ثاليس تعرض رادار SEARCHMASTER بتقنية ايسا
At Euronaval 2014, Thales is launching the new SEARCHMASTER multirole surveillance radar (AESA)
SEARCHMASTER, developed by Thales, is a truly multirole surveillance radar with the ability to meet all the surveillance requirements of five mission types: antisurface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, maritime surveillance, ground surveillance and tactical air support.
SEARCHMASTER is equiped with a AESA active antenna and is suitable for a multitude of platform
SEARCHMASTER features an AESA active electronic scanning antenna based on fully qualified technologies developed for the RBE2 AESA nose-mounted radar on the Rafale combat aircraft. The key benefits of this new product are extended range, 360° coverage, electronic scanning in the vertical plane for simultaneous short-range and longrange surveillance, and continuous detection in harsh environmental conditions.
The SEARCHMASTER radar benefits from Thales's technological leadership in active electronic scanning antennas and the know-how acquired in this area on the Rafale combat aircraft programme.
This high-performance radar meets the requirements of airborne surface, ground and air surveillance missions. Thanks to its compact, lightweight design (approximately 75 kg), it is easy to install and integrate with a system. It is suitable for MALE (medium altitude, long endurance) UAVs, medium-tonnage or heavy-lift mission helicopters and mission aircraft (turboprop or jet-engined), providing all these platforms with multimission capabilities. In addition, the introduction of AESA technology, coupled with innovative concepts of integrated maintenance, pushes down maintenance costs and improves operational availability.
SEARCHMASTER has been selected by the French defence procurement agency (DGA) for the French Navy's upgraded Atlantique 2 (ATL2) maritime patrol aircraft.
SEARCHMASTER offers extremely high levels of threat detection performance and meets the requirements of five mission types: anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, maritime surveillance, ground surveillance and tactical air support.
SEARCHMASTER exhibited at the Thales stand at EURONAVAL 2014, Paris
يستفيد الرادار الجديد من تقنية الرادار المطور للرافال بقدرة ايسا ... يبلغ وزنه 75 كج بقدرة تغطية 360 درجة ... الرادار مناسب ايضا لتطبيقات اخرى كطائرات UAV من نوع MALE اضافة لهيليكوبترات النقل الثقيل والطائرات النفاثة اضافة لذات المروحة ( توربوبروب ) .. تم اختياره لتركيبه على طائرة الدورية البحرية الفرنسية ( اتلانتيك 2 )
لديه قدرات عالية جدا على الكشف في مستويات عدة : الحرب المضادة للتهديدات السطحية , الحرب المضادة للغواصات , الاستطلاع البحري , الاستطلاع الارضي والدعم الجوي التكتيكي .
At Euronaval 2014, Thales is launching the new SEARCHMASTER multirole surveillance radar (AESA)
SEARCHMASTER, developed by Thales, is a truly multirole surveillance radar with the ability to meet all the surveillance requirements of five mission types: antisurface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, maritime surveillance, ground surveillance and tactical air support.

SEARCHMASTER is equiped with a AESA active antenna and is suitable for a multitude of platform
SEARCHMASTER features an AESA active electronic scanning antenna based on fully qualified technologies developed for the RBE2 AESA nose-mounted radar on the Rafale combat aircraft. The key benefits of this new product are extended range, 360° coverage, electronic scanning in the vertical plane for simultaneous short-range and longrange surveillance, and continuous detection in harsh environmental conditions.
The SEARCHMASTER radar benefits from Thales's technological leadership in active electronic scanning antennas and the know-how acquired in this area on the Rafale combat aircraft programme.
This high-performance radar meets the requirements of airborne surface, ground and air surveillance missions. Thanks to its compact, lightweight design (approximately 75 kg), it is easy to install and integrate with a system. It is suitable for MALE (medium altitude, long endurance) UAVs, medium-tonnage or heavy-lift mission helicopters and mission aircraft (turboprop or jet-engined), providing all these platforms with multimission capabilities. In addition, the introduction of AESA technology, coupled with innovative concepts of integrated maintenance, pushes down maintenance costs and improves operational availability.
SEARCHMASTER has been selected by the French defence procurement agency (DGA) for the French Navy's upgraded Atlantique 2 (ATL2) maritime patrol aircraft.
SEARCHMASTER offers extremely high levels of threat detection performance and meets the requirements of five mission types: anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, maritime surveillance, ground surveillance and tactical air support.

SEARCHMASTER exhibited at the Thales stand at EURONAVAL 2014, Paris
يستفيد الرادار الجديد من تقنية الرادار المطور للرافال بقدرة ايسا ... يبلغ وزنه 75 كج بقدرة تغطية 360 درجة ... الرادار مناسب ايضا لتطبيقات اخرى كطائرات UAV من نوع MALE اضافة لهيليكوبترات النقل الثقيل والطائرات النفاثة اضافة لذات المروحة ( توربوبروب ) .. تم اختياره لتركيبه على طائرة الدورية البحرية الفرنسية ( اتلانتيك 2 )
لديه قدرات عالية جدا على الكشف في مستويات عدة : الحرب المضادة للتهديدات السطحية , الحرب المضادة للغواصات , الاستطلاع البحري , الاستطلاع الارضي والدعم الجوي التكتيكي .