القـدرات الصـناعية الـتـركية Made In Türkiye

تعاون بين TUSAŞ ومركز الطيران الهولندي

- مجلة روكستان اصدار الشهر الماضي

Hisar missile successfully launched vertically and locked to the first target plane. But after the order from the ground control station, it passed the first one and locked to the second plane.

ASELSAN SEDA Fire Detection System successfully completed the qualification tests in March 2019 with 99% detection rate
and accuracy and distance over the catalog values.

The product, which can also be integrated into SARP UKSS, is used in many different arachts and fixed plants.


Ammunition integration studies for AKINCI are continuing. The first flight is scheduled for 2-3 months.

We can also integrate the SOM-J in a very comfortable way.

Test-acceptance activities of our 9th aircraft, produced within the scope of A400M Project, which we are a partner in the design and production of TAF's tactical transportation missions, were completed in Sevilla. We continue to show that we are an effective and reliable partner in all the projects we are involved in.

The 25 largest exporters of major arms and their main clients, 2014–2018


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Aselsan MILKAR 3A3 systems

(Electronic Attack (ET) to target communication systems communicating in V / UHF frequency band on different platforms)

