تسريب تحقيق في تحطم قادفة الاستراتيجية Tu-22M3

هذة ظروف طبيعية في روسيا ياعزيزي
خطأ طيار بالدرجة الأولى والأخيرة
بالطبع أستاذي لكن ماذا عن هيئة الأرصاد
شيئ اّخر الجليد يعمل كوسادة تقصر المسافة بين البدن والأرض مما يزيد فرص الإحتكاك
وطبعا خطأ الطيار في الهبوط ثابت
القصد هنا انها جاءت للرد على القاذفة ب-1 وليس تقليد لها صديقي اي سباق تسلح حركة مقابل حركة مثل الشطرنج وليس تقليد بالتصميم .. والحقيقة التي-160 افضل منها بفارق

حتي هذا الافتراض غير حقيقي
مهمات القاذفتين مختلفة تماما ، و موقع روسيا اليوم غير متخصص عسكريا بل مجرد وكالة أنباء ، لذلك ينقل من ما ليس اختصاص له
لغاية الان انا من ق دم مصاد ر و انت لم تقد م شي سوى استنتاجاتك شخصية

لم اقدم مصدر لاننا نناقس اساسيات , لم اري حتي داع لاطاله النقاش بها !!!!!

كما انك لم تقدم ما يرقي لمصدر بل تقدم ان تأويلا شخصيا لفهم غير مكتمل و لمصادر غير ذات صله او لمصادر متناقضة , كما لو اني مضطر لتصديق مصدر يقول ما يخالف العقيدة السوفيتيةو اي علم او منطق عسكري حينها لمجرد انه مصدر بلغة اجنبية !!!

فيما يخص تناقض مصدرك مع اساس العقيدة السوفيتية في الستينات اللتي لم تعر اهتمام الامريكان للقاذفات الاستراتيجية

In January 1960, Khrushchev unveiled the new nuclear strategy in a speech to the Supreme Soviet. According to Khrushchev, this strategy's aim was deterring war rather than fighting it. Despite Khrushchev's emphasis on deterrence and reductions in military manpower, Sokolovskii's Military Strategy focused on apocalyptic scenarios for fighting a world war with nuclear weapons and stressed the need for mass armies. The idea of preemption resurfaced, this time on an intercontinental basis, because the Soviet Union had acquired nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and could threaten the territory of the United States. Sokolovskii maintained that the Soviet side had to "frustrate" an enemy coalition's attack by delivering massive nuclear strikes on the enemy's territories. These strikes would destroy not only the enemy's weapons but also the enemy's will to continue the war, thus limiting the damage from a retaliatory strike.

و ادعوك لقرائة المقال كاملا كي يزول اللبس

هناك مقالات اخري لكن غير مجانية تتحدث عن الامر بتفصيل شديد لو كانت لديك الرغبة بالدفع سارسل لك عناوينها

لم يذكر اي مصدر عن صلة التو٢٢ بالبي١ او التو ١٦٠ ، لو كنت اتعبت نفسك قليلا بالبحث الرزين لوجد رابط كهذا يشرح بوضوح مهمة التو٢٢ام

The Soviets maintained that the Tu-22M was not used for this role as it did not possess true intercontinental range, it would be used for attack and naval defense only on the periphery of the Soviet Union. This was even written into the aborted SALT-II treaty, the U.S. delegation wanted the Tu-22M not to be equipped with an air refueling system of any kind.

من مصدر اخر يحدد مهمة التو-22 ام بوضوح

The BACKFIRE is a long-range aircraft capable of performing nuclear strike, conventional attack, antiship, and reconnaissance missions. Its low-level penetration features make it a much more survivable system than its predecessors. Carrying either bombs or AS-4/KITCHEN air-to-surface missiles, it is a versatile strike aircraft, believed to be intended for theater attack in Europe and Asia but also potentially capable of intercontinental missions against the United States.

