صواريخ RAM لقطر

8 يناير 2012
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ألمانيا تبيع صواريخ RAM البحرية لقطر

هناك معارضة داخلية أيضا بما معناه قطر في منطقة أزمة، يجب معاملتها مثل السعودية
“It is irresponsible of the German government to continue to approve arms sales to crisis regions,” Ernst said.

Germany last year announced plans to expand ties with Qatar, which pledged to invest 10 billion euros in the German economy.

The RND newspaper chain, which first reported the latest arms sale to Qatar, said the RAM system had previously been sold by Germany to Egypt, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.

الصواريخ مبيوعة لتركيا والامارات ومصر

يبدوا أن عددها 85
85 dual-mode radar and infrared seekers that guide the missile into its target
