المدفعية الرشاشة GAU-19

فادي الشام 

خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
11 سبتمبر 2016
65,648 129 0
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)

GAU-19 caliber Gatling gun


المدفع الرشاش GAU-19


جاتلينج ثلاثي الفوهات


12.7 ملم عيار كل فوهة


جنرال ديناميكس USA


يمكن تركيبه على سيارات الدفع الرباعي و المركبات الصغيرة


يمكن تركيبه المدرعات و الحوامات و الزوارق و سفن الدورية


يحتاج إلى الحد الأدني من الصيانة
  • تتم الصيانة الأولى بعد إطلاق 30 ألف طلقة
  • إستبدال الفوهات بعد إطلاق 50 ألف طلقة

يُمكن تجهيزه بنظام للتحكم عن بعد


مدفع رشاش ذو مصداقية و يُعتمد عليه


يوفر غطاء ناري كثيف و عنيف


يُطلق 2000 طلقة في الدقيقة الواحدة
دون أن تزداد حرارته أو يحيد عن هدفه


الوزن الكامل : 48 كغ


يمنح قوة نارية متفوقة


يستخدم كافة أنواع الذخائر 12.7 ملم المتوافقة مع حلف الناتو


المدى الفعال : 1800 م
المدى الأقصى : 6 كم

يمكن إستخدامه كسلاح دفاع جوي


مضاد للزوارق العالية السرعة الصغيرة الحجم


المدفع الرشاش GAU-19 يمتلك قوة نيران مدمرة

خاص للمنتدى العربي للدفاع و التسليح - فادي الشام
تفضلوا تجربة هذا الوحش في ابوظبي ... قوة نارية حالمة :)


2000 Rounds a Minute

This GAU-19/A, 12.7mm is being fired from a United Arab Emirates Army Humvee at the UAE Army's Maqatra live fire range 40 miles outside of Abu Dhabi. At the time of this test fire, March 2001, General Dynamics, the GAU-19s manufacturer, was in discussions with the UAE Army for an unspecified number of these gatling guns. The 12.7mm (.50 caliber) GAU-19/A Externally Powered Gatling Gun, has variable rates of fire—up to 2000 rounds per minute—and has seen increasingly widespread deployment over the last several years. Notably, it is now fielded by the MH-series helicopters fielded by the 160th Special Operations Air Regiment, as well as those assigned to the 16 Special Operations Wing of Air Force Special Operations Command. Additionally, budget appropriations for FY 2004 allow for funds to equip the U.S. Army's OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter. As a general rule in the U.S. military, the GAU-19 has come to replace the M-134 "minigun," a six-barreled gatling-style weapon that fired the much-smaller 7.62mm round. A FY 2002 budget request for funds to deploy the GAU-19 on special operations helicopters cited the GAU-19's superior range to that of the M-134 as one of the primary reasons for the replacement. Tests are currently underway to determine the suitability of mounting the GAU-19 on the Marine Corps's V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, which is currently unarmed.

As with any weapon system, there are costs and benefits associated with the GAU-19. It is heavier and more complex than the M2 .50 caliber machine guns and M-19 grenade launchers currently mounted on U.S. HMMWVs, for example, and requires an external power source to fire. It also consumes ammunition at a tremendous rate, which can be a problem in sustained engagements. On the other hand, it provides an absolutely devastating amount of firepower, and has a greater effective range than those other weapons.

For the CFR team watching the live fire, it was interesting to see the Humvee—which weighs over 5,000 pounds—rock back with the recoil of the weapon.


الامارات طلبت عددا غير محدد من الـ GAU-19

من بين التطبيقات المستخدمة :

يركب على طائرات الاير تراكتور U المسلحة وايضا على طائرة ArchAngle



عرضت بكونفيجريشن يحمل مدفعين من هذا النوع



ايضا ... تحمله بعض سفن البحرية الاماراتية

فئة غناضة كلاس .. سفينة البزم

Al Bazam is also fitted with a Rheinmetall MLG 27 27mm gun and an OTO Melara HITROLE-G remote control gun mounting (the latter using a GAU-19A gun).


وكذلك الفئة فلج-2 كلاس و ابوظبي-كلاس المتخصصة في حروب الغواصات

The armament includes an Oto Melara SUPER RAPIDO 76/62 gun turret in an even more advanced stealth version, thanks to the new turret shell made in carbon fibre, providing for the gun barrel enclosure within a dedicated bay when the gun is not used. In addition to the gun, the patrol vessel also has two Oto MelaraHITROLE G stealth turrets armed with one 12.7 mm GAU-19 rotating barrel machine-gun each. The electronic suite provided by SELEX ED includes several components also present on the ABU DHABI corvette, including the KRONOS 3D radar, the ATHENA C2 system and the NA-30 S fire control system.

