of detecting ballistic targets and satellites. All equipment of this radar including operator shelter, mast and antenna unit (120 yagi elements), rotating cabinet and etc. are mounted on a platform.


Highly tactical with automatic antenna mechanism to open and close
Active phased-array structure (beam electronic rotation in both azimuth and elevation)
RF sampling in 32 processing channels
Digital beamforming in receiving path
Height finding capability
Detecting targets with very high altitude
TAS of the detected targets
ECCM capabilities including: pulse to pulse and scan to scan method of changing transmitting code and operating frequency, pulse to pulse and scan to scan PRF change, JATS, SLB, SLC, detecting jammer direction, rejecting interferences, MTI, MTD, CFAR.
Different display tools for ease of use
Modular and easily repaired System
Built-in-test capability
Highly reliable

Over-The-Horizon Surface Wave Radar


The High Frequency (HF) radar (3-30MHz, deca-metric wave radar) has been proposed and applied in some specific fields such as surveillance over the sea due to EM radiation unique property that can propagate beyond the horizon. This is achieved either by a surface wave diffraction around the curvature of the earth, (ground or surface wave radar) or by sky wave refracted by the ionosphere layers (sky wave radar). By this means the HF radar can sense far beyond the line of sight, and typically the range of surface wave HF radar can be extended to the order of 400 km. HFSWR has been applied to monitor ships and aircrafts within the 200 nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).


The range of the radar station is not limited to the horizon
Automatic determination of the coordinates of detected sea and air objects
Automatic determination of moving parameters and the type of object
Generation and transmission of information on tracking objects to end-users for operational decision-making
Delivery of detected targets information for mobile forces and weapon fire system for targeting
Analysis of clutter and the physical conditions of sea surface within the zone of responsibility
It provides all-weather surveillance of sea and air objects
There is no range reduction for Stealth vessels/aircrafts
Anti-ARM radar
X-band Marine Radar


X-MR is 3D active phased array radar working in X frequency band capable of detecting and tracking low and high altitude (up to 4km) targets on the ground and over the sea. This system is capable of scanning 360° of azimuth coverage mechanically. It can also scan an azimuth sector electronically. X-MR has a wide coverage in elevation by using electronic scan. The radar can estimate target position in elevation by using multiple simultaneous digital electronic beams. Narrow pencil beams of this radar make it possible to track targets with high accuracy that is suitable for guiding different types of weapons and missiles. Modular design helps radar to be easily repaired.


Multifunction Radar with the ability to detect and track multiple targets simultaneously.
- TWS up to 50 targets with fine accuracy
- Track up to 4 targets with high accuracy (2 targets and 2 missiles depending on missiles guiding algorithm)

Radar surveillance of air and surface situation
Detection of air targets, including small size, diving and low altitude flying targets
Determination of coordinates (Azimuth, Elevation and Range) and motion parameters of the tracked targets
Classification of the tracked targets according to their trajectories
Threat evaluation of the tracked targets
Digital Beam forming radar
ECCM capabilities
Operating in multi-sensor networks


Marine Vessel Solid State Radar (X band)

MVSR-X1 is digital X-band marine Solid State radar designed to detect sea vessels within the radar coverage, determine their range, azimuth and velocity and transmit radar information to the related network. MVSR-X1 is new generation radar which combines advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solutions. MVSR-X1 is digital surveillance radar developed based on the operation demands of naval forces. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high automation.


