اتفقت الهند وفرنسا علي تزويد الأولي بعدد 24 مقاتلة ميراج-2000 مستعملة بقيمة اجمالية حوالي 27 مليون دولار،،
8 منصات من 24 مقاتلة في حالة جاهزة لطيران أما الباقي سيتم الأستفادة منها و تجهيزها لأضافة سرب قتالي جديد يعمل مع السربين العاملين في الوقت الحالي في القوات الجوية الهندية !!!!

IAF to bolster fighter fleet with 24 second-hand Mirages
IAF’s 35-year old Mirage fleet, which performed exceptionally during the 2019 Balakot operation, is undergoing a mid-life upgrade, the people said – with the trigger for the acquisition of the second-hand aircraft being the immediate need for 300 critical spares.

Indian Air Force will acquire 24 second-hand Mirages to strengthen fighter fleet: Report
IAF has initialled a 27 million euros contract to buy the fighters and out of these eight are in ready-to-fly condition. These aircraft, which costed 1.125 million euros each, will soon be shipped to India in containers.