القـدرات الصـناعية الـتـركية Made In Türkiye

U.S. Will-Burt`s Crucial Investment in Turkey!


Accepted today as one of the world’s largest suppliers of mobile telescopic masts and lighting systems and coming to the fore with US $ 65 million worth of drone purchases from Turkey recently, the U.S. company Will-Burt entered into a partnership with the Turkish company Molekulas, providing advanced engineering services primarily to the defense industry, developing and producing critical subsystems, and in consequence Mastech joint venture company was founded. 55% of Mastech’s shares belong to Molekulas, 40% to Will-Burt Turkey and 5% to Orbis. Mastech will develop and manufacture mobile and fixed telescopic masts (MAST Systems), lighting and dimming systems and elevation platforms (semi-trailer, positioners, etc.) in Turkey.

The factory, which was recently launched at Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial Zone, is planned to be the production, maintenance, repair and logistics center of Will-Burt's sales outside the U.S. Now, the design and testing processes of prototype products are being carried out at the factory, which was launched with an investment of US $ 2 million, at the first stage. According to the information we have obtained, the first export production will start at the factory in January 2020. In addition to the production of Will-Burt products apart from the United States, Mastech also has design, manufacturing and integration capabilities. The company currently has 8 different products of its own design. On one hand Mastech will be able to realize the cost-effective production of their products in the Will-Burt portfolio in Turkey, and on the other hand design, develop, manufacture and integrate its own indigenous products according to customer requirements. The company will also provide maintenance, repair and logistics support to its customers for the products.
U.S. Will-Burt`s Crucial Investment in Turkey!


Accepted today as one of the world’s largest suppliers of mobile telescopic masts and lighting systems and coming to the fore with US $ 65 million worth of drone purchases from Turkey recently, the U.S. company Will-Burt entered into a partnership with the Turkish company Molekulas, providing advanced engineering services primarily to the defense industry, developing and producing critical subsystems, and in consequence Mastech joint venture company was founded. 55% of Mastech’s shares belong to Molekulas, 40% to Will-Burt Turkey and 5% to Orbis. Mastech will develop and manufacture mobile and fixed telescopic masts (MAST Systems), lighting and dimming systems and elevation platforms (semi-trailer, positioners, etc.) in Turkey.

The factory, which was recently launched at Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial Zone, is planned to be the production, maintenance, repair and logistics center of Will-Burt's sales outside the U.S. Now, the design and testing processes of prototype products are being carried out at the factory, which was launched with an investment of US $ 2 million, at the first stage. According to the information we have obtained, the first export production will start at the factory in January 2020. In addition to the production of Will-Burt products apart from the United States, Mastech also has design, manufacturing and integration capabilities. The company currently has 8 different products of its own design. On one hand Mastech will be able to realize the cost-effective production of their products in the Will-Burt portfolio in Turkey, and on the other hand design, develop, manufacture and integrate its own indigenous products according to customer requirements. The company will also provide maintenance, repair and logistics support to its customers for the products.

They have no chance in Turkey against MILMAST and GES Engineering.
المقاتله الوطنيه ستطير بمحركاتنا الوطنيه هكذا صرح عثمان وور المدير العام لتي ار موتورز

Turksat 5A 2020
Turksat 5B 2021
Turksat 6A 2021
‏تم تسليم وحدة الاتصالات الخاصة بـ Türksat 5A ، قيد الإنشاء في فرنسا ، وتم دمجها مع وحدة الخدمة. سيتم إطلاق القمر الصناعي لدينا في الربع الثاني من عام 2020 بعد الاختبارات البيئية.