سلاح فعال جدا ويمكن استخدامه ضد انواع مختلفه من الاهداف .
تفضلوا تجربة هذا الوحش في ابوظبي ... قوة نارية حالمة :)


2000 Rounds a Minute

This GAU-19/A, 12.7mm is being fired from a United Arab Emirates Army Humvee at the UAE Army's Maqatra live fire range 40 miles outside of Abu Dhabi. At the time of this test fire, March 2001, General Dynamics, the GAU-19s manufacturer, was in discussions with the UAE Army for an unspecified number of these gatling guns. The 12.7mm (.50 caliber) GAU-19/A Externally Powered Gatling Gun, has variable rates of fire—up to 2000 rounds per minute—and has seen increasingly widespread deployment over the last several years. Notably, it is now fielded by the MH-series helicopters fielded by the 160th Special Operations Air Regiment, as well as those assigned to the 16 Special Operations Wing of Air Force Special Operations Command. Additionally, budget appropriations for FY 2004 allow for funds to equip the U.S. Army's OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter. As a general rule in the U.S. military, the GAU-19 has come to replace the M-134 "minigun," a six-barreled gatling-style weapon that fired the much-smaller 7.62mm round. A FY 2002 budget request for funds to deploy the GAU-19 on special operations helicopters cited the GAU-19's superior range to that of the M-134 as one of the primary reasons for the replacement. Tests are currently underway to determine the suitability of mounting the GAU-19 on the Marine Corps's V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, which is currently unarmed.

As with any weapon system, there are costs and benefits associated with the GAU-19. It is heavier and more complex than the M2 .50 caliber machine guns and M-19 grenade launchers currently mounted on U.S. HMMWVs, for example, and requires an external power source to fire. It also consumes ammunition at a tremendous rate, which can be a problem in sustained engagements. On the other hand, it provides an absolutely devastating amount of firepower, and has a greater effective range than those other weapons.

For the CFR team watching the live fire, it was interesting to see the Humvee—which weighs over 5,000 pounds—rock back with the recoil of the weapon.


الامارات طلبت عددا غير محدد من الـ GAU-19

من بين التطبيقات المستخدمة :

يركب على طائرات الاير تراكتور U المسلحة وايضا على طائرة ArchAngle



عرضت بكونفيجريشن يحمل مدفعين من هذا النوع



ايضا ... تحمله بعض سفن البحرية الاماراتية

فئة غناضة كلاس .. سفينة البزم

Al Bazam is also fitted with a Rheinmetall MLG 27 27mm gun and an OTO Melara HITROLE-G remote control gun mounting (the latter using a GAU-19A gun).


وكذلك الفئة فلج-2 كلاس و ابوظبي-كلاس المتخصصة في حروب الغواصات

The armament includes an Oto Melara SUPER RAPIDO 76/62 gun turret in an even more advanced stealth version, thanks to the new turret shell made in carbon fibre, providing for the gun barrel enclosure within a dedicated bay when the gun is not used. In addition to the gun, the patrol vessel also has two Oto MelaraHITROLE G stealth turrets armed with one 12.7 mm GAU-19 rotating barrel machine-gun each. The electronic suite provided by SELEX ED includes several components also present on the ABU DHABI corvette, including the KRONOS 3D radar, the ATHENA C2 system and the NA-30 S fire control system.


تعجبني هالطائرات تسمی بمكافحة التمرد
وفرحت لان الامارات تمتلكها
هل السعوديه سيف تمتلك طائره مشابه لها ؟
تعجبني هالطائرات تسمی بمكافحة التمرد
وفرحت لان الامارات تمتلكها
هل السعوديه سيف تمتلك طائره مشابه لها ؟

لست متأكدا صديقي ،، عذرا

اتمنى ان لم تكن موجودة ان تقتنيها المملكة فهي حل اقتصادي جدا لمكافحة التهريب وحراسة الحدود
لست متأكدا صديقي ،، عذرا

اتمنى ان لم تكن موجودة ان تقتنيها المملكة فهي حل اقتصادي جدا لمكافحة التهريب وحراسة الحدود
حراسة الحدود والتهريب!
اليس الافضل استعمال طائرات بدون طيار مسلحه
وانا افضلها لان يمكن الارهابين علی الحدود يمتلكون صواريخ مضاده للطيران
والطائره هذي بطيئه ويسهل استهدافها والنتيجه خسرت طائره وطيار
علشان كذا افضل مكافحة التمرد وحراسة الحدود بطائرات بدون طيار
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