مصدر مخزني غير محايدمشاهدة المرفق 431417
Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Mission in Western Sahara, Adopting Resolution 2602 (2021) by 13 Votes in Favour, 2 Abstentions | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
The Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) until 31 October 2022, emphasizing the need for a realistic, practical, enduring and mutually acceptable political solution based on compromise for the region.www.un.org
من اين اتينا ب 13 ؟؟ هاهو المصدر الرسمي لكي يطمئن قلب بوصبع![]()
يجب ان ننتظر قناة النهار و الشروق حتى تناقش الموضوع لنائخد منهم المعلومة