Athough a significant number of Backfire bombers were targeted on US naval vessels, the Backfire was the focus of a hotly contested arms control debate that focused on failure to limit further modernization and production of Backfire fleet. Although the Backfire bomber had an exclusively theater mission, under certain circumstances, it could be used to strike targets in the United States. Arms control opponents contended that the United States left open a loophole the Soviets would eventually exploit. The United States stated that as it can be refueled in flight -- allowing it to reach the United States -- the Backfire was an intercontinental bomber and should be subject to the same restrictions as other strategic bombers. The Soviets consistently maintained that the Backfire was not a strategic bomber because of its non-intercontinental range.

اما بخصوص اقتباس المصممين الروس للتصميم من بنات افكار الامريكان فابلغ رد علي هذا الادعاء هو ما يلي

The Tu-22M designation was used by the Soviets during SALT-2 arms control negotiations, creating the impression that the Backfire-A aircraft was a modification of the Tu-22 Blinder. This designation was adopted by the US State and Defense Departments, although some contended that the designation was deliberately deceptive, and intended to hide the performance of the Backfire. Other sources suggest the "deception" was internal, because this made it easier to get budgets approved. According to some sources, the Backfire-B/C production variants were believed to be designated Tu-26 by Russia, although this is disputed by many sources. At Tupolev the aircraft was designated the AM.

Many of the development steps in manufacturing the AM were unique in their time. Special attention was given to the construction of the variable sweep wing - the basis of the whole project. The mid-mounted wings are variable, swept-back, and tapered with curved tips and a wide wing root. Two turbofan engines are mounted in the body, with large rectangular air intakes and dual exhausts. The fuselage is long and slender with a solid, pointed nose and stepped cockpit. The body is rectangular from the air intakes to the exhausts. The tail fin is swept-back and tapered with a square tip. The flats are mid-mounted on the body, swept-back, and tapered with blunt tips. The wing consists of a center section and two outer panels that have five fixed positions with respect to the leading edge sweep. The two-spar centre section has a rear web and bearing skin panel. The outer wings are secured to the centre section with the aid of hinged joints. The high-lift devices include three-section slats and double-slotted flaps on the outer wings (extension angle: 23~ for takeoff and 40~ for landing) and a tilting flap on the centre section.

فلو اخذنا الامور بمنطق من اقتبس ماذا و عذرا لصراحتي فهو منطق اللا منطق , فمن الواضح من اقتبس ماذا من من , لكن اعود و اكرر ان اي شيئ يصنعه الانسان ليطير في اجواء كوكب الارض يحكمه منطق واحد يخص الجاذبية و الايروديناميك و خلافه , السلاح لا تصنعه الدول كيدا ببعضها !!!

اذن لا علاقة من قريب او بعيد بين التو-22 و البي-1 من حيث المهمات و من حيث الاقدمية فالتو-22 اسبق و اقدم , و لو تحدثنا عن منطق الاقتباس و ان كنت ارفض ربطه بانعدام الابداع عن الطرف الاخر فلتقراء الاقتباس بالاعلي فهو ينسف الادعاء من اساسه , كونها القاذفة الاولي اللتي تطبق هكذا مبداء و كونها قبل البي-1 و التو-160 جملة !!!

اما عن البي-1 فنطاق مهماتها ايضا محدد و مرة اخري لو نبحث بشكل رزين بعيدا عن الشخصنة فسنجد مهماتها واضحة بوضوح و هي بالاساس قاذفة اعماق و هنا هي تختلف في الدور عن البي-1a و اللتي خطط لها استبدال قاذفات ذات طبيعة اخري

The B-1B's survivability when penetrating defenses will depend in part on its ability to fly low to avoid radar detection. Therefore, the B-1B is equipped with Terrain Following and Terrain Avoidance radar modes. The B-1B is designed to fly in an Automatic Terrain Following (ATF) mode at 200 feet above ground level, in all weather, and at night. The B-1B incorporates several ATF modes. One mode, known as "hard ride," closely follows terrain contours and is intended for use in high threat environments. "Soft ride" does not approximate the contour of the ground as closely, providing a smoother flight. The ATF function produced frequent false fly-up signals during initial use by operational air-crews. As a result, the Air Force suspended ATF training until software modifications were made and tested. After ATF software modification testing and the B-1B bird strike modification (refer to Bird Strike, page G-4), low-level training was resumed in 1989. Facts: The current ATF hardware with block 4.5 software is a fully functional and tested ATF system which meets the ACC mission requirement for both hard and soft rides. ACC air-crews are routinely using the ATF system to train for combat missions.