Enhancing radar performance,user-friendly operation and visibility
Full range tracking (100 Targets)
Standard ports for data transmission
High speed data transmission via Ethernet LAN
High reliability and maintainability
ECCM capabilities (random PRF, CFAR, Pulse Compression, Frequency Hopping, Integrator and sector blanking)
Defining the specified regional Guard Zone (for each desired target)
Capable of recording and retrieving all daily operational events in computer
Capable of target classification
Capable of displaying the target history and Echo trail
Applying sea clutter and rain clutter techniques (STC & FTC)
Capable of changing the length of tracking vector
Capable of connecting to analog and digital navigation systems (such as Gyro, Gps, AIS, meteorological, …) via standard serial port (RS422/232) with NMEA 0183 format
Capable of changing the wave form of the Pulse Compression (BPSK or LFM)
Operating in radar network
BIT (Built-In-Test

Marine Vessel Microwave Radar (S-band)

MVMR-S1 is digital S-band marine vessel radar designed to detect sea vessels within the radar coverage, determine their range, azimuth and velocity and transmit radar information to the related network. MVMR-S1 is new generation radar that combines advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solutions. MVMR-S1 is digital surveillance radar developed based on the operation demands of naval forces. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high automation.


Enhancing radar Performance,user-friendly operation and visibility
Full range tracking (100 Targets)
Standard ports for data transmission
High speed data transmission via Ethernet LAN
High reliability and maintainability
Defining the specified regional Guard Zone (for each desired target)
Capable of recording and retrieving all daily operational events in computer
Capable of target classification
Capable of changing the Pulse Width
Manual tracking: capable of selecting automatic tracking in overall region of surveillance
Capable of displaying the target history and Echo trail
Applying sea clutter and rain clutter techniques (STC & FTC)
Capable of changing the length of tracking vector
Capable of connecting to analog and digital navigation systems (such as Gyro, Gps, AIS,
meteorological, …) via standard serial port (RS422/232) with NMEA 0183 format
Operating in radar network
BIT (Built-In-Test)

Marine Vessel Microwave Radar (X band)


MVMR-X1 is digital X-band marine vessel radar designed to detect sea vessels within the radar coverage, determine their range, azimuth and velocity and transmit radar information to the related network. MVMR-X1 is new generation radar which combines advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solutions. MVMR-X1 is digital surveillance radar developed based on the operation demands of naval forces. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high automation


Enhancing radar Performance,user-friendly operation and visibility
Full range tracking (100 Targets)
Standard ports for data transmission
High speed data transmission via Ethernet LAN
High reliability and maintainability
Defining the specified regional Guard Zone (for each desired target)
Capable of recording and retrieving all daily operational events in computer
Capable of target classification
Capable of changing the Pulse Width
Manual tracking: capable of selecting automatic tracking in overall region of surveillance
Capable of displaying the target history and Echo trail
Applying sea clutter and rain clutter techniques (STC & FTC)
Capable of changing the length of tracking vector
Capable of connecting to analog and digital navigation systems (such as Gyro, Gps, AIS, meteorological, …) via standard serial port (RS422/232) with NMEA 0183 format
Operating in radar network
BIT (Built-In-Test)

Marine Vessel Solid State Radar (S band)

MVSR-S1 is digital S-band marine Solid State radar designed to detect sea vessels within the radar coverage, determine their range, azimuth and velocity and transmit radar information to the related network. MVSR-S1 is new generation radar which combines advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solutions. MVSR-S1 is digital surveillance radar developed based on the operation demands of naval forces. The radar is characterized by good performances such as high automation.


Enhancing radar performance,user-friendly operation and visibility
Full range tracking (100 Targets)
Standard ports for data transmission
High speed data transmission via Ethernet LAN
High reliability and maintainability
ECCM capabilities (random PRF, CFAR, Pulse Compression, Frequency Hopping, Integrator and sector blanking)
Defining the specified regional Guard Zone (for each desired target)
Capable of recording and retrieving all daily operational events in computer
Capable of target classification
Capable of displaying the target history and Echo trail
Applying sea clutter and rain clutter techniques (STC & FTC)
Capable of changing the length of tracking vector
Capable of connecting to analog and digital navigation systems (such as Gyro, Gps, AIS, meteorological, …) via standard serial port (RS422/232) with NMEA 0183 format
Capable of changing the wave form of the Pulse Compression (BPSK or LFM)
Operating in radar network
BIT (Built-In-Test

