اعلنت شركة Leonardo الايطالية خلال معرض DSEI 2017 المقام حالياً في بريطانيا ، اعلنت عن نجاح الطلعات الجوية لاختبارية للاهداف الخداعية النشطة BriteCloud من نوع BC55 -الاسطواني الشكل- والتي يجري تنفيذها بواسطة مقاتلات Tornado GR4 تابعة للسرب رقم 41 الخاص بالاختبار والتقييم منذ شهر مارس الفائت
وقال المتحدث الرسمي للشركة ، ان سلاح الجو الملكي البريطاني RAF يتطلع الى دمج نظام Britecloud من نوع BC218 -المظلع الشكل- على اسطول مقاتلات Typhoon لديه والذي سيأتي مع منظومة نشر ذكية Smart Dispenser لانظمة التشويش النشطة BriteCloud
لكن النظام لم يتم شراءه من قبل سلاح الجو البريطاني بعد ، ولهذا فان الجدول الزمني غير متاح حالياً
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DSEI 2017: Leonardo’s BriteCloud passes trials
Leonardo has announced that its BriteCloud system has successfully undergone trials with the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the United States in March this year.
The trials saw more than 80 BC55 BriteCloud countermeasures in the round 55 mm diameter configuration dispensed by the Panavia Tornado GR4 aircraft of RAF’s 41 Test & Evaluation Squadron against a variety of simulated ground-based threats. According to Norman Bone, chairman and managing director of Leonardo MW, the system was able to “repeatedly break lock”.
Analysis of the results of the testing is currently being carried out by the Air Warfare Centre at the UK’s Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, DSTL.
Bone said that the company is hopeful that the system will be given approval to be deployed on the RAF’s Panavia Tornado GR4 aircraft in the near future.
A Leonardo spokesperson said that the RAF was currently looking at integrating the BC218 BriteCloud – which is in a square configuration – on the Eurofighter Typhoon fleet, which comes with a smart dispenser. However, as the system has yet to be procured by the RAF, timelines are currently unavailable.
The BriteCloud is an expendable decoy that is launched from a countermeasure dispensing system, and is designed to protect fast jets from threat fire-control radars and RF-guided active and semi-active missile threats.
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