اما عن التو-160 فبالامكان مراجعة لا نطاق مهماتها فقط بل مراحل تطورها , و تاثرها بمشروعات سوفيتية قديمة قبل ما تظهر البي-1 بنسختيها

The Tu-160 is a multi-mission strategic bomber designed for operations ranging from subsonic speeds and low altitudes to speeds over Mach 1 at high altitudes. The two weapons bays can accommodate different mission-specific loads, including strategic cruise missiles, short-range guided missiles, nuclear and conventional bombs, and mines. Its basic armament of short-range guided missiles and strategic cruise missiles enables it to deliver nuclear strikes to targets with preassigned coordinates.In the future, after the aircraft is equipped with high-precision conventional weapons it may also be used against mobile or tactical targets.

The Tu-160 was the outcome of a multi-mission bomber competition, which included a Tupolev proposal for an aircraft design using elements of the Tu-144, the Myasishchev M- 18, and the Sukhoi a design based on the T-4 aircraft. The project of Myasishchev was considered to be the most successful, although the Tupolev organization was regarded as having the greatest potential for completing this complex project. Consequently, Tupolev was assigned to develop an aircraft using elements of the Myasishchev M-18 bomber design. The project was supervised by V.N. Binznyuk. Trial operations in the Air Forces began in 1987 with serial production being conducted at the Kazan Aviation Association.

The Tu-160 is characterized by low-mounted, swept-back, and tapered, variable geometry wings with large fixed-center section. The variable geometry wings (from 20 degrees up to 65 degrees) allows flight at supersonic and and subsonic speeds. Four NK-32 TRDDF [turbojet bypass engines with afterburners] of 25,000 kilograms-force power the T-160. The four turbofans, developed by OKB Kuznetsov in 1977, are mounted in pairs under the fixed-center section with square intakes and exhausts extending behind the wings� trailing edges. The fuselage's slim structure is marked by a long, pointed, slightly upturned nose section and a stepped canopy. Tail flats are swept-back, tapered, and mid-mounted on the fin. The tail fin is back-tapered with a square tip and a fairing in the leading edge. The tail cone is located past the tail section. During the design of the aircraft, special attention was paid to reducing its signature. Measures were applied to reduce the signature of the engines to infra-red and radar detectors. Tests of these survivability measures were first tested on a TU-95 aircraft in 1980.

اخيرا عن مدي جوهرية الاختلاف بين القاذفتين علي الرغم من التشابه الظاهري وفقط الظاهري فانظر ما يلي

The Rockwell International B-1B Lancer strategic bomber and the Russian Tu-160 Blackjack look visually similar and even share some overlap in their mission sets, however, the two aircraft are quite different.

The B-1A was originally designed as a high-altitude supersonic penetrator before the Carter administration cancelled the program in 1977 after it became apparent that the new bomber would not be able to survive against new Soviet air defenses. Instead, the Carter Adminstration emphasized ballistic missiles and authorized the development of what would eventually become the Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit stealth bomber. However, the development of the stealth bomber was not made public and would remain classified for years to come.

President Ronald Reagan resurrected the supersonic bomber as the B-1B. Instead of penetrating at high altitude, the would be optimized for low altitude penetration using a combination of speed, terrain masking and reduced radar cross section. However, the tradeoff was that the B-1B sacrificed high-altitude, high speed performance as a result. While the B-1A had a top speed of over Mach 2.0, but the B-1B can barely manage Mach 1.25 as a result of its many structural changes and fixed geometry inlets.