Hafez phased array radar
little information is available about this radar but according to Fars news
Hafez radar system is a 3D phased array explorer radar that can discover and trace targets from 250km in distance and engage with multiple targets
has a 24-hour operational capability, adding that it enjoys operational efficiency in electronic warfare, in environments filled with parasite and jamming waves and in different weather conditions
the system can trace 100 targets and update their situational information in a few seconds to send it to the defense system
the radar is currently used as the Fire-control radar for the Mersad SAM system

Semi Long VHF Air Surveillance Radar

Mobile Solid State Digital VHF Band is a medium range radar designed to detect air targets within the radar’s coverage, determine their range, azimuth, range rate and height and transmitting radar information to air defence infomation network

SL-ASR-l is a new generation radar which combines advanced radar developments, modern digital technologies and hardware with constructive technological solutions

The radar can operate in self-contained mode and as a component to automation C3l system as well

SL-ASR-l is a highly mobile, fully solid state and medium altitude surveillance radar developed based on the operation demands by radar forces. This radar is vehicle carried; uses full coherent pulse compression and MTD detection techniques

The radar is characterized by good performances such as high mobility, high automation,... etc

Early detection of air targets and determination of their coordinates including range, azimuth , radial velocity and height

Capability of IFF system conjunction as secondary radar

ECCM capabilities against wide variety of jamming and interference

Target tracking using TWS technique

Detection of targets with small RCS & low altitude

Supplying peripheral radars with target extracted data



ASRX-A is an air surveillance X-band pulse radar used to detect air targets with low RCS and low altitude. The system is a 2-dimensional radar displaying azimuth and range of targets. It detects targets with 1 m2 RCS at 18 Km and 0.05 m2 RCS targets at 10 Km

May be used in fire control unit (FCU) by transmitting target data to this system

Able to detect small targets such as UAV, RPV, cruise missile, etc

Using TWS technique, it can track targets and be linked with optical tracker


(TM - ASR - 1 (Tactical Microwave Air Surveillance Radar


TM-ASR-1 radar is an magnetron pulse surveillance radar with maximum power of 800kw. Since this radar is able to detect the targets with maximum range of up to 150 km, it is used as primary warning radar

This radar is also used to detect the flying targets and is able to measure the distance and angle (R,O) of the target and display the “X” and “Y” coordinates of the target on the monitor

2D medium range air surveillance radar

Detection of low “RCS” targets such as PRV, Cruise missiles,...

Deliver the target information to command & control center

Searching at 360º and review speed of 3,6,12 RPM

Displaying the clutter map and amplifying the critical areas

(Mobility , fast set-up and break-down. (maximum time for setup is about 30 minuts


(PAR - X30 (Precision Approach Radar


Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is a type of radar guidance system designed to provide lateral and vertical guidance for an aircraft pilot during landing, until the landing threshold is reached

After the aircraft reaches the Decision Height (DH) or Decision Altitude (DA), guidance is advisory only

This system is used in air traffic control and precision guidance of aircrafts and helps pilots keep the aircraft on course and glide path during final approach

PAR-X30 is one of the most important sensors in Air Traffic Control Systems and plays a very important role in providing the flight safety, especially in landing operation, for both civil and military aircrafts. This system is a very high precision, 3D system working in X-band frequency and specifically designed to help pilots in landing fighters even on the shipboards

Increasing the flight safety during the landing especially at night, rainy and dusty weather

Checking and controlling the aircraft function and guiding the aircraft in three dimensions (range, azimuth, altitude) on the airport glide path from the landing point to the distance of up to 30 km

Communicating with other airport radars such as PSR and SSR

Checking and measuring flight altitude in order to improve the landing operation

Being full function controlled and monitored in air traffic control tower through optical or radio links

(MVR - 88 (Marine Vessel Radar


Radars are employed by almost all Maritime and Coastal surveillance organizations, with powerful signal processing ability

Modern radar systems are capable of extracting targets and determining their velocity from tile surrounding background. Processing the radar video with modern processing technique, improve the radar detection performance

Processor unit performs signal processing , tracking and display under the operator’s control and generates high resolution data suitable for use, all in real time

This radar is presented in “X” and “S” band versions, with technical specification on the back page.


