معرض اسرائيل لانظمة التسليح والدفاع ISDEF 2015

الطائرة الدرون بدون طيار حاروب
Successful Flight Demonstrations for IAI's HAROP Loitering Munitions
من انتاج شركة IAI's


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) recently completed a series of flight demonstrations of its HAROP Loitering Munitions in Israel for a foreign customer. These demonstrations follow various other successful operational exercises performed in the last few months for different customers.
The HAROP demonstrated augmented capabilities in the field of observation, flight altitude and loitering, in addition to better maneuvering and target destruction. During the exercises, the missile loitered for several hours until the target was selected. Then, with maximum precision it dived directly on to it.
التعديل الأخير:
The ULTRA-C1 (Unveils the New ULTRA UHF منظومة الانظار المبكر من شركة IAI
IAI Unveils the New ULTRA UHF Early Warning Long-Range Search and Track Radar Family

ULTRA-C22real .jpg

The ULTRA radars, already operationally proven, use a modular, common UHF-band cluster architecture capable of wide angle electronic scan in both elevation and azimuth. The basic cluster can be modularly scaled to 6 and up to a 22 cluster configuration which offers extended detection ranges and tracking accuracies. Other cluster configurations are possible to meet specific customer's requirements. Shown ULTRA C-22

The ULTRA-C1 (single cluster configuration) is a lightweight mobile system designed to provide an autonomous search and detection capability up to 500km for a typical fighter aircraft. The ULTRA-C6 (six clusters configuration) is designed for an Early Warning and long range of satellites, ballistic missiles and airborne targets at long ranges, while the ULTRA C-22 (22 clusters configuration) is a strategic system for ballistic missiles and space objects detection and tracking at very long ranges. The ULTRA radars can be used as autonomous search radar, supporting all defence layers: Air Defence Surveillance for medium range, Early Warning system for long ranges, and a strategic system for very long ranges.

"Ballistic missiles present a significant global threat to nations, expeditionary forces and global peace-keeping missions," explained Nissim Hadas, IAI Executive VP & ELTA President, "We note increasing requirements worldwide for Early Warning radars, in order to extend the currently available Air Situation Picture and allow commanders and decision makers the valuable extra time for making informed and educated decisions concerning necessary defensive measures."​
وهل إسرائيل تمتلك غيرها؟
نعم أخي أقصد الميركافا
لا اظن يااخي الكريم انهم عرضوها للبيع حتي الان حيث انهم واضعين فيها عصارة ذكائهم وتكنولوجياتهم مثل منظومة التروفي للحماية
ومكتفين بيها لانفسهم وطالعين بيها السماء علي انها الاقوي والافضل في العالم حسب ادعائهم
لا اظن يااخي الكريم انهم عرضوها للبيع حتي الان حيث انهم واضعين فيها عصارة ذكائهم وتكنولوجياتهم مثل منظومة التروفي للحماية
ومكتفين بيها لانفسهم وطالعين بيها السماء علي انها الاقوي والافضل في العالم حسب ادعائهم

إسرائيل باعت الميركافا لدولة مجهولة
تأكد من نفسك
وسعر الميركافا 4،5 مليون دولار!
إسرائيل باعت الميركافا لدولة مجهولة
تأكد من نفسك
وسعر الميركافا 4،5 مليون دولار!
حاضر ياصديقي الغالي ساتاكد من هذه المعلومة
لك كل التحية وكل عام وانت بخير رمضان مبارك عليك وعلي الاسرة الكريمة