The Tu-160--while it looks similar to the B-1B--is a very different aircraft. The Soviet Union designed the Blackjack primarily as a means to deliver a nuclear strike during World War Three. However, the Soviets designed the jet mainly as a means to deliver nuclear-tipped cruise missiles--though the aircraft retained the ability to do low-level penetration. As such, the Tu-160 is much larger and much faster than the B-1B--with a maximum takeoff weight of over 606,000lbs and top speed greater than Mach 2.05. By contrast, the B-1B weighs in at 477,000lbs.

The Tu-160s primary armament has always been long-range cruise missiles like the Kh-55MS--of which it can carry a dozen. In recent months however, the Russians have used the conventional version Kh-555 version of the cruise missile against targets in Syria alongside much more advanced and stealthy The aircraft also carries the nuclear-tipped Kh-102.

بامكانك اكمال القرائة من الرابط التالي

اذن ما اقوله ليس براي شخصي بل هو تحليل و فهم دقيق لظروف صناعة كل من الثلاث قاذفات و مدي ارتباط ذلك بعقيدة صناعهم و افاق استخدامها بعيدا عن منطق المكايدة اللا منطقي !

تحياتي لك و للجميع و قرائة ممتعة
هذة ظروف طبيعية في روسيا ياعزيزي
خطأ طيار بالدرجة الأولى والأخيرة
بظني فالطائرة ايضا هبطت بسرعة اكبر كثيرا مما كان لها
لم اقدم مصدر لاننا نناقس اساسيات , لم اري حتي داع لاطاله النقاش بها !!!!!

كما انك لم تقدم ما يرقي لمصدر بل تقدم ان تأويلا شخصيا لفهم غير مكتمل و لمصادر غير ذات صله او لمصادر متناقضة , كما لو اني مضطر لتصديق مصدر يقول ما يخالف العقيدة السوفيتيةو اي علم او منطق عسكري حينها لمجرد انه مصدر بلغة اجنبية !!!

فيما يخص تناقض مصدرك مع اساس العقيدة السوفيتية في الستينات اللتي لم تعر اهتمام الامريكان للقاذفات الاستراتيجية

In January 1960, Khrushchev unveiled the new nuclear strategy in a speech to the Supreme Soviet. According to Khrushchev, this strategy's aim was deterring war rather than fighting it. Despite Khrushchev's emphasis on deterrence and reductions in military manpower, Sokolovskii's Military Strategy focused on apocalyptic scenarios for fighting a world war with nuclear weapons and stressed the need for mass armies. The idea of preemption resurfaced, this time on an intercontinental basis, because the Soviet Union had acquired nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and could threaten the territory of the United States. Sokolovskii maintained that the Soviet side had to "frustrate" an enemy coalition's attack by delivering massive nuclear strikes on the enemy's territories. These strikes would destroy not only the enemy's weapons but also the enemy's will to continue the war, thus limiting the damage from a retaliatory strike.

و ادعوك لقرائة المقال كاملا كي يزول اللبس

هناك مقالات اخري لكن غير مجانية تتحدث عن الامر بتفصيل شديد لو كانت لديك الرغبة بالدفع سارسل لك عناوينها

لم يذكر اي مصدر عن صلة التو٢٢ بالبي١ او التو ١٦٠ ، لو كنت اتعبت نفسك قليلا بالبحث الرزين لوجد رابط كهذا يشرح بوضوح مهمة التو٢٢ام

The Soviets maintained that the Tu-22M was not used for this role as it did not possess true intercontinental range, it would be used for attack and naval defense only on the periphery of the Soviet Union. This was even written into the aborted SALT-II treaty, the U.S. delegation wanted the Tu-22M not to be equipped with an air refueling system of any kind.

من مصدر اخر يحدد مهمة التو-22 ام بوضوح

The BACKFIRE is a long-range aircraft capable of performing nuclear strike, conventional attack, antiship, and reconnaissance missions. Its low-level penetration features make it a much more survivable system than its predecessors. Carrying either bombs or AS-4/KITCHEN air-to-surface missiles, it is a versatile strike aircraft, believed to be intended for theater attack in Europe and Asia but also potentially capable of intercontinental missions against the United States.

