مشاريع المحركات التركية (Turkish engine projects)

السلام عليكم

جزاك الله الله خيرا اخي
Muhammed Fatih Muhammed Fatih
انا متابع جيد لمشاركات حضرتك علي المنتدي وتقريبا حضرتك من تركيا
مشكور علي تلك المعلومات القيمة
هل الشراكة بين الشركات التركية و الشركات الغربية مفيدة ام ليست مفيدة للدولة التركية و هل تلك الشراكة اسهمت في نقل و توطين التقنية الي تركيا ؟
وسؤال مهم جدا مش عارف له اجابة ليه تركيا بالرغم من وجود ثورة صناعية بها اتاثرت بالعقوبات الامريكية و مهتمة بعدم قطع العلاقات مع امريكا ؟
و للاسف انا من مصر و معرفش اي مهندس في مجال تصنيع محركات الطائرات ( مش عندنا اصلا في كليات الهندسة للاسف )

السلام عليكم
جزاك الله الله خيرا اخي

- Partnership with Western companies is useful in the long term
- In short and medium term, you only produce cheap parts for them
- Western companies never transfer critical technologies and they don't want you to compete with them in long term
- That's why you have to develop almost everything by yourself
السلام عليكم
جزاك الله الله خيرا اخي

- Partnership with Western companies is useful in the long term
- In short and medium term, you only produce cheap parts for them
- Western companies never transfer critical technologies and they don't want you to compete with them in long term
- That's why you have to develop almost everything by yourself
جزانا و اياكم اخي الفاضل
مع كامل الشكر و التقدير لردكم
طيب كيف يمكن لتركيا نقل و توطين التقنية بصفة عامة طالما الشراكة مع الشركات الغربية غير مفيدة
جزانا و اياكم اخي الفاضل
مع كامل الشكر و التقدير لردكم
طيب كيف يمكن لتركيا نقل و توطين التقنية بصفة عامة طالما الشراكة مع الشركات الغربية غير مفيدة

I said:
Working with Western companies is beneficial in the long term
For example, TEI was established jointly with GE 30 years ago
But today, TEI was capable of designing and producing turbo engines... so after 30 years
GE has not provided any critical technology to TEI for 30 years.... nobody ever gives these technologies to anyone
That's why you have to develop almost everything by yourself
I said:
Working with Western companies is beneficial in the long term
For example, TEI was established jointly with GE 30 years ago
But today, TEI was capable of designing and producing turbo engines... so after 30 years
GE has not provided any critical technology to TEI for 30 years.... nobody ever gives these technologies to anyone
That's why you have to develop almost everything by yourself
Thanks Bro / muhammed fatih for your answer
Working with western companies is not useful at all
Unfortunately TEI can not designing and producing indigenous turbo engines yet
like project PD-155 & PD-170
Therefore , where is indigenous production
Thanks Bro / muhammed fatih for your answer
Working with western companies is not useful at all
Unfortunately TEI can not designing and producing indigenous turbo engines yet
like project PD-155 & PD-170
Therefore , where is indigenous production

PD170 (turbodiesel) indigenous design and production (PD210 variant is coming soon)
TS1400 (turboshaft-turboprop-turbofan-turbojet) family will be indigenous design and production
Other than these, TEI also has other indigenous projects not disclosed to the public yet
In addition, TEI has the ability to design and produce turbofan engine for fighter jets within 10 years
Apart from all these, the most advanced company in the Islamic world about turbo engines is inarguably TEI
PD170 (turbodiesel) indigenous design and production (PD210 variant is coming soon)
TS1400 (turboshaft-turboprop-turbofan-turbojet) family will be indigenous design and production
Other than these, TEI also has other indigenous projects not disclosed to the public yet
In addition, TEI has the ability to design and produce turbofan engine for fighter jets within 10 years
Apart from all these, the most advanced company in the Islamic world about turbo engines is inarguably TEI
By the way ,I hope the progressing to Turkey
and I want to see it a fully- indigenous production,
but I wondered about what you said ,
" TS1400 (turboshaft-turboprop-turbofan-turbojet) family will be indigenous design and production "
" TEI has the ability to design and produce turbofan engine for fighter jets within 10 years "

?Dose that mean TS1400 will produce within 10 years
By the way ,I hope the progressing to Turkey
and I want to see it a fully- indigenous production,
but I wondered about what you said ,
" TS1400 (turboshaft-turboprop-turbofan-turbojet) family will be indigenous design and production "
" TEI has the ability to design and produce turbofan engine for fighter jets within 10 years "

?Dose that mean TS1400 will produce within 10 years

It's clear enough. No more questions, please.
7-8 years ago (IDEF'11) Roketsan was working on Ramjet propulsion technologies




التعديل الأخير:
السلام عليكم
لماذا لا يتم التحدث عن شركة مثل ( Ford otosan) في نجاحاتها العظيمة في انتاج ليس فقط المحركات بل كامل جميع انواع السيارات من ابسط قطعة للقطع الاكثر تعقيدا و بنسبة 100 % تركيا
ام انها تحسب كشركة امريكية و ليست تركية ؟
السلام عليكم
اخواني المحترمين اعضاء المنتدي
ممكن تقييم م حترم للمحرك TS 1400 التجديد من TEI
هل جيد جدا وينافس المحركات العالمية سواء الامريكية او الروسية او البريطانية
وهل بسهولة يمكن عمل تلك المشتقات ( تربو ديزل او تربو فان )

نرجو منكم التفضل و الافادة مع خالص الشكر و التقدير لكم اخواني
SSB will sign contract with FNSS for special purpose tactical wheeled armored vehicles and these vehicles will have TUMOSAN engine +indigenous transmission + indigenous power train


Indigeneous turbine blades


السلام عليكم
اخي محمد الفاتح دائما لديك الجديد
عندي سؤال هل هناك علاقة بين الصورة و الفيديو
الفيديو يتكلم عن المحرك الـ Turbo shaft وعلي حد علمي هو للطائرات العمودية
الصورة تتحدث عن الريش و التي لا تتواجد في هذا النوع من المحركات
ام تقصد انهما منفصلان عن بعضهما ؟
جزاء الله خيرا
السلام عليكم
اخي محمد الفاتح دائما لديك الجديد
عندي سؤال هل هناك علاقة بين الصورة و الفيديو
الفيديو يتكلم عن المحرك الـ Turbo shaft وعلي حد علمي هو للطائرات العمودية
الصورة تتحدث عن الريش و التي لا تتواجد في هذا النوع من المحركات
ام تقصد انهما منفصلان عن بعضهما ؟
جزاء الله خيرا


Also, after developing a core engine, you can derive from the same core engine:
They all have the same core engine...

For example, this is a turbojet engine derived from the TS1400 core.... turboprop (for HURKUS) and turbofan (for UCAV) versions will also be derived



Also, after developing a core engine, you can derive from the same core engine:
They all have the same core engine...

For example, this is a turbojet engine derived from the TS1400 core.... turboprop (for HURKUS) and turbofan (for UCAV) versions will also be derived


جزاك الله خيرا