Disclosed by company officials on 27 April, the Mk4 modification involves the replacement of two line-replaceable units in the back section of the mechanically-scanned radar. This provides a new exciter/receiver module with digital waveform generation and a new radar processing unit, along with updated software.
As a result of these updates, the PS-05/A Mk4 gains a claimed increase in detection range of at least 100%, and this is expected to rise to 150% for a high-altitude air-to-air engagement scenario by 2017, Saab says. Such a boost will enable the Gripen to capitalise on the full firing envelope for the Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM and MBDA Meteor air-to-air missiles.
اخر نسخه من رادار الجريبين خرجت اخباره العام الحالي 2015 والحديث عن زيادة المدى ب 100% وهتوصل ل 150% في الارتفاعات العاليه
اعتقد بمعلومات مصادركم .. فمدى الرصد لهدف 3م ممكن يصل حاليا لاكتر من 200+ وسيصل ل 250+ على الارتفاعات العاليه ؟!!
As a result of these updates, the PS-05/A Mk4 gains a claimed increase in detection range of at least 100%, and this is expected to rise to 150% for a high-altitude air-to-air engagement scenario by 2017, Saab says. Such a boost will enable the Gripen to capitalise on the full firing envelope for the Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM and MBDA Meteor air-to-air missiles.
اخر نسخه من رادار الجريبين خرجت اخباره العام الحالي 2015 والحديث عن زيادة المدى ب 100% وهتوصل ل 150% في الارتفاعات العاليه
اعتقد بمعلومات مصادركم .. فمدى الرصد لهدف 3م ممكن يصل حاليا لاكتر من 200+ وسيصل ل 250+ على الارتفاعات العاليه ؟!!