Athough a significant number of Backfire bombers were targeted on US naval vessels, the Backfire was the focus of a hotly contested arms control debate that focused on failure to limit further modernization and production of Backfire fleet. Although the Backfire bomber had an exclusively theater mission, under certain circumstances, it could be used to strike targets in the United States. Arms control opponents contended that the United States left open a loophole the Soviets would eventually exploit. The United States stated that as it can be refueled in flight -- allowing it to reach the United States -- the Backfire was an intercontinental bomber and should be subject to the same restrictions as other strategic bombers. The Soviets consistently maintained that the Backfire was not a strategic bomber because of its non-intercontinental range.

اما بخصوص اقتباس المصممين الروس للتصميم من بنات افكار الامريكان فابلغ رد علي هذا الادعاء هو ما يلي

The Tu-22M designation was used by the Soviets during SALT-2 arms control negotiations, creating the impression that the Backfire-A aircraft was a modification of the Tu-22 Blinder. This designation was adopted by the US State and Defense Departments, although some contended that the designation was deliberately deceptive, and intended to hide the performance of the Backfire. Other sources suggest the "deception" was internal, because this made it easier to get budgets approved. According to some sources, the Backfire-B/C production variants were believed to be designated Tu-26 by Russia, although this is disputed by many sources. At Tupolev the aircraft was designated the AM.

Many of the development steps in manufacturing the AM were unique in their time. Special attention was given to the construction of the variable sweep wing - the basis of the whole project. The mid-mounted wings are variable, swept-back, and tapered with curved tips and a wide wing root. Two turbofan engines are mounted in the body, with large rectangular air intakes and dual exhausts. The fuselage is long and slender with a solid, pointed nose and stepped cockpit. The body is rectangular from the air intakes to the exhausts. The tail fin is swept-back and tapered with a square tip. The flats are mid-mounted on the body, swept-back, and tapered with blunt tips. The wing consists of a center section and two outer panels that have five fixed positions with respect to the leading edge sweep. The two-spar centre section has a rear web and bearing skin panel. The outer wings are secured to the centre section with the aid of hinged joints. The high-lift devices include three-section slats and double-slotted flaps on the outer wings (extension angle: 23~ for takeoff and 40~ for landing) and a tilting flap on the centre section.

فلو اخذنا الامور بمنطق من اقتبس ماذا و عذرا لصراحتي فهو منطق اللا منطق , فمن الواضح من اقتبس ماذا من من , لكن اعود و اكرر ان اي شيئ يصنعه الانسان ليطير في اجواء كوكب الارض يحكمه منطق واحد يخص الجاذبية و الايروديناميك و خلافه , السلاح لا تصنعه الدول كيدا ببعضها !!!

اذن لا علاقة من قريب او بعيد بين التو-22 و البي-1 من حيث المهمات و من حيث الاقدمية فالتو-22 اسبق و اقدم , و لو تحدثنا عن منطق الاقتباس و ان كنت ارفض ربطه بانعدام الابداع عن الطرف الاخر فلتقراء الاقتباس بالاعلي فهو ينسف الادعاء من اساسه , كونها القاذفة الاولي اللتي تطبق هكذا مبداء و كونها قبل البي-1 و التو-160 جملة !!!

اما عن البي-1 فنطاق مهماتها ايضا محدد و مرة اخري لو نبحث بشكل رزين بعيدا عن الشخصنة فسنجد مهماتها واضحة بوضوح و هي بالاساس قاذفة اعماق و هنا هي تختلف في الدور عن البي-1a و اللتي خطط لها استبدال قاذفات ذات طبيعة اخري