Turkey and Malaysia's defence and technology companies signed 15 goodwill agreements. The goodwill agreements signed were listed as follows:

-Goodwill Agreement between BAYKAR Machinery and TEGAC for the Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Production,

-Goodwill Agreement between TASS and KOP Mantap in the Field of Arms and Equipment Production,

-Confidentiality Agreement between Istanbul Maritime Inc. and Bousteat Shipyard for Bidding in cooperation with the Multipurpose Support Ship (MRSS) Project,

-Goodwill Agreement between KITeMM Consortium consisting of Istanbul Maritime Inc. and 9 subcontractors to sign cooperation agreement on shipbuilding repair and maintenance projects in Malaysia,

-Cooperation Agreement between Istanbul Maritime Inc. and Kuala Lumpur University, Technology Accumulation Corporation (TDA) and SEFT for the Development of Local Multipurpose Patrol Ship Design,

-Joint Working Agreement between HAVELSAN and BHIC ADT on Combat Management System Software and System Integration (Modernization and New Platform Production) for Malaysian Navy Ships,

-Integration of Command And Control Systems of the Malaysian Air Force West and East Regions between HAVELSAN and AR Eastern

-Goodwill Agreement for The Creation of A Backup System and the Needs of the Malaysian Air Force for Command, Control, Communications, Computer Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Software,

-Goodwill Agreement for The Malaysian Land Forces Cyber Defense Tactical Operations Center Project between HAVELSAN and BIT,

-Goodwill Agreement between HAVELSAN and AMP Group Coastal Radar Surveillance System Project,

-Goodwill Agreement between ALTINAY and Malaysia's National Tossing University in the Field of Developing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,

-Nurol Machinery and Nadi Corp. Companies Goodwill Agreement on Land Vehicle Production and Software-Based Radio Technology Transfer Between ASELSAN and Sapura Goodwill Agreement,

-Goodwill Agreement between TUYAR and Silterra on Microchip Production and GoodWill Agreement between Chip Technology and Silterra on Microchip Production.
تركيا بدات في بناء الست غواصات ليس كما اوضحنا هنا نهايه الشهر الحالي بل اتضح انه من قبل واعمال البناء في الحوض الجاف بدات ??
MSH-01 Hydrophones, which are used as sensors of submarine ships' sonars, were designed and produced by our company and delivered to the Turkish Naval Forces Command, the need in this area was met nationally and foreign dependency was eliminated.


تركيا ستبدأ بانتاج الكربون الاسزد محليا
تبنت OYAK قطاعًا اخر من الصناعات آخر كان الاقتصاد التركي يعتمد عليه بالكامل في الخارج وبدأ في بناء منشأة لإنتاج "الكربون الاسود " ، و يبلغ حجم السوق المحلي فيها 260 مليون دولار أمريكي. وذلك بالاشتراك مع سادس أكبر شركة منتجة لأسود الكربون في العالم في تايوان ، سوف تلبي OYAK الاحتياجات المحلية السنوية البالغة 220 ألف طن لأسود الكربون ، والتي تستخدم أساسًا في صناعة الإطارات بالإضافة إلى العديد من الحقول الأخرى بما في ذلك تصنيع المطاط والطلاء والأجهزة الإلكترونية المتخصصة. يقع مصنع الإنتاج في ولاية إسكندرون وسيوفر فرصًا ومزايا كبيرة فيما يتعلق بتكاليف إمدادات المواد الخام للصناعة التركية مع تقليل الواردات من الخارج .

وقد بدأت OYAK ، أكبر صندوق تقاعد مهني في تركيا ، في بناء منشأة لإنتاج الكربون الأسود بالتعاون مع الشركة التايوانية الدولية CSRC Investment Holdings Ltd. ، الشركة الأم لسادس أكبر منتج للكربون الأسود في العالم. من المقرر إطلاق المشروع في إسكندرون وسيكون قادرًا على تلبية الطلب المحلي السنوي البالغ 220 ألف طن على الكربون الأسود ، والذي يبلغ حجم السوق المحلية 260 مليون دولار أمريكي وتستخدمه بشكل أساسي صناعة الإطارات بالإضافة إلى العديد من الشركات الأخرى. .

وستصبح تركيا كأكبر سوق للكربون الأسود في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا و ستتحرر تركيا من اعتمادها على المصادر الأجنبية من خلال هذا الاستثمار.حيث يتمتع المشروع بالقدرة على إنهاء استيراد هذا المنتج وتقليل العائد التجاري الحالي مع توفير قيمة مضافة للاقتصاد الوطني والتجارة الخارجية مع إمكانية التصدير."