رئيس الأغلبية فى مجلس النواب : سيستمر مجلس النواب فى الانعقاد (يفترض أن تبدأ اجازة المجلس الاسبوع القادم ) لمواجهة احتمال استخدام الرئيس حق الفيتو ضد مشروع قانون مقاضاة السعودية و حول صفقة الأسلحة السعودية
McConnell: Senate will delay vacation to override Obama veto
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that the Senate will take up an expected veto override of legislation that lets families of 9/11 victims sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts before breaking for the elections.
"Both of those we'll have to deal with before we depart," McConnell told reporters.
He was referring to the veto override and a separate push to block a proposed arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
McConnell: Senate will delay vacation to override Obama veto
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that the Senate will take up an expected veto override of legislation that lets families of 9/11 victims sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts before breaking for the elections.
"Both of those we'll have to deal with before we depart," McConnell told reporters.
He was referring to the veto override and a separate push to block a proposed arms sale to Saudi Arabia.