Developed to enhance the radar performance, user friendly operation and visibility

Utilizing software-based digital signal processing with high performance computer-besed technologies

Full range tracking, data extractor (Networking) and high angular accuracy


(TRM - 8c - 3000 (Tactical Radio Monitoring


TRM-8C-3000 is an Eight Channel Radio Monitoring System working at0.5 to 3000 MHz frequency band. It detects all conventional analog and digital modulation

This system contains one receiver for searching and seven hand off receivers for monitoring. BY IF spectrum processing method , it has the maximum scan rate of 10GHz/s . All 7 receivers can monitor 1000 channels. Taking advantage of using two separate racks enables the operators to manage radio monitoring and channel searching independently. This feature extends the system application specially during tactical operations


8 Channel simultaneous interception

Fast search

Interception of all conventional analog and digital modulations

High quality antenna ( omni & direction) for better sensitivity

8 x 1000 monitoring channels

High quality antenna distribution system for easy operation

Remote control operation and network based interception

8 channel digital recording & play back system

Wide band IF (BW=10MHz) recording

Tactical & stationary application


HF Radio Monitoring

HRM-330 is designed for automatic and manual detection and analysis of Low Probability Interception (LPI) signals (Burst, hoppers), wide and narrow band, signal search and surveillance, interception, monitoring, recording and analysis of radio communications in the frequency range of 300 KHZ to 30 MHZ

Signal processing functionally includes detection of conventional and short time signals, tuner scan functionally, interception of voice signals, demodulation & decoding for all analog and digital narrowband signals and at least two wideband signals with definite protocol


Wide band signal interception, recording and decoding ( 0.5, 1, 5 MHZ) to a maximum of two simultaneous separate spread spectrum signals.

Simultaneous interception and record of 8 fix frequency signals in narrow band width.

Remote control operation and network based intercepting.

Capability of self test.

VOR capability.

Tactical & stationary applications.


(SDF - 230 (Wideband Direction Finder

SDF-230 with its extremely high scan speed is the latest generation of scanning direction finders. It can find the direction of frequency/time hopping, burst and fixed frequency signals

Having a wide frequency range from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz. The system uses Correlation/interferometer method ,15 direction finding algorithm

Antenna system is designed for application in stationary or semi-mobile VHF/UHF DF systems

Using of large DF antennas with nine elements. the system can reach highly accurate bearings

In this system four DF modes are available: scan mode (fast DF scanning), fixed frequency mode (HM), search mode and wideband mode WFFM


Enhanced DF accuracy and sensitivity by using wide aperture DF antenna.

Extremely high frequency resolution.

Remot control via virtually any data link.

GPS support.

Direction finding of narrow band digital-analog signals with QAM, ASK, FSK, AM, FM, CW, PULSE, SSB, and IQ modulations.

Direction finding of 2 wideband signals with 2000 H/S in the 20 MHZ band width simultaneously.

Networking capability for Position finding.

Self test capability.

Tactical & stationary application.


(HDF - 230 (Hand Held Direction Finder

Hand held Direction Finder Systems are used for mobile DF applications where radio emitters are not accessible by vehicle and the operator has to dismount and continue the mission on foot

HDF-230 is a light weight portable radio direction finder designed to detect the radio emitters by tracing radio emissions and proceeding toward the direction of the arriving signal

By selecting the appropriate hand -held antenna wide frequency range from 20 MHZ to 3GHZ can be covered


Small, lightweight, easy to use, suitable for rapid deployment.

Coverage of frequency range , 20 MHZ to 3 GHZ , depending on selected antenna.

Capability of displaying signal direction & strength at day or night on a pocket pc monitor.