The B-1B's survivability when penetrating defenses will depend in part on its ability to fly low to avoid radar detection. Therefore, the B-1B is equipped with Terrain Following and Terrain Avoidance radar modes. The B-1B is designed to fly in an Automatic Terrain Following (ATF) mode at 200 feet above ground level, in all weather, and at night. The B-1B incorporates several ATF modes. One mode, known as "hard ride," closely follows terrain contours and is intended for use in high threat environments. "Soft ride" does not approximate the contour of the ground as closely, providing a smoother flight. The ATF function produced frequent false fly-up signals during initial use by operational air-crews. As a result, the Air Force suspended ATF training until software modifications were made and tested. After ATF software modification testing and the B-1B bird strike modification (refer to Bird Strike, page G-4), low-level training was resumed in 1989. Facts: The current ATF hardware with block 4.5 software is a fully functional and tested ATF system which meets the ACC mission requirement for both hard and soft rides. ACC air-crews are routinely using the ATF system to train for combat missions.

اما عن التو-160 فبالامكان مراجعة لا نطاق مهماتها فقط بل مراحل تطورها , و تاثرها بمشروعات سوفيتية قديمة قبل ما تظهر البي-1 بنسختيها

The Tu-160 is a multi-mission strategic bomber designed for operations ranging from subsonic speeds and low altitudes to speeds over Mach 1 at high altitudes. The two weapons bays can accommodate different mission-specific loads, including strategic cruise missiles, short-range guided missiles, nuclear and conventional bombs, and mines. Its basic armament of short-range guided missiles and strategic cruise missiles enables it to deliver nuclear strikes to targets with preassigned coordinates.In the future, after the aircraft is equipped with high-precision conventional weapons it may also be used against mobile or tactical targets.

The Tu-160 was the outcome of a multi-mission bomber competition, which included a Tupolev proposal for an aircraft design using elements of the Tu-144, the Myasishchev M- 18, and the Sukhoi a design based on the T-4 aircraft. The project of Myasishchev was considered to be the most successful, although the Tupolev organization was regarded as having the greatest potential for completing this complex project. Consequently, Tupolev was assigned to develop an aircraft using elements of the Myasishchev M-18 bomber design. The project was supervised by V.N. Binznyuk. Trial operations in the Air Forces began in 1987 with serial production being conducted at the Kazan Aviation Association.

The Tu-160 is characterized by low-mounted, swept-back, and tapered, variable geometry wings with large fixed-center section. The variable geometry wings (from 20 degrees up to 65 degrees) allows flight at supersonic and and subsonic speeds. Four NK-32 TRDDF [turbojet bypass engines with afterburners] of 25,000 kilograms-force power the T-160. The four turbofans, developed by OKB Kuznetsov in 1977, are mounted in pairs under the fixed-center section with square intakes and exhausts extending behind the wings� trailing edges. The fuselage's slim structure is marked by a long, pointed, slightly upturned nose section and a stepped canopy. Tail flats are swept-back, tapered, and mid-mounted on the fin. The tail fin is back-tapered with a square tip and a fairing in the leading edge. The tail cone is located past the tail section. During the design of the aircraft, special attention was paid to reducing its signature. Measures were applied to reduce the signature of the engines to infra-red and radar detectors. Tests of these survivability measures were first tested on a TU-95 aircraft in 1980.

اخيرا عن مدي جوهرية الاختلاف بين القاذفتين علي الرغم من التشابه الظاهري وفقط الظاهري فانظر ما يلي

The Rockwell International B-1B Lancer strategic bomber and the Russian Tu-160 Blackjack look visually similar and even share some overlap in their mission sets, however, the two aircraft are quite different.

The B-1A was originally designed as a high-altitude supersonic penetrator before the Carter administration cancelled the program in 1977 after it became apparent that the new bomber would not be able to survive against new Soviet air defenses. Instead, the Carter Adminstration emphasized ballistic missiles and authorized the development of what would eventually become the Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit stealth bomber. However, the development of the stealth bomber was not made public and would remain classified for years to come.

President Ronald Reagan resurrected the supersonic bomber as the B-1B. Instead of penetrating at high altitude, the would be optimized for low altitude penetration using a combination of speed, terrain masking and reduced radar cross section. However, the tradeoff was that the B-1B sacrificed high-altitude, high speed performance as a result. While the B-1A had a top speed of over Mach 2.0, but the B-1B can barely manage Mach 1.25 as a result of its many structural changes and fixed geometry inlets.

