هم صمموا نظام تبريد جديد ليتوائم مع الايسا RBE-2 تخيل ما سيضيفونه من تعديلات ( واليك اهدي مقالة حديثة حول المعيار اف 3 وبه ايسا بأنماط اضافية .. وبعض ملامح الاف 4 ) .. ايضا جدير بالذكر انه بتحويل الجاليوم ارسينايد للجاليوم نايتريد ،، تتحسن الخصائص بما فيها الحرارية والتوصيل الكهربائي
The Rafale F4 on the horizon.
Posted By: Yves Pagoton:March 22, 2017In: Military Aviation , Military Aviation , Uncategorized , All News4 Comments
Rafale Solo Display. Photo Vincent Massé.
Monday, March 20, at the Ministerial Investment Committee, the Defence Minister, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, has announced the launch of the first development work of the Rafale F4. We know that the future standard F3-R will be available next year and will bring - among others - the integration of long-range missile MBDA Meteor, the new targeting pod Talios Thales, new modes for RBE2 AESA radar, Spectra of improvements ...
However, it is nevertheless necessary to consider the evolution of the aircraft in the light of threats, in particular the emergence and proliferation of sophisticated anti-aircraft integrated denial-of-access networks based, for example, S300 systems and their successors. These networks include aircraft, ships and short-range, inter-connected, shielded, very mobile long range missile systems covering large areas.
To attack such defensive networks, it is becoming increasingly necessary to coordinate offensive forces in a very narrow way, to create genuine "counter-networks" networks. Feedback from coalition wars (Libya, Syria, etc.) or multinational exercises (to a certain extent "Trilat" and especially "BoldQuest", focusing on interoperability) clearly show this need, both within French forces, but also international coalitions (the famous L-16 link still having a few years ...). These networks allow command and operators to have a clear and unified "real-time" tactical situation for rapid decision-making and mission execution.
Of course, this type of capacity already more or less exists in the armed forces, for example via the "Alliance" software of the air force, but the evolution of technology allows the introduction of more efficient systems .
tactical situation during the exercise Serpentex 2014 in Mont-de-Marsan
This axis will be, according to our information, in the heart of the standard F4, available by 2025. This should appear on the Rafale, discreet patrols intra-data link and very high throughput for sharing images, streaming, etc. in real time. The Rafale should also be equipped with a satellite link operating in another band that civilian links, digital radio ( "contact" system) to communicate via a communications server ...
This axis can be found in the Ministry's press release, as well as an evolution of the sensors and the motorization of the missiles.
Regarding the motorization, it is known that the current power is considered sufficient by the air force. However, some customers operating under specific conditions in hot conditions at high altitudes (eg India), or from STOBAR aircraft carriers (take-off using a springboard and landing with India) would certainly welcome an increase in power. On the other hand, one of the "universal" laws of combat aviation is the increasing number of aircraft versions as they evolve, hence the need for more power. Finally, the arrival of increasingly powerful electronic systems, consuming electrical energy and cooling, implies increasingly important electric generations. New alloys to increase the temperature of the hot parts (and thus the engine efficiency) are being tested at DGA propulsion. An increase in power, without a redesign of the air inlets allowing a greater flow, however seems impossible beyond 8.2-8.3t of heating power.
Concerning missiles, the development of the MICA replacement, the MICA "NG" was registered some time ago, with a new self-steering and a new propulsion. Finally, it is known that the AASM program is in full evolution (we will return soon in a new article).
Finally, electronics and optronics (sensors) are areas that evolve extremely fast. Abandoned a few years ago when OSF-IT appeared, the IR (infra red) channel of the OSF (front sector optronics) is again on the way to being renewed (OSF IRST) as well as l 'Attests a recent job offer on the site of Thales dating from the beginning of the month. As for the AESA RBE2 radar, if its conversion with more efficient Gallium Nitride (GaN) modules has been delayed because it is too costly at the present time, it is an increasingly relevant route for the future, particularly in the context of Electronic warfare.
It will also be necessary to secure all these communications. The new version of the FA-18 "Growler" will use, for example, active cancellation to suppress UHF band interference for its radios. Securing is one of the challenges of networking.
It can be seen that if this launch seems premature for some, it responds to a logic of scalability of the program imposed by the rapid mutation of the threats to be faced and the mass arrival of the concept of "netcentric warfare" ) Which is becoming more and more important.
مقال مهم جدا لمن يود القاء نظرة لماهية الاف 4
صمم ليتوائم مع RBE-2 طيب ، لكنه غير مرضي .. على الأقل بالنسبة للمفاوض الإماراتي فكيف بإضافة وحدات تنتج اضعاف الطاقة الخارجة من وحدات GaAs وتحتاج أنظمة تبريد أكبر ومعقدة