Operation can last for a duration of seven hour or mor using a charged battery.

Hight stability receiver with phased locked loop and synthesized oscillator.

Versatile functions such as spot search, scan and priority reception.



Tactical Air Surveillance Radar

T-ASR-III is a tactical S-band solid-state pulse radar with moving target indication (MTI) and the pulse compression techniques. In this air surveillance radar, solid state technology is used for manufacturing transmitter and receiver. Processing and display units have been made based on the modern technologies. It is capable of searching an area with respect to range and azimuth and provide the user with relevant information. T-ASR-III is designed in such a way that can resist against jammers using JATS, pulse compression, CFAR, MTI, Staggered PRF, and frequency hopping.
NAJM-802B engagement radar

NAJM-802B a new AESA radar apparently developed from the NAJM-802
from information available, the radar is capable of tracking 12 targets and engaging 3 targets and have a range of up to 150km​
يرحب المنتدى بالجميع بغض النظر عن العرق والجنسيه واللغه والجنس والدين والميول السياسي.

تم ازاله المشاركات المخالفه يرجى من الجميع الالتزام مع ملاحظه ان هذا القسم مخصص للاخبار والمتابعات باللغة الانجليزيه بجانب العربية.

من لايجيد اللغة الانجليزيه فليستخدم قوقل ترجمة او ينتظر من المتحدثين باللانجليزيه ادارج ترجمة مختصره.

ASR naval radar




The Air Surveillance Radar or ASR is a 3-D solid-state passive electronically scanned array, capable of detecting boats, low flying aircraft, and missiles between 5 and 110 nautical miles (200 km)away
In addition to being entirely indigenously developed, being a “passive radar“. This makes it invulnerable to anti-radar missiles that would otherwise use its radar signal to home in on the ASR
the radar can also be used to surveil shores


Passive infrared search systems

todays, active defense systems, and electromagnetic radars are detectable and attacked by jammers, IRSS-I-3 is a passive infrared search system the detects planes, missiles and helicopters, and other aerodynamic aircraft
the mission of this system is to detect flying targets without sending electromagnetic waves, which makes it difficult to detect by enemies, the system searches for flying objects then reports the position to the control panel



مشاهدة المرفق 192183

Passive infrared search systems

todays, active defense systems, and electromagnetic radars are detectable and attacked by jammers, IRSS-I-3 is a passive infrared search system the detects planes, missiles and helicopters, and other aerodynamic aircraft
the mission of this system is to detect flying targets without sending electromagnetic waves, which makes it difficult to detect by enemies, the system searches for flying objects then reports the position to the control panel


مشاهدة المرفق 192181

هل فعلا لدية القدرة على تحديد موقع الهدف غريب كيف يحسب المسافة والارتفاع؟!!
هل فعلا لدية القدرة على تحديد موقع الهدف غريب كيف يحسب المسافة والارتفاع؟!!
المسافة حالها سهل المشكلة في الإرتفاع اضن يتم حسابه بالإعتماد على تحديد دقيق لمكان المنضومة
هناك ايضا منضومة من هذا النوع بمدى اكبر و خصاءص افضل
بالمناسبة اخ درويش هل اكمل اضافت الرادارات الإيرانية ام انه ليس هنا داع
المسافة حالها سهل المشكلة في الإرتفاع اضن يتم حسابه بالإعتماد على تحديد دقيق لمكان المنضومة
هناك ايضا منضومة من هذا النوع بمدى اكبر و خصاءص افضل
بالمناسبة اخ درويش هل اكمل اضافت الرادارات الإيرانية ام انه ليس هنا داع
بالعكس اكمل فمعرفة الأعداء والخصوم واجب على الكل وخاصة ان مشاركتك فيها معلومات وافيه وليس تطبيل

بانتظار الموضوع باللغة العربية لتحفيز الأعضاء على المشاركة وإبداء الرأي والملاحظات الفنية