The Tu-160--while it looks similar to the B-1B--is a very different aircraft. The Soviet Union designed the Blackjack primarily as a means to deliver a nuclear strike during World War Three. However, the Soviets designed the jet mainly as a means to deliver nuclear-tipped cruise missiles--though the aircraft retained the ability to do low-level penetration. As such, the Tu-160 is much larger and much faster than the B-1B--with a maximum takeoff weight of over 606,000lbs and top speed greater than Mach 2.05. By contrast, the B-1B weighs in at 477,000lbs.

The Tu-160s primary armament has always been long-range cruise missiles like the Kh-55MS--of which it can carry a dozen. In recent months however, the Russians have used the conventional version Kh-555 version of the cruise missile against targets in Syria alongside much more advanced and stealthy The aircraft also carries the nuclear-tipped Kh-102.

بامكانك اكمال القرائة من الرابط التالي

اذن ما اقوله ليس براي شخصي بل هو تحليل و فهم دقيق لظروف صناعة كل من الثلاث قاذفات و مدي ارتباط ذلك بعقيدة صناعهم و افاق استخدامها بعيدا عن منطق المكايدة اللا منطقي !

تحياتي لك و للجميع و قرائة ممتعة
لا تعليق
سوى الانتقائية في مصادر

واما عن موسوعة fas ستجد جميع مصادر المقال روسية

"ممكن اتفهم اختلاف المهام اما عن اختلاف تصميم بين بي 1بي و تي يو160 فهو امر غير ممكن تصديق








وسلام انا لن اكمل
لا تعليق
سوى الانتقائية في مصادر

واما عن موسوعة fas ستجد جميع مصادر المقال روسية

"ممكن اتفهم اختلاف المهام اما عن اختلاف تصميم بين بي 1بي و تي يو160 فهو امر غير ممكن تصديق

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وسلام انا لن اكمل

انتقائية !!
لا حول و لا قوة الابالله !!!!

عموما من الواضح سبب عدم اكمالك , عملا بقولك السابق فلم تعلق حتي علي ما اوردته , و ربما لم تقراء حتي ما نشرته و الا لادركت ان الموقعين امريكيين

و لو اردت المزيد لاوردت لك

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS

و ان استعان موقع امريكي بمصدر روسي يخص اسباب نشر معدة روسية او لفهم او شرح العقيدة العسكرية الروسية فهذا منطقي و لا حاجة لشرح اسبابه !!!!
مع العلم بان ليس كل ما استعان به الموقع روسيا , و علي الاقل لم يستعن ايهم بروسيا اليوم او باراء المتحمسين !!!!
لكن اكتفيت باغراق المشاركات بصور كما لو انه معرض للصور و ليس معرض لتبادل المعلومات التقنية الموثقة , عموما كما تشاء و للقراء الحكم , لكن اود الاشارة الي ان ما ذكر هنا هو حقائق واضحة و موثقة, و عليه افهم حقيقة اسباب عدم اكمالك النقاش ايضا

تحياتي !
التعديل الأخير:
لا تعليق
سوى الانتقائية في مصادر

واما عن موسوعة fas ستجد جميع مصادر المقال روسية

"ممكن اتفهم اختلاف المهام اما عن اختلاف تصميم بين بي 1بي و تي يو160 فهو امر غير ممكن تصديق

مشاهدة المرفق 155248

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وسلام انا لن اكمل

شبه التصميم واضح جدا.. لا أصدق أن بعد ما يقارب العشر سنين لم يستطع الروس إلا لستنساخ النموذج الأمريكي
هذه الطائرة نظيرة البي1بي الامريكي واستنساخ التصميم الامريكي في جيل التالية (تي يو 160) اكبر دليل على التفوق الامريكي

مشاهدة المرفق 154696

ال b1 تم تصميمها و إنتاجها بعد tu22 بعقد و اكثر .. الفرق بين انتاج الطائرتين يقارب ال ٢٠ سنة ..